38 research outputs found


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    Background. Music and the state of flow have a special connection, because music causes instinctive motivation, which is the main feature of the sense of flow(Csikszentmihalyi).The objective of the present study is testing the hypothesis of probable differences in the personal traits of professional and amateur musicians, as well as possessing the positive experience of the state of "flow" by the professional musician due to the high level of performing perfection.The method of quasi-experiment for two non-equivalent groups of professional and amateur musicians was chosen in the empirical study that allowed testing the hypothesis of the study by identifying intergroup differences.The sample involved 182 people: a group of professional musicians (92 testees) and a group of amateur musicians (90 testees) (aged from 18 to 60). The studying of the sample was carried out by the Five-Factor Inventory (R. McCrae, P. Costa, 1992), "The Scale of Psychological Well-being" test (K. Riff, 2005), "the Hospital scale of anxiety and depression" questionnaire (A. Zigmond, R. Snaith, 1983) and "Short flow scale" (F. Rheinberg, R. Vollmeyer, 2003).Results. The group of professional musicians has statistically higher levels of such flow component as "fluency". The results of the research have similar means of the flow scales in all the subgroups of professional musicians. Such flow component as "absorption by activity" decreases with age in the group of amateur musicians.Conclusion. The results of the analysis of differences in the personal characteristics of professional musicians and amateur musicians confirm that professionals differ from the amateurs by higher levels of neuroticism, anxiety, but also by a higher level of psychological well-being and high means of flow state.В статье рассмотрены психологические особенности музыкантов-профессионалов и музыкантов-аматоров, а также особенности так называемого состояния «потока» музыкантами. Определяются специфические особенности музыкантов-профессионалов такие как: нейротизм, тревожность, психологическое благополучие, более высокий уровень состояние «потока» и таких его компонентов, как плавность и личностная важность деятельности. Музыканты-аматоры, по сравнению с профессионалами, обладают большей эмоциональной устойчивостью, но им также присущи более умеренные уровни психологического благополучия и состояния «потока».Дослідження присвячено виявленню у музикантів (професіоналів, аматорів) специфічного психічного стану – так званого стану «потоку» та уточненню притаманних музикантам особистісних рис. Встановлено, що у музикантів – професіоналів та аматорів особистісні характеристики статистично значущо відрізняються за ознаками притаманності професіоналам більш високого рівня психологічного благополуччя, нейротизму, тривожності, переживання стану «потоку» і таких його компонентів як «плавність» та «особистісна значущість». Вибір творчої професії пояснюється глибинною потребою у самореалізації творчої людини, притаманні їм тривожність, сум, можливість переживання стану «потоку». Музиканти-аматори ж відчувають стан «потоку» менш інтенсивно. Для аматорів музична діяльність у більшій ступені є засобом розваги, отримання задоволенн


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    Розглянуто детермінанти психологічного благополуччя музикантів-професіоналів. Розкрито поняття психологічного благополуччя та його компонентів. Наведено результати психодіагностичного дослідження особливостей структури психологічного благополуччя музикантів-професіоналів. Підкреслено необхідність ранньої діагностики та психопрофілактики станів психічної дезадаптації у музикантів.Рассмотрены  детерминанты  психологического  благополучия  музыкантов-профессионалов. Раскрыто понятие психологического благополучия и его компонентов.  Приведены  результаты  психодиагностического  исследования  особенностей структуры  психологического  благополучия  музыкантов-профессионалов.  Подчеркнута необходимость ранней диагностики и психопрофилактики состояний психической дезадаптации у музыкантов.The article reveals the determinants of psychological well-being of the professional musicians. The term “psychological well-being” and its components is researched. The results of psychodiagnosis research of the peculiarities of the structure of psychological well-being of the professional musicians are given.The article stresses the necessity of early diagnostics and prevention the states of psychological dezadaptaciya of the musicians

