484 research outputs found

    Multilateralismo y desarrollo en la cooperación española

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    Depto. de Relaciones Internacionales e Historia GlobalFac. de Ciencias Políticas y SociologíaTRUEpu

    Intervención en el parque de la juventud en la parroquia urbana General Leonidas Plaza

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    La ciudad de General Leónidas Plaza, localizada en el Cantón Limón Indanza en la Amazonía del Ecuador, posee una serie de recursos naturales y culturales tangibles e intangibles que deben ser resguardados y potencializados. Esta ciudad, es un asentamiento con pocos años de fundación por lo que se encuentra en constante desarrollo económico y social. Estos cambios y transformaciones demandan espacios que permitan la interacción social de la población a través de la generación de zonas de esparcimiento y recreación. Los espacios de recreación en la cabecera cantonal, presentan deficientes condiciones en cuanto a su funcionamiento e infraestructura, causando la degradación de la imagen urbana, limitando el correcto desenvolvimiento de las actividades recreacionales y causando la pérdida de espacios públicos que permitan una integración socio cultural de la población. En la actualidad, se ha destinado un espacio a los márgenes del río Yunganza para la proyección de El Parque de la Juventud. La recuperación de este espacio como un lugar de esparcimiento, es necesaria para generar un proyecto que integre el contexto natural y edificado de la ciudad, con el fin de promover las actividades recreativas y evitar la degradación del paisaje y su imagen urbana.The city of General Leonidas Plaza, located in Limon Indanza in the Amazon region of Ecuador, has a series of tangible and intangible natural and cultural resources, that have to be protected and potentiated. This city, is a settlement with few years of foundation, so it is in costant economic and social development. This changes and transformations, require spaces that allows social interaction of the population, through the creation of recreative and amusement areas. The recreative spaces in the city, have deficient conditions in their performance and infrastructure, causing the degradation of the urban image, limiting the correct development of recreative activities and causing the loss of public spaces, that allows social and cultural integration of the population. Nowadays, it has settled a space in the shore of Yunganza´s river, for the implementation of El parque de la Juventud. The restoration of this space as a recreative zone, is necessary to create a project that integrates the natural and constructed context of the city, in order to promote recreative activities and avoid the degradation of the landscape and its urban image.ArquitectaCuenc

    The Role of Sperm Proteins IZUMO1 and TMEM95 in Mammalian Fertilization: A Systematic Review

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    Gamete membrane fusion is a critical cellular event in sexual reproduction. In addition, the generation of knockout models has provided a powerful tool for testing the functional relevance of proteins thought to be involved in mammalian fertilization, suggesting IZUMO1 and TMEM95 (transmembrane protein 95) as essential proteins. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying the process remain largely unknown. Therefore, the aim of this study was to summarize the current knowledge about IZUMO1 and TMEM95 during mammalian fertilization. Hence, three distinct databases were consulted—PubMed, Scopus and Web of Science—using single keywords. As a result, a total of 429 articles were identified. Based on both inclusion and exclusion criteria, the final number of articles included in this study was 103. The results showed that IZUMO1 is mostly studied in rodents whereas TMEM95 is studied primarily in bovines. Despite the research, the topological localization of IZUMO1 remains controversial. IZUMO1 may be involved in organizing or stabilizing a multiprotein complex essential for the membrane fusion in which TMEM95 could act as a fusogen due to its possible interaction with IZUMO1. Overall, the expression of these two proteins is not sufficient for sperm–oocyte fusion; therefore, other molecules must be involved in the membrane fusion process.This research was funded by the Human Fertility Professorship and Departamento de Biotecnología of the Universidad de Alicante (VIGROB-186)

    Immunofluorescence and High-Resolution Microscopy Reveal New Insights in Human Globozoospermia

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    Globozoospermia is a rare and severe type of teratozoospermia characterized by the presence of round-headed, acrosomeless spermatozoa with cytoskeleton defects. Current data support a negative relationship between globozoospermia and intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) outcomes, revealing the need to perform exhaustive studies on this type of sperm disorder. The aim of this study was to evaluate different structural, functional and molecular sperm biomarkers in total globozoospermia with proper embryo development after ICSI. The combination of field-emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) allowed us to identify and correlate eight morphological patterns with both types of microscopy. Additionally, results reported a high percentage of coiled forms, with cytoplasmic retentions around the head and midpiece. By fluorescent microscopy, we detected that most of the sperm showed tubulin in the terminal piece of the flagellum and less than 1% displayed tyrosine phosphorylation in the flagellum. Moreover, we did not detect chaperone Heat shock-related 70 kDa protein 2 (HSPA2) in 85% of the cells. Overall, these findings provide new insights into globozoospermia, which could have potential implications in improving sperm selection methods for assisted reproductive techniques.This research was funded by the Human Fertility Professorship and Departamento de Biotecnología of the Universidad de Alicante (VIGROB-186)

