5,066 research outputs found

    Five Factor Model of Personality and Structure of Psychopathological Symptoms in Adolescents

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    This study aims to explore the factorial structure of the most prevalent psychopathological symptoms in adolescence, and to explore the associations between the resulting psychopathological factors with both the Five-Factor Model of personality and the General Factor of Personality (GFP). A sample of 835 adolescents (M = 14.35, SD = 1.58; 49% girls) completed personality and psychopathology self-reports. The confirmatory factor analyses showed that a bifactor model of psychopathology, which included a general psychopathological factor (p factor) and specific factors (i.e., internalizing, externalizing, and hyperactivity and attention problems), better fitted the data than other competing models. The main associations found in the regression analyses were: neuroticism and introversion with the internalizing factor; low agreeableness with the externalizing factor; low conscientiousness with the hyperactivity and attention problems score; high neuroticism, low conscientiousness and low agreeableness with the p factor. Last, the GFP and p factor were substantially related, with β coefficients between 0.42 and 0.49 (p < .001). This study suggests that a bifactor model adequately depicts the psychopathology structure in adolescence. This structure was supported by differential associations of personality traits with each resulting factor

    El creixement demogràfic català del segle XVIII: la polèmica Vilar-Nadal

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    Analysis and comparison of smart city initiatives

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    Complexity in cities is expected to become even higher in the short term, which implies the need to face new challenges. The Smart City (SC) model and its associate initiatives have become very popular for undertaking them but it is not often very clear what it really means. Starting with a previous classification of the initiatives developed under the SC model into two big categories, according to their approach to citizens, this paper aims to make a critical analysis of this model of city, and to propose the development of new initiatives for it based on Citizen-Centered Design methodologies. Living Labs, both as methodology and as organization, appear in this context as an interesting choice for developing initiatives with real citizen involvement along the entire design process, which it is expected to arise in later stages of research

    Reflexiones: ¿son factibles las plataformas virtuales en la enseñanza a mayores?

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    Este artículo recoge un conjunto de reflexiones de cara a la posibilidad de incorporar las plataformas virtuales en la enseñanza universitaria a mayores. Para ello nos hemos basado en la experiencia en la que participamos, el AUM La Línea, en la que impartimos clases. Desde el plan de estudios de este aula, hemos analizado las posibles dificultades en contenidos y en metodologías que podíamos encontrarnos de cara a la implantación de una plataforma virtual en el AUM. También hemos querido escuchar sus opiniones entrevistando a alguno alumnos sobre preferencias de nuestros alumnos, así como de los aspectos que más valoran tras el paso por el AUM. Como conclusión general, adelantamos que las plataformas virtuales pueden ser muy válidas en los procesos de aprendizaje de los alumnos del AUM, si se plantean como un complemento a la presencialidad en las aulas.This article shows a group of thoughts about the possibilities of virtual platforms in university teaching to elderly. We have started from our experience on an Elderly University Class called “La Línea”. We have analysed the difficulties in contents and methodology we could find using virtual platforms with this students. We also wanted to hear the students opinions. So we interviewed some of them about their preferences and the aspects they give more value after studying in our school. As general conclusions, we can say that virtual platforms can be very valuable in learning process of this students if we establish them as “something else”, completing presencial classes

    The arrangement of physical education degrees in Spain after the democratic transition

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    Abordamos un tema de especial relevancia en la historia contemporánea de la Educación Física en España, como es el de la regulación de las titulaciones a principios de la década de los ochenta del pasado siglo, basándonos principalmente en datos procedentes de fuentes primarias de carácter legislativo. Analizamos el debate político suscitado en el Congreso de los Diputados y en el Senado, así como la abundante normativa que siguió a la Ley General de la Cultura Física y del Deporte de 1980, que trataba de armonizar las situaciones profesionales, estudios y titulaciones de Educación Física anteriores con los nuevos que proponía el Real Decreto 790/1981.Actividad Física y DeporteEducació