135 research outputs found

    Effects Of Clay Modification And Compatibilizers On The Mechanical, Morphological, And Thermal Properties Of Polyamide 6/Polypropylene Nanocomposites [TN941. K97 2008 f rb].

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    Nanokomposit yang mengandungi gaulan poliamida 6 (PA6)/polipropilena (PP) PA6/PP (70/30) dan organo-tanah liat (0-10 phr) telah disediakan menggunakan penyebatian leburan. Nanocomposites containing polyamide 6 (PA6)/polypropylene (PP) PA6/PP (70/30) blend and organoclay (0-10 phr) were prepared by melt compounding

    Effect of Clay Addition on Mechanical Properties of Unsaturated Polyester/Glass Fiber Composites

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    Unsaturated polyester (UP)/glass fiber/clay composites were prepared by hand layup method. The effect of clay loading on the morphological and mechanical properties of UP/glass fiber composites was investigated in this study. X-ray diffraction (XRD) was used to characterize the structure of the composites. The mechanical properties of the composites were determined by tensile, flexural, unnotched Charpy impact and fracture toughness tests. XRD results indicated that the exfoliated structure was found in the composite containing 2 wt% of clay while the intercalated structure was obtained in the composite with 6 wt% of clay.Thetensile strength, flexural strength, and flexural modulus of the composites were increased in the presence of clay. The optimum loading of clay in the UP/glass fiber composites was attained at 2wt%, where the improvement in in tensile strength, flexural strength, and flexural modulus was approximately 13, 21, and 11%, respectively. On the other hand, the highest values in impact toughness and fracture toughness were observed in the composites with 4wt% of clay

    Studi Tem Pada Baja Tahan Karat Austenitik Grade HP Microalloy hasil Uji Stress Rupture

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    This research aims to study microstructure of a HP micro alloy as a result of stress rupture test and observe dislocation-carbide precipitate interaction. Specimens were examined using Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM). The TEM observation showed that dislocations cut through carbide precipitates on stress ruptured specimens. In addition, there is no evidence of the dislocation loops around the particles as expected from the Orowan mechanism. Key words : HP Micro alloy, transmission electron microscope, stress rupture, carbide precipitate, dislocation


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    The aim of this research is to investigate the effect of alkali treatments and stacking sequences on water absorption in hybrid composites of woven agel fiber/glass fiber/polyester resin. The research materials are woven agel fiber, E-200 glass fiber, unsaturated polyester resin Yukalac 157 BQTN and catalyst of methyl ethyl ketone peroxide (MEKP). The alkali treatment is carried out on the woven agel fibers by soaking the fiber in 5% NaOH solution for 1 hour. Then the fiber is washed with fresh water and dried for 48 hours. Manufacturing techniques used vacuum bagging with a suction pressure of 70 cmHg at room temperature. The amount of reinforcing fiber 7 fibers consists of 3 glass fibers and 4 agel woven fibers. The water absorption test uses a 3.5% NaCl solution for 1080 hours at room temperature. Water absorption test specimens based on ASTM D570 standards. Water absorption test results show that alkali treatment with glass fiber arrangement on the surface effectively holds the entry of water into hybrid composites. This can be seen from the decrease in maximum water absorption (Mm) and diffusion coefficient of hybrid composite, which are 8,67% dan 5,74 x 10-12 m2/s respectively.The aim of this research is to investigate the effect of alkali treatments and stacking sequences on water absorption in hybrid composites of woven agel fiber/glass fiber/polyester resin. The research materials are woven agel fiber, E-200 glass fiber, unsaturated polyester resin Yukalac 157 BQTN and catalyst of methyl ethyl ketone peroxide (MEKP). The alkali treatment is carried out on the woven agel fibers by soaking the fiber in 5% NaOH solution for 1 hour. Then the fiber is washed with fresh water and dried for 48 hours. Manufacturing techniques used vacuum bagging with a suction pressure of 70 cmHg at room temperature. The amount of reinforcing fiber 7 fibers consists of 3 glass fibers and 4 agel woven fibers. The water absorption test uses a 3.5% NaCl solution for 1080 hours at room temperature. Water absorption test specimens based on ASTM D570 standards. Water absorption test results show that alkali treatment with glass fiber arrangement on the surface effectively holds the entry of water into hybrid composites. This can be seen from the decrease in maximum water absorption (Mm) and diffusion coefficient of hybrid composite, which are 8,67% dan 5,74 x 10 -12  m2/s respectivel


