874 research outputs found

    La calidad visual de los paisajes de playa de Cozumel evaluada a través de los ojos del observador

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    The beaches scenic beauty influences the selection of a sun and beach destination. Due to the large flows of national and international tourists, the beaches are economically and culturally important, so it is relevant to know the attributes that determine the preference for these sites. The objective of this research is to assess 10 landscapes of the Cozumel beach through the visual preferences of potential tourists and resident population. For this, the peer test is used, and other instruments for the evaluation and analysis of the answers of the interviewees. The results show that both groups value, in a higher percentage, sandy beaches without anthropic elements and with vegetation; In addition, they prioritize tranquillity and few people on a beach. They also show that the preference of the residents is influenced by the identity that the community has towards the traditionally visited beaches.La belleza escénica de las playas influye en la selección de un destino de sol y playa. Debido a los grandes flujos de turistas nacionales e internacionales, las playas son económica y culturalmente importantes, por lo que resulta relevante conocer los atributos que determinan la preferencia por estos sitios. El objetivo de esta investigación es valorar 10 paisajes de la playa de Cozumel mediante las preferencias visuales de turistas potenciales y población residente. Para ello, se utiliza la prueba de pares, y otros instrumentos para la evaluación y análisis de las respuestas de los entrevistados. Los resultados evidencian que ambos grupos valoran, en mayor porcentaje, las playas de arena sin elementos antrópicos y con vegetación; además, priorizan la tranquilidad y la poca concurrencia en una playa. También demuestran que la preferencia de los residentes se ve además influida por la identidad que la comunidad tiene hacia las playas tradicionalmente visitadas

    Percepción de los programas de neurociencia para el desarrollo de la capacidad de memoria en estudiantes, por parte de los profesores de educación física en los departamentos de Sonsonate, San Salvador y La Libertad, durante el año 2020

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    Esta investigación tiene como objetivo identificar la percepción de los profesores de educación física respecto a la neurociencia y, cómo desde el programa de estudio lo aplican en sus clases teóricas y prácticas. El estudio se desarrolló desde el método hipotético deductivo con un enfoque cuantitativo. La población estudiada se conformó por docentes de los departamentos de Sonsonate (7%), San Salvador (76%), y La Libertad (17%), para la obtener la muestra se utilizó el método estratificado, la técnica de recolección de datos fue la encuesta, con un cuestionario de preguntas cerradas. El estudio fue de carácter descriptivo donde se observa la percepción de los docentes según los conocimientos y aplicación de la neurociencia acerca de los programas de estudio. Los resultados muestran que la neurociencia influye en mejorar la capacidad de memoria, el aprendizaje y conocimiento de los estudiantes. Por lo tanto, se determinó que si existe relación entre la percepción y aplicación que los profesores en relación con la neurociencia en sus clases. Los docentes determinaron que la neurociencia juega un papel importante en el desarrollo psicomotor y neurocognitivo en los estudiantes, sin embargo, no se le ha dado la importancia suficiente en los centros educativos. Además, se evidencio que la neurociencia contribuye también a obtener una mejora en el aprendizaje, y a su vez es necesario conocer acerca del tema para poder desarrollar de mejor manera las actividades tanto teóricas como prácticas. Otro aspecto que el estudio evidenció fue, la necesidad de implementar programas con temas de neurociencia para profesores, esto para contribuir a que los maestros puedan identificar los procesos y mecanismos adecuados, para que los mejorar los procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje

