10 research outputs found

    Semantics of Higraphs for Process Modeling and Analysis

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    International audienceKnowledge and experience of a case manager remains a key success factor for Case Management Processes (CMPs). When a number of influential parameters is high, a number of possible scenarios grows significantly. Automated guidance in scenario evaluation and activity planning would be of a great help. In our previous work, we defined the statecharts semantics for visualisation and simulation of CMP scenarios. In this work, we formalise the state-oriented models with higraphs: higraphs provide mathematical foundation for statecharts and eventually enable a wide panoply of algorithms for process analysis and optimisation. We show how a statecharts diagram can be transformed into higraph and analysed at run-time with graph algorithms. In particular, we take an example of the Shortest Path algorithm and show how this algorithm can be used in order to guide the case manager suggesting her the best process scenario. Compared to BPM approaches, a state-oriented process scenario does not specify concrete activities but only the objectives and constraints to be met. Thus, our approach does not prescribe but describe an activity to be executed next. The manager can define an activity that fit the description " on the fly " , based on her experience and intuition

    Modeling crisis management process from goals to scenarios

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    International audienceProcess manager plays the central role in crisis management. In order to capture the intentions of the process manager, the process should be specified at a strategic level. In order to analyze how these intentions are fulfilled during the process execution, the process should be specified at an operational level. Whereas the variety of techniques for goal modeling and process modeling is presented in the market, possibility to design a process seamlessly, from intentions (process goals) to executable scenarios, remains a challenging task. In this paper, we introduce an approach for modeling and simulating a crisis management process from goals to scenarios. We consider an example of flood management process specified for floods on Oka River in the Moscow region in Russia. In order to specify the intentions behind the flood management process, we use MAP formalism. For representing the process at the operational level, we use Statecharts formalism. To align the strategic and operation process levels, we translate the MAP model of flood management process to statecharts. We simulate the flood management process, showing how the process goals defined on the strategic level can be achieved by various scenarios executed in the operational level

    Chemical Composition and Potential Practical Application of 15 Red Algal Species from the White Sea Coast (the Arctic Ocean)

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    Though numerous valuable compounds from red algae already experience high demand in medicine, nutrition, and different branches of industry, these organisms are still recognized as an underexploited resource. This study provides a comprehensive characterization of the chemical composition of 15 Arctic red algal species from the perspective of their practical relevance in medicine and the food industry. We show that several virtually unstudied species may be regarded as promising sources of different valuable metabolites and minerals. Thus, several filamentous ceramialean algae (Ceramium virgatum, Polysiphonia stricta, Savoiea arctica) had total protein content of 20–32% of dry weight, which is comparable to or higher than that of already commercially exploited species (Palmaria palmata, Porphyra sp.). Moreover, ceramialean algae contained high amounts of pigments, macronutrients, and ascorbic acid. Euthora cristata (Gigartinales) accumulated free essential amino acids, taurine, pantothenic acid, and floridoside. Thalli of P. palmata and C. virgatum contained the highest amounts of the nonproteinogenic amino acid β-alanine (9.1 and 3.2 μM g−1 DW, respectively). Several red algae tend to accumulate heavy metals; although this may limit their application in the food industry, it makes them promising candidates for phytoremediation or the use as bioindicators

    Встановлення залежності показника міцності композитного матеріалу напірних пожежних рукавів від характеру одиночних пошкоджень

