183 research outputs found


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      Objective: The objective of this study is to determine whether Bolton ratio can be applied clinically to the Indonesian population and to determine a more suitable Bolton ratio for the Indonesian population.Methods: This study was conducted on 120 readily available study models of treated cases comprising 37 males and 83 females. Two investigators separately measured the mesiodistal crown width of maxillary and mandibular tooth on each study model using sliding calipers. According to Bolton's method, the overall and anterior ratios from each sample were calculated and the mean was generated. Using Student's t-test with a 95% confidence interval, the investigators compared whether there is a significant difference between the ratio from Bolton's samples and the ratio from the Indonesian samples.Results: The result of this study showed that, for Indonesian samples, the overall ratio is 89.7±2.05, while the anterior ratio is 76.4±2.76. Student's t-test showed that there is a statistically significant difference (p<0.05) between the results of this study and that of Bolton's study for both the anterior and overall ratios.Conclusion: It can be concluded that there is a difference between Indonesian population and Caucasian population in tooth size and Bolton ratio value. Therefore, original Bolton ratio value cannot be used as an accurate diagnostic tool for Indonesian population


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    Kajian yang dilakukan mencoba untuk menganalisis tentang gerakan untuk menginternalisasi nilai-nilai pendidikan karakter yang dilakukan pada satuan pendidikan. Terdapat lima nilai dasar pendidikan karakter yang harus diinternalisasikan, yaitu religius, nasionalis, mandiri, gotong royong, dan intgeritas. Gerakan untuk menginternalisasikan nilai Pendidikan Karakter perlu dilakukan dalam rangka menghadapi realitia perkembangan dunia abad ke-21 yang turut memberikan pengaruh yang besar terhadap perubahan moral dan perilaku masyarakat Indonesia terutama gerenrasi muda yang masih duduk pada jenjang pendidikan mulai dari usia dini sampai perguruan tinggi. Perlu adanya gerakan bersama untuk mengahadapi situasi tersebut, hingga cita-cita Indonesia untuk meraih generasi emas tahun 2045 dapat tercapai. Kata Kunci: internalisi nilai, pendidikan karakter, satuan pendidikan


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    This research is driven by the phenomenon and the difference of research result about thecorrelation relationship between Quality Work of Life and Self efficacy with EmployeePerformance, therefore the researcher tries to fill the research gap by proposing WorkMotivation as a mediating variable, where research with survey method conducted on 180employees PT. Bank BRI Branch BSD. Analyze research by using model of structural equationwith results; 1). Quality work of life has a significant negative effect on employee performance,2). Quality work of life has a significant positive effect on work motivation, 3). Self efficacy hasa significant positive effect on the performance of the karawan, 4). Self efficacy has asignificant positive effect on work motivation, 5). Motivation of work has a significant positiveeffect on employee performance, so this finding proves that work motivation acts as a perfectmediator of Quality Work of Life with Employee Performance


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    This research is driven by the phenomenon and the difference of research result about the correlation relationship between Quality Work of Life and Self efficacy with Employee Performance, therefore the researcher tries to fill the research gap by proposing Work Motivation as a mediating variable, where research with survey method conducted on 180 employees PT. Bank BRI Branch BSD. Analyze research by using model of structural equation with results; 1). Quality work of life has a significant negative effect on employee performance, 2). Quality work of life has a significant positive effect on work motivation, 3). Self efficacy has a significant positive effect on the performance of the karawan, 4). Self efficacy has a significant positive effect on work motivation, 5). Motivation of work has a significant positive effect on employee performance, so this finding proves that work motivation acts as a perfect mediator of Quality Work of Life with Employee Performance.Keywords: Quality of Work Life, Self efficacy, Motivation, Employee Performanc

    Molecular characterization of Pasteurella multocida pfhaB1 gene fragment from buffalo and cattle isolates from Nusa Tenggara Timur Indonesia

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    Almost all regions in Nusa Tenggara Timur East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) Province Indonesia are endemic areas of Haemorragic Septicaemia (HS), which is caused by Pasteurella multocida  (P. multocida ) Serotypes B: 2. The fragment  pfhaB1gene is one of the virulence factors of P. multocida.The objective of this study was to determaine the phylogenetic, homology of P. multocidapfhaB1gene fragment of isolatedfrom Buffalo and Cattle in NTT. The P. multocida isolateswere re-cultured and further microscopic examined the biochemical tests, PCR, sequencing, homology, and phylogenetic relatedness test. P. multocida was observed as gram negative, coccobacilus, no growth on MacConkey Agar, does not produce H2S and gas, nonmotile and indole positive, does not produce urease enzymes, does not use citrate as a carbon source, does not ferment maltose and lactose but it does ferment glucose, sucrose and mannitol. ThepfhaB1gene fragmentfrom buffalo and cattle NTT isolates and also Katha strain vaccine showed DNA band 506 bp. P.multocida isolates from buffalo and cattle in NTT have 91% - 99% score homology with the comparative isolate. The isolate P. multocida from buffalo and cattle in NTT are in one cluster and their phylogenetic relatedness is close to isolates from Iran and India. It is concluded that the  pfhaB1gene fragmentof P. multocida from buffalo and cattle isolates have phylogenetic relatedness close and homolog with the other comparative isolates.    Keywords: Haemorrhagic Septicaemia; Nusa Tenggara Timur; Pasteurella multocida;  pfhaB1gen

