4,964 research outputs found

    Foreign Direct Investment in a Process of Economic Integration: The Case of Spanish Manufacturing, 1986-1992

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    In this paper we analyze the main characteristic features of foreign direct investment (FDI) directed to Spanish manufacturing, both across industries and through time, for the years 1986- 1992. During this period, Spain was one of the most important recipients of FDI inflows in the world, coinciding with the first years of integration into the European Union and the prospects about the completion of the Single European Market by 1992. To this end, a relative FDI measure is related to several industry indicators, as well as to some macroeconomic variables, which allows us to obtain a general characterization of FDI in Spanish manufacturing over that period.Foreign direct investment, Spanish manufacturing industry, European integration

    Influence of Embankments with Parapets on the Cross-Wind Turbulence Intensity at the Contact Wire of Railway Overheads

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    Winds as an environmental factor can cause significant difficulties for the railway system operation. The railway overhead has been particularly vulnerable to cross-winds related problems, such as development of undamped oscillations due to galloping phenomenon. The installation of windbreaks to decrease the aerodynamic loads on the train can affect the loads on railway overheads triggering cable galloping. One essential parameter to indicate the influence of the parapet wake on the catenary contact wire is the turbulence intensity. In this paper the results of an experimental analysis of the turbulence intensity due to the presence of parapets carried out in a wind tunnel are reported. Embankments equipped with different parapets have been tested and turbulence intensity has been measured at both contact wire locations, windward and leeward. The relative influence of the parapets is measured through a reduced turbulence intensity, defined as the ratio between the turbulence intensity measured with parapet and the turbulence intensity in the case without any parapet on the embankment. In general the reduced turbulence intensity increases as the height of the parapet increases

    Phase transitions and symmetry energy in nuclear pasta

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    Cold and isospin-symmetric nuclear matter at sub-saturation densities is known to form the so-called pasta structures, which, in turn, are known to undergo peculiar phase transitions. Here we investigate if such pastas and their phase changes survive in isospin asymmetric nuclear matter, and whether the symmetry energy of such pasta configurations is connected to the isospin content, the morphology of the pasta and to the phase transitions. We find that indeed pastas are formed in isospin asymmetric systems with proton to neutron ratios of x = 0.3, 0.4 and 0.5, densities in the range of 0.05 fm−3 the morphology of the nuclear matter structure.Fil: Dorso, Claudio Oscar. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Física de Buenos Aires. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Física de Buenos Aires; ArgentinaFil: Frank, Guillermo Alberto. Universidad Tecnológica Nacional. Facultad Regional Buenos Aires. Unidad de Investigación y Desarrollo de las Ingenierías; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: López, Jorge A.. University of Texas at El Paso; Estados Unido

    La paz en las ciudades de Castilla (siglos XIV y XV)

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    En los siglos XIV y XV se produjo una lucha sin cuartel, aunque velada, entre los sujetos que tenían el control del mundo urbano. La realeza, los nobles y los religiosos, pero igualmente el común, deseaban imponer su propia definición de la paz y de la justicia, manipulando tales conceptos para conseguir sus objetivos. Ciertamente, con frecuencia se recurrió al diálogo, a la negociación y a los acuerdos, pero cuando la concordia no fue posible la fuerça se convertiría en el mecanismo de lucha inevitable. En el siguiente trabajo se analizan los medios con que contaban las oligarquías, los soberanos, el pueblo y los religiosos para hacer triunfar su noción sobre el paçífico estado de las urbes, y se hace hincapié en las incongruencias que planteaba cada grupo; unas incongruencias que iban a permitir que la opción más estructurada, la de la Corona, acabase triunfando en Castilla a finales del siglo XV.In the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries there was a veiled though merciless struggle among the subjects who had control of the urban world. The royalty, the nobles and the clergy, but also the commons, wanted to impose their own definition of peace and justice, manipulating these concepts in order to achieve their own objectives. Indeed, they often resorted to dialogue, negotiation and agreements, but when harmony was not possible violence would be unavoidable. The following article discusses the means by which the oligarchies, the sovereign, the people and the clergy attempted to impose their notions about the peaceful condition of cities. It also emphasizes the inconsistencies that arose within each group. These inconsistencies would allow the most structured alternative -that represented by the Crown- to triumph in Castile at the end of the fifteenth century