    A experiência de usar o webinar na preparação de especialistas em engenharia

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    The development of modern society in the context of computerization is associated with the introduction of information and communication technologies in all spheres of human life. Modern trends in the development of society as a whole and Russian education update attention to the development of distance education, which is based on the need for specialists in the continuous and rapid acquisition of new knowledge, without which the Business success and professional growth in a technologically advanced society is impossible, one of those resources is a webinar. We conducted a training experiment with 20 students from the State Pedagogical University of Nizhny Novgorod. The purpose of the pilot work was to test the effectiveness of conducting webinars to improve the quality of student education. The webinar performed differs significantly from those already available. With the help of this, student activity becomes more independent, there is an active pedagogical interaction between the students and the teacher, acquiring a research orientation. Guided by the results of the experimental work, they came to the conclusion that the use of webinars in the process of teaching students became a motivating factor in the learning process in general, while studying the academic disciplines, the practice of interest, there was an Interest in independent work, self-examination and self-assessment of knowledge and skills. The article summarizes the results of the web seminar "The state of housing and communal services problems in the Nizhny Novgorod region", carried out by the Technology Service and Technological Education Department of the State Pedagogical University of Nizhny Novgorod. The article shows the experience of organizing the professional training of specialists in the field of housing and community services, which is implemented in stages.El desarrollo de la sociedad moderna en el contexto de la informatización está asociado con la introducción de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación en todas las esferas de la vida humana. Las tendencias modernas en el desarrollo de la sociedad en su conjunto y de la educación rusa actualizan la atención al desarrollo de la educación a distancia, que se basa en la necesidad de especialistas en la adquisición continua y rápida de nuevos conocimientos, sin los cuales el éxito empresarial y el crecimiento profesional en una sociedad tecnológicamente avanzada es imposible, uno de esos recursos es un seminario web. Llevamos a cabo un experimento formativo con 20 estudiantes de la Universidad Pedagógica Estatal de Nizhny Novgorod. El propósito del trabajo piloto fue probar la efectividad de la realización de seminarios web para mejorar la calidad de la educación de los estudiantes. El webinar realizado difiere significativamente de los ya disponibles. Con la ayuda de ello, la actividad de los estudiantes se vuelve más independiente, hay una interacción pedagógica activa entre los estudiantes y el profesor, adquiriendo una orientación de investigación. Guiados por los resultados del trabajo experimental, llegaron a la conclusión de que el uso de seminarios web en el proceso de enseñanza a los estudiantes se convirtió en un factor motivador en el proceso de aprendizaje en general, mientras estudiaba las disciplinas académicas, la práctica de interés, había una Interés por el trabajo independiente, el autoexamen y la autoevaluación de conocimientos y habilidades. El artículo resume los resultados del seminario web "El estado de los problemas de vivienda y servicios comunales en la región de Nizhny Novgorod", realizado por el Departamento de Tecnología de Servicio y Educación Tecnológica de la Universidad Pedagógica Estatal de Nizhny Novgorod. El artículo muestra la experiencia de organizar la formación profesional de especialistas en el campo de la vivienda y los servicios comunitarios, que se implementa en etapas.O desenvolvimento da sociedade moderna no contexto da informatização está associado à introdução de tecnologias de informação e comunicação em todas as esferas da vida humana. As tendências modernas no desenvolvimento da sociedade como um todo e a educação russa chamam a atenção para o desenvolvimento da educação à distância, que se baseia na necessidade de especialistas na aquisição contínua e rápida de novos conhecimentos, sem os quais a O sucesso comercial e o crescimento profissional em uma sociedade tecnologicamente avançada são impossíveis, um desses recursos é um webinar. Realizamos um experimento de treinamento com 20 alunos da Universidade Pedagógica Estadual de Nizhny Novgorod. O objetivo do trabalho piloto foi testar a eficácia da realização de webinars para melhorar a qualidade da educação dos alunos. O webinar realizado difere significativamente daqueles já disponíveis. Com a ajuda disto, a atividade do aluno torna-se mais independente, há uma interação pedagógica ativa entre os alunos e o professor, adquirindo uma orientação de pesquisa. Guiada pelos resultados do trabalho experimental concluiu que o uso de seminários web em ensinar os alunos tornouse um fator de motivação no processo de aprendizagem em geral, ao estudar as disciplinas acadêmicas, a prática interesse, houve um interesse em trabalho independente, auto-exame e auto-avaliação de conhecimentos e habilidades. O artigo resume os resultados do seminário web "O estado dos problemas de habitação e serviços comunitários na região de Nizhny Novgorod", realizado pelo Departamento de Tecnologia e Serviço de Educação Tecnologia da Universidade Pedagógica Estado de Nizhny Novgorod. O artigo mostra a experiência de organizar a formação profissional de especialistas na área de habitação e serviços comunitários, que é implementada em etapas

