99 research outputs found

    Proceso de memoria, toma de decisiones y atención

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    The present study aims to provide strategies that favor a functional learning, through memorization, analysis and encourage the development of creativity both in the school and social environment, since at present and due to technological advances, that aim to simplify the daily activities of human beings, we are losing capabilities that do nothing more than generate mental laziness, distort our reality and limit our ability to concentrate and imagination. We do not seek in any way to damage the image of technological advances, but to analyze and remember that the brain must be placed once again in the focus of our intellectual performance, since this is the organ where meaningful learning is generated. This article was confronted with the reality that we live today as a result of the pandemic, which forced us to work remotely through multiple platforms and demanded us to learn at a different pace and sometimes at forced marches, as teachers in education we hope that these strategies and the graphic results shown below can help you to structure better strategies and learning environments that favor the new generations.El presente estudio tiene como objetivo proporcionar estrategias que favorezcan un aprendizaje funcional, por medio de la memorización, el análisis y fomenten el desarrollo de la creatividad tanto en el ámbito escolar como en el social, puesto que en la actualidad y debido a los avances tecnológicos que tiene como fin simplificar la actividades diarias del ser humano, vamos perdiendo capacidades que no hacen más que generar pereza mental, distorsionan nuestra realidad y van limitando nuestra capacidad de concentración e imaginación. No se busca de ninguna manera dañar la imagen de los avances tecnológicos, sino de analizar y recordar que el cerebro debe ser puesto una vez más en el foco de nuestro desempeño intelectual, puesto que este es el órgano donde se genera el aprendizaje significativo. Este artículo fue confrontado con la realidad que se vive en la actualidad a consecuencia de la pandemia, que nos orilló a trabajar a distancia por múltiples plataformas y nos exigió aprender a un ritmo diferente y a veces a marchas forzadas, como docentes en educación esperamos que estas estrategias y los resultados gráficos que se muestran a continuación puedan ayudarte a estructurar mejores estrategias y ambientes de aprendizaje que favorezcan a las nuevas generaciones

    Fracturas de las espinas tibiales en el niño y en el adulto

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    Presentamos una serie de 29 fracturas de las espinas tibiales en 27 pacientes, 11 niños y 16 adultos. Para su estudio hemos seguido la clasificación de Meyers y McKeever, siendo las fracturas tipo II las más frecuentes. Se registraron las lesiones asociadas de la rodilla, y la más frecuente fue la del ligamento lateral interno; encontramos 2 fracturas de Segond en niños. El tratamiento fue conservador en 7 casos y quirúrgico en los 22 restantes. Para evaluar el resultado final estudiamos el desplazamiento de la fractura, movilidad y laxitudes residuales de la rodilla y fuerza muscular. Usamos las escalas de Lysholm y de Tegner para la valoración funcional. Un estudio radiológico con 3 proyecciones se llevó a cabo en todos los pacientes. El tiempo medio de seguimiento fue de 9,7 años para el grupo de niños y de 8,2 para los adultos. Los resultados globales, de acuerdo con la escala de Lysholm, fueron excelentes, pero se registraron 11 laxitudes anteroposteriores y 4 laterales, aunque 11 de estos 15 pacientes permanecen asintomáticos. Muchas de estas laxitudes aparecen en fracturas anatómicamente reducidas. Sugerimos que debe realizarse estudio artroscópico en estos pacientes para detectar lesiones asociadas que empeoran el resultado.A series of 29 fractures of the tibial spine in 27 patients, 11 children and 16 adults. We followed Meyers and McKeever to classify the fractures, tipe II being the most frecuent. Associated injuries of the knee were registered, being medial collateal ligament the most frecuent. We found 2 Segond fractures in young patients. The treatment was conservative in 7 cases and surgical in the remaining 22. To evaluate the final result we studied the displacement of the fracture, mobility of the knee, anteroposterior and lateral inestabilities, muscle strength. We used the Lysholm and the Tegner rating systems to evaluate the functional result. A complete radiological evaluation (three views) was made in all the patients. The average follow-up times was 9.7 years for the children group, and 8.2 years for the adult group. The overall results according to the Lysholm rating scale were excellent, but 11 anteroposterior and 4 lateral laxities were registered, though 11 of the 15 cases remains asymptomatic. Many of theese laxities appeared in anatomically reduced fractures. We suggest that an arthroscopic study of the patients must be done to detect associated injuries that produces a worse final result

    Reconstrucción ósea acetabular con cotilos no cementados y aporte de aloinjerto en la artroplastia total de cadera : estudio de 35 casos

