4,803 research outputs found

    Formas góticas, mudéjares y renacentistas en Ciudad Real

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    In the Middle Ages, the territorial demarcation of Ciudad Real held a strategic position for Christian and Muslim troops, whose incursions resulted in a land which lacked a stable settlement and, as a consequence, a unity of style reflected in architecture, sculpture and paintings. It would not be until after the Reconquest that the Christian and Muslim forms converged and interacted with subsequent arrivals from Italy.La actual demarcación territorial de Ciudad Real tuvo durante la Edad Media una posición estratégica para tropas cristianas y musulmanas, logrando con sus incursiones una tierra falta de un poblamiento estable, y, en consecuencia, una falta de unidad de estilo reflejada en arquitectura, escultura y pintura. No será hasta después de la Reconquista cuando convergen e interactúan formas cristianas y mudéjares con las posteriores llegadas de Italia

    El ahorro del pequeño inversor

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    En este trabajo se analizan los acontecimientos que han llevado a la creación de las empresas de asesoramiento financiero, se estudian sus características más importantes y se muestra un ejemplo de su forma de operar. Para ello, en primer lugar, se hace un breve resumen del origen de la crisis de 2008 a nivel mundial y de su repercusión en el sistema financiero. A continuación, para señalar la importancia del ahorro, se aportan algunos datos de dos aspectos, que desde nuestro punto de vista, suponen quizá las razones más importantes que nos pueden empujar a la necesidad de ahorrar, la jubilación y el cuidado de nuestros hijos hasta su emancipación. Las empresas de asesoramiento financiero son una alternativa a las entidades bancarias a la hora de elegir sobre diferentes opciones para ahorrar o invertir.In this essay, the events that have led to the creation of financial advice enterprises are analyzed, their most important features studied and an example of their way of acting is shown. In order to do this, first there will be a brief summary of the 2008 global crisis and its repercussion in the financial system. Next, to stand out the importance of saving, some data about two aspects that in our opinion mean the most important reasons to force the necessity of saving, retirement and child care until their emancipation, are given. Financial advice enterprises are an alternative to banking entities when choosing between the different options of saving or investing.Departamento de Economía AplicadaGrado en Administración y Dirección de Empresa

    The Implacable Individual. Deviation of Modern Liberalism and Socialism

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    El individuo es un elemento determinante para la historia de Occidente. Su surgimiento responde a fenómenos sociales de los siglos XVIII y XIX; la creación y crisis del Estado-nación como modelo de organización, si bien individualista y competitiva, ha mostrado ser insuficiente para atender y comprender a los individuos como particulares e irreductibles a la jurisprudencia colectiva. Esta crisis repercute en las críticas al Estado-nación realizadas por posturas acérrimamente individualistas como la de Max Stirner, autor de El único y su propiedad, quien planteó la irreductibilidad del hombre a cualquier manifestación social y teórica que se pretenda superior al individuo.The individual is a decisive element for the Western history. Its emergence responds to social phenomena of the 18th and 19th centuries; the creation and crisis of the State-Nation as an organization model, despite its individualist and competitive nature, has proven to be insufficient to assist and compromise the individuals as particular and implacable parties of collective jurisprudence. This crisis has an impact on the criticism to the State-Nation made with extremely individual opinions such as that of Max Stirner, the author of “El Unico y su Propiedad,” who spoke about the implacable nature of man before any social and theoretical manifestation alleged as superior to the individual

    Spanish Customer Satisfaction Indices by Cumulative Panel Data

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    In this paper, we present a new theoretical representation of the Consumer Satisfaction Index (CSI) based on Structural Equation Modelling (SEM). We use panel data collected by an automotive magazine to apply our approach and assess the applicability in the field of marketing by formulating a competitive strategy in the Spanish automobile industry. The basic structure of the CSI is based upon well established theories and approaches to customer satisfaction (see Fornell 1992; Fornell et al., 1996). The structure based upon these theories consists of a number of latent factors, each of which is operationalised by multiple measures. The purpose of this paper is to propose a new way of representing the structure of Spanish Consumer Satisfaction (CS) in the automobile industry to study and compare the implications of its representations. We will discuss that CSI is a global evaluation constructed on the basis of its particular component evaluations. Apart from building a new way of representing the structure of CS, this work tries to correct for the bias produced by the particular method of calculus employed by the magazine.Structural Equation Modeling (SEM), factor analysis, cumulative panel data

