99 research outputs found

    New Spins for ground states and isomers in 115^{115}Pd and 117^{117}Pd

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    Levels in 115Pd and 117Pd nuclei, populated in the spontaneous fission of 248Cm were studied by means of prompt gamma spectroscopy using the EUROGAM2 array of Anti-Compton spectrometers. Negative-parity, I = 9/2 excitations were identified, which are associated with the long-lived isomers in these nuclei, reported previously as 11/2- excitations. The new data indicate spin and parity 3/2 + for ground states in 115Pd and 117Pd instead of 5/2 + proposed in previous works. This result implicates changes of spin assignments to other levels in both nuclei

    Discovery of the thallium, lead, bismuth, and polonium isotopes

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    Currently, forty-two thallium, forty-two lead, forty-one bismuth, and forty-two polonium isotopes have so far been observed; the discovery of these isotopes is discussed. For each isotope a brief summary of the first refereed publication, including the production and identification method, is presented.Comment: to be published in At. Data Nucl. Data Table

    Historical sketch of military thought on engagement of cyclists in the II Commonwealth Polish Army

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    The issue of functioning of cyclists in the military forces of the II Commonwealth has not been researched properly so far. This paper aims at presentation of the development of military thought pertaining to their organization, shape and tactic usage. At the beginning cyclists were hardly present in the Polish Army, their small groups, used for small, specific tasks, did not have much tactical impact. During the interwar period it was pondered how to form them into small tactical units capable of fulfilling a wide range of tasks. Squadrons in cavalry units and platoons in infantry proved to be a good solution. That is how they were organized at the outbreak of World War II, in September 1939. The discussion conducted in the years 1923–1939 in specialist press, presented in this article, is not to be neglected as functioning of these units was not included in any military regulations or instructions. It was only in 1935 that the first works on the preliminary instruction on their tactical usage appeared. Engagement of cyclists for infantry, cavalry and armoured motorized weapons was pondered then.918720

    SI system - engineering against medicine

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    W artykule omówiono problem jednostek miar stosowanych w medycynie, ich zgodności z obowiązującym układem SI oraz jednostkami pozaukładowymi, dopuszczonymi przez stosowne rozporządzenia. Dokonano oceny poprawności jednostek miar stosowanych w medycynie w aspekcie zgodności z definicją pomiaru i jego cechami, jednoznaczności i wiarygodności. Podjęto próbę takiego przedstawienia niektórych jednostek, aby były one poprawne i zrozumiałe zarówno dla lekarzy, jak i dla inżynierów.Problems concerning units of measure used in medicine, their compatbility with the SI system and with unts do not belong to the SI system but are acceptable according to relevant decrees have been presented. The evaluation of correctness of units of measure used in medicine in the ligh of their consistence with the definition of measurement and its properties, explicitness and reliability has been carried out. An attempt to present some units n such a way that they are correct and clear forboth physicians and engineers has been undertaken

    Trap-assisted studies of odd, neutron-rich isotopes from Tc to Pd

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    We review the present and future of trap-assisted structure studies of odd, neutron-rich Tc, Ru, Rh and Pd isotopes at the limits of present experimental techniques. These nuclei of refractory elements are produced in light-particle induced fission and filtered by their mass number with the IGISOL mass separator. Further mass separation with the JYFLTRAP Penning trap system provides a clean, monoisotopic beam perfectly suited for precise nuclear spectroscopy. Connecting the IGISOL and the JYFLTRAP facilities to the recently installed MCC30/15 cyclotron opens new prospects for post-trap spectroscopy of very exotic, neutron-rich nuclei.peerReviewe