242 research outputs found

    A comparative analysis of interface quality of mobile access to the services of selected banks

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    This paper is focused on comparison of interface quality of mobile access to the services of selected banks. Main factors, which wereused in the comprising process are: safety, availability on the mobile platforms, time and simplicity of task performing, intelligibility, design, comfort, number of functions. Research was made using 4 methods: surveys, corridor tests, expert tests and eyetracking. As a result T-Mobile Banking Services won in three categories: intelligibility, design and simplicity while mBank is better in responsiveness, availability and has more functions to offe

    Główne obszary rozwoju oświaty samorządowej od początku lat 90-tych poprzedniego wieku

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    This article applies to educational tasks of local government. The paper presents the growing importance of local government. Especially the long time is showing the biggest changes in educational tasks. Trends in decentralization started with the transformation of the political system. The main purpose of this article is to show areas of changes in the implementation of educational tasks by local authorities. Over the last (abo- ut)30 years big changes have made in education. They fit into the process of political transformation and are made primarily in the spirit of the principles of decentralization and subsidiarity. Local government units have taken over most public schools and educational institutions. Surely we can say, that in the current state of the law, local government education is a major segment of the education system. It should be noted, that the educational tasks of local government are also the tasks of the state. It seems, that the major challenges currently facing local government, are a phenomenon of privatization of educational tasks and provide adequate income for their implementation

    Rozważania na temat podmiotów systemu oświaty

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    The legislator considers the term “educational system” as one of the basic education laws. The legal term (included in the Education Law Act) “the educational system covers” lists its elements. They include, for example, various types of schools, kindergartens, alternative forms of preschool education, children’s holiday homes, centers of education. This system realizes recognized values, principles, as well as certain postulates and guidelines contained in the law. In essence, it is a collection of organizational units, whose activity is regulated by the Education Law Act. The majority of these activities are addressed to pupils. Some elements are also addressed to teachers and serve to develop them. Colleges of Social Service Workers do not fit in with the rest of the educational system

    Różnorodność i innowacyjność form pomocy finansowej oraz organizacyjnej dla uczniów

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    Students have the right to benefit from State aid. This power derives from the Constitution, article 70, paragraph 4. The aim of social aid is to equalize educational opportunities. The aim of the incentive is to support talented students education. It is worth noting the multiplicity of forms of assistance and non‑public actors. The main principles, which is to implement the aid are the universality and equality of access to educational benefits

    Rapid recurrence and radiographic progression of sarcomatoid renal cell carcinoma

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    © 2017 Sarcomatoid renal cell carcinoma (sRCC) is an aggressive variant of renal cell carcinoma (RCC) that has a significantly lower overall survival. Even after prompt surgical extirpation, this histologic variant progresses rapidly. We present a case of an early recurrence and rapid progression of sRCC despite successful radical resection

    The “bouncing” catheter

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    Balonowa angioplastyka tętnic płucnych — innowacyjna metoda przezskórnego leczenia chorych na przewlekłe zakrzepowo- -zatorowe nadciśnienie płucne

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    Chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension (CTEPH) is characterized by the presence of chronic thrombi in the pulmonary arteries and pulmonary hypertension confirmed on the right heart catheterization. In the treatment of CTEPH it is necessary to use the indefinite anticoagulant therapy — mainly as a form of prevention against further episodes of pulmonary embolism. Main goal in treatment of CTEPH is to restore patency of the pulmonary arteries and reduction of pulmonary vascular resistance, using pulmonary endarterectomy, pharmacotherapy with pulmonary vasodilators (sildenafil, riociguat) or interventional approach with balloon pulmonary angioplasty (BPA). Qualification for the appropriate method of treatment is carried out on the CTEPH-TEAM meeting. Current European Society of Cardiology Guidelines recommend BPA in inoperable patients with CTEPH, which in practice means patients with distal location of clots in pulmonary vascular tree and patients at high risk of surgery because of age and coexisting diseases. A separate group of candidates for BPA are patients with a history of pulmonary endarteractomy, in whom persistent pulmonary hypertension is present. The first BPA was carried out in Poland in 2013, and is now performed in 6 centres with total number of procedures exceeding 300.Przewlekłe nadciśnienie płucne zakrzepowo-zatorowe (CTEPH) charakteryzuje się obecnością przewlekłych skrzeplin w tętnicach płucnych oraz wymaga potwierdzenia nadciśnienia płucnego w cewnikowaniu prawego serca. W leczeniu CTEPH konieczne jest stosowanie bezterminowego leczenia przeciwzakrzepowego — głównie jako formy prewencji przed kolejnymi epizodami zatorowości płucnej. Leczeniem przyczynowym CTEPH jest przywrócenie drożności tętnic płucnych i redukcja naczyniowego oporu płucnego, za pomocą kardiochirurgicznej endarterektomii płucnej, leczenia specyficznymi wazodylatatorami płucnymi (sildenafil, riociguat) lub terapii interwencyjnej balonową angioplastyką płucną (BPA, balloon pulmonary angioplasty). Kwalifikacja do odpowiedniej metody leczenia odbywa się na posiedzneiu tak zwanego CTEPH-TEAM. Wytyczne European Society of Cardiology (ESC) z 2015 roku rekomendują wykonanie BPA u pacjentów nieoperacyjnych, co w praktyce oznacza chorych z dystalną lokalizacją skrzeplin w naczyniowym łożysku płucnym oraz chorych z wysokim ryzykiem operacji z powodu wieku i chorób współistniejących. Oddzielną grupę stanowią chorzy po przebytej endarterektomii płucnej, u których doszło do nawrotu zatorowości płucnej lub potwierdzono przetrwałe CTEPH. Pierwszy zabieg BPA wykonano w Polsce w 2013 roku, a obecnie liczba procedur wykonanych w sześciuośrodkach przekracza 300