45 research outputs found

    Papel de la N-glicosilación de proteinas en la virulencia de Fusarium oxysporum

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    Protein glycosylation is a process widely studied in eukaryotes, localized in two different cellular compartments but functionally connected: the endoplasmic reticulum and the Golgi apparatus. Due to the complexity and diversity of its reactions, some enzymatic pathways are still unknown in many organisms, emerging as new research topics in filamentous fungi. The initial glycosylation steps localized in the ER are highly conserved in eukaryotes, by contrast GA steps show wide variations in the sequential addition of monosaccharides that conform the elongation of the previously synthesized glycans, being some of these enzymatic reactions substrate specific. Protein glycosylation in mammalian species presents a high structural diversity in which glycans are decorated by fucose, xilose, glucose, sialic acid and mannose in terminal positions. Fungal and yeast have less diversity and only present galactose, glucose, uronic acids and mannose as terminal residues. N-acetylglucosamine transferases participate in terminal glycosylation, attaching GlcNAc to enlarge glycan molecules, but considering other studies on eukaryotes, this monosaccharide can be localized in terminal position or at bisecting points in the polysaccharide chains. With the aim to decipher the molecular dialogue and cross talk between Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. lycopersci and the host during infection and to understand the molecular bases that govern fungal pathogenicity, we have analyzed the genes encoding N-acetylglucosaminyl transferases, presumably involved in glycosylation of glycoproteins, glycolipids, proteoglycans or small molecule acceptors. In silico analysis revealed the existence of seven putative N-glycosyl transferase encoding genes in the F. oxysporum f.sp. lycopersici genome. Deletion mutants in the N-acetylglucosaminyl transferase gene gnt2 showed a dramatic reduction in virulence on both plant and animal hosts. The Δgnt2 mutants had alterations in cell wall properties related to terminal α- or β-linked N-acetylglucosamine. In the present study we conclude that is indeed a terminal monosaccharide, based on the cytometry analyses by fluorescence quantification of the lectin GSII-FITC bound to germling cell walls, although we can not discard a bisecting position as well. Mutant conidia and germlings also differed from the wild type in surface structure and physicochemical surface properties. Spore and hyphal aggregation in liquid culture differ between the mutant and the wild type, in a pH independent manner. Transmission electron micrographs of mutant germlings show strong cell-to-cell adherence likely caused by increased formation of an extracellular chemical matrix. Δgnt2 cell walls showed a significant reduction in N-linked oligosaccharides...El proceso de glicosilación de proteínas, ampliamente estudiado en eucariotas, tiene lugar en dos compartimentos celulares separados aunque funcionalmente conectados: el retículo endoplásmico (RE) y el aparato de Golgi (AG). Debido a su complejidad, aún se desconocen algunas de las rutas enzimáticas que lo constituyen en muchos organismos, resultando un tema muy novedoso de estudio en hongos filamentosos. Las etapas de glicosilación iniciales localizadas en el RE están muy conservadas en eucariotas, mientras que las etapas del AG son más variables y corresponden a la adición secuencial de monosacáridos que alargan el glicano sintetizado, siendo algunas específicas de sustrato. En mamíferos la elongación de glicanos es muy diversa, dando lugar a cadenas oligosacarídicas decoradas con fucosa, xilosa, glucosa, ácido siálico o manosa terminales. En hongos y levaduras la diversidad es menor, presentando tan solo residuos galactosa, glucosa, ácidos urónicos o manosa en los extremos. El análisis in silico del genoma de F. oxysporum harevelado la existencia de seis posibles genes de N-acetilglucosamina transferasas (Gnt) ortólogos a GNT1 de Saccharomyces cerevisiae, proteína identificada como enzima de glicosilación anclada a la membrana del AG. Para estudiar el papel de gnt2 en la fisiología y virulencia de F. oxysporum, en este trabajo se ha llevado a cabo la deleción de ambas copias del gen y la posterior complementación de los mutantes resultantes, con el alelo silvestre. El proceso de infección con el mutante deficiente .gnt2, tanto en plantas de tomate como en la larva de la polilla de la cera Galleria mellonella, ha resultado en una reducción de la capacidad de invasión de los tejidos del huésped y en un retraso significativo en el desarrollo de enfermedad. Por el contrario, los individuos infectados con el transformante complementado han mostrado un desarrollo de la enfermedad similar a la estirpe silvestre, con la recuperación total de la virulencia. La anulación de gnt2 produce cambios en la pared celular que conllevan la alteración de la sensibilidad y la afinidad a compuestos que interaccionan con la pared celular fúngica y a enzimas líticas de pared, así como una reducción en la formación de puentes de fusión entre conidias e hifas, dando como resultado un micelio menos cohesionado. Estos análisis han revelado en el mutante un aumento en la sensibilidad a dichos compuestos tóxicos, y mayor resistencia a la acción de glucanasas y quitinasas, así como menor afinidad por el colorante Alcian Blue

