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    Word formation is the process of constructing new words from existing materials. There are six kinds of word formations those are Blending, Compounding, Clipping, Borrowing, Acronym, and Abbreviation. In this study, the writer investigates the word used in word formations, kinds of word formations and the lexical meaning of word used in word formations found in television. The writer believes that some consumer do not understand all the lexical meaning of language advertisement using word formations. The purpose of this study was to know the words used in word formations, kind of word formations and the lexical meaning of words used in word formations found in television advertisement. This study is conducted to give contribution for English Department, such as to enrich the knowledge of English Department students about recent linguistics phenomena in English community and to develop the ability of understanding linguistics science. The writer used a descriptive qualitative research design to describe and interpret the word used word formations, kind of word formations and the lexical meaning of word used in word formations found in television advertisement. The object of the study the writer chooses word formations in television advertisement especially in Indosiar program specified to the medicine product. In collecting the data, the writer used observation as the instrument. Here, the writer does direct observation to complete the data, because he wants to get the data from the research objects. To analyze the data, the writer used several step as follows: 1) finding the word and put in the table, 2) classifying the word into word formations, 3) Analyzing the lexical meaning of word used word formation found in television advertisement, 4) Drawing conclusion based on the data. The result of this study shows that 22 words classified into 4 word formations used in television advertisement and the lexical meaning of 22 words in television advertisement especially medicine product. Finally, the writer suggests that this study will encourage other researchers to conduct better researcher, especially in linguistic subject

    Workshop Pengelolaan Pendidikan yang Humanis

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    PKM ini dilaksanakan untuk memfasilitasi guru dalam mendesain kegiatan pembelajaran yang humanis. PKM ini menggunakan metode partisipatif, peserta mengikuti penuh seluruh rangkaian kegiatan, baik penyampaian materi maupun tugas-tugas mandiri. Seluruh materi disampaikan secara tatap muka, namun peserta juga difasilitasi dengan aplikasi WA grup untuk saling sharing selama kegiatan berlangsung. Diketahui peserta yang mengikuti kegiatan PKM ini berjumlah 23 peserta yang terdiri dari guru SD, MI, TK dan PAUD yang ada di Desa Mangkujajar, Kecamatan Kembangbahu, Kabupaten Lamongan. kegiatan ini dilakukan selama 3 hari mulai tanggal 18-20 maret 2022. Berdasarkan hasil kegiatan bahwa sebagian besar peserta memahami konsep pembelajaran humanis dan mampu mengembangkan desain pembelajaran humanis bagi siswa. Peserta mampu mengembangkan pembelajaran humanis yaitu Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP), bahan ajar pembelajaran dalam bentuk luring, daring, maupun kombinasi. 100% peserta mengumpulkan tugas melalui email yang disediakan. Sebagian peserta juga mampu dalam mengoperasikan media dan evaluasi pembelajaran digital karena pada kurikulum 2013 guru juga diharapkan mampu menguasai dan menerapkan teknologi dalam proses pembelajaran untuk menyongsong generasi milenial

    Where is The Direction Of Physics Education?

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    This article discusses the direction of physics education in the future. This discussion covers physics education, career and technology, and learning to live together and throughout life from a literature study. An extensive study of literature is intended to show the direction of education, especially physics education. The basis of this article is by reviewing research, surveys and online books from several references. Overall, this paper draws conclusions for physics education majors. So the following narratives describe careers that are integrated with technological developments, educational innovations, alternative learning methods/models for physics education

    Pengaruh Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia Untuk Meningkatkan Mutu Pendidikan Di Sekolah Dasar Negeri Ii Bakalanpule

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    In order to improve the quality of education, the thing that needs to be considered is about Human Resource Management because without the support of good human resources, an organization or educational institution will not be able to progress and develop. Therefore, every organization or educational institution that wants to progress and develop must pay attention to human resources and manage them properly, in order to create quality education. This study aims to determine whether human resource management is very influential in improving the quality of education at the State Elementary School II Bakalanpule. The research method uses field research with a qualitative descriptive approach which aims to obtain information about the existing conditions and is designed to collect information about real, ongoing conditions. The results of this study indicate that human resource management has a very good influence on improving the quality of education at the State Elementary School II Bakalanpule where the principal assigns all teachers to participate in several activities and programs to support the ability and competence of teachers to continue to improve and develop, including is participating in seminars and training activities. Programs and activities to increase entrepreneurial, supervisory, managerial and entrepreneurship skills and are supported by educational staff who implement a good quality culture so that in terms of improving the quality of education it is very effective

    Pengaruh Gaya Kepemimpinan Transformatif terhadap Kinerja Pegawai STKIP PGRI Lamongan

