7,030 research outputs found

    Nonadiabatic theory of inelastic electron- hydrogen scattering

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    Nonadiabatic theory application to inelastic S-wave scattering of low energy electrons from atomic hydroge

    Cloud types and the tropical Earth radiation budget, revised

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    Nimbus-7 cloud and Earth radiation budget data are compared in a study of the effects of clouds on the tropical radiation budget. The data consist of daily averages over fixed 500 sq km target areas, and the months of July 1979 and January 1980 were chosen to show the effect of seasonal changes. Six climate regions, consisting of 14 to 24 target areas each, were picked for intensive analysis because they exemplified the range in the tropical cloud/net radiation interactions. The normal analysis was to consider net radiation as the independent variable and examine how cloud cover, cloud type, albedo and emitted radiation varied with the net radiation. Two recurring themes keep repeating on a local, regional, and zonal basis: the net radiation is strongly influenced by the average cloud type and amount present, but most net radiation values could be produced by several combinations of cloud types and amount. The regions of highest net radiation (greater than 125 W/sq m) tend to have medium to heavy cloud cover. In these cases, thin medium altitude clouds predominate. Their cloud tops are normally too warm to be classified as cirrus by the Nimbus cloud algorithm. A common feature in the tropical oceans are large regions where the total regional cloud cover varies from 20 to 90 percent, but with little regional difference in the net radiation. The monsoon and rain areas are high net radiation regions

    Reflection and interference of electromagnetic waves in inhomogeneous media

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    Solutions were obtained of the wave equation for a plane horizontally polarized electro-magnetic wave incident on a semi infinite two dimensional inhomogeneous medium. Two problems were considered: An inhomogeneous half space, and an inhomogeneous layer of arbitrary thickness. Solutions of the wave equation were obtained in terms of Hankel functions with complex arguments. Numerical calculations were made of the reflection coefficient R at the interface of the homogeneous medium. The startling results show that the reflection coefficient for a complex dielectric constant with gradient, can be less than that of the same medium with zero gradient

    Solar Constant Data from Earth Radiation Budget Measurements

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    At present, solar total irradiance measurements are made from four satellites using electrically self calibrating pyrheliometers, as a part of the earth radiation budget measurement programs. The Earth Radiation Budget (ERB) mission onboard Nimbus-7 spacecraft (Nimbus/ERB) started solar total irradiance measurements in November 1978, and is still obtaining irradiance data on every orbit, daily. The Earth Radiation Budget Experiment (ERBE) solar monitors onboard Earth Radiation Budget Satellite (ERBS), NOAA-9 and NOAA-10 started solar total irradiance measurements in October 1984, January 1985, and October 1986, respectively. Our knowledge of solar total irradiance and its variability has grown remarkably during the past few years, as a result of the above measurements, and the high precision data obtained from Solar Maximum Mission/Active Cavity Radiometer Irradiance Monitor-1 (SMM/ACRIM-1). The results from a comparative study of the solar constant data available from the above missions are presented. The solar constant value derived from the sensors agree within the uncertainty associated with absolute pyrheliometers available at present. An attempt will be made to correlate the solar irradiance variability with other solar parameters. The measurements from Nimbus-7/ERB started November 1978, as the solar cycle 21 was increasing in activity. The solar luminosity reached a maximum in the spring of 1979. The irradiance then decreased slowly to a minimum which lasted from 1984 through 1986. The irradiance is presently increasing towards a new maximum. It appears that the solar constant value follow an eleven year cycle

    User's guide for the Nimbus 7 ERB Solar Analysis Tape (ESAT)

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    Five years of Nimbus 7 ERB solar data is available in compact form on a single ERB solar analysis tape (ESAT). The period covered is November 16, 1978 through October 31, 1983. The Nimbus 7 satellite performs just under 14 orbits a day and the ERB solar telescope observe the Sun once per orbit as the satellite passes + or - near the south pole. The data were carefully calibrated and screened. Mean orbital and daily values are given for the total solar irradiance plus selected spectral intervals. In addition, selected solar activity indicators are on the tape. The ERB experiment, the solar data calibration and screening procedures, the solar activity indicators, and the tape format are described briefly

    Metacognitive self-reflectivity moderates the relationship between distress tolerance and empathy in schizophrenia