    An Analysis of Online Game Influence Toward the Biology Learning Achievement of Students at SMAN 1 Suhaid and SMPN 1 Suhaid, Kapuas Hulu

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    This study aims to investigate the influence of online game toward biology learning achievement, dealing with the school environment and family environment of senior high school and junior high school students. The research method of this study is descriptive qualitative, which had been conducted at SMA N 1 Suhaid and SMP N 1 Suhaid, Kapuas Hulu, West Kalimantan. The sample is students who play online games. The technique of collecting data is using questionnaire in order to investigate online game users, interest factor in learning biology at school, and family factor. The technique of data analysis is using linear regression. Moreover, the result of the hypothesis test includes; (1) It is obtained that t > t table, or 2.789> 2.024. It means that there is an influence of online games toward biology learning achievement at SMA N 1 Suhaid in terms of the school environment. (2) The second hypothesis test results t < t table, or 0.903 <2.024. It means that there is no influence of online games in terms of family environment. (3) The result of the third hypothesis test results t > t table, or 2.132> 2.024. It means that there is an influence of online games toward the school environment. (4) The fourth hypothesis test results t > t, or 2.140> 2.024. It means that there is an influence of online game toward family environment


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    Tulisan yang dilakukan merupakan hasil kajian yang mencoba menganalisis tentang pembelajaran sejarah lokal di perguruan tinggi khususnya di Program Studi Pendidikan Sejarah. Melihat posisi pembelajaran sejarah lokal dalam memberikan kontribusi terhadap pembentukan pemahaman lokal history bagi mahasiswa dalam usaha mendekatkan diri pada situasi riil dari lingkungan terdekatnya. Berikutnya membawa mahasiswa secara langsung mengenal serta mengayati lingkungan masyarakat yang merupakan bagian dari padanya. Tidak salah bila dikatakan bahwa pengajaran sejarah lokal mampu menerobos batas antara ”dunia sekolah” dengan “dunia nyata” di luar pendidikan formal. Dari pengajaran sejarah lokal mahasiswa akan mendapatkan banyak contoh-contoh dan pengalaman-pengalaman dari berbagai tingkat perkembangan lingkungan masyarakatnya, termasuk situasi masa kininya. Mahasiswa juga akan lebih terdorong mengembangkan keterampilan-keterampilan khusus seperti perihal observasi, teknik bertanya atau melakukan wawancara, menyeleksi sumber, mencari fakta, dan lain-lain.Kata Kunci: pembelajaran, sejarah lokal, mahasiswa

    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Co-Op Co-Op terhadap Kemampuan Mengidentifikasi Unsur Intrinsik Cerpen Siswa Kelas X

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    Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui tentang pengaruh penerapan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Co-op Co-op terhadap hasil belajar siswa pada materi mengidentifikasi unsur intrinsik cerpen kelas X SMA Islam Haruniyah Pontianak dan seberapa besar pengaruhnya. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode eksperimen dengan bentuk penelitian Pre Eksperimental Design. Berdasarkan data yang diperoleh kemudian dianalisis didapatkan hasil penelitian thitung≥ttabel yakni 3,56 ≥1,99 Maka H0 ditolak dan Ha diterima. Hal ini berarti terdapat pengaruh penerapan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Co-op Co-op terhadap hasil belajar siswa pada materi mengidentifikasi unsure intrinsik cerpen dan berdasarkan perhitungan menggunakan rumus effect size diperoleh  atau sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa pengaruh penerapan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Co-op Co-op terhadap hasil belajar siswa pada materi mengidentifikasi unsur intrinsik cerpen tergolong tinggi.

    Perceptions Differences in Smile Attractiveness Between Dental Students’ and Lay Persons’

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      Introduction: Orthodontic treatment is performed to improve dental alignment, function, oral health, dentofacial stability and to achieve better facial esthetics. People tend to seek orthodontic treatments for a more esthetically attractive smile. Several parameters are used to measure the attractiveness of smiles, including the smile arc, smile line, buccal corridor or smile type, and smile symmetry. Perceptions of the various aspects of smile attractiveness may differ among patients and dentists, so dentists must understand patients’ perceptions of the aspects of smile attractiveness in order to provide satisfactory care. Objective: To determine if there are differences in the perceptions of dental students and lay persons regarding the aspects of smile attractiveness. Methods: This is an analytical observational study with a cross-sectional research design. This study was conducted by distributing questionnaires containing 11 photographs of manipulated smiles to 50 students currently training to become dental professionals and 50 lay persons. The data were analyzed using an independent t-test. Results: A significant difference in perception (p < 0.05) found in the smile line parameter. However, there were no significant differences in perception (p > 0.05) with regard to smile arc, smile type, or smile symmetry parameters. Conclusions: Dental students and lay persons have different perceptions regarding smile line but share the same perception of smile arc, smile types, and smile symmetry

    Menuju Perpustakaan Berorientasi Pelanggan

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