    IZUMO1 Receptor Localization during Hyaluronic Acid Selection in Human Spermatozoa

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    IZUMO1 is an acrosome transmembrane protein implicated in the adhesion and fusion of gametes. This study aims to describe the distribution of IZUMO1 in human sperm under different physiological conditions: before capacitation (NCS), at one-hour capacitation (CS1), after a hyaluronic acid (HA) selection test (mature, MS1 and immature, IS1), and induced acrosome reaction from one-hour-capacitated sperm (ARS1). The data obtained in NCS, CS1, and MS1 significantly highlight dotted fluorescence in the acrosomal region (P1) as the major staining pattern (~70%). Moreover, we describe a new distribution pattern (P2) with a dotted acrosomal region and a labelled equatorial region that significantly increases in HA-bound spermatozoa, suggesting the onset of the migration of IZUMO1. In contrast, unbound spermatozoa presented an increase in P3 (equatorial region labelled) and P4 (not labelled). Finally, costaining to observe IZUMO1 distribution and acrosome status was performed in ARS1. Interestingly, we reported a variety of combinations between the IZUMO1 staining patterns and the acrosomal stages. In conclusion, these data show as a novelty the diffusion of the IZUMO1 protein during different physiological conditions that could contribute to the improvement in sperm selection techniques.This research was funded by Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (PID2021-123091NB-C22) and by Universidad de Alicante (VIGROB-186)

    Catalytic Asymmetric Formal [3+2] Cycloaddition of 2-Isocyanatomalonate Esters and Unsaturated Imines: Synthesis of Highly Substituted Chiral γ‐Lactams

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    Unlike their isocyano and isothiocyanato analogues, isocyanato esters remain almost unexplored as formal 1,3-dipoles in asymmetric catalytic reactions. The first asymmetric formal [3+2] cycloaddition involving isocyanato esters and electrophilic alkenes is reported. Diisopropyl 2-isocyanatomalonate reacts with a,b-unsaturated N-(o-anisidyl) imines in the presence of aMg(OTf)2-BOX complex to give highly substituted chiral pyrrolidinones featuring a conjugate exocyclic double bond with excellent yields and enantiomeric excesses up to 99 %. Several transformations of the resulting heterocycles, including the synthesis of a pyroglutamic acid derivative, have been carried out

    Estudio cuantitativo del tiempo y esfuerzo de los alumnos en la asignatura de lenguaje musical

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    Comunicación presentada en las VI Jornadas de Redes de Investigación en Docencia Universitaria, Universidad de Alicante, 9-10 de Junio de 2008.El objetivo de este trabajo es valorar si los tiempos propuestos en la guía de Lenguaje Musical adaptada a las directrices del Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (EEES), son reales y adecuados para un alumnado con unos conocimientos musicales mínimos. La información se ha obtenido mediante un cuestionario autoadministrado a los alumnos, teniendo en cuenta la importancia de los conocimientos previos de los estudiantes y la relación que tiene con el tiempo y esfuerzo empleado por ellos. En el análisis de los datos se ha empleado una metodología correlacional y descriptiva. En la cuantificación del tiempo y del esfuerzo se muestra la influencia de la variable nivel de conocimientos previos académicos en el rendimiento del discente. Además, refleja la adecuación de la guía docente, que responde de forma coherente a las exigencias propias de los estudios universitarios y del mercado laboral. Por último, las dificultades en la adquisición de determinadas competencias se manifiesta sólo en aquellos alumnos que ingresan en la universidad sin ningún tipo de experiencia musical, lo que plantea la necesidad de articular refuerzos curriculares o cursos de crédito cero o nivelación, para abordar con éxito la materia objeto de estudio

    Copper-catalysed enantioselective Michael addition of malonic esters to β-trifluoromethyl-α,β-unsaturated imines

