48 research outputs found

    Development of a Simulink model to investigate control structure, safety, and stability of a water brake system at main engine in House 5 Laboratory

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    Pemuatan water brake pada mesin diesel akan mengatur titik kerja dan kurva kerja yang diinginkan. Sehingga bisa menemukan titik aman dan keamanan kontrol. Setelah itu, komponen sistem yang esensial akan dibuat model dalam diagram blok dan akan disimulasikan dengan software Simulink. Ini memerlukan model pada pembakaran engine dan kontrolnya, serta sistem pengereman dan kendalinya. Sudut katup juga mempengaruhi jumlah aliran atau pelepasan air yang berada pada sistem rem. Jumlah aliran air di sistem rem mempengaruhi jumlah beban yang akan diterima oleh mesin utama. Modelnya harus divalidasi dengan data hasil pengukuran. Untuk menentukan karakteristik beban dan visualisasi operasi paralel, karakteristik beban ini harus disimulasikan. Hasil pemodelan adalah untuk mengetahui parameter pengendali PI untuk mengendalikan mesin utama. Dalam penyelidikan, maka disederhanakan proses pemodelan hasilnya ditampilkan dalam bentuk kurva/grafik. Dimana pada grafik kita bisa melihat performa mesin dan sistem rem sehingga pengoperasian mesin utama akan mendapatkan kondisi maksimal dalam batas aman. ================================================================== A water brake loads the diesel engine will set desired work points and work curves. So that can find a safe point and control safety. After this, the essential system component will be created the model in block diagram and the block diagram will be simulated with Simulink. This requires a model of combustion machine and its control as well as break system and its control. The valve angle also affects the amount of flow or discharge of water which resides in the brake system. The amount of water flow in the brake system affects the amount of load that will be accepted by the main engine. The model is to be validated with measured data. To define load characteristics for a parallel operating visualization, these load characteristics are to be simulated. The results of the modeling were to know PI controller parameters to control the main engine. In the investigation, then simplify the process of modeling results are displayed in the form of a curve. Where in the curve we can see the performance of the engine and brake system so that the operation of the main engine will get maximum condition within safe limits


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    Entrepreneurship is believed as one of the pivotal attributes in a more competitive world. Therefore, early education to foster entrepreneurial values is fundamental in primary education. The purpose of this research is to find out and analyze the effect of life skills education in fostering entrepreneurship values and interest of elementary school students. Life skills education in this study cover in school entrepreneurial activities which include batik learning, cooking, and stringing. The entrepreneurship values are measured by eight indicators of self-directing, creativity, risk taking, leadership, honesty, responsibility, team work and communication. In the current study, students’ interest in entrepreneurship are indicated by four indicators of contented, affection, involvement and attention. The methods used in this research is quantitative survey research. The results of the analysis reveal that life skills education contributed to entrepreneurship values at the level of β= 0.316, t (3.377), p < 0.001 and entrepreneurship interest β= 0.202 t (2.308), p < 0.05. It can be concluded that there was contribution of life skills educational in fostering entrepreneurship values of the primary school students. The R square produced in the Model Summary is 0.115 which means that life skills education contributes 11.5% in fostering entrepreneurship values while life skills education contributes 6% of students’ interest in entrepreneurship

    Perancangan Animasi Berdasarkan Cerita Rakyat Candikala

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    Candikala merupakan sebuah cerita rakyat yang diangkat berdasarkan sebuah mitos yang dipercaya oleh masyarakat berupa kejadian buruk yang terjadi pada peralihan waktu dari sore ke malam hari. Masyarakat percaya bahwa ketika waktu magrib, gerbang dunia jin mulai terbuka dan akan menyebarkan sesuatu yang buruk di dunia manusia salah satunya adalah mitos anak yang diculik oleh jin ketika bermain di waktu magrib. Mitos dibuat karena dinilai memiliki tujuan yang baik dari orang tua kepada anaknya, sebagai pengingat waktu untuk beribadah dan bersyukur bersama keluarga di waktu menjelang magrib. Animasi merupakan salah satu media pemberian informasi yang menarik dan dapat diterima semua kalangan, salah satunya adalah anak-anak hingga remaja. Perancangan tugas akhir ini dilaksanakan sebagai persyaratan untuk mendapatkan gelar Sarjana Desain (S.Ds) dan memberikan informasi bagi generasi z dalam memperkenalkan sebuah pesan baik yang terkandung pada sebuah mitos “pantangan keluar rumah menjelang magrib”. Sehingga kedepannya generasi z memiliki memiliki rasa hormat kepada orang tua, dan budaya nya. Animasi dirancang dengan ilustrasi yang berlatar belakang budaya nusantara berelemen batik. lengkap dengan musik, dan voice over. Dengan adanya perancangan ini, diharapkan dapat membuat dampak yang baik bagi generasi z maupun umumKata Kunci: Animasi, Generasi Z, Mitos Jaw

    Development of Simulink Model to Investigate Control Structure, Safety, and Stability of a Water Brake System at Main Engine in House 5 Laboratory: Warnemünde