    El uso de la televisión en el hogar y en el aula de Educación Primaria

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    This article presents the results obtained ina research carried out with pupils of Pri-mary School regarding their television con-sumption both at home and at school. Thestudy was developed in different schoolsof the Region of Murcia (in Spain) with pu-pils (N = 320) between 9 and 10 years ofage and it is framed within a descriptiveresearch where a survey method was used.The results show that television continuesto be one of the most used media by pu-pils of Primary School at home. In fact, it ishighlighted as the second most desired ac-tivity after ‘playing with friends’. The dataalso revealed a generalized tendency: thescarce use of television in the classroomby the teachers for the development of thecurricular contents, as well as the lack ofanalysis of the watched materials togetherwith the students. Since television is oneof the most used media by children, its li-mited use in the classroom evidences thegreat separation existing between schooland society and, therefore, the absurditythat children live in relation to both theiractivities outside the classroom and theeducational models and teaching-learningprocesses developed at school.El presente artículo expone los resultadosobtenidos en una investigación llevada acabo en el alumnado de Educación Primariasobre el consumo que se realizadel medio televisivo en el hogar, así comosobre el uso que se hace del mismo en elaula escolar. El estudio ha sido desarrolladoen diferentes centros educativos de laRegión de Murcia con alumnado (N = 320)de entre 9 y 10 años de edad y está enmarcadodentro de una investigación de carácterdescriptivo donde se ha utilizado la técnicade encuesta. Los resultados muestranque la televisión sigue siendo uno de losmedios más utilizados por el alumnado deEducación Primaria en el hogar, señaladacomo segunda actividad más deseada despuésde ‘jugar con los amigos’. También sacana la luz la tendencia generalizada, porparte del profesorado, de escaso uso de latelevisión en el aula para el desarrollo decontenidos curriculares, así como la faltade trabajo con los alumnos sobre los contenidosvisualizados. Siendo la televisiónuno de los medios de comunicación másutilizados por los niños, este escaso usoque se realiza de la misma desde el aulaescolar evidencia la gran separación entreescuela y sociedad y, por tanto, el absurdoque los niños viven en relación a los modeloseducativos y procesos de enseñanzaaprendizajedesarrollados en la escuela ysus actividades fuera de la misma

