13 research outputs found


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    ABSTRAKMasalah gizi kurang (underweight) di Asia Tenggara pada tahun 2005-2016 yaitu sebesar 35,7% yang merupakan urutan pertama permasalahan gizi kurang di dunia. Di Indonesia, masalah gizi kurang tidak ada perubahan angka prevalensi selama tahun 2016- 2017 yaitu sebesar 17,8%.1 Berdasarkan Riskesdas Tahun 2013, di Jawa Barat Prevalensi gizi kurang pada balita (BB/U<-2SD) secara nasional adalah 19,6%, sedangkan di Jawa Barat lebih baik yaitu 15,7%.2 Faktor gizi sangat berpengaruh pada tumbuh kembang terutama pada masa anak-anak dimana tingkat kecerdasan dan pertumbuhan sedang berkembang. Salah satu alternatif dalam penurunan staus gizi kurang ini yaitu dengan segitiga obat yang memiliki 3 tools berorientasi pada pemenuhan status gizi, perilaku kesehatan dan edukasi. Tujuan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah menurunkan masalah status gizi kurang pada anak dan meningkatkan pengetahuan ibu mengenai gizi seimbang dan dapat mempraktekan perilaku kesehhatan (mencuci tangan pakai sabun) serta dapat menjalin kerjasama antara sektor formal dan informal sangat membantu terwujudnya segitiga obat sehingga cakupan segitiga obat dapat luas dan memberikan peluang besar terhadap penyelesaian masalah anak. Metode pengabdian masyarakat yang digunakan yaitu terdiri dari empat tahapan, tahapan persiapan, tahapan pelaksanaan, tahapan monitoring dan evaluasi dan tahapan pelaporan dengan intervensi PTM (Pendamping Tambahan Makanan), penyuluhan gizi seimbang dan PHBS dan pemantauan perilaku kesehatan. Hasil pengabdian masyarakat adalah masyarakat terutama ibu yang memiliki anak memiliki pengetahuan mengenai gizi seimbang dan PHBS meningkat sebelum dan sesudah adanya penyuluhan yang dapat diterapkan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari dan dapat mempraktikan langsung perilaku kesehatan (cuci tangan pakai sabun) dan PTM. Target dari pengabdian ini adalah menurunkan angka status gizi kurang di Desa Jayamukti dengan pelatihan cara pemberian makanan tambahan dan juga meningkatakan perilaku kesehatan dengan praktik secara langsung mengenai cuci tangan pakai sabun serta meningkatkan pengetahuan ibu akan status gizi. Kata kunci : Status gizi, anak, segitiga obat, kesehatan, PTM    ABSTRACTUnderweight problems in Southeast Asia in 2005-2016 were 35.7% which constituted the first order of malnutrition problems in the world. In Indonesia, there is no change in malnutrition in the prevalence rate during 2016-2017, which is 17.8% .1 Based on Riskesdas in 2013, in West Java the prevalence of malnutrition in infants (BB / U <-2SD) nationally is 19, 6%, while in West Java it is better at 15.7%. 2 Nutritional factors are very influential in growth and development, especially in childhood where intelligence and growth are developing. One alternative in reducing this malnutrition status is the triangular drug which has 3 tools oriented towards fulfilling nutritional status, health behavior and education. The purpose of this community service is to reduce the problem of malnutrition in children and increase maternal knowledge about balanced nutrition and can practice health behaviors (hand washing with soap) and can establish cooperation between the formal and informal sectors to help realize the drug triangle so that the drug triangle can be broad and provide a great opportunity for solving child problems. The community service method used is consisting of four stages, preparation stages, implementation stages, monitoring and evaluation stages and reporting stages with PTM intervention (Supplementary Food Supplement), balanced nutrition counseling and PHBS and health behavior monitoring. The result of community service is that the community, especially mothers who have children, have knowledge about balanced nutrition and PHBS increases before and after counseling that can be applied in daily life and can directly practice health behaviors (washing hands with soap) and PTM. The target of this service is to reduce the number of malnutrition status in Jayamukti Village by training how to provide supplementary food and also improve health behavior by practicing directly about washing hands with soap and increasing mother's knowledge of nutritional status. Keywords: Nutritional Status, Children, Triangle Of Medicine, Health, Provision Of Additional Foo

    Analysis of Cohb Level in Blood Contribution on the Lung Function Capacity to Potters at Yogyakarta Giwangan Terminal

