1,377 research outputs found

    EGF regulates tyrosine phosphorylation and membrane-translocation of the scaffold protein Tks5

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    Background: Tks5/FISH is a scaffold protein comprising of five SH3 domains and one PX domain. Tks5 is a substrate of the tyrosine kinase Src and is required for the organization of podosomes/invadopodia implicated in invasion of tumor cells. Recent data have suggested that a close homologue of Tks5, Tks4, is implicated in the EGF signaling.Results: Here, we report that Tks5 is a component of the EGF signaling pathway. In EGF-treated cells, Tks5 is tyrosine phosphorylated within minutes and the level of phosphorylation is sustained for at least 2 hours. Using specific kinase inhibitors, we demonstrate that tyrosine phosphorylation of Tks5 is catalyzed by Src tyrosine kinase. We show that treatment of cells with EGF results in plasma membrane translocation of Tks5. In addition, treatment of cells with LY294002, an inhibitor of PI 3-kinase, or mutation of the PX domain reduces tyrosine phosphorylation and membrane translocation of Tks5.Conclusions: Our results identify Tks5 as a novel component of the EGF signaling pathway. © 2013 Fekete et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd

    Remittance Behaviour of Intra-EU Migrants – Evidence from Hungary

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    After the eastern expansion of the European Union (EU), a large number of emigrants left their home countries to work in economically better developed western member states. Hungary followed this EU emigration trend with a certain time lag. However, the rising number of emigrants caused structural problems in the domestic labour market. A comprehensive examination of intra-EU remittances as one of the major determinants of migration has been outside the scope of recent research activity. The data from the Hungarian Microcensus survey and the first Hungarian household survey focusing on the topic of remittances can provide a valuable case study of intra-EU private transfer flows. The aims of this study are twofold. On the one hand we intend to provide empirical evidence for the major factors that determine remittance propensity by calculating probit regressions. On the other hand, OLS regressions are calculated in order to introduce variables which are associated with money transfers. These results are interpreted within the theoretical framework of the New Economics of Labour Migration (NELM) to identify the underlying motivations for remittances. The most important findings are that older men with vocational school education have the highest remittance propensity, and the likelihood of sending private support is higher among short-term migrants. As the key factors, the income of the sender person is positively associated with the sum of money flows, while the income of the receiving household is negatively associated. Within the theoretical framework of NELM, these results favour the dominance of altruistic motives, since supporting the household members who remain behind seems to be the major driving force. However, when intentions of returning home are considered in the models, it seems that self-interest might also play a role as a driver of remittances. Within this study, the main focus was on the characteristics of the senders, meaning that a possible field of future research could be an examination of these questions from the perspective of remittance receiver households

    Cyber Security Master’s Degrees in the United Kingdom: A Comparative Analysis

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    Remittance Behaviour of Intra-EU Migrants - Evidence from Hungary

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    After the eastern expansion of the European Union (EU), a large number of emigrants left their home countries to work in economically better developed western member states. Hungary followed this EU emigration trend with a certain time lag. However, the rising number of emigrants caused structural problems in the domestic labour market. A comprehensive examination of intra-EU remittances as one of the major determinants of migration has been outside the scope of recent research activity. The data from the Hungarian Microcensus survey and the first Hungarian household survey focusing on the topic of remittances can provide a valuable case study of intra-EU private transfer flows. The aims of this study are twofold. On the one hand we intend to provide empirical evidence for the major factors that determine remittance propensity by calculating probit regressions. On the other hand, OLS regressions are calculated in order to introduce variables which are associated with money transfers. These results are interpreted within the theoretical framework of the New Economics of Labour Migration (NELM) to identify the underlying motivations for remittances. The most important findings are that older men with vocational school education have the highest remittance propensity, and the likelihood of sending private support is higher among short-term migrants. As the key factors, the income of the sender person is positively associated with the sum of money flows, while the income of the receiving household is negatively associated. Within the theoretical framework of NELM, these results favour the dominance of altruistic motives, since supporting the household members who remain behind seems to be the major driving force. However, when intentions of returning home are considered in the models, it seems that self-interest might also play a role as a driver of remittances. Within this study, the main focus was on the characteristics of the senders, meaning that a possible field of future research could be an examination of these questions from the perspective of remittance receiver households

    Sztentek károsodásanalízise

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    A szív- és érrendszeri betegségek az Európai Unióban a halálesetek majdnem felét okozzák. Az életmód, a környezet valamint az egészségügy döntően meghatározzák e betegségek alakulását. Tekintve, hogy az említett megbetegedések esetében nagy segítséget jelent a sztentbeültetés, az ezzel kapcsolatos kutató-fejlesztő tevékenység rendkívül fontos. Munkánkban elhunytakból eltávolított sztenteken végzünk roncsolásmentes anyagvizsgálatokat optikai, elektronés konfokális mikroszkóppal a törések, felületi hibák feltárása és a sztentek típusainak beazonosítása céljából. A vizsgálatok eredményeként megállapítható, hogy az elhunytakból eltávolított sztenteken megfigyelhető jelentős deformációt a sztentek az explantáció során szenvedték el. Az eleketronmikroszkópos vizsgálatok segítségével egyértelműen eldönthetővé vált a bevonatok jelenéte vagy hiánya

    A vetőmag kezelési lehetőségei ökológiai gazdálkodásban = Different methods for seed treatment in organic farming

