194 research outputs found

    State of the art of pricing policy in air transportation: network carriers vs. low-cost airlines

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    The modern air transport industry is highly competitive. To survive in the market, the implementation of a successful marketing strategy is fundamental. In particular, an effective pricing policy has become crucial for airlines to remain profitable. Correspondingly, the different types of airline in the market have also established very distinct pricing policies. The present study is based on a literature review and presents the state of the art of pricing policy in air transportation. The aim is to compare and discuss the pricing strategies of network carriers and low-cost airlines. Special attention is paid to Revenue Management, which is a very important management tool used by airlines to take advantage of the differences in willingness to pay of passengers. The pricing policy, however, depends on the overall business strategy of the airline. Results show many differences, resulting from the fact that these two types of airline are characterized by very different fundamental business models and, correspondingly, also target groups. Since network carriers and also low-cost airlines have adjusted their pricing strategies lately, these recent developments will be discussed as well. This paper adds to the knowledge of this topic because it presents the most up-to-date and complete study on pricing regarding network carriers vs. low-cost airlines.A moderna indústria do transporte aéreo é altamente competitiva. Para sobreviver no mercado, a implementação de uma estratégia de marketing bem-sucedida é fundamental. Em particular, uma política de preços eficaz tornou-se crucial para as companhias aéreas continuarem lucrativas. Os diferentes tipos de companhias aéreas no mercado também estabeleceram políticas de preços muito distintas. O presente estudo baseia-se numa revisão da literatura e apresenta o estado da arte da política de preços no transporte aéreo. O objetivo é comparar e discutir as estratégias de preços de companhias aéreas de linha e companhias aéreas de baixo custo. Atenção especial é dada à Gestão de Receitas (Revenue Management), que é uma ferramenta de gestão usada pelas companhias aéreas para aproveitar as diferenças na disposição de pagar dos passageiros. A política de preços, no entanto, depende da estratégia geral de negócios da companhia aérea. Os resultados mostram muitas diferenças, resultantes do facto de que esses dois tipos de companhias aéreas são caracterizados por modelos de negócios fundamentais muito diferentes e, correspondentemente, também grupos-alvo. Como as operadoras de rede e também as companhias aéreas de baixo custo ajustaram as suas estratégias de preços ultimamente, esses desenvolvimentos recentes também serão discutidos. Este documento contribui para o conhecimento deste tópico, pois apresenta o estudo mais atualizado e completo sobre preços de companhias aéreas de linha versus companhias aéreas de baixo custo.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Diferencias perceptuales de los visitantes en las costas andaluzas por temporada turística

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    El presente trabajo está centrado en el estudio de las valoraciones de los turistas de sol y playa en Andalucía. Para ello, se distinguen las cinco zonas turísticas de las costas andaluzas: la Costa de Almería, la Costa de la Luz (Cádiz), la Costa Tropical (Granada), la Costa de la Luz (Huelva) y la Costa del Sol (Málaga). El análisis se realiza en función de tres temporadas turísticas: alta, media y baja. Los resultados obtenidos indican que existen diferencias significativas en la mayoría de los casos estudiados. Especialmente, hay mayores diferencias en las comparaciones entre las temporadas media y alta.This paper focuses on the study of the assessments of the sun and sand tourists in Andalusia (Spain). To do this, five tourist areas of the Andalusian coast are distinguished: Costa de Almeria, Costa de la Luz (Cadiz), Costa Tropical (Granada), Costa de la Luz (Huelva), and Costa del Sol (Malaga). The analysis is based on three tourist seasons: high, medium and low seasons. The results indicate that significant differences exist in most of the cases studied. Especially, there are major differences in the comparisons between the medium and high seasons

    Prácticas de física : laboratorio I

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    1 archivo PDF (62 páginas)Conjunto de prácticas que indican el camino a seguir en el trabajo que realizara el alumno

    Uncovering spatio-temporal patterns in semiconductor superlattices by efficient data processing tools

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    Time periodic patterns in a semiconductor superlattice, relevant to microwave generation, are obtained upon numerical integration of a known set of drift-diffusion equations. The associated spatiotemporal transport mechanisms are uncovered by applying (to the computed data) two recent data processing tools, known as the higher order dynamic mode decomposition and the spatiotemporal Koopman decomposition. Outcomes include a clear identification of the asymptotic self-sustained oscillations of the current density (isolated from the transient dynamics) and an accurate description of the electric field traveling pulse in terms of its dispersion diagram. In addition, a preliminary version of a data-driven reduced order model is constructed, which allows for extremely fast online simulations of the system response over a range of different configurations.The authors are indebted to two anonymous referees for some useful comments and suggestions on an earlier version of the paper. This work has been supported by the Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades–Agencia Estatal de Investigación, under Grants No. TRA2016-75075-R, No. MTM2017-84446-C2-2-R, and No. PID2020-112796RB-C22, and by the Madrid Government (Comunidad de Madrid-Spain) under the Multiannual Agreement with UC3M in the line of Excellence of University Professors (EPUC3M23) and in the context of the V PRICIT (Regional Programme of Research and Technological Innovation)