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    Experimental studies are presented and the dependence of the change in the strength of the material of a pressure head fire hose of type T with an inner diameter of 77 mm in the longitudinal direction is established, taking into account single damages. The work describes the plan of the experiment and carried out a number of field experiments to determine the effect of the length ld and the depth K damage on the strength F of the hose material, that is, obtaining the dependence F=f (ld, K). A mathematical method of experiment planning was used and a plan was drawn up for a complete multivariate experiment of type 2k with an acceptable model accuracy of 5 %. The limits of variation of the factors are set taking into account a priori information, experimental capabilities and on the basis of the results of preliminary search experiments. The dependence in the coded and natural values of the factors is obtained. The reliability of the relationship was checked using the Fisher test, the calculated value of which was 5.98, which confirms the adequacy of the described process with a probability of 95 %. Analyzing experimental studies of the dependence of the change in the strength of the hose material on the length and depth of damage, it can be said that the change in the strength of the hose almost linearly depends on the specified damage parameters. It is found that with increasing damage, the strength of the hose material significantly decreases. When varying the length factor and the greatest depth of damage, K=0.4 mm, the strength of the hose material decreases from 11.67 kN to 8.77 kN, and in percentage terms by 25 %. The results obtained can be used in practical units of emergency rescue teams, when diagnosing hidden damage in pressure head fire hoses in order to prevent their failure in case of firesПредставлены экспериментальные исследования и установлена зависимость изменения прочности материала напорного пожарного рукава типа Т с внутренним диаметром 77 мм в продольном направлении с учетом одиночных повреждений. В работе описан план проведения эксперимента и проведен ряд натурных экспериментов с целью определения влияния длины lд и глубины К повреждение на прочность F материала рукава, то есть получение зависимости F=f (lд, K). Использован математический метод планирования эксперимента и составлен план полного многофакторного эксперимента типа 2k с допустимой точностью модели 5 %. Пределы варьирования факторов устанавливаются с учетом априорной информации, экспериментальных возможностей и на основе результатов предварительных поисковых экспериментов. Получена зависимость в кодированных и натурных значениях факторов. Достоверность зависимости было проверено с помощью критерия Фишера, расчетное значение которого составляло 5,98, что подтверждает адекватность описанного процесса с вероятностью в 95 %. Анализируя экспериментальные исследования зависимости изменения прочности материала рукава от длины и глубины повреждения, можно сказать, что изменение прочности рукава почти линейно зависит от указанных параметров повреждения. Установлено, что при увеличении повреждения существенно уменьшается прочность материала рукава. При варьировании фактора длины и наибольшей глубине повреждения, К=0.4 мм, происходит уменьшение прочности материала рукава от 11.67 кН до 8.77 кН, а в процентном отношении на 25 %. Полученные результаты можно использовать в практических подразделениях аварийно-спасательных формирований, при диагностировании скрытых повреждений в напорных пожарных рукавах с целью предотвращения их выхода из строя на пожарах.Представлені експериментальні дослідження та встановлено залежність зміни міцності матеріалу напірного пожежного рукава типу «Т» з внутрішнім діаметром 77 мм у поздовжньому напрямку з урахуванням одиночних пошкоджень. Описано план проведення експерименту та було проведено низку натурних експериментів з метою визначення впливу довжини lд та глибини К пошкодження на міцність F матеріалу рукава, тобто одержання залежності F=f (lд, K). Використано математичний метод планування експерименту та складено план повного багатофакторного експерименту типу 2k з допустимою точністю моделі 5 %. Межі варіювання факторів встановлюються з урахуванням апріорної інформації, експериментальних можливостей і на основі результатів попередніх пошукових експериментів. Отримано залежність в кодованих та натурних значеннях факторів. Достовірність залежності було перевірено за допомогою критерію Фішера розрахункове значення якого становило 5,98, що підтверджує адекватність описаного процесу з вірогідністю в 95 %. Аналізуючи експериментальні дослідження залежності зміни міцності матеріалу рукава від довжини та глибини пошкодження можна сказати, що зміна міцність матеріалу рукава майже лінійно залежить від зазначених параметрів пошкодження. Встановлено, що при збільшені пошкодження суттєво зменшується міцність матеріалу рукава. При варіюванні фактору довжини та найбільшій глибині пошкодження К=0.4 мм відбувається зменшення міцності матеріалу рукава від 11.67 кН до 8.77 кН, а в процентному відношенні на 25 %. Отримані результати можливо використовувати в практичних підрозділах аварійно-рятувальних формувань при діагностуванні прихованих пошкоджень у напірних пожежних рукавах з метою запобігання виходу їх з ладу на пожежах

    Intelligent Systems for Users' Automated Guidance

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    Future developments for case management must evolve from the current systems based on rigid, workflow based processes into context-aware, agile dynamic structures. We propose to combine a declarative approach for process design and the use of formal methods to enable a set of automated techniques for process analysis and validation based on model checking and theorem proving. Thus, they improve the level of automated user support allowing maximum run time flexibility. This paper defines a roadmap for a PhD research, aiming at developing the automated guidance provided by intelligent systems. The main idea is to explore formal methods and formal concept analysis to build a new approach for knowledge-intensive process modeling, simulation and analysis. In this paper, we consider the example of an intelligent city operation center

    Modeling and Animation of Crisis Management Process with Statecharts

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    International audienceCrisis management process has to comply with various norms and regulations; at the same time, it needs to constantly deal with uncertainty and adapt the process scenario to a current situation. These requirements make process design challenging: whereas conventional activity-oriented modeling formalisms ensure process control by design, they provide only limited support for run-time adaptability of a process scenario. State-oriented formalisms can overcome this deficiency and, thus, extend the process designers toolkit. In this paper, we consider the example of a flood management process implemented as a part of the COS Operation Center-a smart city solution developed by COS&HT company in Russia. We examine the existing (BPMN) specification of this process and propose an alternative way to specify the process based on stat-echarts formalism. We model, animate and test the process scenarios with Yakindu Statecharts tools

    Modeling Business Processes for Automated Crisis Management Support: Lessons Learned

