20 research outputs found

    Pengembangan Perangkat Pembelajaran Darıng dengan Pendekatan Problem Based Learnıng untuk Menıngkatkan Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah Matematık Mahasıswa

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    Berbagai kendala dalam mempersiapkan pembelajaran dialami baik oleh mahasiswa maupun dosen. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk memperoleh hasil pengembangan perangkat pembelajaran online dengan pendekatan Problem Based Learning pada mata kuliah matematika yang valid dan praktis. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah model penelitian dan pengembangan Plomp. Hasil validasi ahli dan rekan terhadap perangkat pembelajaran matematika seperti RPS (3,96), RPP (4,05), Bahan Ajar (4,08), LKS (4,11) dan soal (4,07) valid dengan kriteria baik). Hasil nilai uji kepraktisan dari rata-rata observasi pelaksanaan pembelajaran 76,9%, rata-rata respon angket mahasiswa 85,1%, rata-rata angket respon dosen 82,4% dan rata-rata observasi aktivitas kemampuan pemecahan masalah matematis 82%. Dari uji validitas dan uji kepraktisan bahwa pengembangan perangkat pembelajaran matematika yang dibuat dapat menunjukkan peningkatan kemampuan pemecahan masalah matematis siswa terhadap pemecahan masalah non-rutin. Various of obstacles in preparing learning experienced by both students and lecturers. The purpose of this study was to obtain the results of developing online learning tools with a Problem Based Learning approach in valid and practical mathematics courses. The research method used is the Plomp research and development model. The results obtained by experts and colleagues validation of mathematics learning tools such as RPS (3.96), RPP (4.05), Teaching Materials (4.08), Student Worksheets (4 .11) and the question (4.07) is valid with good criteria). The results of the practicality test score from the average observation of learning implementation 76.9%, the average student questionnaire response 85.1%, the average lecturer response questionnaire 82,4% and the average observation of mathematical problem solving ability activities 82%. From the validity and practicality test that the development of mathematics learning tools made can show an increase in students' mathematical problem solving abilities towards solving non-routine problem

    Implementasi Pengembangan Perangkat Pembelajaran ACE Untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Penalaran Matematik Mahasiswa DIII Teknik Komputer Politeknik Harapan Bersama Tegal

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    Jenis penelitian ini adalah Research and Development. Masalah yang akan diteliti dalam penelitian ini bagaimana pengembangan dan hasil pengembangan perangkat pembelajaran ACE untuk meningkatkan kemampuan penalaran matematik pada materi aljabar linear yang valid, praktis dan efektif.  Subyek penelitian ini mahasiswa DIII Teknik Komputer Politeknik Harapan Bersama Tegal Semester II  kelas A dan B tahun akademik 2015/2016. Hasil pengembangan perangkat pembelajaran valid menurut ahli dengan diperoleh skor untuk RPS = 4,04; skor untuk RPP = 4,11; skor untuk modul = 4,09; dan skor untuk TKPM = 4,10 dengan kategori baik. Hasil skor kepraktisan adalah pengamatan keterlaksanaan pembelajaran = 73,8%; angket respon mahasiswa = 86,1%; angket respon dosen = 4,18 dan  pengamatan aktivitas penalaran matematik = 4,14. Hasil uji keefektifan sebagai berikut  (1) ketuntasan individu mememuhi KKM (65), ketuntasan klasikal sebesar 75% dengan proporsi mahasiswa sudah mendapatkan lebih dari 65 sudah melampaui 75%; (2) kemampuan penalaran matematik mahasiswa pembelajaran ACE sebesar 80,7 lebih tinggi dari pembelajaran ekspositori sebesar 76,05; (3) adanya peningkatan KPM pembelajaran ACE sebesar 0,51 selanjutnya eksperimenkan peningkatan penalaran matematik mahasiswa diberikan perlakuan pembelajaran ACE lebih tinggi dari pembelajaran ekspositori. Diperoleh Rata-rata KPM diperoleh 8,00.   Kata Kunci: Pembelajaran ACE, Kemampuan Penalaran Matematik (KPM)

    Implementation of Interactive Mathematics Teaching E-Modul To Improve Student Motivation and Learning Outcomes

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    Online learning requires lecturers to have creativity in choosing the right learning method to be able to create fun learning facilities. Mathematics synonymous with difficult courses needs an interactive learning approach. The purpose of this research is to Effectiveness produce interactive mathematics teaching materials to improve student motivation and learning outcomes. This type of quantitative research is carried out on students of class 1A as an experimental class and 1B as an even semester control class for the academic year 2021/2022. Data collection methods use questionnaires, observations, and test questions by processing normality test data, homogeneity test, completion test, bending test, and regression test. The results showed that individual learning completion surpassed KKM (68), and student learning outcomes with Interactive Mathematics teaching materials were higher than using expository learning. There is support for the influence of motivation on student learning outcomes by 78.6% with regression equation Y = 59.064 + 1.421 X, the with positive motivation of experimental class by 83% compared to control class 69%. The math learning that students expect is more fun and less boring


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    The existence of work from home policy in learning encourages students to increase learning independence in the Covid 19 pandemic, online lectures applied by the campus require students to study independently so that the achievements obtained by students are not declining, so there is a need for suitable learning methods, one of them is E-learning module-assisted learning. The study aims to determine the effect of learning independence on student achievement in module-assisted E-learning learning. This type of quantitative research using Random Sampling, obtained a number of 182 research subjects even semester students in the academic year 2019/2020 on linear Algebra & Matrix sub-topics Linear Equation System. Data collection techniques using a questionnaire (questionnaire), tests and interviews. Data analysis using SPSS 2.2 application by testing the validity, reliability, normality, and regression. The results obtained by the magnitude of the effect of learning independence on student achievement in module-assisted E-learning by 73.4% and 26.6% are influenced by other factors with the regression equation Y = 8.863 + 0.426X. Students who passed KKM were 141 students (77%). Aspects of learning independence obtained motivation (28%), responsibility (25%), initiative (23%) and confidence (24%). From the results of the regression, the influence of learning independence on student achievement so that students are able to face obstacles in the conditions of distance learning by monitoring lecturers

