106 research outputs found

    La Enseñanza aprendizaje de las Ciencias Sociales. Historias de vida de tres maestras de Educación Secundaria de Managua

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    This research was carried out in the city of Managua with the aim of studying the learning processes in the area of Social Sciences, through life stories of three teachers of Secondary Education. This research arises from the need to know and support the work of teachers in the area of Social Sciences. The study is based on the interpretive or hermeneutic paradigm, searching about the teaching methodologies used by social science teachers. It is a retrospective study, based on the teaching experience of teachers in the 80s and 90s. The study used Oral History as a research method, and the qualitative research approach used in-depth interviews and life stories, which supported the research process. The findings allowed us to know the teaching performance, the teaching strategies used, teaching resources and the forms of evaluation frequently used in the learning process in the subjects of History, Geography, Philosophy and Sociology, subjects that are taught in the area of Social Sciences in Secondary Education.La presente investigación se realizó en la ciudad de Managua con el objetivo de indagar los procesos de aprendizaje en el área de Ciencias Sociales, a través de historias de vida de tres docentes de Educación Secundaria. Esta investigación surge a partir de la necesidad de conocer y reivindicar la labor de los docentes del área de Ciencias Sociales. El estudio se basa en el paradigma interpretativo o hermenéutico, en este se indaga acerca de las metodologías didácticas utilizadas por las docentes de Ciencias Sociales. Es un estudio retrospectivo, se basó en la experiencia docente de las maestras en la década de los 80 y 90. Para llevar a cabo el estudio se utilizó la Historia Oral como método de investigación, y el enfoque de investigación cualitativo, se utilizó la entrevista en profundidad e historias de vida, las que permitieron la sustentar la investigación. Los hallazgos encontrados permitieron conocer el desempeño docente, las estrategias didáctica utilizadas, recursos didácticos y las formas de evaluación utilizadas frecuentemente en el proceso de aprendizaje en las asignaturas de Historia, Geografía, Filosofía y Sociología, asignaturas que se imparten en el área de Ciencias Sociales en Educación Secundaria


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    The information is considered a strategic asset for institutions of higher education. Since 1980, it has been argued that Mexican universities have had difficulties in improving strategic management processes; collection and usage of information for decision making have been pointed out as causal factors. The objective of this study was to evaluate the use and influence of information in strategic processes in an institution of higher education in Mexico. A case study, exploratory and descriptive-comparative, was conducted in which four groups were integrated to perform controlled strategic processes. Three groups received explicit information: quantitative, qualitative, or combined (quantitative + qualitative); the fourth group did not receive information whatsoever. Groups' conversations were recorded, transcribed and analyzed by means of the software HyperRESEARCH and the statistical program SAS. The results suggest that the type of information influenced on the behavior and characteristics of the strategic processes

