32 research outputs found

    Formation and development of the system of public affairs institutes: governmental administrative aspect

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    The article states that formation and development of the public affairs institutes from the position of the state administration have to be dealt with as a polisystematic and polistructural result of intergration of many spheres of society viability maintenance with the following functionally related specific complexes: logistical, economic, social, domestic and cultural. The author proves that they are organizationally combined from the political and ideological position to create a certain sphere – the sphere of housing and municipal services that constitutes the system of structures contributing to the functioning of housing and utilities sector. It is defined that modernization of the housing and utilities sector provides for the complex of political, economic, research, educational, institutional and management, as well as technically preventative measures aimed at realization of citizens’ rights to civilized housing and utility conditions as the determining factor of reproduction of a human and society

    Применение модулярной арифметики для вычисления азимута в фазовых пеленгаторах

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    Розглянуто та проаналізовано задачу однозначного визначення азимута у фазових радіопеленгаторах на основі представлення і обчислення результатів вимірювань в числовій системі залишкових класів. Сформульовано умови, за яких задача усунення багатозначності фазового пеленгування зводиться до задачі відновлення цілого числа, представленого залишками у системі залишкових класів. Наведено алгоритм оброблення та моделювання задачі визначення азимута у двобазовому фазовому радіопеленгаторі.Introduction. Phase finders are designed for precise determination of the radiation source angular position. Avoiding the ambiguity measuring the signalphase shift exceeding 2π is an important task in such systems. A new way to solve the problem associated with the use of residue number system (RNS) is proposed. Problem statement. Azimuth of radiation source fluctuations relative to the two bases linear receiving antenna is defined. It is necessary to define the conditions under which the problem of estimating the azimuth based on the measurement of signals phase shifts φ1,2 Є[0,2π) between antenna elements is reduced to the recovery of a whole number from its RNS residues. Theoretical results. The possibility of RNS used for phase multiscale systems is based on such common property as the modular nature both numerical data RNS representations and phase measurements. The azimuth determining problem bringing to the problem of reconstructing the whole number from its RNS residues for two bases finder is necessary. Firstly, it’s to select the modules RNS as a pair of relatively prime numbers; secondly, it’s to select the antenna base proportional RNS modules; thirdly, it’s to select the quanta of measuring the phase shift signal is inversely proportional to the value of the RNS modules: An example of calculating the azimuth of the direction finder for the phase two bases, that confirms the correctness of the proposed method is shown. Conclusion. The possibility of using RNS phase direction finder is implemented by selecting an antenna base and phase shift quantum measurement proportional to the RNS modules. In this case, the ability to identify and correct azimuth blunders is the process of eliminating ambiguity measurement acquiring a new quality. A new data processing algorithm and it's new property can significantly reduce the probability of serious errors in the phase finders.Рассмотрена и проанализирована задача однозначного определения азимута в фазовых радиопеленгатора на основе представления и вычисления результатов измерений в числовой системе остаточных классов. Сформулированы условия, при которых задача устранения многозначности фазового пеленгования сводится к задаче восстановления целого числа, представленного остатками в системе остаточных классов. Приведен алгоритм обработки и моделирования задачи определения азимута в двухбазовом фазовом радиопеленгаторе

    Application of Circular Statistics During Analysis of the Eddy Current Testing Signals

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    Eddy current non-destructive testing (ECNDT) is an extremely informative test method for conductive materials and products [1]. It is known that eddy currents are usually generated by sinusoidal signals of one or more frequencies and the major part of the information about test objects is contained in the fault characteristics of signals generated by the eddy current. Such characteristics can be defined, for example, through the Hilbert transform of the signals


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    Background. In recent decades, positive psychologists have concentrated research efforts on the investigation of the precursors of optimal functioning of an individual, shifting the focus from repairing damage within disease model of functioning to enhancing the positive aspects. The present study sought to determine which dispositional private self-focused attention variables (systemic re?ection, introspection, quasi-re?ection) have the predictive power for subjective and eudaemonic forms of well-being and mental health of adolescents. Objectives. The main purpose of the current research is to study the relationships between different types of re?ection and optimal functioning of the adolescents.Method. The sample consisted of 60 adolescents (32 male and 28 female) aged from 15 to 17 years. To answer the research questions the following data tools were chosen: “Differential type of re?ection” (Leontiev et al.), “Emotional Creativity Inventory” (J.R. Averill), Adolescent “Mental Health Continuum – Short Form” (C. Keyes); “The Satisfaction with Life Scale” (Diener et al.); “Scales of psychological well-being” (C.D. Ryff); “PANAS” (Watson et al.).Results. The results demonstrated that systemic re?ection was positively correlated with emotional creativity, psychological and subjective forms of well-being and mental health continuum of the adolescents. The multiple correlation-regression analysis yielded the most informative aspects of the re?ection and emotional creativity predictive of the optimal functioning of an individual. They include: positive correlations with systemic re?ection and all features of emotional creativity (novelty, effectiveness, authenticity), and negative with quasi-re?ection. Conclusions. It was proved that systemic re?ection was a statistically signi?cant positive predictor for optimal functioning of the adolescents.Рассмотрена  проблема  внутриличностных  детерминант  оптимального  функционирования  человека,  представлен  теоретический  анализ  его структурных  компонентов.  Исследована  связь  гармоничного  состояния  человека с рефлексией как устойчивой личностной характеристикой. Эмпирически проанализирована роль конструктивных и неконструктивных форм рефлексии в обеспечении  переживания  человеком  субъективного,  психологического  благополучия и беспрерывности психического здоровья. Доказано отсутствие статистически значимых половых различий в показателях рефлексии и признаках оптимального функционирования старшеклассников.Подано  результати  емпіричного  та  теоретичного  аналізу  проблеми визначення особистісних ресурсів оптимального функціонування людини. Обґрунтовано доцільність розгляду рефлексії як системного утворення, вираженого у трьох формах репрезентації (системна рефлексія, квазірефлексія, інтроспекція). Доведено зв’язок системної рефлексії із суб’єктивним та психологічним благополуччям, переживанням людиною стану безперервності психічного здоров’я. Виявлено, що співвідношення видів рефлексії старшокласників відповідає нормативним показникам дорослої людини. Емпірично доведено відсутність статевих відмінностей за різними видами рефлексії та формами прояву благополуччя старшокласників

