182 research outputs found

    How is education on gender equality implemented in schools?: a study of the attitudes, knowledge and interests of school leaders in pre-, primary and upper secondary schools.

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    Hér er greint frá niðurstöðum spurningakönnunar á viðhorfum, þekkingu og áhuga skólastjóra í leik-, grunn-, og framhaldsskólum á kynjajafnrétti og fræðslu á því sviði. Sambærileg rannsókn meðal skólastjóra hefur ekki verið gerð. Spurningalisti var sendur rafrænt til allra skólastjóra leikskóla (n=78) og grunnskóla (n=43) í Reykjavík og til allra skólameistara (n=14) á höfuðborgarsvæðinu í janúar 2016. Svarhlutfall var 68%, eða 92 af þeim 135 sem svöruðu, en allmargir slepptu mörgum spurningum, m.a. bakgrunnsspurningum. Fimmtíu og níu þátttakendur svöruðu til um kyn. Af þeim voru 14 karlar og 45 konur. Fram kom mikill áhugi eða ákall mikils meirihluta skólastjóranna sem svara (86%) um aukna kynjajafnréttisfræðslu inn í skólana, fyrir nemendur, kennara og stjórnendur. Rúmlega helmingur skólastjóranna aðhyllist almennt það sjónarmið að það sé munur á kynjunum sem námsmönnum. Flestir telja muninn menningarbundinn en minni hópur (12%) telur að um eðlismun sé að ræða. Niðurstöðurnar sýna að tekið er á jafnréttismálum á ýmsan hátt í skólunum, að mati skólastjóra, bæði meðal nemenda og kennara. Flestir skólastjóranna nefna að algengast sé að fjalla um jafnréttismál í lífsleiknikennslu og samfélagsgreinum en einnig í samverustundum og daglegu samtali við nemendur. Af svörum skólastjóranna verður þó lítið ráðið um það hvert umfang þessara aðgerða er eða hversu markvissar þær eru enda telja þeir sjálfir að margt megi bæta á þessu sviði. Höfundar telja að þótt þekking skólastjóra á kynjafræðilegum grunnhugtökum sé að sumu leyti góð, þá sé ástæða til að óttast að hún sé ekki nægjanleg til að hreyfa við staðalmyndum kynjanna. Hverjar sem ástæðurnar eru er ljóst að skólastjórar á öllum skólastigum eru mjög áhugasamir um að fá fræðslu um kynjajafnrétti inn í skólana, með áherslu á að breyta hefðbundnum staðalmyndum og vinna gegn kynferðislegri áreitni, m.a. á samfélagsmiðlum. Mikilvægt er að fylgja þeim áhuga eftir.This article reports on a research project by The Centre for Research on Equality, Gender and Education, at the University of Iceland, examining the attitudes, knowledge and interests of principals at three school levels concerning gender equality. Since 2008 equality issues have, by law, been a new subject of study in primary schools, and an optional subject in upper secondary schools. Moreover, since 2011 equality has been one of six pillars of education in the national curriculum guide for all school levels. This study is the third part of the Centre´s research investigating practices and resistances towards gender equality in teacher education and in schools. This study is among the first focusing on school leaders and gender equality issues in Iceland and possibly worldwide. The aim of this research was to investigate how gender issues are being dealt with in schools, as described by school leaders and to learn about their attitudes, knowledge and interest, regarding gender equality issues. An online questionnaire was sent to all leaders of pre-schools (N=78) and primary schools (N=43) in Reykjavik, Iceland and to all school leaders of upper secondary schools in the Reykjavik metropolitan area (N=14). The formal response rate was 68%, or 92 of 135 responded, but many questions were not answered including background questions which made detailed analysis difficult. The findings suggest that gender equality is being dealt with in various ways in schools according to the school leaders, both among teachers and pupils. Equality weeks, equality days or formal equality plans are mentioned as well as lectures and developmental projects. Equality issues are not a special subject yet in primary schools, but are integrated into other subjects. It is, however, not clear how effective these measures are. Research suggests that while little is done in this field, other issues related to neo-liberalism are prioritized. Findings on attitudes to gender differences in students’ interests and choices indicate that slightly more than half of the school leaders believe such gender differences exist, but only a small group of school leaders (12%) endorse essentialism. The remainder endorse social constructivism, which is in agreement with their hope and belief that change is possible. Fortunately the essentialists are a much smaller group than we found in earlier research among teacher education students (50%). Nevertheless, the gender issues these two groups see as most important are the same; that is, changing gender stereotypes, fighting gender violence, and gender related bullying or harassment on social media. Even if the principals believe they have sound knowledge of some gender related concepts like equality (100%) and masculinity (93%), there is reason to fear that their knowledge of other equality-related concepts is not good enough to change gender stereotypes. The concept gender is considered well known by 50% of those that answered, essentialism by 47%, and gender system by only 28%. The definitions given by the principals suggest that the proportion of those who know the concepts well is even lower. Moreover, among principals, findings show considerable interest in, or even insistence upon, increased education relating to gender issues in schools. In particular they are interested in changing gender stereotypes and responding to young people’s complaints about sexual harassment, especially in social media. Thee school leaders are interested in the use of a Nordic website on gender issues in education; 68% say they will use it monthly or more often and only 5% state that they are not interested. Despite avowed interest in increasing gender education in schools and changing traditional gender stereotypes, as well as demonstrating a formally acceptable response rate, school leaders received the questionnaire with reluctance, and did not show interest in focus group interviews. This gives rise to various questions: Are the school leaders possibly preoccupied with bureaucratic chores because of the impact of NPM (New Public Management) at the expense of the core activities of teaching and learning? Or is it conceivable that tasks, such as equality issues, are met with more resistance than others? We found no evidence that school leaders are ambivalent towards changing traditional gender roles, despite the inherent risks that students who oppose them might face harassment or mobbing by their peers. This is not surprising, giving the fact that the Icelandic society has been evaluated as number one on gender equality, for many recent years by the WEF. Whatever the reasons are for the reluctance to participate fully, it is obvious that school leaders at all school levels are very interested in receiving gender education with an emphasis on changing gender stereotypes and avoiding sexual harassment in their schools. It is important to follow up on the strong demand for more education on gender issues among school leaders at pre-, compulsory and upper secondary level. It is also important to explore the practices, resistance and attitudes of teachers concerning education on gender issues, in view of the findings of this study as well as the recent strong #metoo movement in Iceland as elsewhere.Peer Reviewe