    Preparation and characterization of composite materials for medical applications

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    [EN] This work is focused on the development and characterization of polymeric-ceramic hydrogels with hydroxyapatite, a mineral widely used investigated for dentistry and drug delivery systems applications. In practice, the project is divided in two phases: firstly, selection of composition of composite matrix based on mechanical studies and, secondly, modification and characterization of the best composite with hydroxyapatite, checking its impact on mechanical properties and sorption capacity of the samples in simulated body fluids. As a result of these studies, it is possible to conclude than an equal composition of the matrix PVP-histidine presents the best mechanical properties. Moreover, addition of hydroxyapatite turns the material much less elastic and polymer breaks with almost any effort. At the same time, the additive doesn’t exhibit any effect over swelling property, producing elution in inorganic solutions. Conversely, HAp affects to the pH of solution, keep it stable by acting as a buffering agent. At the end, the main possible application for the polymer would be the tissue engineering scaffolds, being necessary, however, perform more studies for prove its aptitude.[ES] Este trabajo se centra en el desarrollo y la caracterización de hidrogeles de cerámica polimérica con hidroxiapatita, un mineral ampliamente utilizado en aplicaciones de sistemas de liberación de medicamentos y odontología. En la práctica, el proyecto se divide en dos fases: primero, la selección de la composición de la matriz basándose en estudios mecánicos y, en segundo lugar, la modificación y caracterización del mejor compuesto con hidroxiapatita, verificando su impacto sobre las propiedades mecánicas y la capacidad de absorción de las muestras en fluidos corporales simulados. Como primer resultado de estos estudios, es posible concluir que una composición igual de la matriz PVP-histidina presenta las mejores propiedades mecánicas. Más adelante, se observa cómo la adición de hidroxiapatita hace que el material sea mucho menos elástico y el polímero se rompa con casi cualquier esfuerzo. Al mismo tiempo, el aditivo no muestra ningún efecto sobre la propiedad de hinchamiento, produciendo elución en soluciones inorgánicas.Domínguez López, MC. (2018). Preparation and characterization of composite materials for medical applications. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/109794TFG

    Laboratorio de experiencias como base del desarrollo de pensamiento crítico en el alumnado

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    Innovación EducativaEn este proyecto de innovación docente se pretende mejorar el aprendizaje y desarrollo del Pensamiento Crítico (PC) del alumnado de todas las etapas educativas a través de la realización, implementación y evaluación Secuencias de Enseñanza - Aprendizaje (SEA) relacionadas con las Ciencias Experimentales. Este PID tiene dos beneficiarios potenciales, por un lado el profesorado participante en el mismo, y por otra parte el alumnado de estos docentes (alumnado de los Grados de Educación y Centros Educativos de Infantil, Primaria y Secundaria). Los objetivos fundamentales de innovación educativa de la propuesta que se presenta son generar una cultura científica en todo el alumnado a lo largo de las diferentes etapas educativas y favorecer las destrezas necesarias para el desarrollo del Pensamiento Crítico en el alumnado, de forma que se implanten estrategias de pensamiento de forma sistemática en todos los niveles educativos. Los recursos TIC se utilizan en el proyecto para la consecución de los objetivos propuestos.Didáctica de las Ciencias Experimentales, Sociales y de la Matemátic

    The Spanish territorial context: an analysis in light of the European urban sustainable mobility plans.

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    The current land use patterns (low-density, sprawl, etc.) and their impacts on transport and mobility force to the implementation of Urban Sustainable Mobility Plans (USMP) as a strategy to achieve urban sustainable mobility. Those plans already existing in some European countries have been recently implemented in Spain; however, since the core of those strategies lays on the territorial and administrative structure of each country, this is the main aspect that the authors have examined, together with the impact of different policy documents from the European Commission (Action Plan on Urban Mobility, Urban Environment Strategy, etc.) So, in this paper the authors have analyzed the territorial and administrative contexts from countries that could be considered as pioneers in the adoption of USMP, and the role that both mobility and transport issues play on them (if so) and, hence, into the barriers and constraints to implement those plans. Given their similar government structure Italy and Spain are the cases finally selected to make a comparison. To do so, the legal competencies on land use and mobility of the different levels of authorities, have been analyzed showing, in the Spanish case at least, the lack of integration of the USMP in the land use planning, with a remarkable exception: the Law on mobility of the Catalonian regional government. The Italian case, being different since the integration is well defined in the legal realm, fails into practice due in part to the many sectoral planning regulations. As main conclusions, the authors outline the most significant barriers for the implementation of USMP, the need of a compulsory framework to develop integrated land use/transport strategies, the problems that the so called subsidiarity principle entails since this process should be leaded by the highest institutional levels (European Union and National Governments), and some feasible actions that could be taken from the different administrative levels to overcome these constraints