    Desenvolvimento de conteúdos de programas educativos de formação complementar para composição de professores na organização de serviços educativos de formação com deficiência

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    Guided by the results of the experimental work, the authors came to the conclusion that the use of the electronic educational and methodical complex in mathematics on the basis of modular qualification training technology is essential. The current stage in the development of educational systems is characterized by the emergence and practical introduction of inclusive education for children with disabilities in general education organizations. Inclusion in the educational process of children with disabilities is dictated not only by modern normative documents, but also by the social need for inclusive education. One of the conditions for the preparation of children with disabilities in the educational environment is the quality and special training of teachers who must possess certain knowledge and skills to work with children with disabilities. Therefore, this study aimed to address the problem of training teachers in additional vocational education to work with children with disabilities. We conducted a training experiment, in which the professors of the university participated. The purpose of the pilot work was to improve the quality of teacher training in additional professional education to create an inclusive educational environment in the university. The legislative concepts of the Russian Federation are justified. One of the priority directions for the education of children with mental retardation (intellectual disabilities) along with general education is to give them a real opportunity to obtain a profession. The requirements for the results of the development of the complementary education program for children reflect the set of individual, public and state needs. The article gives an example of the developed program of additional professional education for the teaching staff and gives an example of the subject matter of the taught modules. Applying the teacher's professional skills training technology in additional education, additional education courses have been developed for the teaching staff of the university. An example is given of the opening of a resource center at the K. Minin University, which allows solving the main tasks of vocational training for children with disabilities.Guiados por los resultados del trabajo experimental, los autores llegaron a la conclusión de que el uso del complejo educativo y metódico electrónico en matemáticas sobre la base de la tecnología de capacitación de calificación modular es esencial. La etapa actual en el desarrollo de los sistemas educativos se caracteriza por el surgimiento y la introducción en la práctica de la educación inclusiva de los niños con discapacidades en las organizaciones de educación general. La inclusión en el proceso educativo de los niños con discapacidades está dictada no solo por los documentos normativos modernos, sino también por la necesidad social de una educación inclusiva. Una de las condiciones para la preparación de niños con discapacidades en el entorno educativo es la calidad y la capacitación especial de los maestros que deben poseer ciertos conocimientos y habilidades para trabajar con niños con discapacidades. Por lo tanto, este estudio tuvo como objetivo abordar el problema de la capacitación de maestros en educación vocacional adicional para trabajar con niños discapacitados. Realizamos un experimento formativo, en el que participaron los profesores de la universidad. El propósito del trabajo piloto fue mejorar la calidad de la capacitación de los maestros en la educación profesional adicional para crear un ambiente educativo inclusivo en la universidad. Los conceptos a nivel legislativo de la Federación de Rusia están justificados. Una de las direcciones prioritarias para la educación de los niños con retraso mental (discapacidades intelectuales) junto con la educación general es brindarles una oportunidad real de obtener una profesión. Los requisitos para los resultados del desarrollo del programa de educación complementaria para niños reflejan el conjunto de necesidades individuales, públicas y estatales. El artículo da un ejemplo del programa desarrollado de educación profesional adicional para el personal docente y se da un ejemplo de la materia de los módulos enseñados. Aplicando la tecnología de formación de competencias profesionales del docente en la educación adicional, se han desarrollado cursos de educación adicionales para el personal docente de la universidad. Se da un ejemplo de la apertura de un centro de recursos en la Universidad K. Minin, que permite resolver las tareas principales de la formación profesional para niños con discapacidades.Guiados pelos resultados do trabalho experimental, os autores chegaram à conclusão de que o uso do complexo educacional e metódico eletrônico em matemática com base na tecnologia de treinamento modular de qualificação é essencial. O estágio atual no desenvolvimento de sistemas educacionais é caracterizado pelo surgimento e introdução prática da educação inclusiva para crianças com deficiência em organizações de educação geral. A inclusão no processo educacional das crianças com deficiência é ditada não apenas pelos documentos normativos modernos, mas também pela necessidade social de educação inclusiva. Uma das condições para a preparação de crianças com deficiência no ambiente educacional é a qualidade e treinamento especial de professores que devem possuir certos conhecimentos e habilidades para trabalhar com crianças com deficiência. Portanto, este estudo teve como objetivo abordar o problema da formação de professores em educação profissional adicional para trabalhar com crianças com deficiência. Realizamos um experimento de treinamento, no qual participaram os professores da universidade. O objetivo do trabalho piloto foi melhorar a qualidade da formação de professores em educação profissional adicional para criar um ambiente educacional inclusivo na universidade. Os conceitos legislativos da Federação Russa são justificados. Uma das direções prioritárias para a educação de crianças com retardo mental (deficiência intelectual), juntamente com a educação geral, é dar-lhes uma oportunidade real de obter uma profissão. Os requisitos para os resultados do desenvolvimento do programa de educação complementar para crianças refletem o conjunto de necessidades individuais, públicas e estatais. O artigo dá um exemplo do programa desenvolvido de formação profissional adicional para o corpo docente e dá um exemplo do assunto dos módulos ensinados. Aplicando a tecnologia de treinamento de habilidades profissionais do professor em educação adicional, foram desenvolvidos cursos de educação adicionais para o corpo docente da universidade. Um exemplo é dado da abertura de um centro de recursos na Universidade K. Minin, que permite resolver as principais tarefas de formação profissional para crianças com deficiência