    Subject-level quality assurance in computing: experiences from three national perspectives.

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    This paper examines some aspects of the Quality Assurance processes in Computing departments in three European universities. We first examine the operation of a quality assurance activity in the School of Computer Science in Iceland. The next case is an example from Sweden and finally we present a case from the United Kingdom. In each case, we examine the motivation for the outcome-based assurance methodologies that predominate in countries that are engaged in the Bologna Process in terms of the use of competence-based assessment. We compare the application of these processes to departmental review, focusing on the aims and objectives, who controls the process, the areas covered, the methodology and the use to which the information is put. We discuss some of the implications for teaching when different quality assurance processes are used and finally, we make some observations about the relatively sparse literature on Computing Education subject-specific quality assurance

    Quality assurance using international curricula and employer feedback.

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    The focus of this paper is the quality assurance process for the bachelor program in the School of Computer Science at Reykjavik University, which is a combination of outcome- and process-oriented quality assurance. Faculty members and employers of graduates provided information for the quality assessment. The results provide both detailed quantitative data and more qualitative information that give all stakeholders a variety of ways to interpret the status of the quality of education. This type of assessment has raised the awareness of the faculty members on how abstract topics and learning outcomes from an international standard can be used when revising the curricula of a particular course. A notable feature of this type of analysis is its use of employer-generated data to examine graduate knowledge and skills. The contribution of the paper is to provide an example of how a quality assurance process can be made more valuable to both faculty and degree stakeholders by combining outcome- and process-oriented quality assurance strategies