    Suicide attempts in mexican teenagers: a cultural consensus theory perspective

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    El suicidio es un problema de salud pública mundial y los adolescentes son los que presentan con mayor frecuencia esta problemática. El estudio realizado identifica la estructura semántica del dominio cultural, el promedio de conocimiento y el grado de consenso cultural que sobre el suicidio tienen adolescentes con tentativa suicida. El trabajo es un estudio cualitativo mediante la técnica de listas libres. Participaron 29 adolescentes (13 a 18 años). Las listas libres fueron sobre: las causas; los signos y los síntomas; lo que siente, piensa y hace un adolescente antes de cometer suicidio y las estrategias de prevención de éste. Los resultados muestran para cada pregunta un único modelo semántico en el dominio cultural. En lo estructural se identifican los problemas familiares como la causa del intento suicida; la depresión y la tristeza son síntomas previos al intento suicida. La tristeza y la soledad, salir del problema y suicidarse es lo que considera que siente, piensa y hace un adolescente previo al intento de suicidio. Como estrategias de prevención, se identifican le ponga más atención y hablar con él. Los resultados ponderan la importancia de la familia para los programas de prevención de las conductas suicidas en adolescentes. The suicide is a problem of public world health and the adolescents are those who present with more frequency this problem. Nevertheless, the studies of the suicide phenomenon from a cultural perspective are limited. Cultural research in suicidology is important to develop the understanding of the meanings of suicidal behavior in different contexts. The cultural consensus theory would contribute to the cultural perspective of the knowledge of suicidal behaviors in terms of its internal elements and their functioning (emic) and this theory allows knowing if there exists a knowledge shared by a social group regarding an issue and allows to recognize its organization. The aim of this study was to identify the semantic structure of the cultural domain, as well as the average of knowledge and the degree of cultural consensus regarding suicide among adolescent suicide attempters. It was a qualitative study, using the free-listing technique, with a non-random sample made up of 29 adolescents between the ages of 13 and 18 years. The free lists were on: the causes; the signs and the symptoms; what he/she feels, thinks and does before attempting suicide and the strategies of suicide prevention at adolescence. The results showed for every question a single semantic model in the cultural domain suicide attempt. In such structure, the family problems were identified as the cause of suicidal attempt; the depression and the sadness were symptoms before suicidal attempt. The sadness, the loneliness and the anger were what an adolescent feels before the suicide attempt. Furthermore, to get out of the problem and to end his/her life were what an adolescent thinks before attempting suicide and to commit suicide was what an adolescent does before to suicide attempt. To pay more attention, to talk with the adolescent, to improve the communication with the parents and to attend a psychotherapy were identified as strategies for suicide prevention. The results highlight the importance of the family of suicide prevention programs for adolescents based on cultural knowledge.ITESO, A.C.Universidad de GuadalajaraInstituto Mexicano del Seguro SocialPsicólogos Especializados Jalisc

    Complete Genome Sequences of Field Isolates of Mycobacterium bovis and Mycobacterium caprae

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    Here we report the complete genome sequences of field isolates of Mycobacterium bovis and the related mycobacterial species, Mycobacterium caprae. The genomes of three M. bovis (MB1, MB3, MB4) and one M. caprae (MB2) field isolates with different virulence, prevalence, and host distribution phenotypes were sequenced

    Evolution of COVID-19 pregnancies treated with nitazoxanide in a third-level hospital.

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    Background Nitazoxanide shows adequate in vitro activity against coronavirus. The aim of this study was to describe the behavior of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in pregnant women treated with nitazoxanide. Methodology This cross-sectional study included the files of COVID-19 positive pregnant women treated with nitazoxanide 500 mg every 6 hours, levofloxacin every 12 hours, and clarithromycin 500 mg every 12 hours. Results The data of 51 women (mean age: 27.4 ± 7.2 years) were analyzed. Eleven (21.56%) patients had to receive medical attention in the intensive care unit. There were 22 (43.13%) preterm deliveries, 21 by cesarean and one by vaginal delivery. The medical attention of this population was as follows: 31 cesareans, five vaginal deliveries, nine still pregnant, two requiring manual vacuum aspiration, two ectopic pregnancies, one requiring curettage, and one requiring hysterotomy. There were seven (13.72%) cases of preeclampsia, and there were two (3.92%) deaths. Conclusion Nitazoxanide prescription could be an option against COVID-19 in pregnancy due to its safety profile


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    El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo realizar una revisión teórica sobre la dinámica territorial y el aprovechamiento de los recursos naturales y culturales como atractivos turísticos. El Estado de Tabasco puede considerarse como un destino turístico competitivo, ya que posee importantes sitios de interés para disfrutar de la naturaleza de un ecosistema tropical. Tabasco por décadas basó su economía en la industria petrolera, lo que originó el desarrollo de la actividad de turismo de negocios. Ante la crisis petrolera de la región sureste de México, el gobierno estatal ha tratado de diversificar las actividades turísticas. Como alternativa, se están generando estudios para determinar los sitios que integrarán la oferta a partir de la identificación de nuevas oportunidades de desarrollo considerando las potencialidades de territorios locales que puedan ser del gusto del visitante y que contribuyan al desarrollo económico de la entidad. Cabe hacer mención que lo anterior solo podrá lograrse a través de la aplicación. Sin embargo, Tabasco como destino turístico presenta una baja afluencia que no es capaz de generar la derrama económica que necesita para el progreso socioeconómico. Se puede identificar que en el sector turístico no existe una oferta de atractivos inexistentes, por lo que se requiere que el gobierno elabore una nueva oferta turística a partir del análisis de los territorios y la implementación de las políticas públicas pertinentes