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    Yogyakarta is a capital city of Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, educational, tourism and industry city. This condition probably makes citizen increase and it can also increase urbanization to Yogyakarta. Citizen increasing causes the vehicle volume increased and it can make quality of air decrease. Main source of pollutant comes from transportation and one of them is carbon monoxide. Potter in Giwangan terminal were respondents in this study which were in high risk to be exposed by transportation emission which had carbon monoxide because their activity that always stay in terminal for long time. This study aim was prevent risk of lung capacity decreasing caused by carbon monoxide to potters at Yogyakarta Giwangan terminal. This study was observational study with cross sectional design. Study Population was all potters at Yogyakarta Giwangan terminal with sample large were 33 samples (population total). Data analysis used spearman correlation test and fisher‘s continued logistic regression. The results of this study showed that 30.3% of respondents had the abnormal lung function capacity (lung problems) and 69.7% of respondents had normal lung function capacity. The results of bivariate analysis between age, nutritional status, use of Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) and disease history were not associated with lung function capacity (p-value> 0.05) and there was associated between the period of employment, smoking habit, and exercise habits with a capacity of lung function (p-value <0.05). Multivariate test results indicated that COHb levels did not contribute to the capacity of lung function and smoking was the most influencing variable to capacity of lung function with odds ratio value (OR) as many as 16.37. COHb levels did not contribute the capacity of lung function and smoking habit was the most factors which influence than others.

    Relationship between Health Belief Model constructs and smoking behavior among school-age adolescents in Indonesia: A cross-sectional study

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    Background: Programs aimed at altering health risk behavior in adolescents have frequently been a priority for the health department in Indonesia. However, these efforts have not yielded optimal results thus far. The Health Belief Model (HBM) is considered a dependable indicator for predicting health-risk behavior. Objective: This study sought to establish the relationship between the constructs of the Health Belief Model (HBM) – namely, perceived susceptibility to health-related issues due to smoking, perceived barriers to non-smoking, perceived benefits of non-smoking, perceived self-efficacy to non-smoking, and cues to action for non-smoking – and smoking behavior among adolescents of school age. Methods: The study employed a cross-sectional design, examining smoking behavior in 171 school-age adolescents in Indonesia. This was done using an online Indonesian Smoking Behavior Questionnaire and a validated Indonesia Health Belief Model Questionnaire that measures the five domains of HBM. The Chi-square test was utilized to explore associations among different variables. Results: Adolescents with an average age of 16.04 years (ranging from 12 to 17 years) reported a 5.8% incidence of smoking in the past 30 days. Significantly, there was a relationship between perceived susceptibility (p = 0.002), barriers to quitting smoking (p <0.001), cues to action (p = 0.019), and smoking behavior in adolescents. Conclusion: The study provides valuable insights into how the Health Belief Model is linked to the involvement of adolescents in health risk behavior, particularly smoking. This information is crucial for the development of health education tailored to adolescents of school age

    Pengaruh Program Promosi Intervensi Cuci Tangan Pakai Sabun Terhadap Pengetahuan Siswa di Sekolah Dasar Jakarta

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    Hand washing with soap is one of the sanitation measures by cleaning the hands and fingers using water and soap by humans to be clean and break the chain of germs. Washing hands with soap is also an effort to prevent disease.This study aims to analyze effect of hand washing with soap intervention promotion program on students' knowledge in jakarta elemntary schools. This type of research is quantitative using experimental research with one group pre-post test design. The sample in this study class V elementary Schools, amounting to 37 students. Data is collected by using a questionnaire. Counseling given by video and song washing media using hand soap. The statistical test used in this study is Wilcoxon. Based on the results it is known that there are significant differences between the value of prior knowledge and the value of knowledge after health promotion interventions. The difference in students' knowledge about washing hands with soap before and after the health promotion intervention was seen from an increase in score of 4.72 or an average difference of -4.714 with a p value of 0,000. There is an increase in the average number of respondents after receiving the educational instruction on washing hands with soap. Keywords : Hand washing, Knowledge, Health Promotion, Interventio


