496 research outputs found

    Las preces hispánicas : puesta al día y novedades

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    Actualización del status quaestionis en torno a las preces hispánicas, conjunto de 180 piezas rítmicas propias de la antigua liturgia hispánica, cara a una futura nueva edición crítica de las mismas. El artículo se detiene en las siguientes cuestiones: la tradición manuscrita, la tradición dentro de la liturgia, las circunstancias de su composición, su carácter popular, los esquemas prosódicos y su pervivencia en la poesía vernácula, y la fortuna de las piezas desde su composición hasta su plasmación definitiva en el Breviario de Ortiz. Concluye el artículo con un ejemplo de crítica textual sobre un pasaje corrompido durante la transmisión

    Cara Deum Suboles, Magnum Iouis Incrementum: On Virgil’s Fourth Eclogue in the Hispanic Linguistic Domain

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    La Bucólica iv de Virgilio felicita a Polión, cónsul del año 40 a. C., por la llegada de un hijo, en los nuevos tiempos que vive Roma, en términos tan elevados que la Edad Media la vio como profecía cristiana. El poeta invierte la decadencia de las edades y anuncia la esperanza en una nueva edad mejor, augurada para la criatura: incrementum. El término, en su grandeza expresiva, no se aparta de la lengua común, y sobre ella actúa, con resultados romances populares, como en gallego encrentiño ‘niño pequeñito’. El pasaje, además, puede traerse a colación en el asunto cronológico de la era consular y la era hispánica.In his fourth Eclogue Virgil congratulates Pollio, Consul in the year 40 BC, on the birth of his son, in the midst of the modern times Rome is experiencing. Virgil does so in such lofty terms that the Middle Ages read the passage as a prophecy of Christ. The poet turns the decadence of the age on its head and announces his hopes for a new and better time, ushered in for the benefit of the new–born infant: incrementum. This term, in its expressive grandeur, does not depart from common language, and in fact influences it, as witnessed by popular Romance–language derivates, such as the Galician encrentiño, ‘little child’. This passage, moreover, can be pertinent in the study of Consular and Hispanic chronologies.Humanidade

    Nuevo paradigma en turismo: una análisis desde la administración de empresas a partir de las publicaciones en revistas especializadas.

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    (Al)ligamina [al)ligámina]: legaña; ¿*moramina: maraña?

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    Para legaña, antes lagaña, de origen dado por desconocido y tal vez prerromano, se propone transparente etimología latina: un neutro plural alligamina (‘ataduras’, ‘ligaduras’), posible préstamo del gallego al castellano: antiguo (1606) «lios o leios, la legaña»

    An exploratory study of the results of the implementation of EFQM in private Spanish firms

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    Purpose The implementation of business excellence models is becoming a key competitive priority for companies, but the type of results they obtain by implementing such models and the importance of such results remain open issues. The purpose of this paper is to clarify the results obtained by companies that implement the European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM) excellence model, with a focus on their importance and nature. Design/methodology/approach An empirical study was conducted in 68 Spanish firms that were immersed in the process of implementing EFQM. The methodology consists of a descriptive analysis and factor analysis in order to determine which groups of results are the most important. Finally, clusters of firms are analyzed to establish their profile in relation to these groups, using cluster analysis. Findings This study shows that the main results of the implementation of EFQM are an improvement in the external image of the company and an increased efficiency of internal processes. In addition, the results can be grouped into internal results, human resources results and economic results, with the first group being the most important. Finally, the results show that there are three groups of firms, categorized according to their results orientation: highly results-oriented, moderately results-oriented and minimally results-oriented. Practical implications Companies are in a better position to anticipate and solve the problems that may arise during the implementation process if they understand the results of the implementation of EFQM, along with the motivations for and barriers to the implementation. Also, this research shows that the bodies promoting and motivating quality should make a special effort to emphasize the importance of non-financial results in companies that implement EFQM. Originality/value This paper extends the knowledge in the field of business excellence models by developing an instrument to measure implementation results from the perspective of quality managers who were specifically appointed to lead the implementation of the EFQM excellence model in companies