    The impact of SARS-CoV-2 on emotional state among older adults in Latin America

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    In Latin America, the volume of care of infected patients, higher presence of comorbidities among older adults, and restricted access to clinical controls have become this age group into one with the highest risk (Dubey etal., 2020). Under confinement circumstances, older people can experience feelings of helplessness and uncertainty about the future, difficulties to stay focused, anxiety, stress, agitation, withdrawal, and depression (Armitage and Nellums, 2020; Wang etal., 2020). Accordingly, a Consortium of universities, research centers, and clinical centers have joined forces to carry out research which seeks to know the emotional state of Latin American older adults during confinement by Coronavirus disease (COVID-19). The study included the following countries: Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Peru, Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic, and Venezuela. Between April and May, we carry out the piloting of the evaluation protocol, making cultural and linguistic adaptations. Later, between June and October, more than 7000 older adults were evaluated by telephone by an expert professional through filling out an online form. The protocol we used includes a sociodemographic and clinical questionnaire, information on confinement, lifestyles, and the abbreviated version of the Yesavage Geriatric Depression Scale (Martínez de la Iglesia etal., 2020). Sociodemographic characteristics of the final sample (n = 5245) show that 34% are men and 66% are women, with an average age of 69.61 years (SD = 7.28). Average schooling was 10.99 years (SD = 5.85) depending on the country, and 16.7% were illiterate. The major racial pattern of the population is Latin American mestizo (55.1%) followed by white (39.4%), South American indigenous (1.5%), and African American subjects (1.2%). Seventy-seven percentage of the participants have a monthly income, from retirement (45.9%) or independent work (26.4%), and 85% live with their spouses or relatives. Regarding quarantine, 86.7% of the respondents stated that they complied with the confinement measures, with an average of 123.15 days (SD = 42.43) of quarantine, which varies by country. Our data analysis has revealed that 30.27% of the older adults exhibit emotional disturbances. In Mexico and Peru, we have observed the highest levels of geriatric depression (38.9% and 38.1%, respectively) and in Venezuela the lowest (21.35%). Regression analysis shows that more years of schooling (OR = 0.943; IC95%: 0.93–0.95), having an economic income (OR = 0.764; IC95%: 0.64–0.90) and being a Latin American mestizo (OR = 0.832, IC95%: 0.71–0.98) are associated with reduced risk of geriatric depression. On the other hand, being widowed (OR = 1.428; IC95%: 1.10–1.85) or separated (OR = 1.352; IC95%: 1.01–1.82), lived in Bolivia (OR = 1.805; IC95%: 1.31–2.48), Mexico (OR = 2.320; IC95%: 1.70–3.16), and Peru (OR = 2.008; IC95%: 1.45–2.78) are associated with highest risk. This first multicenter study found that emotional status of older adults during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic in Latin America varies depending on the country where they live and sociodemographic and socioeconomic factors. It is necessary for follow-up studies to validate diagnosis and analyze the greater risk of deterioration in the coming months

    The Fusarium oxysporum gnt2, Encoding a Putative NAcetylglucosamine Transferase, Is Involved in Cell Wall Architecture and Virulence

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    With the aim to decipher the molecular dialogue and cross talk between Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. lycopersci and its host during infection and to understand the molecular bases that govern fungal pathogenicity, we analysed genes presumably encoding N-acetylglucosaminyl transferases, involved in glycosylation of glycoproteins, glycolipids, proteoglycans or small molecule acceptors in other microorganisms. In silico analysis revealed the existence of seven putative N-glycosyl transferase encoding genes (named gnt) in F. oxysporum f.sp. lycopersici genome. gnt2 deletion mutants showed a dramatic reduction in virulence on both plant and animal hosts. Δgnt2 mutants had αalterations in cell wall properties related to terminal αor β-linked N-acetyl glucosamine. Mutant conidia and germlings also showed differences in structure and physicochemical surface properties. Conidial and hyphal aggregation differed between the mutant and wild type strains, in a pH independent manner. Transmission electron micrographs of germlings showed strong cell-to-cell adherence and the presence of an extracellular chemical matrix. Δgnt2 cell walls presented a significant reduction in N-linked oligosaccharides, suggesting the involvement of Gnt2 in N-glycosylation of cell wall proteins. Gnt2 was localized in Golgi-like sub-cellular compartments as determined by fluorescence microscopy of GFP::Gnt2 fusion protein after treatment with the antibiotic brefeldin A or by staining with fluorescent sphingolipid BODIPY-TR ceramide. Furthermore, density gradient ultracentrifugation allowed colocalization of GFP::Gnt2 fusion protein and Vps10p in subcellular fractions enriched in Golgi specific enzymatic activities. Our results suggest that N-acetylglucosaminyl transferases are key components for cell wall structure and influence interactions of F. oxysporum with both plant and animal hosts during pathogenicity

