611 research outputs found

    Genetic Evidence for p75NTR-Dependent Tetraploidy in Cortical Projection Neurons from Adult Mice

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    A subpopulation of chick retinal projection neurons becomes tetraploid during development, an event prevented by blocking antibodies against p75 neurotrophin receptor (p75(NTR)). We have used an optimized flow cytometric assay, based on the analysis of unfixed brain cell nuclei, to study whether p75(NTR)-dependent neuronal tetraploidization takes place in the cerebral cortex, giving rise to projection neurons as well. We show that 3% of neurons in both murine neocortex and chick telencephalic derivatives are tetraploid, and that in the mouse ~85% of these neurons express the immediate early genes Erg-1 and c-Fos, indicating that they are functionally active. Tetraploid cortical neurons (65-80%) express CTIP2, a transcription factor specific for subcortical projection neurons in the mouse neocortex. During the period in which these neurons are born, p75(NTR) is detected in differentiating neurons undergoing DNA replication. Accordingly, p75(NTR)-deficient mice contain a reduced proportion of both NeuN and CTIP2-positive neocortical tetraploid neurons, thus providing genetic evidence for the participation of p75(NTR) in the induction of neuronal tetraploidy in the mouse neocortex. In the striatum tetraploidy is mainly associated with long-range projection neurons as well since ~80% of tetraploid neurons in this structure express calbindin, a marker of neostriatal-matrix spiny neurons, known to establish long-range projections to the substantia nigra and globus pallidus. In contrast, only 20% of tetraploid cortical neurons express calbindin, which is mainly expressed in layers II-III, where CTIP2 is absent. We conclude that tetraploidy mainly affects long-range projection neurons, being facilitated by p75(NTR) in the neocortex.Peer Reviewe

    Neoliberalismo(s), políticas de individuación y desigualdad(es)

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    El capítulo comparte un desarrollo acerca del escenario contemporáneo, dominado a nivel mundial por el proyecto neoliberal, sacudido por los efectos de una pandemia que re-produce y exhibe las desigualdades que atraviesan los pueblos trabajadores de las diferentes regiones del planeta, producto de la indiscriminada apropiación de la riqueza. Esa realidad busca ser comprendida dando cuenta de algunas tendencias propias de las lógicas de acumulación actuales, que tienden a consolidar la reconfiguración de las democracias en clave restringida, junto a la emergencia de “nuevas derechas.” En el mismo sentido, propone reconocer cómo estos acontecimientos socio-históricos producen una reconfiguración de lo público que requiere ser pensada desde las ciencias sociales y desde el Trabajo Social, a fin de fortalecer construcciones contra hegemónicas.Facultad de Trabajo Socia

    Teachers´feedback in EFL errors in secondary school in Zaragoza: The impact of awareness raising in teachers´use of feedback

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    In this dissertation I intend to conduct a study on the corrective feedback on students oral production generated by one teacher in two EFL classrooms in one secondary school. The focus of my research is the use of teacher's corrective feedback on students' oral production

    A neuroimaging study of pleasant and unpleasant olfactory perceptions of virgin olive oil