    Knowledge, Renewal and Flexibility: Exploratory Research in Family Firms

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    This study aims to explore how family firms pursue strategies that promote strategic flexibility and knowledge-management (KM) practices to respond to strategic-renewal goals. Specifically, based on a knowledge-based view of the firm, the following research question is proposed: Are there heterogeneous groups of family firms in terms of knowledge management, strategic flexibility and strategic renewal goals? To answer this question, an exploratory study using a two-step cluster analysis is developed. It reveals natural groupings from a sample of 288 small and medium-sized Spanish family enterprises (SMEs). The results obtained identified three distinctive clusters of family firms, namely proactive family firms, transitional or adaptive family firms, and rigid family firms. After two-step cluster analysis, we also conducted analysis of variance (ANOVA) to confirm that significant di erences amongst the three clusters exist. After heterogeneity been confirmed, a further profile of the cluster solution was provided by using CEO and board characteristics, as well as the generational stage of the company. The findings offer some counterbalance for those studies that tend to study family businesses as a homogeneous entity, thus permitting researchers to access more information, providing rich explanations for renewal managerial decision-making purposes in family firm contexts

    ¿Cómo ha abordado la literatura de la empresa familiar su heterogeneidad a través de sistemas de clasificación? : un análisis integrado

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    ABSTRACT. Extant literature recognizes both family business heterogeneity and the need to identify relevant definitional criteria to distinguish family firms, leading to the emergence of typologies, taxonomies and classification schemes. This paper presents a comprehensive review of existing classifications, which we the compare with the core conceptual elements embedded in 258 family business definitions. Our analyses enables an identification of the characteristics of the entities being classified, and then we proceed to reflect on their usefulness and effectiveness for classifying family firms. Based on the integrated analysis, we then propose some recommendations and future research lines in order to develop a workable classification of family firms.RESUMEN. La literatura sobre empresa familiar está poniendo un énfasis creciente en la heterogeneidad de las mismas y en la necesidad de identificar los criterios más adecuados para clasificarlas en tipologías o taxonomías. El presente artículo realiza una exhaustiva revisión de las clasificaciones identificadas en la literatura. Igualmente, analiza con métodos bibliométricos 258 definiciones de empresa familiar identificadas en la literatura para identificar las características más relevantes de una empresa para ser considerada familiar. La comparación de los criterios de clasificación empleados con los elementos más relevantes de las definiciones permite analizar la utilidad y efectividad de los sistemas de clasificación identificados. A partir de este análisis comparativo se proponen una serie de recomendaciones y futuras líneas de investigación que permitan avanzar en la elaboración de sistemas de clasificación de las empresas familiares relevantes y operativos

    Human resource management and environment management systems: an empirical study

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    The present study focuses on understanding and measuring the effect that the implementation of an ISO 14001 environmental management system (EMS) has on human resource (HR) management in a company. The paper proposes and applies a measurement instrument to test the hypotheses derived from the theoretical framework established by Daily & Huang (2001) as well as from the ISO 14001 standards. Data collection was carried out by mailing a survey to the person responsible for environmental affairs of businesses with an ISO 14001 EMS implemented, or in the advanced stages of being implemented, in one autonomous region of Spain. Both reliability analysis and factor analysis, if necessary, were performed for the scales used. The results obtained indicate that the HR factors act as predicted by the hypotheses, except in the case of rewards. Finally, the present study provides empirical evidence in order to test and extend the model proposed by Daily & Huang

    Dimensiones y medición de la calidad de servicio en empresas hoteleras

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    RESUMEN. El presente trabajo persigue un doble objetivo. En primer lugar la medición, utilizando como instrumento la escala SERVQUAL, de la calidad del servicio prestado por los establecimientos del sector hotelero de la Comunidad Autónoma de Cantabria. En segundo lugar, identificar, a partir de la realización de un análisis factorial, las dimensiones más relevantes que integran la variable calidad de servicio en este tipo de establecimientos.ABSTRACT. This work pursues a double objective. The first one, the measurement using as an instrument the SERVQUAL scale, of the quality service provided by the hotel sector of the Cantabria Community. The second objective is to identify, starting from a carrying out of a factorial analysis, the most important dimension that make up the variable quality in this kind of places

    Las nuevas tecnologías de la información como factor de competitividad en el sector turístico

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    RESUMEN. El escenario en el que se mueve el turismo está evolucionando hacia una nueva era en la que el logro de la competitividad es esencial. La información -intangible- se ha convertido en un recurso estratégico cuya utilización eficaz tiene importantes implicaciones sobre la ventaja ccimpetitiva del negocio turístico. Los sistemas de información basados en conocimiento y comunicados a través de redes de ordenadores, presentan características de flexibilidad y ubicuidad que generan nuevas expectativas de aplicación a problemas que requieren soluciones globales.ABSTRACT. The scene in which tourism is moving right now is evolving into a new era in which it is essential to be competitive. lnformation, being an intangible active, has become a strategic resource whose effective use has important implications in the competitive advantage of tourist business. lnformation systems based on knowledge and bassed on through computer networks show features of flexibility as well as ubiquity that generate new expectations of being applied to problems that require global solutions
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