    Towards the Identification and Assessment of Transversal Skills

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    Much has been written in recent decades about transversal skills. The term is often used interchangeably with ‘soft skills’ and ‘transferable skills’. One can also refer to ‘key skills’ and ‘core skills’. The Survey of Adult Skills (PIAAC) assesses the proficiency of adults specifically three areas: literacy, numeracy and problem solving in technology-rich environments. “These three are considered to be “key information-processing skills” in that they are:• necessary for fully integrating and participating in the labour market, education and training, and social and civic life;• highly transferable, in that they are relevant to many social contexts and work situations; and• “learnable” and, therefore, subject to the influence of policy.”In addition, there has been considerable discourse about the mismatch of the skills acquired through formal, non-formal and informal learning and those needed for the workplace. This may be inevitable in a context where workplaces are dynamic and changing, However it is recognised that the acquisition and use of transferable skills which can be applied in varying workplace contexts can, to some extent, support the future employability as well as the current employment of the learner.It is in this context that the VISKA project partnership worked together to arrive at a common understanding and a definition of Transversal Skills with a view to developing a means for identifying and supporting the assessment of these skills in a validation process for low-qualified adults and migrants.Various definitions of Transversal Skills, such as those developed by CEDEFOP, ELGPN, ESCO, UNESCO, Skills Panorama (EC) and Conference board of Canada were considered. While these definitions and the contexts within which they were used differed in several respects, they were interrelated and linked to other categories of skills and competence definitions. This paper will detail a framework to support the identification of a range of skills which has been developed in the context of the enhanced integration of migrant, refuges and adults with low or no qualifications into the workplace

    An agile information-architecture-driven approach for the development of user-centered interactive software

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    This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here for your personal use. Not for redistribution. The definitive Version of Record was published in Interacción '15: Proceedings of the XVI International Conference on Human Computer Interaction, http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/2829875.2829919.For the most part, Information Architecture processes include sets of activities and techniques to be carried out by the development team to create interactive applications effectively, involving usability concerns at every development step. In fact, plenty of process models have already been proposed to bridge the gap between User-Centered Development and Information Architecture, empowering the development team to build usable applications successfully. However, the combination of User- Centered Development and Information Architecture paradigms sometimes results in cumbersome process models containing lots of phases and activities to be considered, which increases the cycle time to have partial and validated software increments readily. As less effort has been devoted to speed up the usable Information Architecture development, the aim of this paper is to address such problem. To do so, we present Scrum-UIA, an agile and usable development process driven by the Information Architecture. This process is intended to develop web applications by splitting up responsibilities and tasks, and decreasing the time to perform technical activities, in order to readily obtain usable software increments.This work has been supported by the funding projects «eMadrid», granted by the Madrid Research Council (project code S2013/ICE-2715) and «Flexor», granted by the Spanish Government (project code TIN2014-52129-R)