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    Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) has been used to collect information from neurons that receive direct input from olfactory bulbs when subjects smell virgin olive oil. The pleasant aroma of three extra virgin olive oils (var. Royal, Arbequina and Picual) and three virgin olive oils with sensory defects (rancid, fusty and winey/vinegary) were presented to 14 subjects while a fMRI scan acquired data from the brain activity. Data were subjected to a two-sample t test analysis, which allows a better interpretation of results particularly when data are studied across different subjects. Most of the activations, which were located in the frontal lobe, are related to the olfactory task regardless of the hedonic component of perception (e.g. Brodmann areas 10, 11). Comparing the samples with pleasant and unpleasant aromas, differences were found at the anterior cingu�late gyrus (Brodmann area 32), at the temporal lobe (Brodmann area 38), and inferior frontal gyrus (Brodmann area 47), while intense aromas activated Brodmann area 6. The actual perceptions described by the subjects and the concentration of the odorant compounds in the samples were considered in the interpretation of the results.Estudio mediante neuroimagen de percepciones olfativas agradables y desagradables de aceites de oliva virgen. La imagen por resonancia magnética funcional (fMRI) ha sido empleada para estudiar la información de la respuesta cerebral producida al estimular las neuronas que participan en el proceso olfatorio tras percibir el aroma del aceite de oliva virgen (AOV). Se utilizó fMRI para la adquisición de los datos de la actividad cerebral de 14 sujetos a los que se presentaron tres aceites de oliva vírgenes de aroma agradable (var. Royal, Arbequina and Picual) y tres aceites de oliva vírgenes con defectos sensoriales (rancio, atrojado, avinado/avinagrado). Los datos se sometieron a una prueba t para observar diferencias entre dos grupos, la cual permite una mejor interpretación de los resultados, particularmente cuando los datos se estudian a través de diferentes sujetos. La mayoría de las activaciones, que se localizaron en lóbulos frontales, se relacionaron con la tarea olfatoria independientemente de la componente hedónica de la percepción (por ejemplo, áreas Brodmann 10, 11). Al comparar las muestras con aromas agradables y desagradables, se encontraron diferencias significativas en el giro cingulado anterior (área Brodmann 32), el lóbulo temporal (área Brodmann 38) y el giro frontal inferior (área Brodmann 47), mientras que los aromas más intensos activaron el área Brodmann 6. En la interpretación de los resultados se tuvo en cuenta tanto la percepción descrita por los sujetos como las concentraciones de los compuestos volátiles en las muestras.Ramón y Cajal Program AGL2008-01411, AGL2011- 30371-C02-01/02

    Políticas energéticas con igualdad de género

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    Un problema clave del cambio climático radica en que la matriz energética mundial se caracteriza por la alta participación de combustibles fósiles en la generación primaria, que son grandes emisores de gases de efecto invernadero. En Argentina, el sector energético representa el 52,5% del total de las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero (BUR 2014), siendo el sector que genera y ha generado históricamente la mayor parte de la contaminación atmosférica del país. El alto consumo de energía fósil provoca así un impacto directo en el calentamiento global, siendo imprescindible para frenar el cambio climático la mejora de todos los procesos y sustituir las fuentes fósiles, a través de políticas públicas que incentiven el ahorro y la eficiencia energética. En este contexto, el Programa EUROCLIMA+ de la Unión Europea busca apoyar a los países de la región en sus esfuerzos de mitigación y adaptación al cambio climático en el ámbito energético. El componente de Eficiencia Energética del Programa EUROCLIMA+ está orientado a apoyar iniciativas que ayuden a fortalecer las capacidades institucionales, los marcos regulatorios de políticas públicas y los sistemas de monitoreo que promocionen la eficiencia energética. En América Latina, ocho proyectos son financiados en el marco del Programa, entre ellos, el proyecto “Edificios Municipales Energéticamente Sustentables”, que lidera la Universidad Nacional de La Plata (UNLP), a través de la Dirección de Asuntos Municipales. El proyecto cuenta con la financiación de EUROCLIMA+, lo ejecuta localmente la Agencia Francesa de Desarrollo en la Argentina y se implementa a través de un Consorcio integrado por la UNLP, la Red Argentina.Dirección de Asuntos Municipale

    Igualdad de género y políticas energéticas : El caso del proyecto “Edificios Municipales Energéticamente Sustentables”

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    Se presenta el caso del proyecto “Edificios Municipales Energéticamente Sustentables”, financiado por el Programa EUROCLIMA+, ejecutado localmente por la Agencia Francesa de Desarrollo en la Argentina e implementado a través de un Consorcio integrado por la UNLP, la Red Argentina de Municipios frente al Cambio Climático y el Copenhagen Centre on Energy Efficiency, que incorpora el desarrollo de capacitaciones para gobiernos locales sobre Eficiencia Energética y la transversalización del Enfoque de Género. En ese marco, se propone una reflexión sobre la necesidad de producir los cambios institucionales necesarios para incorporar la tranversalización del enfoque de género en las políticas públicas y, al mismo tiempo, integrar las cuestiones de género en las políticas energéticas. Se trata de posicionar la planificación de género al interior del estado como responsabilidad no ya de un área específica sino de todas y cada una de las áreas de gobierno.Dirección de Asuntos Municipale

    Finance, technology, and values: a configurational approach to the analysis of rural entrepreneurship