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    Natural fiber reinforcement polymer composites have good prospects for development in developing countries, such as Indonesia. Composite technology development of natural fiber line with government policy to explore the potential of the existing local genius. The aim of this research is to know the influence of matrix used in making composite to tensile strength of agel leaf fiber composite woven without chemical treatment, to know mechanical bond and to investigate composite fracture mechanism. Research carried out by using one type of natural fibers are leaf fibers that have been woven agel with size 20x20 cm 6 plys while matrix using unsaturated polyester and epoxy. Methods of making composites using vacuum bagging. Tensile test conducted by Tensilon tensile test machine, the shape and size of the specimens in accordance with ASTM standard D 638. Based on the results of tensile tests showed that the tensile strength fiber composite leaf agel with epoxy matrix is 31 MPa higher than the matrix unsaturated polyester which is only 25 MPa. Form of fracture happens indicate fiber pull out because of bonding (mechanical bonding) between the fiber and the matrix is low.Komposit polimer berpenguat serat alam mempunyai prospek yang sangat baik untuk dikembangkan di negara berkembang, seperti Indonesia. Pengembangan teknologi komposit berpenguat serat alam sejalan dengan kebijakan pemerintah untuk menggali potensi local genius yang ada. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui pengaruh matrik yang digunakan dalam pembuatan komposit terhadap kekuatan tarik komposit serat daun agel yang dianyam tanpa perlakuan kimia, mengetahui ikatan mekanik dan menyelidiki mekanisme perpatahan komposit. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan satu jenis serat alam yaitu serat daun agel yang telah dianyam dengan ukuran 20x20 cm sebanyak 6 lembar sedangkan matriknya menggunakan unsaturated polyester dan epoxy. Metode pembuatan komposit menggunakan vacuum bagging. Pengujian tarik (tensile test) yang dilakukan dengan mesin uji tarik Tensilon, bentuk dan ukuran spesimen sesuai dengan ukuran standar ASTM D 638. Berdasarkan hasil uji tarik menunjukkan bahwa kekuatan tarik komposit serat daun agel dengan matrik epoxy adalah 31 MPa lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan matrik unsaturated polyester yang hanya 25 MPa. Bentuk perpatahan yang terjadi menunjukkan adanya fiber pull out karena ikatan (mechanical bonding) antara serat dan matrik yang rendah

    Penentuan Metode Terbaik dalam Perhitungan Proyeksi Pajak Daerah

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    elaksanaan otonomi daerah dan desentralisasi fiskal menuntun daerah agar lebih mandiri dalam menentukan seluruh kegiatannya. Pemerintah Daerah diharapkan mampu memainkan peranannya dalam membuka peluang memajukan daerah dengan melakukan identifikasi potensi sumber-sumber pendapatannya termasuk pajak daerah. Pemerintah daerah diharapkan mampu mengenali jenis pajak yang ada di daerahnya, memetakan potensi dan memproyeksikan penerimaannya dengan tetap menjaga pertumbuhan ekonomi dan iklim investasi yang dinamis. Penelitian ini bertujuan memberikan panduan kepada pemerintah daerah bagaimana melakukan perhitungan proyeksi penerimaan pajak daerah dengan menggunakan metode terbaik yang memiliki tingkat kesalahan prediksi terkecil. Metode proyeksi yang digunakan adalah Least Square/Linier Trend Line, Double exponential, dan  Exponential Smoothing Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah tidak ada satu metode forecasting terbaik yang dapat diterapkan untuk perhitungan proyeksi penerimaan seluruh jenis pajak daerah. Setiap jenis pajak daerah dapat dihitung proyeksinya dengan metode tertentu yang memiliki RMSE terkecil

    Analysis of internal corrosion in subsea oil pipeline

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    AbstractFailure of a subsea crude oil API 5L X52 steel pipeline which led to oil leakage has been reported to occur after 27 years in service. Some leaks were found to form at the bottom of the horizontal API 5L X52 steel pipeline near an elbow section which connected the pipeline to a riser. The present investigation aims to analyze the main cause of failure by conducting standard failure analysis methods including visual examination, chemical and mechanical characterizations, metallurgical examinations using optical microscopy in combination with scanning electron microscopy (SEM) equipped with energy dispersive X-ray (EDX) analysis and corrosion test using a three-electrode potential technique. Results of this investigation suggest that the cause of failure is electrochemical corrosion combined with mechanical process known as flow-induced corrosion. The failure mechanism is discussed with specific attentions are paid to fluid flow rate and chloride-containing water phase