    Subterranean waters in Riviera Maya of the Yucatan Peninsula: Vulnerability and the Importance of Monitoring

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    The Mexican Caribbean coast has great scenic beauty both on the surface and underwater, which is why it has been a developing area for tourism since the 1970s, establishing sites such as Cancun and Playa del Carmen and empowering others such as Cozumel and Tulum. Their biological richness is enormous, especially in the Mesoamerican Reef of which they are a part. However, this richness and scenic beauty are not possible without the ecological assemblages that exist within these regions’ adjacent ecosystems, mainly the surrounding seasonally dry tropical forest and the coastal wetlands that, together with the oceanographic characteristics of the Caribbean Sea, potentiate it, turning the region into the most visited in Latin America. To this end, groundwater plays a very important role in the assemblages of biotic and abiotic elements that are shared with the Caribbean Sea; thus, its constant monitoring allows us to identify how the changes that occur in the tropical forest are producing various changes in the composition and abundance of coastal reef elements. Here, we present results of our study of groundwater conditions (temp, pH, oxygen dissolved, and salinity) in nineteen cenotes and underground rivers of the Riviera Maya and six cenotes of Cozumel. We also profiled the predominant vegetation on the surface of this region, which is a seasonally dry tropical forest, to understand the components and functioning of these subterranean ecosystems to assess their vulnerability and identify their threats from human development (population growth, tourism development, mobility capacity). These threats not only affect the cave and coastal organisms but also the tropical karstic landscapes that are characteristic of these systems

    Complete genome sequences of field isolates of Mycobacterium bovis and Mycobacterium caprae

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    Here we report the complete genome sequences of field isolates of Mycobacterium bovis and the related mycobacterial species, Mycobacterium caprae. The genomes of three M. bovis (MB1, MB3, MB4) and one M. caprae (MB2) field isolates with different virulence, prevalence, and host distribution phenotypes were sequenced.This research was supported by grant AGL2011-30041 from the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, Spain, by the Programa de Tecnologías Avanzadas en Vigilancia Sanitaria (TAVS) from the Comunidad de Madrid (ref. S2013/ABI-2747), the EU H2020 COllaborative Management Platform for detection and Analyses of (Re-) emerging and foodborne outbreaks in Europe (COMPARE) Grant 377/14, and by the EU FP7 grants ANTIGONE (project number 278976) and WildTBvac (project number 613779).Peer Reviewe

    Primer registro de la comadreja (Mustela frenata) en el estado de Campeche, México

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    In this paper, we report three different records of the long tail weasel (Mustela frenata) using camera traps in the western portion of Campeche; thus confirming the presence of the species in this Mexican state

    Mayan Traditional Knowledge on Weather Forecasting: Who Contributes to Whom in Coping With Climate Change?

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    Despite international commitments to integrate indigenous peoples and their Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK) in actions combating climate change, their inclusion remains limited. Integrating TEK with scientific knowledge has become particularly important in sectors such as agriculture, which both contributes to and is affected by climate change. While there is a general recognition that integrating TEK will contribute to climate change adaptation, agricultural interventions have made little progress in achieving this due to the assumption of a clear divide between TEK and scientific knowledge. This paper considers that knowledge integration is already occurring, but in contexts of economic, sociocultural, and political inequalities. We elaborate on the case of traditional weather forecasting methods used by Mayan indigenous farmers in Mexico’s Yucatán Peninsula to propose a social justice perspective for knowledge integration in climate change interventions. Using information from three studies conducted between 2016 and 2019, we first explain the importance of weather and traditional weather forecast methods for indigenous Mayan farmers. Later we describe in detail both these methods and their links with Mayan cosmology. Findings show how weather phenomena such as drought and hurricanes are main concerns for milpa farming. They illustrate the diversity of traditional short, medium, and long-term weather forecast methods based on observations from nature and the sky. Farmers also perform rituals that are related to their Mayan gods and goddess. As TEK not only defines agricultural calendars but also reproduces Mayan culture, we discuss what is needed for its integration into actions combating climate change. We use a rights-based approach that considers the economic, cultural, and political scales of justice to equally allocate resources and benefits for traditional knowledge systems, recognize indigenous values and worldviews avoiding cultural harms, and accomplish indigenous self-determination through equal representation. As a result, we hope to incentivize development actors engaged in agricultural interventions on climate change to critically reflect and examine power dynamics and relations when working with indigenous communities