1,031 research outputs found

    How wide is the gap? An investigation of gender wage differences using quantile regression

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    In this paper we examine the determinants of wages and decompose the observed differences across genders into the "explained by different characteristics" and "explained by different returns components" using a sample of Spanish workers. Apart from the conditional expectation of wages, we estimate the conditional quantile functions for men and women and find that both the absolute wage gap and the part attributed to different returns at each of the quantiles, far from being well represented by their counterparts at the mean, are greater as we move up in the wage range.Gender wage gap, quantile regression, education

    Effect of pH and nanoclay content on the morphology and physicochemicalproperties of soy protein/montmorillonite nanocomposite obtained byextrusion

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    The present work attempts to clarify the influence of montmorillonite nanoclay content and pH on the me-chanical properties of extruded soy protein nanocomposites. The mechanical behaviour is dominated by theformation of positive synergies between protein and nanoclay above a nanoclay concentration threshold.Moreover, the presence of nanoclay can improve water uptake. The pH also exerts a strong influence on me-chanical and water absorption properties, although montmorillonite tend to reduce this effect.Eventually, this study put forward the feasibility of using a combination of soy protein and montmorillonite toobtain potentially attractive biodegradable nanocomposite materials, processed by means of a simple and easilyscalable twin-screw extruder.Junta de Andalucía (project TEP-6134)Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (CTQ2015-71164-P


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    En este artículo se analiza el concepto general de habilidades, habilidades matemáticas y habilidades de cálculo. En tal sentido, se delimitan las principales habilidades de cálculo que se utilizan en la enseñanza primaria, así como a partir de la experiencia práctica de los autores, se ofrecen un grupo de sugerencias metodológicas a tener en cuenta para el desarrollo de esta importante habilidad en los alumnos del nivel primario. En cada una de las sugerencias se muestran ejemplos de cómo aplicarla al desarrollo del proceso docente educativo, de manera que sirva de referente para todos los maestros de los distintos grados de la escuela primaria

    Sprint kayaking and canoeing performance prediction based on the relationship between maturity status, anthropometry and physical fitness in young elite paddlers

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    This study aimed to identify the maturity-related differences and its influence on the physical fitness, morphological and performance characteristics of young elite paddlers. In total, 89 kayakers and 82 canoeists, aged 13.69 ± 0.57 years (mean ± s), were allocated in three groups depending on their age relative to the age at peak height velocity (pre-APHV, circum-APHV and post-APHV) and discipline (kayak and canoe). Nine anthropometric variables, a battery of four physical fitness tests (overhead medicine ball throw, countermovement jump, sit-and-reach test and 20 m multistage shuttle run test) and three specific performance tests (1000, 500 and 200 m) were assessed. Both disciplines presented significant maturity-based differences in all anthropometric parameters (except for fat and muscle mass percentage), overhead medicine ball throw and all performance times (pre > circum > post; P < 0.05). Negative and significant correlations (P < 0.01) were detected between performance times, chronological age and anthropometry (body mass, height, sitting height and maturity status), overhead medicine ball throw and sit and reach for all distances. These findings confirm the importance of maturity status in sprint kayaking and canoeing since the more mature paddlers were also those who revealed largest body size, physical fitness level and best paddling performance. Additionally, the most important variables predicting performance times in kayaking and canoeing were maturity status and chronological age, respectively.Actividad Física y Deport

    Morphological and physical fitness profile of young female sprint kayakers.

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    Traditionally, physical and anthropometrical profiles of the most successful kayak athletes have been identified in male kayakers. This study attempted to identify the differences in morphology and fitness level of two performance-based groups of young elite female paddlers. Eighty-six female kayakers, aged 13.62 ± 0.57 years (mean ± SD) were allocated in two groups (Top-10 and Rest) depending on their ranking in the three Olympic distances (200, 500 and 1000 meters). All subjects underwent a battery of anthropometrical (heights, weight, girths and sum of skinfolds), physical fitness (overhead medicine ball throw, countermovement jump, sit-and-reach test and 20-m multistage shuttle run test) and specific performance assessments (200, 500 and 1000 meters). Best paddlers presented significantly greater anthropometrical values in muscle mass percentage, maturity status and chronological age (p < 0.05) whereas physical fitness comparison only revealed significant differences in countermovement jump (p < 0.05). Furthermore, aerobic power and muscle mass percentage appear to be crucial in achieving optimal performances at long (1000-m) and short duration races (200 and 500-m). These findings confirm the importance of a larger and compact morphology, as well as superior fitness level, for success in female kayakers. The current results not only identify the weak areas on body composition and physical fitness depending on the maturity status but also the development of specific training programs for FEMALES.Actividad Física y Deport