    Cognitive changes in patients with epilepsy identified through the MoCA test during neurology outpatient consultation

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    Introduction Epilepsy is a chronic neurological disorder that may occur alongside cognitive changes, with effects on multiple cognitive domains. Objective To compare the cognitive performance of patients with epilepsy and healthy controls through Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) during outpatient consultation at a reference diagnostic center in Colombia and analyze and the influencing factors. Materials and methodology One-hundred and four patients during neurology outpatient consultation in the city of Cartagena, Colombia, were assessed with the (MoCA) test, i.e., 54 people who consulted for headache and have not been diagnosed with epilepsy (NEP) and 50 with a diagnosis of epilepsy (EPs) according to the diagnostic criteria of the International League Against Epilepsy (ILAE). Results Significant differences were found in the total mean scores of the (MoCA) between (EPs) and (NPE) groups (t = 4.72; p < 0.01), particularly in attention (t = 3.22; p < 0.02) and memory (t = 5.04; p < 0.01) dimensions. Additionally, a significant association was observed between years of schooling and (MoCA) scores (p = 0,019) but not between socioeconomic level (p = 0,510), age (p = 0,452) and the frequency of seizures (p = 0,471). Discussion Patients with epilepsy show lower scores in several cognitive domains in respect of the control group. The (MoCA) has proven its appropriateness for cognitive screening in the contexts of clinical neurology outpatient consultation

    Presentation of bilateral facial paralysis in Melkersson–Rosenthal syndrome

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    Introduction. Melkersson–Rosenthal syndrome (MRS) is a neuromucocutaneous disorder characterized by the following classic symptom triad: peripheral facial paralysis, orofacial edema, and scrotal or fissured tongue. It is rare, and since most of the patients are oligo- or monosymptomatic, it makes it difficult to diagnose. Clinical Case. We present a 26-year-old male patient with a history of sickle cell trait, untreated snoring, and left peripheral facial paralysis when he was 11 years old. +is was an overall 20- day clinical profile that started with left peripheral facial paralysis, which was accompanied by moderate-intensity occipital pulsatile headaches. Additionally, the patient experienced paresthesias in the tongue and feelings of labial edema. After one week, he manifested peripheral facial paralysis on the right side. Physical examination revealed bilateral peripheral facial paralysis, mild labial edema, and a scrotal or fissured tongue. +e patient received corticosteroids, which resulted in improvement of the edema and facial paralysis. Discussion. MRS is a rare disorder that predominantly affects women, typically starting in their 20s or 30s. +e etiology is unknown. However, a multifactorial origin that involves environmental factors and a genetic predisposition has been proposed, which causes a dysfunction of the local immune system and autonomic nervous system (ANS) and an appearance of granulomatous inflammation in the lips and tongue. Facial paralysis usually appears later on; however, it can occur from its clinical debut. +ere are no curative treatments. +erapy is focused on modulating the patient’s immune response, and relapses are frequent

    Cognitive changes in patients with epilepsy identified through the MoCA test during neurology outpatient consultation