    Optimal Scheduling for Energy Storage Systems in Distribution Networks

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    [EN] Distributed energy storage may play a key role in the operation of future low-carbon power systems as they can help to facilitate the provision of the required flexibility to cope with the intermittency and volatility featured by renewable generation. Within this context, this paper addresses an optimization methodology that will allow managing distributed storage systems of different technology and characteristics in a specific distribution network, taking into account not only the technical aspects of the network and the storage systems but also the uncertainties linked to demand and renewable energy variability. The implementation of the proposed methodology will allow facilitating the integration of energy storage systems within future smart grids. This paper's results demonstrate numerically the good performance of the developed methodology.This research was funded by European Regional Development Fund (Comunidad Valenciana FEDER 2014-2020 PO, CCI number: 2014ES16RFOP013) and the ITE-IVACE collaboration agreement corresponding to the annuity 2019 (file: IMDEEA-2019-38).Escoto Simó, M.; Montagud, M.; González-Cobos, N.; Belinchón, A.; Trujillo, AV.; Romero-Chavarro, JC.; Diaz-Cabrera, JC.... (2020). Optimal Scheduling for Energy Storage Systems in Distribution Networks. Energies. 13(15):1-13. https://doi.org/10.3390/en13153921S1131315The Impact of the Covid-19 Crisis on Clean Energy Progresshttps://www.iea.org/articles/the-impact-of-the-covid-19-crisis-on-clean-energy-progressSustainable Development Goalshttps://www.un.org/sustainabledevelopment/Mesarić, P., & Krajcar, S. (2015). Home demand side management integrated with electric vehicles and renewable energy sources. Energy and Buildings, 108, 1-9. doi:10.1016/j.enbuild.2015.09.001Rodrigues, E. M. G., Godina, R., Santos, S. F., Bizuayehu, A. W., Contreras, J., & Catalão, J. P. S. (2014). Energy storage systems supporting increased penetration of renewables in islanded systems. Energy, 75, 265-280. doi:10.1016/j.energy.2014.07.072Hirsch, A., Parag, Y., & Guerrero, J. (2018). Microgrids: A review of technologies, key drivers, and outstanding issues. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 90, 402-411. doi:10.1016/j.rser.2018.03.040Clean Energy for All Europeans Packagehttps://ec.europa.eu/energy/topics/energy-strategy/clean-energy-all-europeans_enVISION 2050 Integrating Smart Networks for the Energy Transition: Serving Society and Protecting the Environmenthttps://www.etip-snet.eu/etip_publ/etip-snet-vision-2050/Staying on Course: Renewable Energy in the Time of COVID-19https://www.irena.org/newsroom/pressreleases/2020/Apr/Staying-on-Course-Renewable-Energy-in-the-time-of-COVID19ElNozahy, M. S., Abdel-Galil, T. K., & Salama, M. M. A. (2015). Probabilistic ESS sizing and scheduling for improved integration of PHEVs and PV systems in residential distribution systems. Electric Power Systems Research, 125, 55-66. doi:10.1016/j.epsr.2015.03.029Li, Y., Yang, Z., Li, G., Zhao, D., & Tian, W. (2019). Optimal Scheduling of an Isolated Microgrid With Battery Storage Considering Load and Renewable Generation Uncertainties. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 66(2), 1565-1575. doi:10.1109/tie.2018.2840498Ciupăgeanu, D.-A., Lăzăroiu, G., & Barelli, L. (2019). Wind energy integration: Variability analysis and power system impact assessment. Energy, 185, 1183-1196. doi:10.1016/j.energy.2019.07.136Hemmati, R., Saboori, H., & Jirdehi, M. A. (2017). Stochastic planning and scheduling of energy storage systems for congestion management in electric power systems including renewable energy resources. Energy, 133, 380-387. doi:10.1016/j.energy.2017.05.167Xie, S., Hu, Z., & Wang, J. (2020). Two-stage robust optimization for expansion planning of active distribution systems coupled with urban transportation networks. Applied Energy, 261, 114412. doi:10.1016/j.apenergy.2019.114412Saboori, H., & Jadid, S. (2020). Optimal scheduling of mobile utility-scale battery energy storage systems in electric power distribution networks. Journal of Energy Storage, 31, 101615. doi:10.1016/j.est.2020.101615Kassai, M. (2017). Prediction of the HVAC Energy Demand and Consumption of a Single Family House with Different Calculation Methods. Energy Procedia, 112, 585-594. doi:10.1016/j.egypro.2017.03.1121Zheng, Y., Zhao, J., Song, Y., Luo, F., Meng, K., Qiu, J., & Hill, D. J. (2018). Optimal Operation of Battery Energy Storage System Considering Distribution System Uncertainty. IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, 9(3), 1051-1060. doi:10.1109/tste.2017.2762364Jayasekara, N., Masoum, M. A. S., & Wolfs, P. J. (2016). Optimal Operation of Distributed Energy Storage Systems to Improve Distribution Network Load and Generation Hosting Capability. IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, 7(1), 250-261. doi:10.1109/tste.2015.2487360Mehrjerdi, H., & Hemmati, R. (2019). Modeling and optimal scheduling of battery energy storage systems in electric power distribution networks. Journal of Cleaner Production, 234, 810-821. doi:10.1016/j.jclepro.2019.06.195Macedo, L. H., Franco, J. F., Rider, M. J., & Romero, R. (2015). Optimal Operation of Distribution Networks Considering Energy Storage Devices. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 6(6), 2825-2836. doi:10.1109/tsg.2015.2419134Lunci Hua, Jia Wang, & Chi Zhou. (2014). Adaptive Electric Vehicle Charging Coordination on Distribution Network. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 5(6), 2666-2675. doi:10.1109/tsg.2014.2336623Guo, X., Guo, X., & Su, J. (2013). Improved Support Vector Machine Short-term Power Load Forecast Model Based on Particle Swarm Optimization Parameters. Journal of Applied Sciences, 13(9), 1467-1472. doi:10.3923/jas.2013.1467.1472Bordin, C., Anuta, H. O., Crossland, A., Gutierrez, I. L., Dent, C. J., & Vigo, D. (2017). A linear programming approach for battery degradation analysis and optimization in offgrid power systems with solar energy integration. Renewable Energy, 101, 417-430. doi:10.1016/j.renene.2016.08.066IEEE PES AMPS DSAS Test Feeder Working Grouphttps://site.ieee.org/pes-testfeeders/resources/Lotero, R. C., & Contreras, J. (2011). Distribution System Planning With Reliability. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 26(4), 2552-2562. doi:10.1109/tpwrd.2011.2167990Munoz-Delgado, G., Contreras, J., & Arroyo, J. M. (2015). Joint Expansion Planning of Distributed Generation and Distribution Networks. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 30(5), 2579-2590. doi:10.1109/tpwrs.2014.236496

