491 research outputs found

    Spain: Short on children and short on family policies

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    Spain’s total fertility rate has more than halved since 1975, when it was 2.8, to the present 1.3 (the lowest rate on record, 1.2, was reached in 1995). At the same time, the mean age at first childbirth has grown continually, seriously hindering any sustained recovery of fertility. Cohort fertility, in turn, has declined uninterruptedly since the 1941 cohort, and according to all estimates, this will drop to 1.6 for women born in the 1960s. A downturn in nuptiality, which has not been offset by a rise in consensual unions, along with the prevalence of contraceptives and abortion, have contributed substantially to falling fertility. Underlying this decrease is the profound cultural, social, and economic change that has raised the perceived costs of leaving the parental home and having children. The lack of any explicit family policy or transfers to compensate for such costs has reinforced that perception.childbearing, Europe, family policy, fertility, Spain

    Las migraciones de la Comunidad de Madrid de 1960 a 1986

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    Tesis de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociología, Departamento de Sociología II (Ecología humana y población), leída el 20-12-1993A partir de una elaboración teórica del problema migratorio hace el análisis de los flujos migratorios en el interior de la Comunidad de Madrid y desde el exterior de la misma dentro del territorio nacional o desde el extranjero. Estos flujos los explican en relación principalmente con el ciclo de vida de la familia y con los cambios en el mercado de la vivienda, en el periodo consideradoDepto. de Sociología AplicadaFac. de Ciencias Políticas y SociologíaTRUEpu

    Automatic detection of specular reflectance in colour images using the MS diagram

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    In this paper we present a new method for the identification of specular reflectance in colour images. We have developed a bi-dimensional histogram which allows the exploitation of the relations between the signals of intensity and saturation of a colour image. Once the diagram has been constructed, it is possible to verify that the pixels of the specular reflectance are located in a well-defined region. The brightness is automatically identified by means of the extraction of pixels present in this region of the diagram, independently of their hue values. The effectiveness of the method in a variety of real chromatic images has been proven

    Del hijo único al segundo hijo: políticas demográficas en China y sus consecuencias sobre la población

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    Desde la aplicación de la política del hijo único en 1979 hasta la ya anunciada posible desaparición de cualquier mención a un número máximo de hijos en marzo de 2020, los dirigentes chinos han ido adaptando la natalidad de la población china a las supuestas necesidades de su demografía. Se analiza si la política del hijo único incidió sobre el descenso de la fecundidad en China, así como otras consecuencias que habitualmente se le atribuyen: descenso del crecimiento poblacional, envejecimiento acelerado, incremento del desequilibrio por sexo y desequilibrio del mercado matrimonial. Igualmente se intenta averiguar lo que hubiera pasado de no aplicarse esta política del hijo único. Por último, se procura valorar cuáles serían las consecuencias sobre la situación demográfica actual china de la previsible desaparición de la limitación del número máximo de hijos por pareja

    Small ponds support high terrestrial bird species richness in a Mediterranean semiarid region

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    ©2021. This manuscript version is made available under the CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/ This document is the Accepted version of a Published Work that appeared in final form in Hydrobiologia. To access the final edited and published work see https://doi.org/10.1007/s10750-021-04552-7Ponds are among the world’s most endan gered freshwater ecosystems. A comprehensive knowledge of pond biodiversity is urgently required to inform effective pond management and conserva tion actions. Most studies about pond biodiversity focus on aquatic taxa, while the terrestrial biodiver sity, especially of birds, has been little studied. Moreover, the few studies existing on pond biodiver sity do not account for different detection rates of species, thus yielding biased results. Here, we apply a hierarchical Bayesian modelling technique to data obtained from visual censuses to estimate bird species richness associated with small ponds in a semiarid region, considering the imperfect detection of species. The model incorporates specific responses to site characteristics (pond typology), landscape (environ mental heterogeneity) and at regional scale (mean annual precipitation). The studied ponds were used by two thirds of the terrestrial breeding bird community of the study region. Our modelling approach increased by an average of 7.5 species the observed site-specific richness. Drinking troughs supported a greater rich ness than other pond types. Environmental hetero geneity was positively related with species richness, whereas no clear relation was observed between richness and precipitation. In addition to ecosystem services provided by ponds to human welfare, our results suggest these small isolated habitats may act as key landscape elements for terrestrial birds in semiarid regions