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    Introduction: Epilepsy is a chronic neurological disorder that may occur alongside cognitive changes, with effects on multiple cognitive domains. Objective: To compare the cognitive performance of patients with epilepsy and healthy controls through Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) during outpatient consultation at a reference diagnostic center in Colombia and analyze and the influencing factors. Materials and methodology: One-hundred and four patients during neurology outpatient consultation in the city of Cartagena, Colombia, were assessed with the (MoCA) test, i.e., 54 people who consulted for headache and have not been diagnosed with epilepsy (NEP) and 50 with a diagnosis of epilepsy (EPs) according to the diagnostic criteria of the International League Against Epilepsy (ILAE). Results: Significant differences were found in the total mean scores of the (MoCA) between (EPs) and (NPE) groups (t = 4.72; p < 0.01), particularly in attention (t = 3.22; p < 0.02) and memory (t = 5.04; p < 0.01) dimensions. Additionally, a significant association was observed between years of schooling and (MoCA) scores (p = 0,019) but not between socioeconomic level (p = 0,510), age (p = 0,452) and the frequency of seizures (p = 0,471). Discussion: Patients with epilepsy show lower scores in several cognitive domains in respect of the control group. The (MoCA) has proven its appropriateness for cognitive screening in the contexts of clinical neurology outpatient consultation

    "Leishmaniasis cutánea atípica en pobladores del Cantón El Amate, municipio y departamento de San Miguel, año 2019"

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    RESUMEN: La Leishmaniasis es una enfermedad infecciosa causada por un parásito protozoario del género Leishmania, transmitida por la picadura de un flebótomo hembra del género Lutzomyia longipalpis. Se encuentra dentro del grupo de enfermedades tropicales olvidadas y presenta tres formas clínicas, cutánea, mucocutánea y visceral. El Objetivo de la investigación fue identificar Leishmaniasis cutánea atípica en pobladores de los Caseríos Los Cocos y La Mascota del Cantón El Amate, municipio y departamento de San Miguel. Metodología: el estudio fue de tipo prospectivo, transversal, de laboratorio y descriptivo. Se utilizó una guía de entrevista y de observación como técnica de campo. Además, se buscó e identificó cada una de las lesiones sospechosas presentes en los diferentes sitios anatómicos, para la toma de material de dichas lesiones y realización del frotis para la búsqueda de amastigote intracelular o extracelular. Resultados: según el estudio parasitológico y su respectivo control de calidad realizado en el Laboratorio Central “Dr. Max Bloch”, sección de Leishmania, Chagas, Malaria, se pudo determinar que de las 8 personas sospechosas, el 87.5% (7) presentaron en el frotis la forma amastigote de Leishmania sp. Conclusión: la prevalencia de Leishmaniasis cutánea atípica en pobladores de los Caseríos Los Cocos y La Mascota del Cantón El Amate, municipio y departamento de San Miguel fue de 7 casos positivos de una población de 35 personas. ABSTRACT: Leishmaniasis is an infectious disease caused by a protozoan parasite of the genus Leishmania, transmitted by the bite of a female sandfly of the genus Lutzomyia longipalpis. It is within the group of neglected tropical diseases and presents three clinical forms: cutaneous, mucocutaneous and visceral. The objective of the research was to identify atypical cutaneous leishmaniasis in residents of Caseríos Los Cocos and La Mascota of El Amate Canton, municipality and department of San Miguel. Methodology: the study was prospective, cross-sectional, laboratory and descriptive. An interview and observation guide was used as a field technique. In addition, each of the suspicious lesions present in the different anatomical sites was searched for and identified, in order to take material from said lesions and perform the smear to search for intracellular or extracellular amastigote. Results: according to the parasitological study and its respective quality control carried out in the Central Laboratory “Dr. Max Bloch”, section of Leishmania, Chagas, Malaria, it was possible to determine that of the 8 suspected people, 87.5% (7) presented the amastigote form of Leishmania sp. Conclusion: the prevalence of atypical cutaneous leishmaniasis in residents of Caseríos Los Cocos and La Mascota in El Amate Canton, municipality and department of San Miguel was 7 positive cases out of a population of 35 people