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    Penyakit kulit akibat kerja salah satunya adalah dermatitis kontak yang disebabkan oleh adanya kontak dengan bahan tertentu dari proses produksi di perusahaan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran faktor dermatitis kontak pada karyawan di bagian produksi PT. Argapura Indonesia tahun 2020. Jenis penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan desain studi cross sectional. Populasi dalam penelitian ini merupakan karyawan pada bagian produksi di PT Argapura Indonesia sebanyak 40 orang. Sampel penelitian ini berjumlah 40 sampel pada karyawan bagian produksi dengan menggunakan metode total sampling. Penelitian ini menggunakan data primer yang didapat dari perusahaan dan data sekunder yang didapat dengan menggunakan alat ukur kuesioner online. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa karyawan dengan masa kerja lebih dari 3 tahun yang tidak mengalami dermatitis kontak sebesar 60%. Karyawan yang menangani bahan kimia kurang dari sama dengan 6 jam sebesar 67,5% tidak mengalami dermatitis kontak. Karyawan yang memiliki usia lebih dari sama dengan 30 tahun sebesar 60% tidak mengalami dermatitis kontak, dan karyawan yang menggunakan APD lengkap sebesar 60% tidak mengalami dermatitis kontak. PT. Argapura Indonesia harus melakukan peningkatan program training yang cukup untuk adaptasi karyawan baru untuk mengurangi kejadian dermatitis kontak akibat dari kurangnya pengalaman pekerja baru dalam menangani bahan kimia, pemberian training APD dan pembuatan rotasi kerja yang tepat untuk mengurangi lama kontak dengan bahan-bahan produksi yang menyebabkan dermatitis kontak dan pemberian sanksi tegas untuk kelalaian penggunaan APD

    Sustainability Life Cycle Assessment of Household Food Waste Management in Urban Areas

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    Background: Food waste is a severe problem, and Indonesia is the world’s second-largest producer of food waste. A limited waste management system will decrease environmental quality, such as air, water, and soil pollution. So far, the waste management system is limited to reducing waste generation. The life cycle assessment is a method to analyze environmental aspects or environmental impacts at all stages in a resource’s life cycle, from the initial process of raw materials to disposal. This study aims to analyze the environmental impact and provide waste management policies to obtain sustainable household waste management and environmental sustainability.  Methods: The study design used in this research is cross-sectional by conducting direct observations and interviews at the Waste Bank. Interviews were conducted to identify more in-depth findings about waste management problems and the characteristics of respondents and waste characteristics. Observations were made to calculate waste generation that refers to Indonesian national standard methods of sample collection and measurement of urban waste generation and composition (SNI 19-3694-1994.) The sampling technique was carried out by the total sampling method, resulting in 100 households.  Results: The research results with organic waste processing with the black soldier fly method. This method impacts global warming, acidification, eutrophication, and ozone depletion. Of the four elements that produce the most negligible impact is the impact of global warming of 0.281 kg CO2 eq compared to the other effects. Conclusion: BSF processing can reduce environmental impacts, especially global warming. Meanwhile, education affects people’s behavior in generating food waste; therefore, there are policy recommendations for Waste Bank stakeholders in processing food waste


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    Demam berdarah dengue (DBD) adalah penyakit yang ditularkan oleh vektor nyamuk Ae aegypti yang disebabkan oleh virus dengue. Pengunaan insektisida sintetis banyak digunakan masyarakat, karena dinilai praktis dan cepat dalam pengendalian. Salah satu bahan aktif yang digunakan dalam formulasi obat nyamuk aerosol adalah sipermetrin. Sipermetrin merupakan insektisida sintetis piretroid yang mempunyai efek racun perut dan racun kontak. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis perbedaan angka fekunditas, fertilitas dan daya hidup nyamuk Ae aegypti pada pemajanan anti nyamuk aerosol yang berbahan aktif sipermetrin. Penelitian ini termasuk penelitian eksperimen semu menggunakan post test only control group design, dengan empat perlakuan variasi, konsentrasi 0,00055 ppm, 0,0110 ppm, 0,0165 ppm, dan 0,0220 ppm agar mendapatkan nyamuk yang hidup. Hasil penelitian uji statistik One Way Anova didapatkan nilai p angka fekunditas sebesar 0,850, tidak ada perbedaan angka fekunditas setelah terpajan sipermetrin. Uji statistik One Way Anova didapatkan nilai p angka fertilitas sebesar 0,151, tidak ada perbedaan angka fertilitas setelah terpajan sipermetrin. Pada uji statistik One Way Anova didapatkan nilai p larva survive sebesar 0,000, ada perbedaan larva survive setelah terpajan sipermetrin. Hasil uji statistik Kruskal Wallis didapatkan nilai p pupa survive sebesar 0,980, tidak ada perbedaan pupa survive setelah terpajan sipermetrin. Uji statistik One Way Anova didapatkan nilai p lama nyamuk survive sebesar 0,044, ada perbedaan lama nyamuk survive . Simpulan penelitian bahwa nyamuk Ae aegypti yang telah terpapar akan memperbanyak jumlah telur dan memperpanjang umur nyamuk. Penggunaan dosis insektisida kimia yang telah beredar terlalu tinggi maka seminimal mungkin tidak menggunakan insektisida secara terus menerus. Kata Kunci: Aedes aegypti , sipermetrin, Angka Fekunditas, Angka Fertilitas, dan Daya Hidup Nyamu