    Forms and teaching methods in the system of continuing professional education

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    The search for innovative forms and teaching methods is highly significant in the context of continuing education, since the competitiveness of modern teachers depends on the quality of the continuing education process. The purpose of the article is to analyze the experience of using innovative forms and methods in the system of advanced training and professional retraining of students. The article presents the experience of organizing the work of students using modern forms and methods of advanced training. The implementation of video conferencing allows students to learn advanced professional experience, exchange relevant information, ask leading experts questions of interest and receive recommendations. Training activities contribute to the intensification of the learning process. It is aimed both at mastering the cognitive component of the information transmitted by the teacher, and the formation of new professional models of behavior that meet modern requirements for the implementation of pedagogical activity. Mental maps are a means of logical structuring of information and are aimed at its operational development. Project activities allow students to build professional competence, find new innovative ways to solve problems, assess the feasibility and effectiveness of project ideas

    Game technologies as a means of increasing the educational motivation of university students

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    Game technologies allow bringing the educational process as close as possible to professional activities, activating the cognitive interest of students in the study of professional disciplines. The purpose of the article is to analyze the experience of implementing gaming technologies in the preparation of students of higher educational institutions to increase their motivation for learning. Game technologies are a set of methods and techniques for organizing the educational process in the form of various games that stimulate cognitive activity. They allow you to simulate a real workflow and consolidate theoretical material. Motivation is defined as a set of internal motivations that explain the student’s behavior, orientation and activity in the educational process. Motivation acts as a continuous choice and decision-making based on weighing behavioral alternatives. The article presents a study of the impact of gaming technology on changing students' motivation. As a tool for the study of motivation, we used Dubovitskaya methodology for the diagnosis of motivation. The study reflects the impact of gaming technology on changing student motivation. The implementation of gaming technologies in the training of students of a higher educational institution helps to increase the motivation of students to study professional disciplines, the formation of professional competence

    Опыт разработки электронного глоссария в высшем учебном заведении

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    Students’ professional competencies development in modern higher educational institutions depends on a number of factors including used pedagogical technologies. In the work, the authors demonstrate experience of compiling electronic glossaries using wiki technology in the course "English language". The authors emphasize that while studying a foreign language, the question of selecting lexical minimum that students must master is coming to the fore. For more effective content assimilation students, observing the stages described in the article, independently (with the advisory help of a teacher) develop an electronic dictionary that facilitates mastery of lexical minimum and allows future graduates professional competencies development. The work reveals main features of wiki glossaries, their essence and role in future graduates of higher educational institutions training. The authors also indicate teacher’s role in this process, note criteria for evaluating the glossary developed by students and principles on which development is based.El desarrollo de las competencias profesionales de los estudiantes en las instituciones modernas de educación superior depende de varios factores, incluidas las tecnologías pedagógicas utilizadas. En el trabajo, los autores demuestran experiencia en la compilación de glosarios electrónicos utilizando tecnología wiki en el curso "idioma inglés". Los autores enfatizan que mientras estudian un idioma extranjero, la cuestión de seleccionar el mínimo léxico que los estudiantes deben dominar está surgiendo. Para estudiantes de asimilación de contenido más efectivos, observando las etapas descritas en el artículo, independientemente (con la ayuda de un maestro) desarrolle un diccionario electrónico que facilite el dominio del mínimo léxico y permita el desarrollo de competencias profesionales para futuros graduados. El trabajo revela las principales características de los glosarios wiki, su esencia y papel en la formación de futuros graduados de instituciones de educación superior. Los autores también indican el papel del maestro en este proceso, señalan los criterios para evaluar el glosario desarrollado por los estudiantes y los principios en los que se basa el desarrollo.Формирование профессиональных компетенций студентов в современном высшем учебном заведении зависит от ряда факторов, в том числе от используемых педагогических технологий. В работе авторы демонстрируют опыт составления электронных глоссариев с помощью вики-технологии по дисциплине «Английский язык», раскрывают основные возможности вики-глоссариев, их сущность и роль в подготовке будущих выпускников высших образовательных учреждений. Авторы подчеркивают, что в изучении иностранного языка на первый план выходит вопрос об отборе лексического минимума, которым должны овладеть обучающиеся. Авторы обозначают позицию преподавателя в данном процессе, отмечают критерии оценки разрабатываемого студентами глоссария и принципы, на которых строится разработка. Для более результативного усвоения материала студенты, соблюдая приведенную в статье этапность, самостоятельно (при консультативной помощи преподавателя) разрабатывают электронный словарь, который способствует более легкому и освоению лексического минимума и позволяют сформировать профессиональные компетенции будущих выпускников