    Modernisasi Administrasi Perpajakan: NIK Menjadi NPWP

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    Indonesia will enter an era where one identity card can be used for various administrative matters, this is marked by the application of NIK to become NPWP. The application of NIK to NPWP is also known as the Single Identity Number system. Single Identity Number is believed to be able to simplify the tax administration system and build a strong database for the government. This study aims to look at the estimation of the fulfillment of the principles of simplicity and benefit with the application of NIK to become NPWP for Individual Taxpayers as stated in Law Number 7 of 2021 concerning Harmonization of Tax Regulations.Indonesia akan masuk ke dalam suatu era di mana satu kartu identitas dapat digunakan untuk berbagai urusan administrasi, hal ini ditandai dengan diterapkannya NIK menjadi NPWP. Penerapan NIK menjadi NPWP dikenal pula dengan sebutan sistem Single Identity Number. Single Identity Number diyakini dapat mempermudah sistem administrasi perpajakan dan membangun suatu database yang kuat bagi pemerintah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat estimasi pemenuhan asas kesederhanaan dan kemanfaatan dengan diterapkannya NIK menjadi NPWP untuk Wajib Pajak Orang Pribadi sebagaimana tercantum dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 7 tahun 2021 tentang Harmonisasi Peraturan Perpajakan


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    This study aimed to investigate the effect of alkali treatment and stacking sequences on water absorption and flexural strength in woven agel and glass fibers reinforced hybrid composites. The research materials are woven agel fiber (Corypha gebanga), E-200 glass fiber, unsaturated polyester resin Yukalac 157 BQTN, and catalyst of methyl ethyl ketone peroxide (MEKP). The alkali treatment is carried out on the woven agel fibers by soaking the fiber in 4% NaOH solution for 1 hour. Then the fiber is washed with fresh water and dried for 48 hours. Manufacturing techniques used vacuum bagging with suction pressure of 70 cmHg at room temperature. The amount of reinforcing fiber 7 fibers consists of 3 glass fibers and 4 agel woven fibers. The water absorption test uses a 3.5% NaCl solution for 1080 hours at room temperature. Water absorption test specimens based on ASTM D570 standard. The research results showed that the alkali treatment with glass fiber arrangement on the specimen surface effectively reduced water absorption and increased the flexural strength of woven agel and glass fibers hybrid composites. The lowest moisture content in equilibrium and diffusion coefficient were 8.67%, the of 5.74 x 10-12 m2 /s, while the flexural strength before and after immersion were 135 MPa and 125 MPa respectively, or a decrease of about 7%


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    ABSTRAK PERAN ETNOSENTRISME DALAM PROSES PEMBELIAN PRODUK DOMESTIK (Studi Pada Tas Kulit Buatan Manding, Yogyakarta) Dewantika Noor Hidayati Kusmono S411302010 Peningkatan tren globalisasi dan kemajuan teknologi komunikasi dan transportasi memungkinkan konsumen untuk mengakses berbagai macam produk dan jasa dari negara lain. Persaingan antara perusahaan domestik dan asing menjadi menarik untuk dikaji. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk menjelaskan hubungan antara variabel yang diamati. Ada enam hubungan, yaitu, persepsi kualitas dan kewajaran harga terhadap sikap konsumen terhadap produk domestik, sikap konsumen terhadap niat untuk membeli produk dalam negeri. Terakhir, peran etnosentrisme sebagai moderasi dalam penelitian ini. Data dikumpulkan oleh survei dan dipandu oleh kuesioner kepada 250 responden. Survei dilakukan di Yogyakarta dengan menggunakan metode convenience sampling. Model dibangun diukur dengan menggunakan lima titik skala Likert. Temuan menunjukkan bahwa sikap konsumen terhadap Tas Kulit Manding di dipengaruhi oleh kewajaran harga dan persepsi kualitas. Dalam hubungan antara persepsi kualitas, keadilan harga, sikap konsumen, dan niat untuk membeli, etnosentrisme tidak memainkan peran moderasi. Kata kunci: Etnosentrisme, Sikap Konsumen, Produk domestik, Niat Pembelian, Persepsi Kualitas, Kewajaran Harga