    The effectiveness of the treatment program „Enjoy eating“ on health and mood in obese women.

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    Efst á síðunni er hægt að nálgast greinina í heild sinni með því að smella á hlekkinn.Offita er eitt stærsta lýðheilsuvandamál heimsins og tíðnin hefur aukist síðustu 20-30 árin. Offita hefur áhrif á líkamlega og andlega heilsu og eykur dánartíðni. Fá gagnreynd meðferðarúrræði fyrir of feita einstaklinga bjóðast hérlendis. Efniviður og aðferðir: Rannsakendur skipulögðu 15 vikna hópmeðferð, „Njóttu þess að borða“, og var tilgangur rannsóknarinnar að forprófa það fyrir konur sem flokkast með offitu. Meðferðin byggir á hugrænni atferlismeðferð og beinir sjónum sérstaklega að þjálfun svengdarvitundar. Þægindaúrtaki 20 kvenna á aldrinum 19-44 ára með líkamsþyngdarstuðul 30-39,9 kg/m², var skipt af handahófi í hóp A og B. Hópur A hlaut meðferð meðan hópur B var til samanburðar. Víxlrannsóknarsniði var beitt og hópur B varð íhlutunarhópur. Áhrif meðferðar á heilsu þátttakenda voru metin fyrir, á meðan og eftir meðferð og í 6 og 12 mánaða eftirfylgd. Mæld var þyngd, líkamsþyngdarstuðull, fituhlutfall og fitumagn, blóðþrýstingur, serum kólesteról, þríglýseríð, háþéttni fituprótein og serum 25-hydroxy D-vítamín (25(OH)D). Einnig voru lagðir fyrir kvarðar sem meta lífsgæði (SF-36 og OP), þunglyndi (BDI-II) og kvíða (BAI) auk spurningalista um bakgrunn þátttakenda og mat á meðferðinni. Niðurstöður: Marktæk lækkun varð hjá hópunum á þyngd (p=0,001), líkamsþyngdarstuðli (p=0,001), fituhlutfalli (p=0,010), fitumagni (p=0,002), neðri mörkum blóðþrýstings (p=0,005) og hækkun á gildi 25-OHD-vítamíns í sermi (p=0,008) eftir meðferð. Einkenni þunglyndis og kvíða lækkuðu (p<0,001 og p<0,004). Lífsgæði jukust samkvæmt OP-kvarða (p=0,006) og andleg heilsa batnaði (MCS) (p=0,012) á SF-36. Meðalþyngdartap var 3,7 kg eftir meðferð og hélst árangur við eftirfylgd.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Obesity is one of the greatest public health challenges world wide and its prevalence has increased during the past 20-30 years. Obesity is related to physical and mental health and increased mortality. There are few evidence-based treatment options for the obese available in Iceland. Material and methods: The purpose of this pilot study was to develop a 15 week group program based on Cognitive Behavior Therapy and Appetite Awareness Training for young obese women. The participants were randomly allocated to two groups, A and B, in a convenience sample of 20 women, aged 19-44 with a BMI 30-39.9 kg/m². Group A attended the program while group B served as a control in a crossover design where group B subsequently participated in the program. The effectiveness of the program was evaluated before, during and at the end of the program and at six and twelve month follow-up. Information was collected on body weight, BMI, body fat and body fat mass, blood pressure, cholesterol, triglyceride, high density lipoprotein and 25(OH)D, quality of life (SF-36 and OP scale), symptoms of depression (BDI-II) and anxiety (BAI). Additionally participants completed a questionnaire on demographics and their view on participating in the program was assessed. Results: Participants reduced their weight (P=0.001), BMI (P=0.001), body fat (P=0.010), body fat mass (P=0.002), diastolic blood pressure (P=0.005) and vitamin D status improved (P=0.008). Symptoms of depression and anxiety decreased (P<0.001 and P<0.004). Quality of life measured with OP scale improved (P=0.006) and the mental component summary (MCS) (P=0.012) of the SF-36 scale. The mean weight loss was 3.7 kg following intervention which was maintained at follow up. Conclusion: „The enjoy eating“ program is a promising health promotion approach in the health care sector for obese women to improve mental health, quality of life and loose weight

