127 research outputs found

    ¿La igualdad es real en el deporte?: análisis de la práctica físico-deportiva desde una perspectiva de género

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    El presente estudio tiene como objetivo realizar un análisis que establezca las diferencias que existen en el ámbito deportivo desde una perspectiva de género. Para ello, el lector/a será informado de la evolución de la mujer en el deporte, del intento de la ley por fomentar la igualdad de género y del concepto “coeducación”. Asimismo, se realiza un cuestionario a alumnos y alumnas de Educación Primaria, Educación Secundaria y Bachillerato; y a personas que comprendan las edades de 18 y 35 años. De esta forma, se comparan los resultados obtenidos con los de otras fuentes consultadas y correspondientes a años anteriores para entender que hay un progreso evidente. No obstante, aún se siguen percibiendo actitudes muy discriminatorias y diferencias muy significativas si se atiende a la variable del sexo del encuestado/a. Por último, se desea sensibilizar a la sociedad acerca de la desigualdad existente entre hombres y mujeres dentro de un marco deportivo y, como consecuencia, de las diferentes causas que la ocasionan.The present study aims to perform an analysis that establishes the differences that exist in the sports field from a gender perspective. For this, the reader will be informed of the evolution of women in sports, of the attempt of the law to promote gender equality and the concept of "coeducation". Likewise, a questionnaire is made to students of Primary Education, Secondary Education and Bachillerato; and to people who understand the ages of 18 and 35 years. In this way, the results obtained are compared with those of other sources consulted and corresponding to previous years to understand that there is evident progress. Nonetheless, very discriminatory attitudes and very significant differences are still perceived if the respondent's sex variable is considered. Finally, we want to sensitize society about the inequality between men and women within a sporting framework and, as a consequence, the different causes that cause it.Universidad de Sevilla. Grado en Educación Primari

    Propuestas para la mejora de la interpretación del intervalo de confianza en estudiantes preuniversitarios y universitarios

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    La planificación y diseño de tareas es una pieza clave que todo docente debe tomar en cuenta con objeto de garantizar un proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje significativo. El conocimiento de los errores y dificultades existentes en torno a un objeto matemático facilita esta labor al profesorado, cuyo análisis contribuirá a realizar propuestas de enseñanza que mejoren dicho proceso. En base a ello, el presente trabajo tiene como objetivo el planteamiento de propuestas de enseñanza enfocadas a solventar los errores y dificultades relacionados con los intervalos de confianza (IC) que tienen los estudiantes de bachillerato y universitarios, apoyándose en el uso de las TICs y las representaciones gráficas. Pensamos que esta forma de abordar el tema propicia una mejor comprensión de la finalidad que realmente tiene el uso de los IC

    Algunos conflictos semióticos de futuros profesores al plantear las hipótesis de un contraste

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    La presente investigación tiene como objeto detectar y categorizar los posibles conflictos semióticos presentes en futuros profesores de Educación Secundaria y Bachillerato sobre el planteamiento de la hipótesis nula y alternativa de un contraste de hipótesis. Se ha contado con la colaboración de 73 futuros profesores del Máster de Educación Secundaria de la Universidad de Granada, a los que se le ha propuesto un problema de contraste de hipótesis similar a los recogidos en las pruebas de acceso a la universidad en cursos anteriores. Mediante un análisis de contenido de las respuestas dadas por los participantes, los resultados revelan conflictos de representación, procedimentales y, en su mayoría, de tipo conceptual, revelando en algunos casos una escasa comprensión de la lógica del contraste de hipótesis. Además, se han identificado dos nuevos conflictos no recogidos en la literatura previa. La información obtenida en el presente trabajo va en consonancia con los resultados señalados en investigaciones previas con estudiantes, lo que plantea una posible relación con el conocimiento de los futuros profesores y, por ende, la necesidad de mejorar su formación sobre este contenido

    Quality, oxidative markers and DNA damage (DNA) fragmentation of red deer thawed spermatozoa after incubation at 37 °C in presence of several antioxidants

