1,407 research outputs found

    Evaluación del funcionamiento energético en los sistemas tecnológicos instalados en el hospital adventista del municipio de Estelí durante el periodo comprendido Agosto-Noviembre del año 2015

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    La energía es un elemento clave en el desarrollo económico y social de un país, por lo tanto es importante hacer un uso racional y eficiente de la misma ya que la mayor parte de la producción de energía es a base del derivado del petróleo el cual produce varios contaminaste de efecto invernadero propiciando así el cambio climático el cual nos afecta a todos, siendo otro aspecto relevante el precio que este tiene. Nuestro propósito investigativo se centró en la evaluación del funcionamiento energético en los sistemas tecnológicos instalados en el hospital adventista de la ciudad de Estelí, Departamento de Estelí durante el periodo comprendido Agosto-Noviembre del año 2013. La metodología de trabajo consistió primeramente en encontrar los factores que intervienen en el alto consumo energético del hospital adventista; se hizo un análisis del funcionamiento de la red eléctrica y equipo conectados a la misma empleando técnicas que facilitaron la recolección de datos, además de comparar el consumo histórico de energía eléctrica con el actual mediante el censo de carga con facturación eléctrica de los cuatro últimos años. A partir de estos análisis se buscaron soluciones a corto, mediano y largo plazo para el uso eficiente de la energía eléctrica que contribuyen al ahorro energético del hospital. Como principales resultados en nuestra investigación obtuvimos que las condiciones energéticas del hospital Adventista de la Ciudad de Estelí, debido a la falta de mantenimiento, del sistema eléctrico antiguo; así como sus conductores, lámparas y toma corrientes. Todo el análisis nos lleva a concluir que todo el sistema eléctrico del hospital se encuentra en condiciones regulares, determinados por técnicas, inspecciones y cuadro del formato evaluativo del sistema energético el cual nos brindó los criterios de evaluación energética del estado actual del hospital adventista

    A VLC-based beacon location system for mobile applications

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    This paper proposes a low cost and complexity indoor location and navigation system using visible light communications and a mobile device. LED lamps work as beacons transmitting an identifier code so a mobile device can know its location. Experimental designs for transmitter and receiver interfaces are presented and potential applications are discussed

    Photonic Logic Based on Molecular Reorientation of Nematic Liquid Crystals

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    A new type of photonic logic, based on the use of nematic liquid crystals is proposed. The system takes advantage of the refractive-index changes induced by laser beams. Examples of AND, OR and NOR functions are presented

    Cálculo de las características de transmisión de una fibra de índice gradual mediante el empleo de su matriz ABCD

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    Se desarrolla, en el presente trabajo, un nuevo método para el cálculo de la dispersión temporal de la radiación óptica que se propaga a través de una fibra de Índice gradual mediante el empleo de la matriz ABCD de dicha fibra. Este método de una mayor simplicidad que los usados habitualmente, proporciona análogos resultados a los ya presentados en la literatura del tema con la ventaja de su mayor facilidad de cálculo

    Endothelial Activin Receptor-Like Kinase 1 (ALK1) Regulates Myofibroblast Emergence and Peritubular Capillary Stability in the Early Stages of Kidney Fibrosis

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    This work was supported by grants from Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación: PI18/00996 and RETICS RD016/0009/0025 (REDINREN), co-funded by FEDER funds, and from Consejeria de Educación, Junta de Castilla y León: IES160P20 and Universidad de Salamanca (Programas Propios de la Agencia de Gestión de la Investigación).[EN]Renal tubulo-interstitial fibrosis is characterized by the excessive accumulation of extracellular matrix (ECM) in the tubular interstitium during chronic kidney disease. The main source of ECM proteins are emerging and proliferating myofibroblasts. The sources of myofibroblasts in the renal tubular interstitium have been studied during decades, in which the epithelial contribution of the myofibroblast population through the epithelial-to-mesenchymal (EMT) process was assumed to be the major mechanism. However, it is now accepted that the EMT contribution is very limited and other mechanisms such as the proliferation of local resident fibroblasts or the transdifferentiation of endothelial cells seem to be more relevant. Activin receptor-like kinase 1 (ALK1) is a type I receptor which belongs to the transforming growth factor beta (TGF-β) superfamily, with a key role in tissue fibrosis and production of ECM by myofibroblast. Predominantly expressed in endothelial cells, ALK1 also plays an important role in angiogenesis and vessel maturation, but the relation of these processes with kidney fibrosis is not fully understood. We show that after 3 days of unilateral ureteral obstruction (UUO), ALK1 heterozygous mice (Alk1 +/- ) display lower levels of kidney fibrosis associated to a lower number of myofibroblasts. Moreover, Alk1 +/- mice have a lower degree of vascular rarefaction, showing improved peritubular microvasculature after UUO. All these data suggest an important role of ALK1 in regulating vascular rarefaction and emergence of myofibroblasts