    Implementation of Universal Precautions for Health Workers in the City Health Services in Indonesia

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    Background: The most health problem in Indonesia for health services is infectious diseases. So the need to implement Universal Precautions is one of the efforts to prevent infection in health facilities. Aim : This study aims to implementation of universal precautions for health workers in the city health services. This study uses a quantitative design that is observational, with a cross-sectional study design. Methods: The sample in this study was the total number of health personnel in health services as many as 108 people consisting of a hospital as many as 89 nurses, a public health center with 9 nurses, and a clinic as many as 10 nurses. The instrument used in the application of universal precautions is through observation, using a monitoring sheet. Results: The result proportion of the not application of universal precautions at the level of hospital health services is 83.3%. The results showed that the higher the level of health care, the higher the average application of universal precautions. The application of universal precautions at the health service level has the same level of service in handling patients, and there are still nurses who do not use APD aprons. Conclusion: The health service conducts training and the head of the room directs the nurse about universal vigilance when the shift changes, so that the nurse can apply universal precautions according to the standard operating procedures (SOP)


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    Background: Yogyakarta is a capital city of Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, educational, tourism and industry city. This condition probably makes citizen increase and it can also increase urbanisation to Yogyakarta. Citizen increasing causes the vehicle volume increased and it can make quality of air decrease. Main source of pollutant comes from transportation and one of them is carbon monoxide. Potter in Giwangan terminal were respondents in this study which were in high risk to be exposed by transportation emission which had corbon monoxide because their activity that always stay there in long time. Objective: to prevent risk of lung capacity decreasing caused by carbon monoxide to potters at Yogyakarta Giwangan terminal. Method: this study was observational study with cross sectional design. Population of this study were all potters at Yogyakarta Giwangan terminal with sample large were 33 samples and they obtained by purposive sampling. Data analysis used spearman correlation test and fisher�s continued logistic regression. Result: : The results of this study showed that 30.3% of respondents had the abnormal lung function capacity (lung problems) and 69.7% of respondents had normal lung function capacity. The results of the bivariate analysis between the variables of age, nutritional status, use of PPE and disease history were not associated with lung function capacity (p-value> 0.05) and there is associated between the period of employment, smoking habit, and exercise habits with a capacity of lung function (p-value <0.05). Multivariate test results indicated that COHb levels do not contribute to the capacity of lung function and smoking was the most influencing variable to capacity of lung function with odds ratio value (OR) as many as 16.37.. Conclusion: COHb levels do not contribute the capacity of lung function and smoking habit was the most factor which influence than others

    Spatial Analysis of Children’s Diarrhea in Urban Areas

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    Diarrhea is a condition in which an individual experiences bowel movements with a frequency of 3 times or more per day in the consistency of stool in liquid form. In addition, it can occur from person to person as a result of poor personal hygiene and environment. This research was conducted using quantitative methods and using a case series design. The population in this study amounted to 2533 toddlers with 56 samples. Data were collected using the case series method on 56 toddlers. Primary data were obtained through questionnaire interviews and recording the distribution of diarrhea incidence among toddlers with Google Maps and ArcGIS. Based on the results of the study, it was found that in the spatial analysis the incidence of toddler diarrhea was mostly spread in RW 01, as many as 36 respondents (64.3%) had a good household waste management system, as many as 41 respondents (73.2%) had a waste water management system. good, as many as 30 respondents (53.6%) had bad hand washing behavior, 37 respondents (66.1%) had poor knowledge, and as many as 37 respondents (66.1%) had higher education status. It was expected to Public Health Center to re-evaluate environmental health infrastructure recommendations