    Selection model for domains across time: application to labour force survey by economic activities

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    This version of the article has been accepted for publication, after peer review and is subject to Springer Nature’s AM terms of use, but is not the Version of Record and does not reflect post-acceptance improvements, or any corrections. The Version of Record is available online at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11749-020-00712-4[Abstract]: This paper introduces a small area estimation approach that borrows strength across domains (areas) and time and is efficiently used to obtain labour force estimators by economic activity. Specifically, the data across time are used to select different models for each domain; such selection is done with an aggregated mixed generalized Akaike information criterion statistic which is obtained using data across all time points and then is split into individual component for each domain. The approach makes a selection from different estimators, including the direct estimator, synthetic and mixed estimators derived from different models using auxiliary information. Results from several simulation experiments, some with original designs, show the good performance of the approach against standard small area approaches. In addition, it is shown the important practical advantages in the real application.Supported by the MINECO Grants MTM2017-82724-R, MTM2015-71217-R, and by the Xunta de Galicia (Grupos de Referencia Competitiva ED431C-2016-015 and Centro Singular de Investigación de Galicia ED431G/01), all of them through the ERDF.Xunta de Galicia; ED431C-2016-015Xunta de Galicia; ED431G/0

    A New Approach to the Gender Pay Gap Decomposition by Economic Activity

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    This is a pre-copyedited, author-produced version of an article accepted for publication in Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A: Statistics in Society, following peer review. The version of record [M. J. Lombardía, E. López-Vizcaíno, y C. Rueda, «A New Approach to the Gender Pay Gap Decomposition by Economic Activity», Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A: Statistics in Society, vol. 185, n.º 1, pp. 219-245, ene. 2022] is available online at: https://doi.org/10.1111/rssa.12742.[Abstract]: The aim of this paper is to present an original approach to estimate the gender pay gap (GPG). We propose a model-based decomposition, similar to the most popular approaches, where the first component measures differences in group characteristics and the second component measures the unexplained effect; the latter being the real gap. The novel approach incorporates model selection and bias correction. The pay gap problem in a small area context is considered in this paper, although the approach is flexible to be applied to other contexts. Specifically, the methodology is validated for analysing wage differentials by economic activities in the region of Galicia (Spain) and by analysing simulated data from an experimental design that imitates the generation of real data. The good performance of the proposed estimators is shown in both cases, specifically when compared with those obtained from the widely used Oaxaca–Blinder approach.Supported by the MINECO grants MTM2017-82724-R, MTM2015-71217-R, and by the Xunta de Galicia (Grupos de Referencia Competitiva ED431C 2020/14 and Centro de Investigación del Sistema universitario de Galicia ED431G 2019/01), all of them through the ERDF.Xunta de Galicia; ED431C 2020/14Xunta de Galicia; ED431G 2019/0

    Prevalencia de obesidad y sobrepeso infantil y su relación con la alimentación en un centro de salud de un área urbana.

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    La obesidad infantil es un grave problema de salud pública. Es preciso conocer su prevalencia en nuestro ámbito, los hábitos alimentarios de estos niños, y su conocimiento por parte de los padres. Diseño. Estudio observacional transversal descriptivo, prospectivo. Pacientes y métodos. Pacientes entre 6 y 14 años que acuden a un control de salud del niño sano, en un centro de salud urbano, durante 6 meses. Se excluye todo paciente con enfermedad crónica. Tras consentimiento informado, aparte de la revisión clínica, se realiza en todos los casos un estudio antropométrico y una encuesta a los padres con un cuestionario de frecuencia de consumo de alimentos en sus hijos. Se cataloga a los niños según distintas referencias habitualmente utilizadas, comparando la dieta de niños con sobrepeso/obesidad, y el resto. Resultados. Estudiamos 102 niños (edad media 10,89 + 2,32). El porcentaje de sobrepeso y obesidad varió mucho según las referencias utilizadas. Muchos padres de niños con este problema reconocen que su dieta es incorrecta, pero sólo el 13.8% dice realizar una dieta saludable. Conclusiones. Hay que definir una referencia universalmente aceptada para catalogar de sobrepeso y obesidad en nuestros niños. No existe suficiente conciencia del problema entre padres de niños con sobrepeso u obesidad.Grado en Medicin