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    International audienceProcess-aware information systems (PAIS) supporting knowledge-intensive processes are gaining importance nowadays. Crisis management process is an example of a knowledge-intensive process that is grounded on vast experience of multiple actors (e.g., city services, volunteers, administration) and their collaboration. Automated crisis management systems have to comply with various norms and regulations; at the same time, they need to constantly deal with uncertainty and adapt the process scenario to a current situation. In this paper, we consider the example of a flood management process implemented as a part of the COS Operation Center (COSOC)-a smart city solution that works with knowledge-intensive processes. We examine how the activity-oriented modeling paradigm underlying COSOC supports process flexibility. We propose an alternative way to specify the flood management process based on state-oriented paradigm and the statecharts formalism and discuss the advantages and limitations of the two paradigms

    Chemical Composition and Potential Practical Application of 15 Red Algal Species from the White Sea Coast (the Arctic Ocean)

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    Though numerous valuable compounds from red algae already experience high demand in medicine, nutrition, and different branches of industry, these organisms are still recognized as an underexploited resource. This study provides a comprehensive characterization of the chemical composition of 15 Arctic red algal species from the perspective of their practical relevance in medicine and the food industry. We show that several virtually unstudied species may be regarded as promising sources of different valuable metabolites and minerals. Thus, several filamentous ceramialean algae (Ceramium virgatum, Polysiphonia stricta, Savoiea arctica) had total protein content of 20–32% of dry weight, which is comparable to or higher than that of already commercially exploited species (Palmaria palmata, Porphyra sp.). Moreover, ceramialean algae contained high amounts of pigments, macronutrients, and ascorbic acid. Euthora cristata (Gigartinales) accumulated free essential amino acids, taurine, pantothenic acid, and floridoside. Thalli of P. palmata and C. virgatum contained the highest amounts of the nonproteinogenic amino acid β-alanine (9.1 and 3.2 μM g−1 DW, respectively). Several red algae tend to accumulate heavy metals; although this may limit their application in the food industry, it makes them promising candidates for phytoremediation or the use as bioindicators

    Chemical Composition and Potential Practical Application of 15 Red Algal Species from the White Sea Coast (the Arctic Ocean)

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    Though numerous valuable compounds from red algae already experience high demand in medicine, nutrition, and different branches of industry, these organisms are still recognized as an underexploited resource. This study provides a comprehensive characterization of the chemical composition of 15 Arctic red algal species from the perspective of their practical relevance in medicine and the food industry. We show that several virtually unstudied species may be regarded as promising sources of different valuable metabolites and minerals. Thus, several filamentous ceramialean algae (Ceramium virgatum, Polysiphonia stricta, Savoiea arctica) had total protein content of 20–32% of dry weight, which is comparable to or higher than that of already commercially exploited species (Palmaria palmata, Porphyra sp.). Moreover, ceramialean algae contained high amounts of pigments, macronutrients, and ascorbic acid. Euthora cristata (Gigartinales) accumulated free essential amino acids, taurine, pantothenic acid, and floridoside. Thalli of P. palmata and C. virgatum contained the highest amounts of the nonproteinogenic amino acid β-alanine (9.1 and 3.2 μM g−1 DW, respectively). Several red algae tend to accumulate heavy metals; although this may limit their application in the food industry, it makes them promising candidates for phytoremediation or the use as bioindicators

    Establishment of the Dependence of the Strength Indicator of the Composite Material of Pressure Hoses on the Character of Single Damages

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    Experimental studies are presented and the dependence of the change in the strength of the material of a pressure head fire hose of type T with an inner diameter of 77 mm in the longitudinal direction is established, taking into account single damages. The work describes the plan of the experiment and carried out a number of field experiments to determine the effect of the length ld and the depth K damage on the strength F of the hose material, that is, obtaining the dependence F=f (ld, K). A mathematical method of experiment planning was used and a plan was drawn up for a complete multivariate experiment of type 2k with an acceptable model accuracy of 5 %. The limits of variation of the factors are set taking into account a priori information, experimental capabilities and on the basis of the results of preliminary search experiments. The dependence in the coded and natural values of the factors is obtained. The reliability of the relationship was checked using the Fisher test, the calculated value of which was 5.98, which confirms the adequacy of the described process with a probability of 95 %. Analyzing experimental studies of the dependence of the change in the strength of the hose material on the length and depth of damage, it can be said that the change in the strength of the hose almost linearly depends on the specified damage parameters. It is found that with increasing damage, the strength of the hose material significantly decreases. When varying the length factor and the greatest depth of damage, K=0.4 mm, the strength of the hose material decreases from 11.67 kN to 8.77 kN, and in percentage terms by 25 %. The results obtained can be used in practical units of emergency rescue teams, when diagnosing hidden damage in pressure head fire hoses in order to prevent their failure in case of fire