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    Se han revisado 35 arlroplastias realizadas en 29 pacientes portadores de algún tipo de defecto óseo en el cotilo por fallo de prótesis total de cadera. En el presente estudio incluimos sólo las reconstrucciones acetabulares efectuadas con implantes no cementados. La edad media fue de 60 años (29/79), siendo 19 mujeres y 10 varones. Clasificamos los defectos óseos siguiendo a D'Antonio en segmentarios, cavitarios y mixtos, y para la reparación de dichos defectos utilizamos aloinjerto criopreservado en todos los casos excepto uno, tratado con injerto liofilizado. Valoramos los resultados desde un punto de vista clínico, subjetivo y objetivo (escala de Harris). Desde un punto de vista radiológico se analizaron las migraciones del implante acetabular, la existencia de zonas de radiolucencia, las osificaciones periarticulares y la incorporación o no del injerto óseo utilizado. Desde el punto de vista clínico obtuvimos un 60% de resultados excelentes y buenos, frente a un 40% de regulares y malos. Desde cualquier punto de vista el índice de aflojamiento del componente acetabular fue mucho mayor que el que puede obtenerse con cotilos no defectuososThirty five revision hip arthroplasties performed in 29 patients with acetabular bone defects were reviewed. In this series we only include the acetabular reconstruction performed using non cemented acetabular implants. The mean age of the patients was 60 years (29-79), 19 were female and 10 male. We classified the acetabular bone defects according to D'Antonio, in segmentary, cavitary and combined. To repair these defects, we used criopreserved allograft, except one case in which a liofilized allograft was used. The results were evaluated clinically (modified Harris hip score) and radiographically, looking for acetabular migrations, radiolucent lines, periarticular ossifications and bone graft incorporation. We obtained 60% of excellent and good results. There was 40% of poor and fair results. The acetabular loosening rate was higher than in revision hip arthroplasty without acetabular bone defects

    Resultados a largo plazo de la patelectomía total

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    Desde el año 1981 hemos realizado 19 patelectomías totales, 9 por artrosis femoropatelar, 8 por dolor anterior de rodilla y 2 por fracturas conminutas. La edad media en el momento de la intervención era de 48 años (25-80); todos los pacientes con dolor anterior habían sido operados previamente. Con una evolución media de 7,8 años (3-14), hemos realizado una revisión clínica y radiológica. Según la escala de la Sociedad Internacional de Rodilla obtuvimos un 58% de resultados excelentes y buenos, resaltando que continúan con dolor todos los pacientes operados por artrosis y el 50% de los intervenidos por dolor anterior. La patelectomía total es una técnica cada vez menos utilizada, limitándose sus indicaciones a fracturas muy conminutas, artrosis femoropatelar en pacientes en los que estaría contraindicada la artroplastia total y en cuadros de dolor anterior de rodilla rebeldes a otros tratamientosNineteen total patelectomies were performed since 1981. The indication was femoropatellar osteoarthritis in nine cases, anterior knee pain syndrome in eight, and conminute fractures in two. The mean age of the group at the time of operation was 48 years (25-80). A1l the patients with anterior knee pain syndrome had been operated previously. With an average followup time of 7.8 years (3-14), vve reviewed our patients clinically and radiographically. We used the International Knee Society rating scale and found 58% of excellent and good results; 100% of the patients operated because of osteoarthritis and 50% of those operated because an anterior knee pain syndrome have pain at review. Total patellectomy is not a frequent technique. Today, the sole indications are very conminute fractures of the patella, femoropatellar osteoarthritis in those patients in which total knee arthroplasty is not indicated and in the anterior knee pain syndrome not improved with other treatments

    Pulsed electric field increases the extraction yield of extra virgin olive oil without loss of its biological properties

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    Introduction: Pulsed electric field (PEF) has been used for improving extraction of extra virgin olive oil (EVOO). However, the biological changes induced by the consumption of pulsed electric field-obtained extra virgin olive oil (PEFEVOO) have not been studied yet. Materials and methods: EVOO oils from Empeltre variety were prepared by standard (STD) cold pressure method involving crushing of the olives, malaxation and decanting and by this procedure including an additional step of PEF treatment. Chemical analyses of EVOO oils were done. Male and female Apoe-deficient mice received diets differing in both EVOOs for 12 weeks, and their plasma, aortas and livers were analyzed. Results: PEF application resulted in a 17% increase in the oil yield and minimal changes in chemical composition regarding phytosterols, phenolic compounds and microRNA. Only in females mice consuming PEF EVOO, a decreased plasma total cholesterol was observed, without significant changes in atherosclerosis and liver steatosis. Conclusion: PEF technology applied to EVOO extraction maintains the EVOO quality and improves the oil yield. The equivalent biological effects in atherosclerosis and fatty liver disease of PEF-obtained EVOO further support its safe use as a food

    HGF, IL-1α, and IL-27 Are Robust Biomarkers in Early Severity Stratification of COVID-19 Patients