    The Relationship Between Hamstring Muscle Extensibility and Spinal Postures varies with the degree of knee extension

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    The aim was to determine the relationship between hamstring muscle extensibility and sagittal spinal curvatures and pelvic tilt in cyclists while adopting several postures. A total of 75 male cyclists were recruited for this study (34.79 ± 9.46 years). Thoracic and lumbar spine and pelvic tilt were randomly measured using a Spinal Mouse. Hamstring muscle extensibility was determined in both legs by a passive knee extension test. Low relationships were found between hamstring muscle extensibility and spinal parameters (thoracic and lumbar curvature, and pelvic tilt) in standing, slumped sitting, and on the bicycle (r = .19; P > .05). Significant but low relationships were found in maximal trunk flexion with knees flexed (r = .29; P < .05). In addition, in the sit-and-reach test, low and statistically significant relationships were found between hamstring muscle extensibility for thoracic spine (r = –.23; P = .01) and (r = .37; P = .001) for pelvic tilt. In conclusion, hamstring muscle extensibility has a significant relationship in maximal trunk flexion postures with knees flexed and extended, but there are no relationships while standing or on the bicycle postures.Actividad Física y Deport

    Anàlisi de les competències professionals dels funcionaris de carrera amb responsabilitat directiva i dels titulars d’òrgans directius de designació política de l’Ajuntament de Palma

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    Aquest article presenta els resultats d’un estudi realitzat entre els funcionaris de l’Ajuntament de Palma. Té el propòsit de conèixer el perfil competencial dels llocs de responsabilitat, per a la qual cosa s’ha realitzat un estudi transversal descriptiu, basat en una enquesta autoadministrada. La mostra és de siscents tretze funcionaris, cent vint-i-sis dels quals ocupen llocs de responsabilitat i quatre-cents vuitantaset, llocs base. Els resultats obtinguts aporten una valuosa informació per a la creació d’un Sistema de Gestió Integral dels Recursos Humans per competències.Este artículo presenta los resultados de un estudio realizado entre los funcionarios del Ayuntamiento de Palma. Tiene el propósito de conocer el perfil competencial de los puestos de responsabilidad, para ello se ha realizado un estudio transversal descriptivo, basado en una encuesta autoadministrada. La muestra es de seiscientos trece funcionarios, de los cuales ciento veintiséis ocupan puestos de responsabilidad y cuatrocientos ochenta y siete puestos base. Los resultados obtenidos aportan una valiosa información para la creación de un Sistema de Gestión Integral de los Recursos Humanos por competencias

    Efecto a corto plazo de un programa de estiramientos en la extensibilidad isquiosural y disposición sagital del raquis en estudiantes de Educación Secundaria