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    Copper triflate-BOX complexes catalyse the enantioselective conjugate addition of methyl malonate to β-trifluoromethyl-α,β-unsaturated imines to give the corresponding enamines bearing a trifluoromethylated stereogenic centre with good yields, and diastereo- and enantioselectivities. The usefulness of the method has been shown with the synthesis of optically active β-trifluoromethyl δ-amino esters and optically active trifluoromethylpiperidones

    PCB's take a stroll

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    La exposición humana a compuestos organoclorados bioacumulables es un problema de interés sanitario no sólo por el conocimiento de la presencia en tejidos del residuo de contaminantes históricos como DDT y otros pesticidas, sino por el riesgo de exposición actual a compuestos aún en uso como el lindano, el endosulfán y los bifenilos policlorados (PCBs), entre otros. Destaca el caso particular de los PCBs, sustancias cuya producción fue prohibida debido a su peligrosidad, persistencia y toxicidad ambiental. A pesar de esta prohibición siguen funcionando una gran cantidad de aparatos que contienen volúmenes considerables de PCBs. Estos aparatos llegarán en los próximos años, si no lo han hecho ya, a la fase de residuos, por lo que es necesario asegurar su correcta eliminación para evitar su liberación al medio ambiente. El Plan Nacional para la descontaminación y eliminación de policlorobifenilos (PCBs), policloroterfenilos (PCTs) y aparatos que los contengan, puesto en marcha en España en el año 2001, debe llevarse a cabo teniendo en cuenta los posibles efectos que los PCBs pueden provocar en el medio ambiente y en la salud humana y con el conocimiento de los responsables en salud pública.Human exposure to bioaccumulable organochlorine compounds is a reality, not only because of the known presence in tissues of the residue of historic contaminants such as DDT and other pesticides, but also because of the risk of current exposure to compounds still in use, such as lindane, endosulphan and polychlorinated biphenyls or PCBs, among others. The case of the PCBs is of particular importance. Although their production was prohibited due to their hazardous nature, persistence and environmental toxicity, a large number of equipments that contain considerable volumes of PCBs continue functioning. These equipments will reach the residual stage in the next few years, if not already, so that their correct disposal is necessary to avoid their release into the environment. A National Plan for the decontamination and elimination of polychlorobiphenyls (PCBs), polychloroterphenyls (PCTs) and the equipments that contain them was launched in Spain in 2001. This plan must be implemented taking full account of the possible effects of PBCs on the environment and human health and with the knowledge of those responsible for public health.Financiado por los proyectos 00/543 del Ministerio de Sanidad, JA 97/231 de la Junta de Andalucía y QLRT-1999- 01422 de la Comisión Europea

    “Super p53” Mice Display Retinal Astroglial Changes

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    Tumour-suppressor genes, such as the p53 gene, produce proteins that inhibit cell division under adverse conditions, as in the case of DNA damage, radiation, hypoxia, or oxidative stress (OS). The p53 gene can arrest proliferation and trigger death by apoptosis subsequent to several factors. In astrocytes, p53 promotes cell-cycle arrest and is involved in oxidative stress-mediated astrocyte cell death. Increasingly, astrocytic p53 is proving fundamental in orchestrating neurodegenerative disease pathogenesis. In terms of ocular disease, p53 may play a role in hypoxia due to ischaemia and may be involved in the retinal response to oxidative stress (OS). We studied the influence of the p53 gene in the structural and quantitative characteristics of astrocytes in the retina. Adult mice of the C57BL/6 strain (12 months old) were distributed into two groups: 1) mice with two extra copies of p53 (“super p53”; n = 6) and 2) wild-type p53 age-matched control, as the control group (WT; n = 6). Retinas from each group were immunohistochemically processed to locate the glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP). GFAP+ astrocytes were manually counted and the mean area occupied for one astrocyte was quantified. Retinal-astrocyte distribution followed established patterns; however, morphological changes were seen through the retinas in relation to p53 availability. The mean GFAP+ area occupied by one astrocyte in “super p53” eyes was significantly higher (p<0.05; Student’s t-test) than in the WT. In addition, astroglial density was significantly higher in the “super p53” retinas than in the WT ones, both in the whole-retina (p<0,01 Student’s t-test) and in the intermediate and peripheral concentric areas of the retina (p<0.05 Student’s t-test). This fact might improve the resistance of the retinal cells against OS and its downstream signalling pathways