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    Masalah yang telah terjadi di STKIP PGRI Lamongan adalah pegawai yang tidak termotivasi untuk bekerja. Dengan permasalahan tersebut penelitian ini ingin mengetahui bagaimana meningkatkan kinerja pegawai melalui kepemimpinan transformatif. Jenis penelitian ini yaitu explanatory research, alat pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner, wawancara dan dokumentasi yang disebarkan kepada seluruh karyawan yang berjumlah 36 orang. Teknik pengujian instrumen data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini meliputi uji validitas dengan analisis faktor, uji reliabilitas dengan Alpha Cronbach. Sedangkan untuk membuktikan hipotesis penelitian dengan Uji T dan Uji F. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah deskriptif dan analisi regresi linier. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data dapat disimpulkan bahwa pada kolom Coefficients terdapat nilai Sig 0,000. Nilai Sig lebih kecil dari nilai probabilitas 0,05 atau nilai 0,000 < 0,05, maka H1 diterima dan H0 ditolak. sedangkan Variabel X mempunyai t-hitung yaitu 5,800 dengan t-tabel = 2,034. jadi t-hitung < t-tabel dapat disimpulkan bahwa variabel X memiliki konstribusi terhadap Y. Jadi dapat disimpulkan kepemimpinan transformatif berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kinerja pegawai. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disarankan beberapa isu pada aspek kepemimpinan trasformatif dan kinerja pegawai di STKIP PGRI Lamongan perlu ditingkatkan dan ditekankan pada  aspek kepemimpinan transformatif, dimana perilaku transformatif atau karismatik diyakini mampu memperbesar dampak bentuk transaksional, perilaku pemimpin seperti ini pengikut merasa percaya dan hormat terhadap pemimpin serta termotivasi untuk melakukan lebih dari apa yang diharapkan

    Penerapan Model Problem Based Learning untuk Meningkatkan Minat Belajar Pancasila pada Mahasiswa PPKn Universitas Jambi

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    Kendala yang sering terjadi dalam proses pembelajaran adalah penerapan model pembelajaran yang tidak sesuai dengan karakteristik peserta didik dan materi yang diajarkan. Agar mahasiswa berminat mengikuti pembelajaran perlu didukung dengan model yang menarik, sehingga dapat meningkatkan keberhasilan belajar. Tujuan penelitian ini berupaya meningkatkan minat belajar mahasiswa mengikuti pembelajaran Pancasila melalui penerapan model Pembelajaran Berbasis Masalah (Problem Based Learning (PBL)). Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut digunakan metode Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (Classroom Action Research). Berdasarkan hasil tindakan kelas yang telah dilakukan menunjukan adanya peningkatan minat belajar pada setiap siklusnya. Pada siklus I, penerapan model PBL belum maksimal (56%) menyebabkan sebagian besar mahasiswa (38%) mahasiswa masih kurang berminat menngikuti pembelajaran Pancasila. Pada siklus II, penerapan model PBL ditingkatkan (72%), minat belajar mahasiswa  meningkat (54%). Pada siklus III, sebagaian besar mahasiswa (67%) memiliki minat belajar yang baik setelah model PBL ditingkatkan penerapnya hingga mencapai 88 persen. Model PBL akan efektif dalam meningkatkan minat belajar mahasiswa apabila penerapannya dilakukan dengan baik sesuai dengan prosedur dan karakteristik mahasiswa

    Pengaruh Bimbingan Belajar Gratis Terhadap Motivasi Belajar Anak Di Desa Lopang Kecamatan Kembangbahu Kabupaten Lamongan

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    Tutoring is the provision of assistance to children in solving learning problems that they do not understand. Free tutoring referred to in this study is the provision of assistance to school subjects that are not understood, approaches and services to children so that they recognize themselves and are able to make the right decisions in their learning activities. This research was conducted in Lopang village, Kembangbahu district, Lamongan district with 26 respondents. This study aims to analyze whether or not there is an effect of free tutoring on learning motivation, with the data collection methods used in this study were questionnaires, interviews and documentation. The approach used is quantitative with a simple linear regression model with SPSS. In SPSS the significance is written by default as 0.05. From the hypothesis test that has been carried out, it can be concluded that the free tutoring variable has a significant effect on children's learning motivation in Lopang village. This is shown in the Summary data where the R Square value or coefficient of determination (KD) is 0.090, which means that the independent variable or free tutoring affects the dependent variable as much as 9%, the remaining 91% is influenced by other factors. With a value (Sig.) of 0.138, which means a probability value greater than 5%, which is 0.05, it indicates that Free Tutoring has no effect on Learning Motivation
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