    Uso de FAO-56 y cintilómetro para estimar la evapotranspiración de sorgo (Sorghum bicolor L.) y sus componentes: evaporación del suelo y transpiración de la planta

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    Estimar la evapotranspiración de los cultivos (ETc) es esencial para la planificación y manejo del agua en una zona agrícola, particularmente en las regiones áridas y semiáridas; la separación de ETc en la evaporación del suelo (E) y la transpiración de la planta (T) permitiría el uso de estrategias más eficientes de gestión del agua. Los objetivos del presente estudio fueron estimar la evapotranspiración diaria de sorgo (Sorghum bicolor L.) y sus componentes, utilizando los métodos FAO-56 con la aproximación del coeficiente dual de cultivo (Kc dual) y cintilómetro, así como, determinar los coeficientes de cultivo únicos (Kc) y basales (Kcb) para las diferentes etapas de desarrollo de sorgo. Los resultados demostraron que usar la aproximación del Kc dual permite una estimación razonable de ETc en comparación con los valores estimados utilizando el método del cintilómetro. La ETc estimada con ambos métodos fue 413.8 y 406.3 mm, respectivamente, lo que arrojó una sobreestimación del 1.8% para FAO-56. El error cuadrático medio (RMSE) entre ETc estimada fue 0.584 mm d-1 y el coeficiente de concordancia de Willmott (d) fue 0.91. La evaporación representa el 17.1% de ETc estimada con FAO-56 y el 21.6% con el método del cintilómetro; el RMSE entre los valores de E estimados con ambos métodos fue 0.397 mm d-1 y d = 0.94, mientras que, cuando se comparó T, el RMSE calculado fue 0.371 mm d-1 y d = 0.98. Los valores de Kc estimados con el método FAO-56 fueron 0.68, 1.06 y 0.4 para las etapas inicial, media y f inal del cultivo, mientras que con el cintilómetro los valores fueron 0.75, 0.94 y 0.41, respectivamente

    Fast cook

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    “¿Y ahora qué cocino?”, suele ser la frase que llega a nuestra mente cuando debemos preparar el almuerzo o la cena en casa; más aún, ahora que muchos trabajamos desde casa y se complica equilibrar las tareas del hogar con las propias de la vida laboral y/o estudiantil. Es por ello, que consideramos que es importante hacer de esta rutina agobiante, una actividad menos estresante y en el menor tiempo posible, con la finalidad de hacer el día más productivo para otras actividades, evitando gastar tiempo y dinero en ir al supermercado, porque muchas veces tenemos ingredientes almacenados sin saber qué hacer con ellos o en qué receta específica utilizarlos. La oportunidad de negocio que presentamos, consiste en una aplicación para dispositivos móviles (App), que, a través de programas de inteligencia artificial, permita elegir un plato a cocinar en base a un listado de ingredientes previamente existentes en la alacena y, como muchas veces estamos en la cocina buscando una receta en internet, consideramos que con la aplicación “Fast Cook” se podría gestionar mejor dichos ingredientes y ayudar al usuario a preparar un plato rico y nutritivo, todo esto siguiendo la tendencia de mejorar los hábitos de consumo, buscando una alimentación más saludable y la reducción de desechos de alimentos. En esta aplicación, el usuario deberá darse de alta e indicar los ingredientes con los que cuenta en esa ocasión, a fin de que el sistema encuentre una receta que se adecúe lo más posible a los ingredientes que ingresó.“And now what do I cook?” is usually the phrase that comes to mind when we have to prepare lunch or dinner at home; even more so, now that many of us work from home and it is difficult to balance household tasks with those of work and/or student life. That is why we consider it important to make this overwhelming routine a less stressful activity and in the shortest time possible, in order to make the day more productive for other activities, avoiding spending time and money going to the supermarket, because many times we have ingredients stored without knowing what to do with them or in what specific recipe to use them. The business opportunity that we present consists of an application for mobile devices (App), which, through artificial intelligence programs, allows choosing a dish to cook based on a list of previously existing ingredients in the pantry and, like many Sometimes we are in the kitchen looking for a recipe on the internet, we believe that with the "Fast Cook" application we could better manage these ingredients and help the user to prepare a rich and nutritious dish, all this following the trend of improving consumption habits, looking for a healthier diet and the reduction of food waste. In this application, the user must register and indicate the ingredients that he has on that occasion, so that the system finds a recipe that is as close as possible to the ingredients that he entered.Trabajo de investigació