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    P. 1005-1019Antioxidants may be useful for supplementing sperm extenders. We have tested dehydroascorbic acid (DHA), TEMPOL, N-acetyl-cysteine (NAC) and rutin on epididymal spermatozoa from red deer, during incubation at 37 °C. Cryopreserved spermatozoa were thawed, washed and incubated with 1 mm or 0.1 mm of each antioxidant, including oxidative stress (Fe2+/ascorbate). Motility (CASA and clustering of subpopulations), viability, mitochondrial membrane potential, and acrosomal status were assessed at 2 and 4 h. Lipoperoxidation, intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS) and DNA damage (DNA) status (TUNEL) were checked at 4 h. Oxidative stress increased ROS, lipoperoxidation and DNA damage. Overall, antioxidants negatively affected motility and physiological parameters. Only DHA 1 mm protected motility, increasing the fast and progressive subpopulation. However, it had a detrimental effect on acrosomal and DNA status, in absence of oxidative stress. Tempol and rutin efficiently reduced lipoperoxidation, ROS, and DNA damage in presence of oxidative stress. NAC was not as efficient as TEMPOL or rutin reducing lipoperoxidation or protecting DNA, and did not reduce ROS, but its negative effects were lower than the other antioxidants when used at 1 mm, increasing the subpopulation of hyperactivated-like spermatozoa at 2 h. Our results show that these antioxidants have mixed effects when spermatozoa are incubated at physiological temperatures. DHA may not be suitable because of prooxidant effects, but TEMPOL, NAC and rutin may be considered for cryopreservation trials. In general, exposure of red deer spermatozoa to these antioxidants should be limited to low temperatures, when only protective effects may develop.S

    University teachers' attitudes towards the educational use of ICTS: the case study at the University of Valladolid

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    Producción CientíficaDebido al proceso de adaptación y convergencia en el que nos hallamos inmersos en la actualidad y a la incorporación de los nuevos planes europeos de enseñanzas universitarias, resulta necesario plantear la inclusión de metodologías activas en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje que, por una parte, prioricen la participación activa de los alumnos en este proceso y, por otra, establezcan una relación diferente entre docentes y discentes. Son muchas las acciones de innovación educativa que se están poniendo en práctica en la Universidad española, con el fin de superar los esquemas didácticos tradicionales y lograr una enseñanza de calidad, objetivos fundamentales del proceso de convergencia europea que se está viviendo en la actualidad. El éxito de estas iniciativas, muchas de ellas apoyadas en las denominadas Tecnologías de la Información y de la Comunicación (TIC) depende, por una parte, de la actitud y del compromiso de los docentes con el cambio metodológico y, por otro, del apoyo que se les brinda desde la institución universitaria para satisfacer sus necesidades formativas y facilitar, así, la incorporación de estos nuevos recursos al proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje (E/A). Este artículo presenta un estudio de las actitudes de los profesores de la Facultad de Traducción e Interpretación de la Universidad de Valladolid (España) hacia la integración de las TIC en su práctica docente, ya que consideramos que la dimensión actitudinal representa un elemento clave para la renovación pedagógica exigida por el Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (EEES).The process of European convergence and harmonization and the EHEA-adaptation plan that our universities are implementing nowadays entail not only a methodological change- that is the introduction of active methodologies that emphasize the role played by students in their own learning process- but also a change in the role assumed by teachers in the teaching-learning process. Spanish universities are currently carrying out many experimental and innovative educational projects which try to overcome traditional methodological limitations in order to guarantee solid and quality educational programs in our higher education institutions. Achieving success in innovative instructional practices-most of them based on ICTs- depends both on university teachers' attitude and commitment to the methodological changes involved and on the institutional and organizational support provided by universities in order to enhance ICT competence development of teachers. That is teachers’ attitudes towards ICTs, which in most cases are related to their ICT competence level, play a crucial role in implementing new innovative tools in the teaching-learning process. This research article shows the attitudes of a group of teachers of the Faculty of Translation and Interpreting (University of Valladolid) to the educational use of ICTs, as we consider that the attitudinal dimension is a key issue in the integration of technology into educational environments

    Effect of different media additives on capacitation of frozen-thawed ram spermatozoa as a potential replacement for estrous sheep serum

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    Capacitation is a key process through which spermatozoa acquire their fertilizing ability. This event is required for the successful application of assisted reproductive technologies such as IVF. The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of using a synthetic oviductal fluid medium supplemented with either heparin–hypotaurine alone, in combination with progesterone (P4), 17β-estradiol (E2), or BSA, or just β-cyclodextrin, in replacement for estrous sheep serum (ESS) for ram sperm capacitation. After incubation in the corresponding media for 15 (time 0) or 60 minutes, sperm function was evaluated by computerized sperm motility analysis and flow cytometry (plasma membrane status and fluidity). Treatments rendering the best results in regards to sperm function parameters related to capacitation were used for an IVF test. Herein, neither heparin–hypotaurine (alone), or in combination with P4, or E2, nor β-cyclodextrin induced capacitation-related changes in frozen–thawed ram spermatozoa. Only the medium supplemented with heparin–hypotaurine–BSA was able to induce changes compatible with in vitro capacitation relating to sperm motility pattern and plasma membrane fluidity, comparable to those in ESS-containing medium. Both media yielded sperm parameter values that differed (P < 0.05) from those obtained in the rest of the media tested. However, after the IVF trial, BSA was unable to support cleavage rates (21.80%) comparable to those obtained with ESS (52.60%; P < 0.05). We conclude that heparin–hypotaurine, P4, E2, β-cyclodextrin, or BSA is not suitable for replacing ESS in capacitation and fertilization media for ram spermatozoa.M. Ramón was supported by the Research Recruitment Program from the National Institute for Agricultural and Food Research program.Peer Reviewe