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    Hamstring shortness and postural deformities are frequent in adolescents. For this reason, the purpose of this study was to analyse the influence of a short-term stretching program in hamstring extensibility and sagittal spinal curvatures in high school students. Sixty-two male high school students aged 14-17 years old performed a 70 seconds hamstring stretching program (3 exercises) twice a week for five weeks during their physical education classes. Hamstring extensibility was measured by the straight leg raise test and sit-and-reach test. Thoracic and lumbar curves and pelvic inclination were measures in relaxed standing and in the sit-and-reach test. These measures were assessed before (pre-test) and after (post-test) the intervention program. Significant increases in the sit-and-reach score (d= 0.23) and in the straight leg raise angle (d= 0.85-0.90) were found. Sagittal spinal curvatures in standing showed no differences between pre- and post-test. In the maximal trunk flexion position during the sit-and-reach was detected a lower thoracic kyphosis and posterior pelvic tilt (p < 0.05) in post-test although with a low size effect (d=0.02-0.22). A hamstring muscle stretching program with a volume of 2 sessions per week (70 seconds each session), for 5 weeks, improves hamstring extensibility in adolescents and slightly reduces the thoracic bending and posterior pelvic tilt in trunk flexion postures with extended kneesDebido a la frecuencia de casos con una reducida extensibilidad isquiosural y alteraciones posturales en adolescentes, el objetivo de este estudio fue analizar la influencia de un programa de estiramientos, de corta duración, en la extensibilidad isquiosural y disposición sagital del raquis en estudiantes de Educación Secundaria. A sesenta y dos adolescentes varones (14-17 años) se les midió la extensibilidad isquiosural (test sit-and-reachy test de elevación de la pierna recta) antes (pre-test) y después (post-test) de un programa escolar de 5 semanas (2 sesiones semanales), compuesto por tres estiramientos de la musculatura isquiosural, con una duración total por sesión de 70 segundos. También se valoró la disposición sagital del raquis torácico, lumbar e inclinación pélvica en bipedestación relajada y en el sit-and-reach. Se encontró un aumento significativo en la distancia alcanzada en el test sit-and-reach (d= 0,23) y en el ángulo de flexión co-xofemoral en el test de elevación de la pierna recta (d= 0,85-0,90). La disposición sagital del raquis en bipedesta-ción no mostró diferencias entre el pre- y post-test. En la posición de máxima flexión del sit-and-reach, hubo una menor cifosis torácica y menor retroversión pélvica (p < 0,05) en el post-test, aunque con un tamaño del efecto bajo (d=0,02-0,22). Un programa de estiramientos de la musculatura isquiosural realizado en las dos clases semanales de Educación Física (70 segundos de estiramiento en cada clase), durante 5 semanas, mejora la extensibilidad isquiosural de adolescentes y reduce, ligeramente, la flexión torácica y la retroversión pélvica en la posición de máxima flexión del tronco con rodillas extendidaActividad Física y Deport

    An investigation of the relationship between job characteristics and the gender wage gap

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    This paper re-examines gender wage differences, taking into account not only worker characteristics but also job characteristics. Consideration of a wide set of “job quality” indicators can explain a fraction of the wage gap that would otherwise be attributed to pure wage discrimination. In any case, the fraction of the wage gap that remains associated to differential rewards for identical factors across sexes is still substantial. Our results suggest that in order to avoid overestimation of the fraction of the wage gap attributable to discrimination, it is necessary to control for job characteristics.We gratefully acknowledge financial support from DGES project PB98-1058-C03-03 and from the Instituto de la Mujer, Project VS/2001/0497

    Valoración del raquis torácico, lumbar e inclinación pélvica en ciclistas de categoría élite y máster 30

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    El objetivo principal del estudio fue evaluar la disposición sagital del raquis torácico, lumbar e inclinación pélvica en bipedestación y sobre la bicicleta, en ciclistas de las categorías élite y máster 30. Un total de 45 ciclistas élite (media de edad: 22,71  ±  3,23 años) y 45 ciclistas máster 30 (media de edad: 34,40  ±  2,87 años) fueron evaluados con el sistema Spinal Mouse® en bipedestación y sobre la bicicleta en los diferentes agarres del manillar: transversal, de manetas y bajo. En bipedestación, los valores angulares medios para el raquis torácico, lumbar e inclinación pélvica fueron de 47,96  ±  7,23°; -27,62  ±  6,97° y 14,29  ±  5,49°; y de 47,82  ±  9,32°, –26,58°  ±  5,97° y 12,07  ±  4,77°, para los ciclistas élite y máster 30, respectivamente. En ambas categorías, se observó una elevada frecuencia de casos con hipercifosis torácica en bipedestación (57,80 % en élite y 53,40 % en máster 30). Sobre la bicicleta, los ciclistas élite y máster 30 mostraron una reducción significativa de la cifosis torácica con respecto a la bipedestación. En cuanto al raquis lumbar se dispuso en una postura de inversión. En conclusión, la frecuente hipercifosis torácica en bipedestación, en ambas categorías de ciclistas, podría estar más relacionada con otros factores que con la postura adoptada sobre la bicicleta