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    Deficits in empathy seen in schizophrenia are thought to play a major role in the social dysfunction seen in the disorder. However, little work has investigated potential determinants of empathic deficits. This study aimed to fill that gap by examining the effects of two variables on empathy – distress tolerance and metacognitive self-reflectivity. Fifty-four people with schizophrenia-spectrum disorders receiving services at an urban VA or community mental health center were assessed for empathy, metacognition, and distress tolerance. Bivariate correlations and moderation methods were used to ascertain associations amongst these variables and examine interactions. Results revealed that, against hypotheses, empathy was not related at the bivariate level to either distress tolerance or metacognitive self-reflectivity. However, consistent with hypotheses, moderation analyses revealed that participants with higher self-reflectivity showed no relationship between distress tolerance and empathy, while those with lower self-reflectivity showed a relationship such that reduced ability to tolerate distress predicted reduced empathy. Taken together, results of this study suggest that lack of distress tolerance can negatively affect empathy in people with schizophrenia with lesser capacity for metacognitive self-reflection; thus, fostering self-reflectivity may help overcome that negative impact. Future work is needed investigating the impact of metacognitively-tailored interventions on empathy in this population

    Chemoenzymatic Synthesis of Cryptophycin Anticancer Agents by an Ester Bond-Forming Non-ribosomal Peptide Synthetase Module

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    Cryptophycins (Crp) are a group of cyanobacterial depsipeptides with activity against drug-resistant tumors. Although they have been shown to be promising, further efforts are required to return these highly potent compounds to the clinic through a new generation of analogues with improved medicinal properties. Herein, we report a chemosynthetic route relying on themultifunctional enzyme CrpD-M2 that incorporates a 2-hydroxy acid moiety (unit D) into Crp analogues. CrpD-M2 is a unique nonribosomal peptide synthetase (NRPS) module comprised of condensation-adenylation-ketoreduction-thiolation (C-A-KR-T) domains. We interrogated A-domain 2-keto and 2-hydroxy acid activation and loading, and KR domain activity in the presence of NADPH and NADH. The resulting 2-hydroxy acid was elongated with three synthetic Crp chain elongation intermediate analogues through ester bond formation catalyzed by CrpD-M2 C domain. Finally, the enzyme-bound seco-Crp products were macrolactonized by the Crp thioesterase. Analysis of these sequential steps was enabled through LC-FTICR-MS of enzyme-bound intermediates and products. This novel chemoenzymatic synthesis of Crp involves four sequential catalytic steps leading to the incorporation of a 2-hydroxy acid moiety in the final chain elongation intermediate. The presented work constitutes the first example where a NRPS-embedded KR domain is employed for assembly of a fully elaborated natural product, and serves as a proof-of-principle for chemoenzymatic synthesis of new Crp analogues

    Stigma resistance at the personal, peer, and public levels: A new conceptual model.

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    Stigma resistance is consistently linked with key recovery outcomes, yet theoretical work is limited. This study explored stigma resistance from the perspective of individuals with serious mental illness (SMI). Twenty-four individuals with SMI who were either peer-service providers (those with lived experience providing services; N = 14) or consumers of mental health services (N = 10) engaged in semistructured interviews regarding experiences with stigma, self-stigma, and stigma resistance, including key elements of this process and examples of situations in which they resisted stigma. Stigma resistance is an ongoing, active process that involves using one’s experiences, knowledge, and sets of skills at the (1) personal, (2) peer, and (3) public levels. Stigma resistance at the personal level involves (a) not believing stigma or catching and challenging stigmatizing thoughts, (b) empowering oneself by learning about mental health and recovery, (c) maintaining one’s recovery and proving stigma wrong, and (d) developing a meaningful identity apart from mental illness. Stigma resistance at the peer level involves using one’s experiences to help others fight stigma and at the public level, resistance involved (a) education, (b) challenging stigma, (c) disclosing one’s lived experience, and (d) advocacy work. Findings present a more nuanced conceptualization of resisting stigma, grounded in the experiences of people with SMI. Stigma resistance is an ongoing, active process of using one’s experiences, skills, and knowledge to develop a positive identity. Interventions should consider focusing on personal stigma resistance early on and increasing the incorporation of peers into services

    Metacognitive function and fragmentation in schizophrenia: Relationship to cognition, self-experience and developing treatments

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    Bleuler suggested that fragmentation of thought, emotion and volition were the unifying feature of the disorders he termed schizophrenia. In this paper we review research seeking to measure some of the aspects of fragmentation related to the experience of the self and others described by Bleuler. We focus on work which uses the concept of metacognition to characterize and quantify alterations or decrements in the processes by which fragments or pieces of information are integrated into a coherent sense of self and others. We describe the rationale and support for one method for quantifying metacognition and its potential to study the fragmentation of a person\u27s sense of themselves, others and the relative place of themselves and others in the larger human community. We summarize research using that method which suggests that deficits in metacognition commonly occur in schizophrenia and are related to basic neurobiological indices of brain functioning. We also present findings indicating that the capacity for metacognition in schizophrenia is positively related to a broad range of aspects of psychological and social functioning when measured concurrently and prospectively. Finally, we discuss the evolution and study of one therapy that targets metacognitive capacity, Metacognitive Reflection and Insight Therapy (MERIT) and its potential to treat fragmentation and promote recovery
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