    The effectiveness of the treatment program "Enjoy eating" on health and mood in obese women

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    Efst á síðunni er hægt að nálgast greinina í heild sinni með því að smella á hlekkinnOffita er eitt stærsta lýðheilsuvandamál heimsins og tíðnin hefur aukist síðustu 20-30 árin. Offita hefur áhrif á líkamlega og andlega heilsu og eykur dánartíðni. Fá gagnreynd meðferðarúrræði fyrir of feita einstaklinga bjóðast hérlendis. Efniviður og aðferðir: Rannsakendur skipulögðu 15 vikna hópmeðferð, „Njóttu þess að borða“, og var tilgangur rannsóknarinnar að forprófa það fyrir konur sem flokkast með offitu. Meðferðin byggir á hugrænni atferlismeðferð og beinir sjónum sérstaklega að þjálfun svengdarvitundar. Þægindaúrtaki 20 kvenna á aldrinum 19-44 ára með líkamsþyngdarstuðul 30-39,9 kg/m², var skipt af handahófi í hóp A og B. Hópur A hlaut meðferð meðan hópur B var til samanburðar. Víxlrannsóknarsniði var beitt og hópur B varð íhlutunarhópur. Áhrif meðferðar á heilsu þátttakenda voru metin fyrir, á meðan og eftir meðferð og í 6 og 12 mánaða eftirfylgd. Mæld var þyngd, líkamsþyngdarstuðull, fituhlutfall og fitumagn, blóðþrýstingur, serum kólesteról, þríglýseríð, háþéttni fituprótein og serum 25-hydroxy D-vítamín (25(OH)D). Einnig voru lagðir fyrir kvarðar sem meta lífsgæði (SF-36 og OP), þunglyndi (BDI-II) og kvíða (BAI) auk spurningalista um bakgrunn þátttakenda og mat á meðferðinni. Niðurstöður: Marktæk lækkun varð hjá hópunum á þyngd (p=0,001), líkamsþyngdarstuðli (p=0,001), fituhlutfalli (p=0,010), fitumagni (p=0,002), neðri mörkum blóðþrýstings (p=0,005) og hækkun á gildi 25-OHD-vítamíns í sermi (p=0,008) eftir meðferð. Einkenni þunglyndis og kvíða lækkuðu (p<0,001 og p<0,004). Lífsgæði jukust samkvæmt OP-kvarða (p=0,006) og andleg heilsa batnaði (MCS) (p=0,012) á SF-36. Meðalþyngdartap var 3,7 kg eftir meðferð og hélst árangur við eftirfylgd. Ályktun: Meðferðin „Njóttu þess að borða“ lofar góðu sem valkostur innan grunnheilbrigðisþjónustu, til að bæta andlega heilsu og lífsgæði kvenna sem eru of feitar, auk þess að hjálpa þeim að grennast.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Obesity is one of the greatest public health challenges world wide and its prevalence has increased during the past 20-30 years. Obesity is related to physical and mental health and increased mortality. There are few evidence-based treatment options for the obese available in Iceland. Material and methods: The purpose of this pilot study was to develop a 15 week group program based on Cognitive Behavior Therapy and Appetite Awareness Training for young obese women. The participants were randomly allocated to two groups, A and B, in a convenience sample of 20 women, aged 19-44 with a BMI 30-39.9 kg/m². Group A attended the program while group B served as a control in a crossover design where group B subsequently participated in the program. The effectiveness of the program was evaluated before, during and at the end of the program and at six and twelve month follow-up. Information was collected on body weight, BMI, body fat and body fat mass, blood pressure, cholesterol, triglyceride, high density lipoprotein and 25(OH)D, quality of life (SF-36 and OP scale), symptoms of depression (BDI-II) and anxiety (BAI). Additionally participants completed a questionnaire on demographics and their view on participating in the program was assessed. Results: Participants reduced their weight (P=0.001), BMI (P=0.001), body fat (P=0.010), body fat mass (P=0.002), diastolic blood pressure (P=0.005) and vitamin D status improved (P=0.008). Symptoms of depression and anxiety decreased (P<0.001 and P<0.004). Quality of life measured with OP scale improved (P=0.006) and the mental component summary (MCS) (P=0.012) of the SF-36 scale. The mean weight loss was 3.7 kg following intervention which was maintained at follow up

