68 research outputs found

    Models of reflection on educational reforming

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    Autor analizuje siedem głównych modeli (wzorów, paradygmatów) o reformowaniu systemów oświaty: pedagogizm, reformizm, podejście systemowe, podejście dialektyczne, sceptycyzm (socjologizm), odszkolnienie (deschooling), eklektyzm (reformy pozorowane), ukazuje główne różnice i podobieństwa.Author analyses seven main models of reflections (paradigms, patterns) on educational reforming: pedagogism, reformism, systemic approach, dialectic approach, scepticism (sociologism), deschooling, eclectism (simulated reforms). The author presents main differences and similarities

    The University Teacher – Between Autonomy, Involvement and Nihilism

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    Contemporary culture offers and constantly enriches many models of life, values, and consumption incentives. Pedagogy is also pluralistic today, rich in currents and trends. Teachers, including academics, face the unavoidable and constant choice between getting involved in the work with students and detachment and autonomy, or rather encouraging young people to choose their own identity and orientation, because all choices are equal. It is necessary to seek a common minimum of formal and material goals of upbringing. One of such formal purposes is that of independent judgment, i.e. the autonomy and the ability to think critically. Human is inseparable from the material; there is a dispute, however, about the components of this category. Recognition of the equality of all cultural discourses leads to nihilism with all its consequences

    Democratic and Humanistic Education as Movement and Social Undertaking

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    The text is a revised version of a paper delivered at a conference in Jabłonna in November 1981 during the Solidarity revolution, put down by the introduction of martial law in Poland in December that year. The author asks about the fundamental causes of this social and political shake-up and about the implications for the future of the education system. He scrutinizes the demands of different social and scientific circles which debated on the future of education. He proposes and foresees the possibility of limiting the role of the state, or the socialization of education, i.e. its independent creation by parents, teachers, local and regional communities and instilling in the learners of the skill to develop an inner autonomy and wide humanistic horizons. He enumerates many difficult dilemmas to be solved within these processes, stressing the need for long-term, consistent action.307371Studia Edukacyjn

    An Outline of Pedagogical Agnotology. Three Subjective Tales

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    The term „agnotology” was introduced by Robert Proctor. Agnotology is the study on the spread of ignorance, its social scope and impact, causes and effects. The author tried to analyze whether it is possible that ignorance is disseminated by schools, the principal institution of the Enlightenment, i.e. not only of equipping invididuals with broad knowledge, but of taking care of each individual’s ability to judge (critical thinking). The author discusses three examples of deliberate structural changes to indicate that school „reforms” may bring about effects opposite to the intended ones, have an offside effect of belated imitation and widespread side effects, which destroy the entire education system

    Pożegnanie Profesor Eugenii Malewskiej

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    Education towards difference and inclusion. Two types of discourses —to positive pedagogy*

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    The main goal of this article is description of two educational discourses pertaining to differences, their acceptance and eradication or alleviation. The first is the special needs pedagogy, which has seen a dispute between the enthusiasts of institutional and social integration of the disabled with people, communities and institutions dominated by those within a given norm. The second is characteristic of the critical pedagogy and sociology—concerns people and social groups who are culturally and socially excluded and marginalised, both overtly and covertly

    Pożegnanie Profesor Eugenii Malewskiej

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    Does Polish Pedagogy Have its Great Questions?

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    The sources of the great questions of Polish pedagogy originate in the canon of eminent pedagogues of the interwar period, in the development blocks of our collective consciousness, in the dynamic cultural and developmental transformations on a global scale, and in the strong connections of pedagogy with its fundamental sciences