    Sperm characteristics and in vitro fertilization ability of thawed spermatozoa from Black Manchega ram: Electroejaculation and postmortem collection

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    The aim of this study was to assess two models of sperm collection on the quality and fertility of thawed spermatozoa from Black Manchega rams, a threatened breed. Sperm samples were collected by electroejaculation and postmortem from each male. Samples were diluted with Biladyl and frozen. Motility (subjective and objective by means of computer-assisted semen analysis), membrane integrity, and acrosomal status (microscopy) were assessed on fresh and thawed semen; plasmalemma integrity, mitochondrial membrane potential, DNA integrity, and acrosomal status were evaluated by flow cytometry on thawed semen. Thawed spermatozoa were used in a heterologous in vitro fertilization test. After thawing, the proportion of live spermatozoa with intact membrane (YO-PRO-1−/PI−) was higher for postmortem samples (P < 0.001), although the ratio of YO-PRO-1− spermatozoa within the PI− population was higher for ejaculated samples (P = 0.007). Likewise, the proportion of live spermatozoa having high mitochondrial membrane potential (MitoTracker+) and intact acrosomes (PNA−) was higher for postmortem samples (P < 0.001 and P < 0.001, respectively). Considering only live spermatozoa, the ratio of MitoTracker+/PNA− cells was higher for electroejaculated samples (P = 0.026 and P = 0.003). Both electroejaculated and postmortem samples fertilized oocytes. Nevertheless, electroejaculated samples yielded a higher percentage of hybrid embryos (P = 0.041). In conclusion, although postmortem spermatozoa had better sperm quality after thawing, electroejaculated spermatozoa showed higher ratios for sperm quality when only the live population was considered. Electroejaculated and postmortem samples might be used for germplasm banking of this threatened breed, but the fertility of postmortem spermatozoa might be lower.This work was supported by the Education and Science Council (PBI-05-011), by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science (RZ2006-00006-C3), and by the Agriculture Council (PREG-05-004) of Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha (JCCM). Olga García-Álvarez and Alejandro Maroto Morales were recipients of scholarships from INIA and JCCM, respectively. Felipe Martínez-Pastor, María Rocío Fernández-Santos, and Milagros C. Esteso were supported by the Juan de la Cierva program from the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science.Peer reviewe

    Taking advantage of the use of supervised learning methods for characterization of sperm population structure related with freezability in the iberian red deer

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    Using Iberian red deer as model, this study presents a supervised learning method, the Support Vector Machines (SVM), to characterize sperm population structure related with freezability. Male freezability was assessed by evaluating motility, membrane status and mitochondrial membrane potential of sperm after a freezing-thawing procedure. The SVM model was generated using sperm motility information captured by computer-assisted sperm analysis (CASA) from thawed semen, belonging to 6 stags with marked differences on their freezability. A total of 1369 sperm tracks were recorded for seven kinematic parameters and assigned to four motility patterns based on them: weak motile, progressive, transitional and hyperactivated-like. Then, this data were split in two sets: the training set, used to train the SVM model, and the testing set, used to examine how the SVM method and three other unsupervised methods, a non-hierarchical, a ierarchical and a multi-step clustering procedures, performed the sperm classification into subpopulations. The SVM was revealed as the most accurate method in the characterization of sperm subpopulations, showing all the sperm subpopulations obtained in this way high significant correlations with those sperm parameters used to characterize freezability of males. Given its superiority, the SVM method was used to characterize the sperm motile subpopulations in Iberian red deer. Sperm motile data from frozen thawed semen belonging to 25 stags were recorded and loaded into the SVM model. The sperm population structure revealed that those males showing por freezability were characterized by high percentages of sperm with a weak motility pattern. In opposite, males showing good freezability were characterized by higher percentages of sperm with a progressive and hyperactivated-like motility pattern and lower percentages of sperm with a weak motile pattern. We also identified a sperm subpopulation with a transitional motility pattern. This subpopulation increased as the freezability of males improved, and may be used as indicative of overall sperm motility