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    Producción CientíficaPneumonia is the leading cause of hospital admission and mortality in coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). We aimed to identify the cytokines responsible for lung damage and mortality. We prospectively recruited 108 COVID-19 patients between March and April 2020 and divided them into four groups according to the severity of respiratory symptoms. Twenty-eight healthy volunteers were used for normalization of the results. Multiple cytokines showed statistically significant differences between mild and critical patients. High HGF levels were associated with the critical group (OR = 3.51; p < 0.001; 95%CI = 1.95–6.33). Moreover, high IL-1α (OR = 1.36; p = 0.01; 95%CI = 1.07–1.73) and low IL-27 (OR = 0.58; p < 0.005; 95%CI = 0.39–0.85) greatly increased the risk of ending up in the severe group. This model was especially sensitive in order to predict critical status (AUC = 0.794; specificity = 69.74%; sensitivity = 81.25%). Furthermore, high levels of HGF and IL-1α showed significant results in the survival analysis (p = 0.033 and p = 0.011, respectively). HGF, IL-1α, and IL 27 at hospital admission were strongly associated with severe/critical COVID-19 patients and therefore are excellent predictors of bad prognosis. HGF and IL-1α were also mortality biomarkers.Instituto de Salud Carlos III (grant COV20/00491

    Evaluation of cytokines as robust diagnostic biomarkers for COVID-19 detection

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    Producción CientíficaAntigen tests or polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification are currently COVID-19 diagnostic tools. However, developing complementary diagnosis tools is mandatory. Thus, we performed a plasma cytokine array in COVID-19 patients to identify novel diagnostic biomarkers. A discovery–validation study in two independent prospective cohorts was performed. The discovery cohort included 136 COVID-19 and non-COVID-19 patients recruited consecutively from 24 March to 11 April 2020. Forty-five cytokines’ quantification by the MAGPIX system (Luminex Corp., Austin, TX, USA) was performed in plasma samples. The validation cohort included 117 patients recruited consecutively from 15 to 25 April 2020 for validating results by ELISA. COVID-19 patients showed different levels of multiple cytokines compared to non-COVID-19 patients. A single chemokine, IP-10, accurately identified COVID-19 patients who required hospital admission (AUC: 0.962; 95%CI (0.933–0.992); p < 0.001)). The results were validated in an independent cohort by multivariable analysis (OR: 25.573; 95%CI (8.127–80.469); p < 0.001) and AUROC (AUC: 0.900; 95%CI (0.846–0.954); p < 0.001). Moreover, showing IP-10 plasma levels over 173.35 pg/mL identified COVID-19 with higher sensitivity (86.20%) than the first SARS-CoV-2 PCR. Our discover–validation study identified IP-10 as a robust biomarker in clinical practice for COVID-19 diagnosis at hospital. Therefore, IP-10 could be used as a complementary tool in clinical practice, especially in emergency departments.Instituto de Salud Carlos III (grant COV20/00491)Consejo Superior de Investigaciones científicas (grant CSIC-COV19-016/202020E155)Junta de Castilla y León (project COVID 07.04.467B04.74011.0)IBGM excellence programme (grant CLU-2029-02

    A Brucella melitensis H38ΔwbkF rough mutant protects against Brucella ovis in rams

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    Brucella melitensis and Brucella ovis are gram-negative pathogens of sheep that cause severe economic losses and, although B. ovis is non-zoonotic, B. melitensis is the main cause of human brucellosis. B. melitensis carries a smooth (S) lipopolysaccharide (LPS) with an N-formyl-perosamine O-polysaccharide (O-PS) that is absent in the rough LPS of B. ovis. Their control and eradication require vaccination, but B. melitensis Rev 1, the only vaccine available, triggers anti-O-PS antibodies that interfere in the S-brucellae serodiagnosis. Since eradication and serological surveillance of the zoonotic species are priorities, Rev 1 is banned once B. melitensis is eradicated or where it never existed, hampering B. ovis control and eradication. To develop a B. ovis specific vaccine, we investigated three Brucella live vaccine candidates lacking N-formyl-perosamine O-PS: Bov::CAΔwadB (CO2-independent B. ovis with truncated LPS core oligosaccharide); Rev1::wbdRΔwbkC (carrying N-acetylated O-PS); and H38ΔwbkF (B. melitensis rough mutant with intact LPS core). After confirming their attenuation and protection against B. ovis in mice, were tested in rams for efficacy. H38ΔwbkF yielded similar protection to Rev 1 against B. ovis but Bov::CAΔwadB and Rev1::wbdRΔwbkC conferred no or poor protection, respectively. All H38ΔwbkF vaccinated rams developed a protracted antibody response in ELISA and immunoprecipitation B. ovis diagnostic tests. In contrast, all remained negative in Rose Bengal and complement fixation tests used routinely for B. melitensis diagnosis, though some became positive in S-LPS ELISA owing to LPS core epitope reactivity. Thus, H38ΔwbkF is an interesting candidate for the immunoprophylaxis of B. ovis in B. melitensis-free areas.Publishe