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    The University was nine hundred seventeen years old in 2005 since its foundation in 1088 in the Italian town of Bologna. Therefore it becomes the oldest higher education institution known in the History, overcoming the mythic Academy founded by Plato in 387 BC and closed by Justiniane in 529 AC. This article goes through the History of the Academy as well as the University venture, focusing on their key moments and on the challenge arising from the emergence of the European Space of Higher Education.La Universidad ha cumplido en 2005 novecientos diecisieteaños desde su fundación en el 1088 en la ciudad italiana de Bolonia. Con ello se convierte en la institución superior de enseñanza más longeva de las conocidas por la Historia, superando a la mítica Academia, fundada por Platón en el 387 a.C. y cerrada por Justiniano en el 529 d.C. El presente artículo hace un recorrido por la historia de la Academia, así como por la de la Universidad, centrándose en los momentos clave de cada una de ellas y en el reto que supone la aparición del Espacio Europeo de Enseñanza Superior

    Metodología de diseño, cálculo y construcción de turbina Pelton de 0-1-1000 KW por máquina CNC

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    Presenta una metodología del diseño y cálculo hidráulico de la turbina Pelton, en donde se da la selección adecuada de la turbina Pelton, la eficiencia total, número específico de revoluciones, velocidad nominal de la turbina las características constructivas del rodete, alabe e inyector

    Effects of irrigation with desalinated seawater and hydroponic system on tomato quality

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    The use of desalinated seawater (DSW) as an alternative to conventional water resources is gradually gaining more interest due to the strong water deficit and increasing pressure on water resources in semi-arid regions. Furthermore, the combination of this alternative irrigation with the hydroponic cultivation system would allow continuous production almost through the whole year and hydroponic-related high crop yield. Nevertheless, the e_ects of DSW irrigation in hydroponic systems on the product quality need to be firstly studied to avoid product quality losses. In this study, we evaluated the e_ects on the quality of two tomato cvs. (Ramyle and Racymo) of three di_erent irrigation treatments (T1, DSW; T2, DSW/well water mix; and T3, well water) under hydroponic or traditional cultivation systems. The soluble solid content of samples (highly correlated to dry matter content) grown under hydroponic conditions and T3 irrigation showed the highest values (5.8 _Brix) although such di_erences (<0.6 _Brix) with T1 might not be sensorially appreciated. Similarly, although T3 samples showed higher acidity than T1 samples, such di_erences (0.06%) would be not appreciated by the consumer. Tomatoes grown in hydroponic conditions had 1.1–1.2-fold higher firmness than conventional soil conditions showing hydroponic T3 samples had the highest value (21–23 N). Tomato cv. Racymo displayed higher color index (chroma) than cv. Ramyle, registering hydroponic T1 samples the most intense red color correlated with the highest lycopene content of 41.1 mg/kg. T1 irrigation of tomatoes cv. Ramyle did not induce significant changes while di_erences lower than 10% were observed in the tomato cv. Racymo. The highest total antioxidant capacity, which was highly correlated to the total phenolic content (R2 = 0.80), was found for hydroponic T1 samples with 1637/1243 _mol/kg for the tomato cvs. Ramyle/Racymo. Conclusively, the use of DSW would not compromise the consumer acceptance of tomatoes due to the low (not appreciable) quality di_erences, with even the total antioxidant capacity of these samples being increased. Furthermore, the mix of DSW with conventional water resources (lower cost) would not compromise the tomato quality.This study was funded by the LIFE Program of the European Union through the DESEACROP project (LIFE16-ENV-ES-000341)