    Las dimensiones de la búsqueda de sensaciones en la compra online del turista

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    Las tecnologías de la información están transformando los modelos de comportamiento de compra de los mercados turísticos, favoreciendo que el turista organice sus viajes de forma independiente. Para ello ha sido fundamental el rápido desarrollo de Internet en todo el mundo, aunque el comercio electrónico ha seguido un proceso más lento. Sin embargo, las cifras de ventas online son muy distintas según el tipo de producto. Así, los productos turísticos son los más adquiridos a través de Internet. La 10ª Encuesta sobre Usuarios de Internet en España realizada por la Asociación para la Investigación de Medios de Comunicación (2008) señala que un 29,6% de las ventas online son debidas a los siguientes tipos de productos: transporte de pasajeros, alojamiento y paquetes turísticos. Los estudios sobre el comportamiento de compra online suelen centrarse en los aspectos sociodemográficos, dedicando poca atención a los aspectos más psicológicos de las personas. El presente trabajo trata de analizar el comportamiento de los internautas que realizan reservas online de productos turísticos, indagando en uno de los rasgos de personalidad como es el de la búsqueda de sensaciones. Este rasgo se entiende como un deseo de tener sensaciones y experiencias variadas, novedosas, complejas e intensas, así como la disposición para asumir riesgos físicos, sociales, legales y económicos en aras a conseguir dicha experiencia. Se identifican cuatro componentes de la búsqueda de sensaciones, como son: 1) búsqueda de emoción y aventura; 2) búsqueda de experiencia; 3) desinhibición; y 4) susceptibilidad al aburrimiento. El presente estudio se basa en una muestra de 457 estudiantes universitarios, que representan uno de los mercados potenciales más relevantes en el comercio electrónico. En los resultados del estudio se ha detectado que los compradores online puntúan más alto en la escala total de búsqueda de sensaciones que los no compradores y, además, se observa que hay diferencias significativas entre compradores y no compradores de productos turísticos por Internet respecto a la subescala de la búsqueda de emoción y aventura y a la subescala de la susceptibilidad al aburrimiento. No obstante, tan sólo las mujeres son las que reciben la influencia del rasgo de personalidad de búsqueda de sensaciones respecto a la compra online de productos turísticos.Patterns of buying behavior of the tourist markets are being changed by information technologies, encouraging tourists to arrange their trips on their own. To that end, the rapid development of Internet in the world has been critical, although the expansion of electronic commerce has been slower. However, online sales are very different depending on the product. Thus, tourism products are the most purchased of all over the internet. The 10th Survey of Internet Users in Spain by the Association for Research in the Media (2008) noted that 29.6 % of online sales are due to the following types of products: passenger transport, accommodation, and travel package. Studies of online buying behavior typically focus on the socio-demographic characteristics, devoting little attention to psychological aspects of people. This paper analyzes the behavior of Internet users engaged in online booking of tourism products, and investigates one of their personality features: the sensation seeking. This feature is defined as the seeking of varied, new, and complex experiences, and the willingness to take physical, social, legal, and financial risks in order to achieve such experience. Four components of sensation seeking are identified: 1) thrill and adventure seeking, 2) experience seeking, 3) disinhibition, and 4) boredom susceptibility. This study is based on a sample of 457 university students, who represent one of the most important potential markets for e-commerce. The study has found that online buyers attain higher scores in the full scale of sensation seeking than non-buyers, and also shows that there are significant differences between buyers and non-buyers of tourism products over the Internet with regard to two subscales: the thrill and adventure seeking and the boredom susceptibility. However, only women receive the influence of personality feature of sensation seeking with respect to the purchase of tourism products online

    Complete Bell Polynomials and Recurrence Relations for Arithmetic Functions

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    We use the Z-transform to solve a type of recurrence relation satisfied by the number of representations of an integer n as the sum of squares and as the sum of triangular numbers, and also by the color partitions of n; the corresponding solution is in terms of the complete Bell polynomials

    Simplification of Pocklington’s integral equation for arbitrary bent thin wires

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    The simplification of Pocklington’s equation kernel and the software implementation of the arbitrary shaped thin wire problem is presented here in order to get a useful antenna engineering tool that could be used in determining the current distribution in arbitrary shaped thin wires. The software is based on the widely used method of moments and it is implemented in programming language C++. The work presented in this paper is concerned with how to simplify the kernel of the Pocklington’s integro-differential equation in order to be more efficient computationally. We obtained an integral equation that reduces not only the programming efforts, but also the time spent in the calculations. The integral equation presented in this paper was thought not only for arbitrary shaped thin wires, but also for the case of straight thin wires

    Comentario sobre la Matemática Aplicada en España

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    En el número de Septiembre de 2004 del Boletín del SEMA, los autores publicamos un artículo de opinión sobre la situación de la Matemática Aplicada en España. El objetivo principal del artículo fue mover a la reflexión sobre algunas deficiencias no corregidas y, en algún caso, aumentadas durante los últimos años. Tales deficiencias pueden hipotecar el futuro de la Matemática Aplicada española, e impedir que contribuya de modo eficaz al desarrollo científico y tecnológico del país

    La Matemtica Aplicada: entre lo divino y lo humano

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    España es la décima potencia mundial si consideramos el número de artículos de Matemáticas publicados en un año con un autor español por lo menos .Cuando estos artículos se ponderan con su índice de impacto y se toma la media mundial como cero, el índice español en Matemáticas es 13 . Esta situación es particularmente grave en el área de Matemática Aplicada. Según el informe Andradas-Zuazua (que expurgó los artículos matemáticos aparecidos en revistas relevantes de Física, Mecánica de Medios Continuos, Mecánica de Fluidos, etc. e incluso en la revista SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics), la revista en que más publican los "matemáticos aplicados" españoles es Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, una revista que se encuentra año tras año en el último cuarto de la lista de Matemática Aplicada del índice de impacto JCR. Anecdóticamente, la ANECA reconoce esta situación usando baremos más bajos para Matemáticas que para las otras disciplinas científicas