32 research outputs found


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    Quasi-experimental research has been conducted to determine the effectiveness of the model of WEB-based Assessment for Learning (AFL). Research with posttest only control group design involves 113 freshmen at the UM Department of Physics as the study sample. All groups get the same syllabus and teaching materials. Controlled group got traditionally assessment, home work on problem solving. Experimental group could access umeac.com, the website that prepared to hold the WEB-based AFL. AFL activity for this group are as follows. 1. Working preflight before the first face-to-face in a week. 2 Working selftest and discussion forums after the first meeting in every week. 3 Work on self-assessment and formative tests after the second meeting in every week. The results showed that WEB-based AFL was effective to improve the mastery of basic concepts of physics. Keywords: assessment for learning, WEB-based, concept mastery of physic

    Pengembangan Video Remediasi Sebagai Tindak Lanjut Feedback Asesmen Formatif Pada Materi Cahaya Dan Alat Optik

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    Setiap siswa memerlukan waktu yang berbeda-beda untuk menuntaskan suatu materi pembelajaran. Perbedaan waktu yang diperlukan untuk menuntaskan suatu materi pembelajaran dapat difasilitasi salah satunya dengan pembelajaran remedial, namun pembelajaran remedial secara klasikal menyita waktu karena siswa dan guru harus meluangkan waktu tambahan untuk melaksanakannya. Hal tersebut dapat diminimalisasi dengan menyediakan video pembelajaran yang disusun berdasarkan permasalahan yang muncul dalam proses asesmen formatif. Penelitian & pengembangan ini merupakan bagian penelitian & pengembangan asesmen formatif berbantuan perangkat mobile yang peneliti lakukan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengembangkan video remediasi yang layak digunakan sebagai tindak lanjut feedback asesmen formatif.Desain penelitian & pengembangan mengadaptasi desain ADDIE yang meliputi lima tahap yaitu analysis (analisis), design (desain), development (pengembangan), implementation (implementasi) dan evaluating (evaluasi). Data dalam penelitian & pengembangan ini berupa data kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Data kuantitatif diperoleh dari penilaian kualitas video oleh validator dan siswa SMP Terbuka Pahandut Kota Palangkaraya, sementara data kualitatif diperoleh dari komentar dan saran terhadap video.Hasil penelitian dan pengembangan adalah tujuh video remedial pada materi cahaya dan alat optik yang layak digunakan pada aplikasi asesmen formatif berbantuan perangkat mobile yang peneliti kembangkan untuk Materi IPA SMP khususnya materi Cahaya dan Alat Optik

    Pengaruh Balikan Formatif Terintergrasi Strategi Pembelajaran Diagram Vee Dan Kemampuan Awal Terhadap Penguasaan Konsep Siswa

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui interaksi antara penilaian formatif dengan kemampuan awal terhadap penguasaan konsep siswa materi fluida statis, suhu, dan kalor. Metode penelitian menggunakan kuasi eksperimen faktorial 2 x2. Populasi penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas X MIA SMA Negeri 1 Singosari tahun ajaran 2014/2015 yang terdiri dari 5 kelas dengan jumlah 170 siswa yang akan mendapatkan materi fluida statis, suhu dan kalor. Sampel yang digunakan adalah kelas X MIA 1 dengan pembelajaran Diagram Vee-Balikan formatif, sedangkan X MIA 3 menggunakan Diagram Vee-penugasan. Penguasaan konsep siswa diukur dengan tes penguasaan konsep pada materi fluida statis, suhu dan kalor. Hasil dari tes penguasaan konsep dianalisis dengan uji prasyarat analisis. Pada uji normalitas, kemampuan awal siswa dan penguasaan konsep siswa terdistribusi normal dengan nilai p (sig) > 0,05. Pada uji homogenitas, kemampuan awal siswa dan penguasaan konsep siswa data homogen dengan p (sig) > 0,05. Hasil uji hipotesis penelitian menggunakan uji Anova Two Ways, menunjukkan tidak ada interaksi antara kemampuan awal dan penilaian formatif terhadap penguasaan konsep.This study aimed to determine interaction among formative assessment, prior knowledge and the student mastery of the concept of static fluid, heat and temperature. This research used quasi experimental method using 2x2 factorial. The population was all students of grade X, science program of Senior High School Singosari, school year 2014/2015 which consists of five class with 170 students who will get material of static fluid, heat and temperature. The samples were grade X science 1 with Diagram Vee formative assessment and grade X science 3 with Diagram Vee assignment. Mastery of concepts were measured by using sumative test of static fluid, heat and temperature. Result of mastery of concepts were tested by using analysis precondition test. The normality test showed that prior knowledge and mastery of concepts of student was normally distributed with p (sig) > 0,05. The homogeneity test showed that prior knowledge and mastery of concepts of student were homogenous with p (sig) > 0,05. Result of hypothesis testing with Anova Two Ways showed no interaction among prior knowledge, formative assessment and mastery of concepts