    App Clean House Service

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    Hoy en día vemos como la rutina laboral, acapara gran parte del día a día, actividades necesarias del hogar como la limpieza, son relegadas constantemente. Por otro lado, observamos cómo la tecnología, podría ayudar a resolver estos problemas. Ante ese panorama, surge Clean House Service, empresa de limpieza, la cual desarrollará una estrategia competitiva de enfoque, logrando con ello segmentar a la población de Lima Metropolitana y comenzar operaciones en departamentos de la zona 7, en distritos como Miraflores, San Isidro, San Borja, Surco y La Molina. Clean House Service es un APP móvil, donde el cliente podrá solicitar el servicio de limpieza, escoger al personal y sobre todo escoger el horario que más le convenga, el precio del servicio es de S/ 70.00, sin embargo, existe una variación que va de acuerdo a la frecuencia de uso de los servicios, llegando hasta S/ 50.00, por pedidos de 4 veces a más. Con este proyecto se abre una gran oportunidad para las personas que realicen limpieza, ayudándolos a obtener ingresos adicionales, en donde por cada servicio realizado ganaran un 65% del precio. Clean House Service cuenta con 4 socios, los cuales aportarán el 40 % de la inversión total. Se busca un inversionista que desee invertir el 60% donde el monto seria S/.70,000. Se ofrece a cambio una tasa interna de retorno de 43.4% que es mayor al COK del inversionista del sector (20%). Clean House Service, es una gran oportunidad de inversión que asegura alta rentabilidad.Today we see how the work routine, monopolizes much of the day to day, necessary household activities such as cleaning, are constantly relegated. On the other hand, we observe how technology could help solve these problems. Against this background, Clean House Service, cleaning company, which will develop a competitive approach strategy, thereby, segmenting the population of Metropolitan Lima and start operations in departments of zone 7, in districts such as Miraflores, San Isidro, San Borja, Surco and La Molina. Clean House Service is a mobile APP, where the customer can request the cleaning service, choose the staff and especially choose the time that suits you, the price of the service is S / 70.00, however there is a variation that goes from according to the frequency of use of the services, reaching up to S / 50.00, for orders of 4 times to more. With this project a great opportunity is opened for the people who clean, helping them to obtain additional income, where for each service they will earn 65% of the price. Clean House Service has 4 partners, which will contribute 40% of the total investment. An investor is wanted who wants to invest 60% where the amount would be S / .70,000. An internal rate of return of 43.4% is offered, which is higher than the COK of the sector investor (20%). Clean House Service, is a great investment opportunity that ensures high profitability.Trabajo de investigació

    Metodología para la evaluación del estado técnico de las obras de fábrica menores en las carreteras de Camagüey, Cuba

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    El Sistema de Gestión para la Conservación Vial, como su nombre indica, es el encargado de organizar el conjunto de tareas referentes a la conservación de las carreteras. Como parte de las acciones para desarrollar este sistema, es necesario garantizar de manera estable el buen funcionamiento del drenaje en una obra vial, dentro del cual se encuentran las obras de fábrica menores, objeto de estudio en esta investigación. Teniendo en cuenta los aspectos antes mencionados, el estado en que se encuentran las obras de fábrica menores en las carreteras rurales de la provincia de Camagüey y la necesidad de su conservación, se elabora esta metodología, que permite realizar las inspecciones visuales a las mismas, clasificar sus deterioros según su comportamiento hidráulico y estructural y evaluar el estado técnico en que se encuentran en el momento de ser inspeccionadas. Esta evaluación sirve de base para realizar estudios posteriores que bien fundamentados le pueden permitir a los especialistas aplicar medidas correctivas para la mitigación o erradicación de los deterioros, decidir formas alternativas de solución, o prioridades para intervenir. Esta metodología fue aplicada en las inspecciones visuales realizadas a las obras de fábrica de varias carreteras en la provincia de Camagüey. El Pedraplén Jigüey-Cayo Romano-Cayo Cruz, fue tomado como caso de estudio para el desarrollo de esta investigación. Estos trabajos fueron realizados por un equipo de proyectistas de la Empresa de Proyectos de Ingeniería y Arquitectura # 11 de Camagüey