    Grunnskólastjórar á öndverðri 21. öld: Hlutverk og gildi

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    Publisher's version (útgefin grein)Nútímakenningar um skólastjórnun beina kastljósinu m.a. að sýn skólastjóra á hlutverk sitt, þeim gildum sem hafa áhrif á starfshætti þeirra (Begley, 2004; Branson, 2005) og hvernig þeir forgangsraða verkefnum sínum. Á síðasta aldarfjórðungi hafa höfundar þessarar greinar rannsakað viðhorf skólastjóra í grunnskólum með spurningalistakönnunum, þ.e. 1991, 2001 og 2006 (Börkur Hansen, Ólafur H. Jóhannsson og Steinunn Helga Lárusdóttir, 2008). Hér er greint frá rannsókn á störfum skólastjóra sem gerð var 2017. Sjónum er beint að þeim gildum sem þeir segjast leggja mesta áherslu á og hvernig þeir forgangsraða helstu verkefnum sínum. Gögnum var safnað með spurningalista sem sendur var til allra skólastjóra í grunnskólum landsins vorið 2017. Dregin er upp mynd af aðstæðum í skólunum, þ.e. skólagerð, skólastærð og kennslufyrirkomulagi, og afstaða skólastjóra til mikilvægra gilda sem tengjast skólastarfi er könnuð. Einnig var athugað hvernig þeir forgangsraða verkefnum, svo sem vinnu við námskrárgerð, samskiptum við starfsfólk, nemendur o.fl. sem tengist störfum þeirra. Niðurstöður benda til þess að nokkurs ósamræmis gæti milli yfirlýstra gilda skólastjóra og raunverulegra. Greininni lýkur með samanburði við fyrri rannsóknir höfunda á forgangsröðun viðfangsefna skólastjóra og umræðum um gildi niðurstaðnanna.Contemporary theories on school leadership focus on principals’ vision of their role, the values which impact their leadership behavior (Begley, 2004; Branson, 2005) and the way they prioritize their tasks. In the past quarter of a century the authors have studied the attitudes of compulsory school principals, using questionnaires; that is 1991, 2001 and 2006 (see for instance Börkur Hansen et al., 2008). This paper is a report on a study of compulsory school principals conducted in 2017. It focuses on principals’ values and their actual and desirable prioritization of important tasks. Data was gathered with an electronic questionnaire sent to all Icelandic compulsory school principals; that is, 162 individuals in the spring 2017. The number of respondents was 111, making the response rate 69%. The questionnaire was designed and administered by means of the Qualtrics software system and data analysis was conducted using the SPSS and EXCEL programs. The principals were asked to assess the importance of a number of values affiliated with education by assigning points from one to ten to each of them, depending on how much emphasis they placed on them in their practice. Six of the values presented in the findings were of an ethical nature and another six management-related. Moreover, the principals were asked to rank important task areas according to the actual and desirable time devoted to each of them. The findings show that the principals do not differentiate between ethical values on the basis of their impact on their practice. Almost all the principals, or 94%, say that they strongly emphasize the ethical values Care, Equality, Democracy, Autonomy, Tolerance and Justice (assign to them 8–10 points). This indicates that the principals may not have a clear picture of their own value base. It is, therefore, uncertain whether values guide them in their everyday practice as many scholars have advocated. The principals placed a more variable emphasis on management-related values. For instance, while competition is a high priority for only 9% of the principals (gave it 8–10 points), 44% of the principals put efficiency in the same category. Accountability and Achievement are, on the other hand, prioritized by more than 90% of the principals. The findings also show that in 2017 School Management was at the top of the ranking list of actual time allocated to a particular task area, or in the same seat as in earlier studies in 2006, 2001 and 1991. Program Development was, however, at the top of the list of desirable prioritization of tasks in 2017 as in all the earlier studies. The ranking of Personnel has changed somewhat during the time period under study; in 1991 it was in rank five of actual time devoted to this task area, in rank three in 2001 and in rank two in 2006 and 2017. The ranking of ideal time devoted to Personnel follows this pattern: in 1991 it was in rank six, in rank five in 2001, in rank two in 2006 and in rank three in 2017. Thus, the time devoted to the task area of Personnel has changed considerably during this period. The paper sheds light on the principals’ working environment, such as grades offered, number of students and teaching arrangements (regular classroom teaching, team teaching). These environmental factors were, however, not found to greatly impact principals’ working practice; that is, the ranking of actual and ideal time allotted to the explored task areas. The paper finishes with a comparison with the authors’ earlier research on the role of principals. It also reflects on the relevance of the findings for practice of principals as well as providing suggestions as to how principals can develop themselves professionally. The authors set out to explore principals’ values and their prioritizing of tasks. They conclude that a moderate difference between the actual and desirable prioritization of tasks is inevitable and may be an indicator of an ambitious future vision. Too much difference, however, indicates that some task areas may be preventing principals from prioritizing in accordance with their wishes. Nevertheless, the authors agree with those scholars who have recommended creating conditions which make it possible for principals to narrow the gap between the actual and the desirable. Besides, it would be of value to assist Icelandic principals in asking themselves critical questions about their vision and values and the disparity between their expressed and actual values. If successfully carried out, principals’ practice can be judged as value-based.Peer Reviewe

    Hvaða áhrif hefur það að geta ekki tjáð sig um vanlíðan, hjá körlum sem hafa fengið krabbamein í blöðruhálskirtil?

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    Neðst á síðunni er hægt að nálgast greinina í heild sinni með því að smella á hlekkinn View/OpenMarkmiðið með rannsókninni var að greina þætti sem gætu tengst því hvaða karlar sem greinst hafa með krabbamein í blöðruhálskirtli eru líklegri en aðrir til að upplifa sálræna vanlíðan. Karlar (N=184) sem fengu krabbamein í blöðruhálskirtil á árunum 2001-2005 svöruðu spurningalistum um þunglyndi og kvíða, ágengar hugsanir um krabbameinið og upplifun á félagslegum hömlum á tjáningu. Niðurstöður sýndu að karlar sem höfðu ágengar hugsanir um meinið voru kvíðnari og þunglyndari, en bara ef þeir fundu fyrir miklum félagslegum hömlum eða fannst þeir ekki geta talað við aðra um sjúkdóminn. Af niðurstöðum má draga þá ályktun að karlar, sem hafa fengið blöðruhálskirtilskrabbamein og finnst þeir ekki geta rætt við maka eða vini um áhyggjur sínar varðandi sjúkdóminn, geti haft gagn af íhlutun sem hjálpar þeim að tjá áhyggjur sínar og tilfinningar