    Marginalidad, criminalización y justicia en Toledo. Siglos XIV-XV

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    Toledo, una ciudad laberíntica, de calles estrechas, empinadas y oscuras, en el siglo XV se convirtió en un escenario idóneo para la delincuencia. En tal situación, los regidores, llevados por el ansia de mantener el orden público, dispusieron toda clase de medidas, muchas de las cuales, aunque buscaban reprimir el delito, perseguían fines que iban más allá del resarcimiento de las víctimas del malhechor. A menudo la defensa de la paz pública se priorizó frente a la búsqueda objetiva de los culpables del delito, con el deseo de establecer una imagen poderosa de la justicia.Toledo, a labyrinth city of narrow streets, steep and dark, in the fi fteenth century became an ideal setting for crime. In such a situation, policy makers, driven by the hope to maintain public order, arranged all sorts of measures, many of which, though sought to repress the crime, intent at that went beyond the compensation of victims of criminal. Often the protection of the public peace is prioritized against an objective search for the perpetrators of crime, with the desire to establish a powerful image of justice


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    El objetivo del presente documento es efectuar una revisión de la política de protección de los recursos naturales, a través del establecimiento de Áreas Naturales Protegidas (ANPs), por parte del gobierno federal. El ejercicio se realiza en consideración de la importancia de las ANPs como medio para la conservación de los recursos naturales de las regiones del país, particularmente del Sur Sureste. La revisión de la política se efectúa con base en dos categorías analíticas, el componente constitucional-legal, y el programático. El primero, con base en la Constitución General (Diputados, 2017a), y leyes reglamentarias; y el segundo, de acuerdo al Plan Nacional de Desarrollo, a los programas de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales, y el específico a las Áreas Naturales Protegidas, en lo relativo a estrategias y acciones. El trabajo concluye que, pese a los esfuerzos de protección, a través de decretos presidenciales, reflejado en un incremento de la superficie del territorio nacional bajo protección; todavía es insuficiente debido a la incapacidad para el manejo de una superficie cada vez mayor por parte del gobierno federal, y por la amenaza de otros factores como la depredación, las sequías e incendios forestales. En este caso, se propone la incorporación de las propias comunidades, ahí asentadas, en las tareas de protección de las ANPs

    A propósito de la STS de 3 de abril de 2003 : Junta general ordinaria de accionistas convocada fuera de plazo

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    En este comentario a la sentencia de la Sala 1ª del Tribunal Supremo de 3 de abril de 2003 analizamos el supuesto de la convocatoria de la Junta General ordinaria de accionistas celebrada extemporáneamente sin intervención judicial. El Tribunal Supremo considera nula dicha convocatoria porque la celebración de la Junta General ordinaria fuera de plazo debe realizarse mediante convocatoria judicial, no siendo posible convocarla por los administradores de la sociedad. Nosotros no compartimos esta postura, y mantenemos la validez de esta Junta, salvando la posible responsabilidad en que hayan podido incurrir los administradores por los perjuicios causados a la sociedad o a los socios.In this commentary to the judgement of the 1st chamber of the Supreme court of 3 April 2003, we analyse the case of the call of the ordinary general meeting of shareholders hold out of time and without any juridical intervention. The supreme court considers such meeting void since the celebration of the ordinary general meeting out of time must take place by means of judicial convocation, not being possible to call it by the administrators of the company. We do not share this position, and keep the validity of this board, saving the possible responsibility that the administrators may have provoked for the damages caused to the company or the partners

    Time-Division Multiplexing Control of Multi-Input Converters for Low-Power Solar Energy Harvesters

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    Many autonomous sensor nodes use small photovoltaic (PV) panels oriented towards the direction that provides the highest energy yield in the worst-case scenario. Since all those panels operate at similar irradiance and temperature conditions, they can be properly biased at the same bias point by using a single maximum power point tracker (MPPT). But in those applications involving several PV panels with dissimilar orientations, using an MPPT tailored to each panel would increase system cost. A better design option is to implement the MPPT with a single multiple-input converter (MIC) shared through time-division multiplexing (TDM) control. However, existing TDM controls are usually based on pulse width modulation (PWM) converters wherein the high switching frequency of transistors results in power losses that are excessive for low-power systems. Consequently, low-power MPPTs are usually based instead on pulse frequency modulation (PFM) converters. This paper proposes a novel TDM control method for MPPTs based on PFM converters.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft