2,825 research outputs found

    Solar Decathlon Latin America and Caribbean: Comfort and the Balance between Passive and Active Design

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    This article contains an overall analysis of the results obtained by the four highest scoring teams in the Solar Decathlon Latin America and Caribbean 2015 collegiate sustainable habitat competition. Considering that the prototypes developed were based on energy self-su ciency when operational, it was considered necessary to propose this analysis based on the degree of suitability of each of these models based on their di erent performances from the perspective of comfort conditions. It was observed that the design of the prototypes did not manage to properly adjust the relationship between passive and active conditioning elements based on the location’s conditions. Accordingly, this article concludes that a balance of the two aforementioned conditioning modes recorded better results based on the measurements taken

    Estudio bioestratigráfico (Ammonoidea) del Aaleniense y Bajociense en Asturias

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    Se ha reconocido un conjunto de parámetros tafonómicos que están íntimamente relacionados con las condiciones de depósito y con los procesos de diagénesis temprana. Las secuencias de parámetros tafonómicos establecidas permiten confirmar el carácter regresivo local de la sedimentación. Los factores tectónicos han debido jugar el papel fundamental en la evolución de la cuenca sedimentaría durante el Aaleniense y el Bajociense. Las asociaciones faunísticas, reconocidas a escala zonal y subzonal, son consideradas como sub-boreales y equivalentes a las del NW de Europa. [ABSTRACT] A set of taphonomic parameters related to depositional conditions and early diagenetic processes has been recogniced. The sequences of taphonomic parameters confirm fue regresive character of fue local sedimentation. The evolution of the sedimentary basin has been controlled mainly by tectonic factors during fue Aalenian and fue Bajocian. The ammonite assemblages are considered as subboreals and equivalents to those of NW Europa

    Addressing population heterogeneity and distribution in epidemics models using a cellular automata approach

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    BACKGROUND: The spread of an infectious disease is determined by biological and social factors. Models based on cellular automata are adequate to describe such natural systems consisting of a massive collection of simple interacting objects. They characterize the time evolution of the global system as the emergent behaviour resulting from the interaction of the objects, whose behaviour is defined through a set of simple rules that encode the individual behaviour and the transmission dynamic. METHODS: An epidemic is characterized trough an individual–based–model built upon cellular automata. In the proposed model, each individual of the population is represented by a cell of the automata. This way of modeling an epidemic situation allows to individually define the characteristic of each individual, establish different scenarios and implement control strategies. RESULTS: A cellular automata model to study the time evolution of a heterogeneous populations through the various stages of disease was proposed, allowing the inclusion of individual heterogeneity, geographical characteristics and social factors that determine the dynamic of the desease. Different assumptions made to built the classical model were evaluated, leading to following results: i) for low contact rate (like in quarantine process or low density population areas) the number of infective individuals is lower than other areas where the contact rate is higher, and ii) for different initial spacial distributions of infected individuals different epidemic dynamics are obtained due to its influence on the transition rate and the reproductive ratio of disease. CONCLUSIONS: The contact rate and spatial distributions have a central role in the spread of a disease. For low density populations the spread is very low and the number of infected individuals is lower than in highly populated areas. The spacial distribution of the population and the disease focus as well as the geographical characteristic of the area play a central role in the dynamics of the deseaseFil: López, Leonardo Rafael. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Santa Fe. Instituto de Investigación En Señales, Sistemas E Inteligencia Computacional. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Facultad de Ingeniería y Ciencias Hidricas. Instituto de Investigación En Señales, Sistemas E Inteligencia Computacional; ArgentinaFil: Burguerner, Germán. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Santa Fe. Instituto de Investigación En Señales, Sistemas E Inteligencia Computacional. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Facultad de Ingeniería y Ciencias Hidricas. Instituto de Investigación En Señales, Sistemas E Inteligencia Computacional; ArgentinaFil: Giovanini, Leonardo Luis. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Santa Fe. Instituto de Investigación En Señales, Sistemas E Inteligencia Computacional. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Facultad de Ingeniería y Ciencias Hidricas. Instituto de Investigación En Señales, Sistemas E Inteligencia Computacional; Argentin

    Characterisation of indoor massive MIMO channels using ray-tracing: A case study in the 3.2-4.0 GHz 5G band

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    In this paper, research results on the applicability of ray-tracing (RT) techniques to model massive MIMO (MaMi) channels are presented and discussed. The main goal is to show the possibilities that site-specific models based on rigorous RT techniques, along with measurement campaigns considered for verification or calibration purposes where appropriate, can contribute to the development and deployment of 5G systems and beyond using the MaMi technique. For this purpose, starting from the measurements and verification of the simulator in a symmetric, rectangular and accessible scenario used as the testbed, the analysis of a specific case involving channel characterisation in a large, difficult access and measurement scenario was carried out using the simulation tool. Both the measurement system and the simulations emulated the up-link in an indoor cell in the framework of a MaMi-TDD-OFDM system, considering that the base station was equipped with an array consisting of 10 × 10 antennas. The comparison of the simulations with the measurements in the testbed environment allowed us to affirm that the accuracy of the simulator was high, both for determining the parameters of temporal dispersion and frequency selectivity, and for assessing the expected capacity in a specific environment. The subsequent analysis of the target environment showed the high capacities that a MaMi system can achieve in indoor picocells with a relatively high number of simultaneously active users.This work has been supported by the Spanish Ministry of the Economy, Industry and Competitiveness (TEC2017-86779-C2-1-R

    Comparative of ballistocardiogram processing methods based on fiber specklegram sensors

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    The ballistocardiogram (BCG) is a graphic representation of the movements of the body associated with cardiac activity. In this article, a 10-min BCG has been captured for ten different volunteers with a polymer optical fiber (POF) specklegram sensor. This transducer, which is composed of a charge-coupled device (CCD) camera, a laser emitting diode, and two meters of POF, allows capturing the BCG by analyzing how the induced speckle pattern changes over time. These changes are related to cardiac activity. Several processing methods have been compared to determine which method achieves the best performance: complex cepstrum, power of spectral density (PSD), Pam-Tompkins algorithm, wavelet, autocorrelation, Savitzky?Golay filter, mean absolute deviation, and Hilbert transform. Accuracy and resource consumption have been characterized and compared for these methods. Hilbert, PSD, and Savitzky-Golay exhibit both small errors and computational costs. This article describes a baseline for the main frequency determination of POF-based BCG signals in real-time.This work was supported by the Project PID2019-107270RB-C21 through MCIN/ AEI /10.13039/501100011033

    Procedure to use phosphogypsum industrial waste for mineral CO 2 sequestration

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    Industrial wet phosphoric acid production in Huelva (SW Spain) has led to the controversial stockpiling of waste phosphogypsum by-products, resulting in the release of significant quantities of toxic impurities in salt marshes in the Tinto river estuary. In the framework of the fight against global climate change and the effort to reduce carbon dioxide emissions, a simple and efficient procedure for CO 2 mineral sequestration is presented in this work, using phosphogypsum waste as a calcium source. Our results demonstrate the high efficiency of portlandite precipitation by phosphogypsum dissolution using an alkaline soda solution. Carbonation experiments performed at ambient pressure and temperature resulted in total conversion of the portlandite into carbonate. The fate of trace elements present in the phosphogypsum waste was also investigated, and trace impurities were found to be completely transferred to the final calcite. We believe that the procedure proposed here should be considered not only as a solution for reducing old stockpiles of phosphogypsum wastes, but also for future phosphoric acid and other gypsum-producing industrial processes, resulting in more sustainable production.Junta de Andalucía TEP115Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación PIA42008-3

    Teoría de juegos conductual y psicológica: una revisión sistemática

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    thanks to the game theory we have a better understanding of human behavior in the economy. However, since this theory excludes thepsychological aspect from conduct, a revision of the rationality assumption completes the missed information in some games. As a consequence,some approaches have emerged including behavioral and psychological aspects in games. This has generated a large amount of literature distributedin apparently independent lines of research, a fact that could generate confusion. To clarify whether behavioral game theory and psychological game theory are independent approaches, a systematic review was conducted using the PRISMA guidelines to identify all empirical studies published under both names. Papers that (1) had psychological variables, (2) were peer-reviewed, and (3) had any experimental design were collected. From 492 papers searched, 67 were included in this systematic review. They were organized and studied to determine what type of psychologicalvariables they included and whether there are really two different approaches. The most common term used is behavioral game theory in which variables like guilt, trust, motivation, and reciprocity are widely used. The main conclusion is that the two approaches are really the same and itis the followers of the main authors of each current who publish under one or the other name.gracias a la teoría de los juegos tenemos una mejor comprensión del comportamiento humano en la economía. Sin embargo, comoesta teoría excluye el aspecto psicológico de la conducta, una revisión del supuesto de racionalidad completa la información perdida en algunos juegos. Como consecuencia, han surgido algunos enfoques que incluyen aspectos conductuales y psicológicos en los juegos. Esto ha generado una gran cantidad de literatura distribuida en líneas de investigación aparentemente independientes, hecho que puede generar confusión. Paraaclarar si la teoría de juegos conductual y psicológica son enfoques independientes, se realizó una revisión sistemática utilizando las directricesPRISMA para identificar todos los estudios empíricos publicados bajo ambas denominaciones. Se recogieron trabajos que (1) tuvieran variablespsicológicas, (2) estuvieran revisados por pares y (3) tuvieran algún diseño experimental. De los 492 trabajos buscados, 67 se incluyeron enesta revisión sistemática. Se organizarwon y estudiaron para determinar qué tipo de variables psicológicas incluían y si realmente existen dos enfoques diferentes o no. El término más utilizado es la teoría del juego conductual, en la que se utilizan ampliamente variables como la culpa,la confianza, la motivación y la reciprocidad. La principal conclusión es que los dos enfoques son realmente el mismo y son los seguidores delos principales autores de cada corriente los que publican bajo uno u otro nombre

    Fundamentos, características y eficacia de la Psicoterapia Analítica Funcional

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    En este trabajo se exponen los fundamentos, las características, y los principios conductuales en los que se basa la Psicoterapia Analítica Funcional (FAP) y sus recientes avances. Sus fundamentos son: (a) el análisis funcional de la conducta del cliente que ocurre durante la sesión, (b) las contingencias de reforzamiento natural y el moldeamiento que ocurren dentro de la sesión clínica, y (c) la equivalencia funcional del contexto clínico con la vida diaria del mismo. Se caracteriza por definir unos objetivos de intervención, las denominadas Conductas Clínicamente Relevantes (CCR) y también cinco reglas terapéuticas como orientaciones fundamentales para el terapeuta. La FAP hace hincapié en la relación cliente-terapeuta, y esto da la oportunidad de moldear y reforzar in situ las mejoras en la propia sesión clínica. Una sus mayores aportaciones es su teoría de la formación del Yo que permite hacer un refinado análisis de los problemas relacionados con la personalidad y su tratamiento. Se describen también los recientes estudios de efectividad y de eficacia de esta terapia con resultados muy positivos en distintos tipos de trastornos. Finalmente, se discute su integración con otras terapias de tercera generación, lo que produce efectos sinérgicos en los resultadosIn this work there are exposed the characteristics, the foundations and the behavioral roots that support the Functional Analytical Psychotherapy (FAP) and its recent advances. Their foundations are: (a) the functional analysis of the client’s direct behavior that happens during the session, (b) the shaping and natural contingencies of reinforcement that happen inside the clinical session, and (c) the functional equivalence between the clinical context and the daily life problems. As characteristics, FAP outlines some aims of intervention, referred to as Clinical Relevant Behavior (CRB); and also five therapeutic rules as fundamental guidance for the therapist. The FAP emphasized the client-therapist relationship, and this gives the opportunity to shape and to reinforce the improvements into the in situ clinical session. Their major conceptual contribution is the theory about the formation of Self, doing a refined analysis of the personality problems and its treatment. There are described also the recent studies of efficacy and effectiveness of this therapy with very positive results in different types of disorders. Finally, its integration with other therapies of third generation is discussed, which produces synergy effects in the result

    Hábitos relacionados con la relajación y la atención plena (mindfulness) en estudiantes de secundaria

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    Podeu consultar el document complet a: http://hdl.handle.net/2445/58585El objetivo de este trabajo es conocer los hábitos personales, familiares y escolares relacionados con la relajación y el mindfulness y averiguar su incidencia tanto en el clima de clase como en el rendimiento académico. Para ello, se utilizó el CBCC (Cuestionario Breve del Clima de Clase de López-González y Bisquerra, 2013, la media de calificaciones globales de final de curso y dos instrumentos para mediar los hábitos: un diario y una escala diseñada para la ocasión (EHRE: Escala de Hábitos de Relajación Escolar). El estudio se llevó a cabo con una muestra n = 490 de alumnos de ESO y bachillerato de un instituto. Los resultados muestran que los hábitos personales y familiares predicen en el clima de clase y el rendimiento académico. Existen diferencias significativas por sexo y por nivel académico

    Ictiólogos de la Argentina : Norberto Oscar Oldani

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    Fil: López, Hugo Luis. División Zoología Vertebrados. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. Universidad Nacional de La Plata; ArgentinaFil: Baigún, Claudio Rafael Mariano. Instituto Tecnológico de Chascomús (IIB-INTECH). Universidad Nacional de General San Martín; Chascomús; ArgentinaFil: Ponte Gómez, Justina. División Zoología Vertebrados. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. Universidad Nacional de La Plata; Argentin