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    Vizsgálatainkban célul tűztük ki az ökovetőmag életerejének megtartására és növelésére alkalmas anyagok kiválasztását, és kezelési módszerek kidolgozását. Elsőször az Alginit, Vetozen KR-60, Natúr Biokál 01 és kakukkfűolaj hatását vizsgáltuk Ascochyta sp. és Fusarium moniliforme kórokozókra. A kakukkfűolaj a kórokozók fejlődését táptalajon erősen gátolta, a többi anyag gátló hatást nem mutatott. A vizsgálatokat az életerő vizsgálatok irányába folytattuk. Kukorica (Zea mays L.), vöröshagyma (Allium cepa L.) és borsó (Pisum sativum L.) vetőmag tételeket választottunk. A kezelésekhez használt anyagok víz (20?C nem deionizált), és a Natúr Biokál 01 30%-os vizes oldata. Az áztatásos kezelések időtartama 2, 4, 6 óra volt. Kezelés után elvégeztük a Nemzetközi Vetőmagvizsgálati Szövetsége (ISTA) által javasolt vigorvizsgálatokat -csírázóképesség vizsgálat, elektromos vezetőképesség vizsgálat, csíranövény növekedési teszt, cold teszt, gyorsított öregítés vizsgálat- és szabadföldi kelésvizsgálatot. A kezelések közül a vizes és Natúr Biokállal kezelt tételek mind javították a mag életerejét. Legtöbb esetben és legnagyobb arányban a 4 órás 30%-os Natúr Biokál 01 oldatban való áztatás javította a tételek eredményeit. Mindhárom tesztnövénynél a gyengébb csírázóképességű tételeknél a kezelések pozitív hatása jobban mutatkozott, mint a jó minőségű tételnél. Gyengébb tételek csírázóképesség és életerő javítására ezért a kezelések kifejezetten ajánlhatók. | The goals of our work was to select organic seed treatment materials which can keep or raise the vigour of seed, and to find the proper methods. In first step Alginit, Vetozen KR-60, Natúr Biokál 01 and thyme oil were tested against Ascochyta sp. and Fusarium moniliforme. The thyme oil blocked the development of the two pathogens, the other materials had no effect. After it the examinations were carried on in seed vigour testing. Examinations were carried out on seed lots of maize (Zea mays L.), pea (Pisum sativum L.) and onion (Allium cepa L.). The selected materials were water (20?C, tap water) and Natúr Biokál 01 (30% solution). The duration of treatment were 2-4-6 hours for both materials. The treated seed plots were analyzed according to the germination and vigour test methods of the International Seed Testing Association. Germination test, conductivity test, seedling growth test, cold test, accelerated ageing test and germination test in the field were carried out. Regarding the treatments with water and Natúr Biokál, in all cases the vigour of the seed was enhanced. In most cases and in the most rate the 4 hour Natúr Biokál treatment showed improving by the three test crop. There was a difference between the values of the better and lower germination seed lots. The treatments showed higher improvement in the lower quality seeds. The use of these seed treatment are recommended for lower quality seeds to enhance germination and vigour and make field emergence safer

    Contribution to the Chironomidae (Diptera) fauna of the Sajó/Slaná River, Hungary and Slovakia | Adatok a Sajó/Slaná árvaszúnyog-faunájához (Diptera: Chironomidae)

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    In April 2012 chironomid pupal exuviae were collected at 13 sites along the Sajó River and at one site along the Bábony stream. Additionally, larvae were collected at a further site near the spring. The collected 12 larvae belonged to five species level taxa. During samplings 10 013 exuviae were collected, 9545 from the Sajó River and 468 from the Bábony stream. A total of 110 species level taxa were identified as exuviae. One species was only found as larvae, accordingly a total of 111 taxa were recorded. Three species (Limnophyes spinigus, Orthocladius pedestris and Chironomus prasinus) proved to be new to Slovakian fauna, while four species (Corynoneura carriana, Eukiefferiella tirolensis, Orthocladius rivinus and Orthocladius ruffoi) are new to the Hungarian fauna. As a final conclusion it can be stated that the chironomid fauna of the Sajó River is very rich with many rare and, in faunistical point of view, important species. | 2012 áprilisában árvaszúnyog-exuviumokat gyűjtöttünk 13 mintavételi helyen a Sajó teljes szakaszán, és a Bábony-patak egy pontján. Emellett egy további helyen, a forrás közelében lárvákat is gyűjtöttünk. A gyűjtött 12 lárva öt faji szintű taxonba tartozott. A mintavételek során 10 013 bábbőrt gyűjtöttünk, 9545-öt a Sajóból és 468-at a Bábony-patakból. Összesen 110 faji szintű taxont azonosítottunk exuvium alakban. Egy faj csak lárva alakban került elő, így összesen 111 taxon előfordulását bizonyítottuk. Három faj (Limnophyes spinigus, Orthocladius pedestris and Chironomus prasinus) a szlovák, négy faj (Corynoneura carriana, Eukiefferiella tirolensis, Orthocladius rivinus and Orthocladius ruffoi) a magyar faunára újnak bizonyult. Eredményeink alapján megállapítható, hogy a Sajó árvaszúnyogfaunája kiemelkedően gazdag, számos ritka, faunisztikai szempontból fontos fajjal