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    The analysis of rural entrepreneurship (RE) at the local level requires further development. Its multidimensional nature demands theoretical and methodological approaches to navigate the complex and asymmetrical relationships that could exist between different conditioning factors. Analyses of specific contexts are also attractive for extracting more meaningful conclusions. This study takes the development of a specific type of religious tourism as reference context for the analysis of RE. Pilgrimage has shown a renewed capacity to mobilize people moved both by religious and secular motives in an interplay of values related to religion, nature, and culture. Some financial and technological factors are also relevant in this context. Integrating the Resource-Based View of firms and Resource Dependence Theory, and a fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis, different combinations of conditions representing values, finance, and technology are derived to explain high and low levels of entrepreneurship in two subsamples of rural municipalities. The results are relevant to preventing policymakers, researchers, and practitioners from making oversimplifying assumptions when analyzing RE. Investigating single factors in isolation lacks thoroughness, as relevant interdependencies exist between resources and agents that must be considered, which lead to diverse combinations of factors that can positively contribute to RES

    Sustainable energy transition and circular economy: the heterogeneity of potential investors in rural community renewable energy projects

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    Community renewable energy has been acknowledged as a necessary step in the transition toward a sustainable energy system. It can contribute to the achievement of energy autonomy by communities. In rural settings, it can be a driver of sustainable rural development. And it can be seen as a specific contribution to circular economy from the energy sector. The willingness to invest in community renewable energy has received some attention in previous research but needs further investigation at the local rural scale through quantitative approaches. Based on a survey in a small Galician village, this study contributes to the filling of this gap. The willingness to invest of its inhabitants is analyzed in relation to alternative financial, sociodemographic and sociopsychological features. Survey results show the heterogeneity of individual attitudes and concerns that condition the willingness to invest in rural community renewable energy and the different perceptions of risk and return related to these projects. Cluster analysis allows identifying four different investor profiles (skeptics, financial illiterate, enthusiasts, yield investors). These should be accounted for by project promoters and policymakers when designing incentives and strategies to foster community renewable energy in rural settingsOpen Access funding provided thanks to the CRUE-CSIC agreement with Springer Nature. N. Romero-Castro acknowledges financial support by Agencia Estatal de Investigación (Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades) under research project with reference PID2021-124336OB-I00S

    The Importance of the Neighbourhood Environment and Social Capital for Happiness in a Vulnerable District: The Case of the Pajarillos District in Spain

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    Producción CientíficaThe characteristics of neighbourhoods, their physical and social environment, have been shown to have profound effects on the individual well-being and happiness of their residents. In an effort to help design policies and action plans that enhance well-being in the district, our study seeks to understand how happiness levels among residents in a low-income neighbourhood in Spain are linked to their socio-demographic traits, individual health, relationships with the area, and community, as well as with the physical environment of the neighbourhood. The study is part of a project called "Educa-Pajarillos Sostenible". The project aims to improve the quality of life of the area’s citizens by carrying out a series of actions. One of these actions is an eco-social map of happiness, which involves designing and applying a survey and which serves as a source of analysis for our research. An Ordered Choice Logit econometric model was applied to measure the effect of the happiness of demographic, neighbourhood environment, social capital, and socio-demographic characteristics. Results confirm the importance of variables related to the neighbourhood’s social capital and physical environment as key elements in local residents’ happiness. The findings also indicate that traditional indicators used to measure well-being, such as education or difficulty making ends meet, are not significant.Publicación en abierto financiada por el Consorcio de Bibliotecas Universitarias de Castilla y León (BUCLE), con cargo al Programa Operativo 2014ES16RFOP009 FEDER 2014-2020 DE CASTILLA Y LEÓN, Actuación:20007-CL - Apoyo Consorcio BUCL

    Transformaciones sociales contemporáneas : Interpelaciones al campo del trabajo social

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    Esta producción colectiva muestra los contornos del debate contemporáneo en Trabajo Social y puntualiza algunos de los nudos problemáticos que surgen de las reflexiones que cotidianamente se gestan en la universidad pública, en un escenario de profundas transformaciones económicas, socioculturales, políticas e identitarias, cuyas marcas trastocan la vida social y los sentidos construidos por el propio imaginario de la profesión.Facultad de Trabajo Socia