    Mejora de la gestión del sistema educativo en una organización de educación secundaria

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    The purpose of the article is the development and implementation of a model for managing educational system in a secondary education organization. To implement the model within the school, experimental work was carried out. It was carried out during two years from 2017 to 2018 and included several stages. The article reveals the essence of education and management of educational system for personality development of future school graduates. The authors analyze the activities of the school in the city of Dzerzhinsk in order to identify ways to improve educational system and its management. At the end of experimental work, it was found out that introduction of a management model of educational system into school’s activities made it possible to increase the level of familiarization of students to various areas of educational activities. The trainees took part in three municipal target programs the content of which was represented by various educational activities that favorably affect students’ personality development. Consequently, innovations introduced into the management system in the educational system have a positive effect on students, which proves the effectiveness of the model developed by the authors.El propósito del artículo es el desarrollo e implementación de un modelo para administrar el sistema educativo en una organización de educación secundaria. Para implementar el modelo dentro de la escuela, se realizó un trabajo experimental. Se llevó a cabo durante dos años, de 2017 a 2018, e incluyó varias etapas. El artículo revela la esencia de la educación y la gestión del sistema educativo para el desarrollo de la personalidad de los futuros graduados escolares. Los autores analizan las actividades de la escuela en la ciudad de Dzerzhinsk para identificar formas de mejorar el sistema educativo y su gestión. Al final del trabajo experimental, se descubrió que la introducción de un modelo de gestión del sistema educativo en las actividades escolares permitía aumentar el nivel de familiarización de los estudiantes con diversas áreas de actividades educativas. Los alumnos participaron en tres programas de objetivos municipales cuyo contenido estaba representado por diversas actividades educativas que afectan favorablemente el desarrollo de la personalidad de los estudiantes. En consecuencia, las innovaciones introducidas en el sistema de gestión en el sistema educativo tienen un efecto positivo en los estudiantes, lo que demuestra la efectividad del modelo desarrollado por los autores

    The structure and content of the achievements portfolio of university students

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    Introduction of the portfolio into the educational process requires precise regulation, systematization of its structure and content to attract students for filling it. The more students fill in the portfolio, the better becomes the quality of learning process. There were applied analysis, synthesis, induction and deduction for the purpose of studying the subject. The article denotes several definitions of the concept of portfolio. As a result, its essence was determined. The requirements for students have been established to fill it. Based on the “Regulations on the Portfolio of Achievements of Students of Kozma Minin Nizhniy Novgorod State Pedagogical University”, the functions of the portfolio were identified, and their content disclosed. The sections are given that are filled by students as well: educational activities, professional, research, public, cultural and creative, sports. According to our study it is worth to conclude that to improve the quality of education, the portfolio should be based on the principles of continuity, diagnostics, problem orientation, technological traceability criteria, scientific. It should have a clear structure and logical sequence of sections. As we have shown, the portfolio performs many pedagogical functions and has a positive effect on the personality of each student. The result of systematic participation in the compilation of a student's portfolio is developed abilities for self-organization, discipline, responsibility, the identification of strengths and weaknesses, and the elimination of learning gaps.peer-reviewe