    An analysis of taxi ratio in urban area using GIS

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    Urban development has started a change led by various factors: human impact on climate change, ageing population that is nowadays significant, increase of its density in urban environments, and processes of globalization that are promoted by incessant incorporation of new technologies. The Smarts cities have become a guinea pig for experimentation with new technologies, applying them to the mobility, infrastructures, energy or information. A focus of the new urban development model revolves around technology, and service needs depend more on the fact of having or being able to access to the specific data than the own available technology itself. Innovations in big data, free access to open data and cloud computing will affect urban development patterns. It is necessary to give substance to all that production, storage, processing and management of the data sources available: sensors, location and positioning systems, cloud computing, open data and communication networks. We proposes to add value to the data of the sources mentioned above, applied to public transport custom, in a city around 600.000 residents, through the GIS analysis of mobility patterns. Location and real time tracking of vehicles provide information on their status. It allows for taking decisions quickly and efficiently, and so on, establishing for example, mobility patterns. True challenge is to detect and transmit key information extracted from a huge volume of data, in which the public, private and business data must be combined effectively to achieve a more integrated knowledge of citizen habits in urban environment.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec

    Modelado y simulación de un sensor de fibra óptica basado en la onda evanescente

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    The development and progress in fiber optic sensors (SFO) is due to the unique advantages they have over solid-state sensors, their main advantages are: immunity to electromagnetic interference, high sensitivity and possibility of distributed sensing, so they have found applications in a variety of fields because most of the physical and chemical variables can be monitored with SFO. One of the main detection mechanisms is the absorption of evanescent waves, so it is important to know the parameters that determine the behavior of this in SFOs. In this work we present the mathematical modeling and simulation to determine the parameters such as evanescent wave absorption and penetration depth. According to the numerical results, an evanescent wave absorption of 0.2x10-3 ua and a penetration depth of 2 µm were obtainedEl desarrollo y avance en los sensores de fibra óptica (SFO) se debe a las ventajas únicas que poseen sobre los sensores basados estado sólido, sus principales ventajas son: inmunidad a las interferencias electromagnéticas, alta sensibilidad y posibilidad de sensado distribuido, por lo cual han encontrado aplicaciones en una gran variedad de campos debido a que la mayoría de las variables físicas y químicas pueden ser monitoreadas con los SFO. Uno de los principales mecanismos de detección es la absorción de ondas evanescentes, por lo que es importante conocer los parámetros que determinan el comportamiento de esta en los SFO. En este trabajo se describe el modelado matemático y simulación para determinar los parámetros como la absorción de la onda evanescente y la profundidad de penetración. De acuerdo con los resultados numéricos se obtuvo una absorción de la onda evanescente de 0.2x10-3 ua, y profundidad de penetración de 2 µm

    Comparative study between mechanical properties of silicone catalyzed by tin or platinum and the more effective section.

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    Nowadays, there is the need and the technical capability to constantly collect data from multiple daily situations to improve measurable activities. An example of this, is the incorporation of sensors over the human body to collect bodily data, whether it be in devices for general activities as running or for specific purposes such as monitoring certain pathologies like diabetes or registering variables in gait. These measurements are provided by sensors adapted to the controlled bodily zone, being able to adapt itself to the organic shape of the body. One of the materials that meets the requirements of strength and malleability is silicone, specifically the one intended for molds. This study questions the viability of the mechanical capabilities of different types of this material through tests of resistance and flexibility, as well as which type of structure is better for its use as a sensor. The collected results indicate which section is most favorable for using silicone in the form of threads and the optimal functions for each type of tested silicone.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Culto y culturas en la cueva de Gorham (Gibraltar): La historia del santuario y sus materiales inscritos

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    This paper presents an updated overview of the ongoing archaeological research carried out in the Protohistoric sanctuary of Gorham’s Cave (Gibraltar). It is based on the results of recent excavations, focusing on incised pottery with inscriptions or other marks. The catalogue of inscriptions includes both Phoenician and Graeco-Iberian examples, which could be related with the deposition of votive offerings from Archaic to Hellenistic periods.El artículo presenta un nuevo estado de la cuestión arqueológico sobre el santuario protohistórico de la Cueva de Gorham (Gibraltar) a la luz de los resultados de las recientes campañas de excavación y estudia los materiales cerámicos con inscripciones u otro tipo de marcas hallados en la cueva. El catálogo incluye un nuevo grafito fenicio y una inscripción greco-ibérica que se relacionan con las ofrendas depositadas en el lugar desde época arcaica hasta el periodo helenístico