    Short–term effects of air pollution and noise on emergency hospital admissions in Madrid and economic assessment

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    The aim of this study was to study the effect of air pollution and noise has on the population in Madrid Community (MAR) in the period 2013–2018, and its economic impact

    Short-term impact of noise, other air pollutants and meteorological factors on emergency hospital mental health admissions in the Madrid region

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    A number of environmental factors, such as air pollution, noise in urbanised settings and meteorological-type variables, may give rise to important effects on human health. In recent years, many studies have confirmed the relation between various mental disorders and these factors, with a possible impact on the increase in emergency hospital admissions due to these causes. The aim of this study was to analyse the impact of a range of environmental factors on daily emergency hospital admissions due to mental disorders in the Madrid Autonomous Region (MAR), across the period 2013–2018

    Survival and mitochondrial function in septic patients according to mitochondrial DNA haplogroup

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    INTRODUCTION: We recently found that platelet cytochrome c oxidase (COX) activities and quantities in 6-month-survival septic patients are significantly higher than those of patients who died before 6 months. Other studies suggested that the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) genotype could play a major role in sepsis survival. Given that COX catalytic subunits are encoded by mtDNA, the objective of the present study was to explore whether mtDNA population genetic variation could affect COX activity and quantity and favors sepsis survival. METHODS: A prospective, multicenter, observational study was carried out in six Spanish ICUs. We included 96 patients with severe sepsis. We determined the mtDNA haplogroup, the COX specific activity/citrate synthase specific activity (COXa/CSa) ratio and the COX quantity/citrate synthase specific activity (COXq/CSa) ratio in circulating platelets at the time of diagnosis, day 4 and day 8. We used survival at 1 and 6 months as endpoints. RESULTS: Patients with the JT mtDNA haplogroup (n = 15) showed higher COXq/CSa ratio at day 4 (P = 0.04) and day 8 (P = 0.02) than those with other haplogroups (n = 81). Logistic regression analysis showed that the JT mtDNA haplogroup (odds ratio = 0.18; 95% confidence interval = 0.04 to 0.94; P = 0.04) and COXq/CSa ratio (odds ratio = 0.53; 95% confidence interval = 0.30 to 0.93; P = 0.03) were associated with 1-month survival after controlling for age and lactic acid levels. CONCLUSIONS: The novel findings of our study are that 1-month surviving septic patients showed higher COXq/CSa ratio than nonsurviving individuals, that patients from the JT mtDNA haplogroup showed a higher COXq/CSa ratio and that JT patients had a higher 1-month survival than patients from other mtDNA haplogroups

    Current international projects in the Duero and Miño-Sil basins

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    [EN] This paper summarizes the research work that is being carried out within the framework of three international projects with a lifetime between 2022 and 2026: (1) LIFE-IP-Duero; (2) Supporting stakeholders for adaptive, resilience and sustainable water management; (3) IGCP- 730. (1) and (2) are developed in the Duero river basin and are funded by the European Commission meanwhile (3) is being developed in the Duero and Miño-Sil basins and is funded by the International Geosciences Programme (IGCP) of UNESCO.Peer reviewe

    Positive correlation between the nuclear expression of GPER and pGLI3 in prostate cancer tissues from patients with different Gleason scores

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    Prostate cancer (PCa) is the most prevalent cause of death in the male population worldwide. The G Protein-Coupled Estrogen Receptor (GPER) has been gaining relevance in the development of PCa. Hedgehog (Hh) pathway activation is associated with aggressiveness, metastasis, and relapse in PCa patients. To date, no studies have evaluated the crosstalk between the GPER and the Hh pathway along different group grades in PCa. We conducted an analysis of paraffin-embedded tissues derived from patients with different prognostic grade of PCa using immunohistochemistry. Expression and correlation between GPER and glioma associated oncogene homologue (GLI) transcriptional factors in the parenchyma and stroma of PCa tumors were evaluated. Our results indicate that GPER is highly expressed in the nucleus and increases with higher grade groups. Additionally, GPER’s expression correlates with pGLI3 nuclear expression across different grade groups in PCa tissues; however, whether the receptor induces the activation of GLI transcriptional factors, or the latter modulate the expression of GPER is yet to be discovered, as well as the functional consequence of this correlation