    Efektifitas Pembelajaran Guided Teaching dengan E-Learning untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Komunikasi Matematik Mahasiswa

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    To many abstract concepts in mathematics learning make students think mathematics is difficult. The purpose of this research is to obtain the effectiveness of Guided Teaching learning with E-learning to improve students 'mathematical communication skills by 1) students' mathematical communication skills who are given Guided Teaching learning with E-Learning achieve minimal mastery of both individual and classical learning, 2 ) students' mathematical communication skills are given Guided Teaching learning treatment with E-Learning better than expository learning, and 3) an increase in mathematical communication skills of students who are given Guided Teaching learning treatment with E-Learning better than expository learning. The method used in the experiment (quantitative). Data collection methods using observation, interviews, and tests about students' mathematical communication skills. Data analysis uses the completeness test, proportion test, comparative test, and N-Gain test. The results of this study obtain the effectiveness of guided teaching-learning with e-learning as follows (1) individual completeness meets KKM (68), (2) classical completeness by 75% with the proportion of students already getting 68 grades has exceeded 75%; (3) students 'mathematical communication skills of Guided Teaching learning with e-learning by 80.75 higher than expository learning by 69.50 (4) an increase in students' mathematical communication skills of 0.407 medium categories and the difference in the increase in mathematical communication skills of students who were given treatment guided teaching-learning with e-learning is greater than Expository learning

    Pengembangan Perangkat Pembelajaran Problem Based Learning dengan Pendekatan Saintifik untuk Melatihkan Keterampilan Berpikir Kritis Mahasiswa

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    The research aims to obtain the validity of Problem Based Learning teaching instruments (including lesson plan, textbooks, student worksheets and test for critical thinking skills) through a scientific approach. This type of quantitative research, Quantitative data obtained from the average results of the recapitulation of the validation of experts and colleagues then as an evaluation given through descriptive advice, with the method of collecting observational data, questionnaires and interviews. Data analysis techniques use content and construct validity specified by several experts in the appropriate fields. Construct validation by 2 expert validators and 3 peer validators. The results of the average validation of the learning device recapitulation were obtained RPS (4.00), RPP (4.10), textbooks (4.03), Student Worksheets (4.01) and Tests for students' critical thinking skills (4.00) in the scale range 5 with the title of good to be used as a research instrument. Each of the results of the validation construct of the learning device is given suggestions to be improved before it is used in learning


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    Berbagai kendala dalam proses pembelajaran matematika telah dialami oleh mahasiswa dan dosen sendiri dalam proses pembelajaran di kelas sehingga membutuhkan metode pembelajaran yang cocok digunakan. Tujuan dari penelitian yang dilakukan adalah diperolehnya efektifitas pembelajaran PBL dengan pendekatan saintifik untuk meningkatkan kemampuan Keterampilan berfikir kritismahasiswa. Dengan metode yang digunakan eksperimen (kuantitatif) yang telah diskemakan dengan mengambil subjek penelitian mahasiswa Prodi Teknik Komputer semester II kelas D sebagai kelas kontrol dan kelas F sebagai kelas eksperimen pada Tahun Akademik 2018/2019 pada bahasan Statistika. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi, wawancara, tes soal seperti validitas, reliabelitas, daya beda dan tingkat kesukaran soal. Hasil penelitian sebagai berikut (1) ketuntasan individu memenuhi KKM (68), (2) ketuntasan klasikal sebesar 75% dengan proporsi mahasiswa sudah mendapatkan nilai 68 sudah melampaui 75%; (3) kemampuan Keterampilan berfikir kritismahasiswa  pembelajaran PBL dengan pendekatan saintifik sebesar 79,5 lebih tinggi dari pembelajaran ekspositori sebesar 76,2 (4) adanya peningkatan kemampuan Keterampilan berfikir kritismahasiswa sebesar 0.464 kategori sedang kemudian selisih peningkatan kemampuan Keterampilan berfikir kritis mahasiswa yang diberikan perlakuan pembelajaran PBL dengan pendekatan saintifik lebih besar dari pembelajaran Ekspositori

    Differential Drive Mobile Robot Motion Accuracy Improvement with Odometry-Compass Sensor Fusion Implementation

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    The Implementation of wheeled robot technology in the development of transportation vehicles makes them capable for operating automatically. In order to operate automatically, a vehicle requires stable control system which including motion kinematic algorithm where is developed in a robotic system. With the aim of being able to build an Unmanned Grounded Vehicle (UGV), in this study an UGV prototype was made in the form of a wheeled robot with Differential Drive Mobile Robot (DDMR) system. The robot is controlled by motion kinematic control algorithm and a trajectory tracking system that is used to get an estimate of the position caused by the robot’s movement, beside it made the robot can operate automatically. To support the performance of the control system, the robot prototype is added with a compass sensor which used as the wheel odometry sensor’s support. The process of combining wheel odometry and compass sensor data is carried out by using the sensor fusion algorithm, where the limit value for the RMS error for the position accuracy is not more than 0.15 meters. As the result of the trials, by adding a compass sensor and implementing sensor fusion algorithm is able to reduce the average RMS (Root Mean Square) error value of the motion accuracy into below 0.15 meters which previously worth 0.392 meters decreased into 0.075 meters