    Modeling of Zakat in the capital structure theory

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    Islamic financial instruments are subject to taxes and zakat for Muslim shareholders and debtholders. Therefore, it is important to investigate the implementation of corporate taxes andcorporate zakat in capital structure compositions. In order to model corporate zakat in termsof conventional capital structure theories, this study will discuss the conventional view ofthose theories in depth. The introduction of zakat are based on the conventional statictrade-off theory developed by previous researchersKeywords: wealth tax; optimal capital structure; Islamic financial instrument

    Diagnosis Miskonsepsi Siswa SMA di Kota Malang pada Konsep Suhu dan Kalor Menggunakan Three Tier Test

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    Misconception is one of the cause of students' learning difficulties, especially on physics. Misconceptions experienced by students needs to be diagnosed and its results used to improve learning. Its result should be delivered to students to help them learn better, so that these misconceptions can be corrected. In this regard, it should be developed diagnostic instruments which can provide information quickly and accurately one of them is a three-tier test. The aim of this study was to investigate whether the three-tier test able to identify student misconceptions. The sample of this study was 136 students of senior high school in Malang. Besides using written tests, interviews were conducted on several students to verify the results of the three-tier test. Conclusions of this study is the three-tier test that has been developed on Temperature and Heat topic is able to identify misconceptions students quickly and accurately

    Pengembangan Instrumen Penguasaan Konsep dalam Pembelajaran Group Investigation

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    The purpose of this research is to develop the appropriate treatment instrument and measurement instrument of concept mastery. This research use approach of research and development of ADDIE model. Data obtained from expert validator and student of SMAN 1 Blitar. The validation results of both expert validator obtained 17 items valid and test results obtained 15 items valid question. The reliability of the con-cept mastery measurement instrument has a very high category with coefficient value α = 0.682. The difficulty level of the item consists of 2 item in easy category questions, 8 item in medium category, and 7 item in difficult category questions. Different problem of item consists of 1 item of bad category, 4 item of good category, and 12 item of excellent category.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengembangkan instrumen perlakuan dan pengukuran penguasaan konsep yang layak. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan penelitian dan pengembangan model ADDIE. Data diperoleh dari validator ahli dan siswa SMAN 1 Blitar. Hasil validasi kedua validator ahli didapatkan 17 butir soal dinyatakan valid dan hasil uji coba diperoleh 15 butir soal valid. Reliabilitas instrumen pengukuran penguasaan konsep memiliki kategori sangat tinggi dengan nilai koefisien α = 0,682. Tingkat kesukaran butir soal terdiri atas dua soal kategori mudah, delapan soal kategori sedang, dan tujuh soal kategori sukar. Daya beda butir soal terdiri atas satu soal kategori jelek, empat soal kategori baik, dan dua belas soal kategori baik sekali

    Pengembangan Instrumen Performance Assessment Berbantuan Komputer Pada Materi Optik, Kalor Dan Listrik

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    The aim of this research is to develop assessment models that can measure students\u27 performances and the effectiveness of the performance assessment instruments on the physics topic: the formation of image by the lens, specific heat and Ohm\u27s law. This study used a research and development (R & D) design. The research steps consisted of preliminary study, the design of computer assisted-assessment performance instruments, the development of the performance assessment instruments draft, field trial, the development product revision and limited trial. The lecturer and the teacher validated the product of this study. The field trials on the legibility of performance assessment instruments for physics teacher and 5 senior high school in grade XI students. The data was collected by filling the feedback from the validator and field trial on students. The result of this study is a computer assisted-assessment performance that can measure the performance capabilities and provide feedback to students. Based on the result of feasibility test, the computer assisted-assessment performance instruments obtained a score of 3.4 (from maximum scale 4) and the teachers\u27 guidebooks of computer assisted-assessment performance instruments obtained average rating of 3.68 (from maximum scale 4). The computer assisted-assessment performance instruments measured the students\u27 performance capabilities effectively and be able to give feedback appropriately. The advantages of this assessment model is it caused this instruments are completed with guidebooks and the teacher can give fe simplicity of the use due to the instruments are completed by the guidebooks and directly give the feedback. The disadvantage of this assessment models is the limited scope of topics