    Ecological and economic potential and prospects for organic production in the regions of Russia

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    Purpose: The article assesses the ecological and economic potential of organic production in the regions of Russia and substantiates the prospects for the regions’ production activity. Design: Assessment of the resource potential of the Russian regions in the direction of the development of organic agriculture, the substantiation of the effectiveness of new areas of activity for the Russian agrarian economy. Findings: The increase in agricultural and food production in excess of regulatory needs in order to ensure food security in Russia has led to the expansion of agricultural exports as well as to a change of the agro-industrial complex development vector from import substitution to export-oriented production. Practical implications: Environmental problems of agriculture are identified, mechanisms for their solution are justified. Based on the environmental and economic assessment, the most promising agrarian regions were selected as potential producers of organic products. Originality: The article substantiates ecological, economic and resource potential, shows the potential of the producers of the Russian regions in the production of organic products, the development of organic agriculture and the use of bio-intensive agricultural technologies.peer-reviewe

    Radiation-Induced Cerebro-Ophthalmic Effectsin Humans

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    : Exposure to ionizing radiation (IR) could affect the human brain and eyes leading to both cognitive and visual impairments. The aim of this paper was to review and analyze the current literature, and to comment on the ensuing findings in the light of our personal contributions in this field. The review was carried out according to the PRISMA guidelines by searching PubMed, Scopus, Embase, PsycINFO and Google Scholar English papers published from January 2000 to January 2020. The results showed that prenatally or childhood-exposed individuals are a particular target group with a higher risk for possible radiation effects and neurodegenerative diseases. In adulthood and medical/interventional radiologists, the most frequent IR-induced ophthalmic effects include cataracts, glaucoma, optic neuropathy, retinopathy and angiopathy, sometimes associated with specific neurocognitive deficits. According to available information that eye alterations may induce or may be associated with brain dysfunctions and vice versa, we propose to label this relationship “eye-brain axis”, as well as to deepen the diagnosis of eye pathologies as early and easily obtainable markers of possible low dose IR-induced brain damage

    Arterial hypertension prevention as an actual medical and social problem

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    Social changes, technological re-equipment, intensive formation of urban infrastructure have led to a constant increase in stress factors and an excessive growth of the nervous and psychological population burden. As a result of these processes in economically developed countries, acute diseases are becoming less and less significant, unlike the group of chronic disorders, such as arterial hypertension. Data from the review of the literature and the data we have received indicate that there is an increase in the level of cortisol in the blood in the phase of anxiety, which reduces in the resistance phase. A significant role is played by another hormone - insulin, which plays a key role in the development of the general adaptive syndrome. Through it the body implements numerous counter-defects in relation to the regulatory influence of catecholamines and cortisol. In conditions of prolonged stress, the level of insulin in the blood decreases and diabetes develops. The effect of cortisol and catecholamines in the resistance phase persists. The level of oxidative modification of blood plasma proteins indices depends on the behavior of the individual and changes in his psycho-emotional state, while a prolonged increase in the levels of catecholamines and cortisol in peripheral blood causes the development of psychosomatic pathology. It is proved that under the influence of complex action of risk factors there are significant changes in the psycho-emotional state that cause hypertension. This is confirmed by the presence of the highest level of reactive anxiety in patients with hypertension of the 1st stage on the background of the lowest personal anxiety which is the basis for the occurrence of the disease. With the progression of hypertension there are more profound changes in the personality of the patient, which is accompanied by the accumulation of personal anxiety, which can lead to a depressive state of neurotic genesis, which we observed with its complication. On the basis of a comprehensive study, the effect of stress on the occurrence of a syndrome of psychoemotional stress is shown, which leads to a steady increase in blood pressure - hypertension, and with its subsequent action complicates its course