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    A water brake loads the diesel engine will set desired work points and work curves. So that can find a safe point and control safety. After this, the essential system component will be created the model in block diagram and the block diagram will be simulated with Simulink. This requires a model of combustion machine and its control as well as break system and its control. The valve angle also affects the amount of flow or discharge of water which resides in the brake system. The amount of water flow in the brake system affects the amount of load that will be accepted by the main engine. The model is to be validated with measured data. To define load characteristics for a parallel operating visualization, these load characteristics are to be simulated. The results of the modeling were to know PI controller parameters to control the main engine. In the investigation, then simplify the process of modeling results are displayed in the form of a curve. Where in the curve we can see the performance of the engine and brake system so that the operation of the main engine will get maximum condition within safe limits

    Effectiveness of Question-Based Instructional Video (QBIV) for an Automotive Engineering Study Program

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    The advancement of information and communication technology allows for online learning through a variety of media platforms all over the world, one of which is video, which is available online. Video has become an important aspect of education and can be used to convey learning content in class, through blended learning, or through online programs. The goal of this study is to develop a QBIV and evaluate its effectiveness in learning. The learning QBIV was field tested on prospective vocational teachers. The effectiveness of QBIV was evaluated utilizing a posttest-only control group design on automotive vocational teacher candidates. The experimental group included 39 students, while the control group included 42 potential automotive engineering teacher students. The t-test was used to examine the significance of differences in student learning achievement between the experimental and control classes. The analytical results demonstrate that there is a significant difference in learning outcomes between the experimental and control classes. The experimental class outperformed the control class in terms of learning outcomes. As a result, using QBIV for learning is effective


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    This study aims to analyze the function of immigration in the security aspect, namely as a guard at the entrance to the territory of Indonesia during a pandemic. This function is of course very important considering that currently the spread of the covid 19 virus is getting out of control, one of which is because there are still many foreigners entering Indonesian territory. The research method used is descriptive with a qualitative approach by studying secondary data in the form of books, documents, and event records. The results of the study show that the actualization of the role of the immigration function during the pandemic can be seen from the aspects of immigration regulation and practices carried out by immigration checkpoints throughout Indonesia. Meanwhile, immigration checkpoints have carried out their functions as state security guards by refusing the arrival of foreigners and closing several immigration checkpoints to limit immigration traffic. There is a significant difference in law enforcement during normal times and during the pandemic, namely concessions given to foreign nationals in the form of exemption from overstay fees and deportation cannot be carried out. Deportation cannot be carried out because in general the country of origin of the foreigner also applies strict restrictions, so that for the time being many foreigners who cannot return to their country of origin are forced to live in the Rudenim


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    This article is written based on a case study of the Javanese Opera film. A film was produced at the end of 2006 as a requiem form of disasters that occurred in Indonesian territory. The data source is based on a cut of the film scene which is approached with the social practice model according to Bourdieu's theory. The result is a picture of a woman's loyalty as a wife who is loyal to her husband. Women are strong figures, although in practice they must accept their nature. This social practice based on Javanese culture is evident in the film media, which functions as a conveyor of information and as a means of cultural transformation.Keywords: Social practice, Bordieu, film, Javanese opera, women


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    This article is written based on a case study of the Javanese Opera film. A film was produced at the end of 2006 as a requiem form of disasters that occurred in Indonesian territory. The data source is based on a cut of the film scene which is approached with the social practice model according to Bourdieu's theory. The result is a picture of a woman's loyalty as a wife who is loyal to her husband. Women are strong figures, although in practice they must accept their nature. This social practice based on Javanese culture is evident in the film media, which functions as a conveyor of information and as a means of cultural transformation.Keywords: Social practice, Bordieu, film, Javanese opera, women


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    The purpose of this research is produced interactive learning media used for android which will be used for students class XI APK SMK Muhammadiyah 3 Singosari aspecially on the subject of entrepreneurship Lesson. Design in this research 4D model (Four D). The stages to be performed by the researcher include 1) Define, 2) Design, 3) Development, and 4) Disseminate. In these stages will be validated by a team of experts consisting of expert material, expert media, and trial to explore the effectiveness of the product developed. On the results of the validity of experts material obtained results 72.87%, quite valid, on the sheet of validity expert media obtained results 91.25%. In the user trial obtained the results of 83.42% and applies to the average overall repetition rate was found at 82.51% which can be concluded that the learning media based on android application on the Entrepreneurship lessons is valid and feasible to used

    Hubungan lama paparan debu kayu dan kedisiplinan pemakaian masker dengan penurunan kapasitas fungsi paru pada pekerja mebel ud. mita furniture kalinyamatan jepara

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    Wood processing industry is one industry that is growing very rapidly. One of the negative impacts of the wood processing industry is the emergence of air pollution by dust or result. Wood furniture industry workers have a very big risk for the accumulation of dust in the respiratory tract that may affect human health, especially lung function impairment. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship of long exposure to wood dust and discipline the use of a mask with a decrease in furniture workers UD. Mita Kalinyamatan Furniture Jepara. This study is an observational analytic cross-sectional approach. Study population was all male workers in the production of as many as 22 workers. The research sample using total sampling technique. Statistical tests using Pearson Product Moment Correlation test with the results obtained by analysis of the value of p = 0.02 <0.05 and r = -0.493 (quite strong). Additionally obtained p value = 0.001 <0.05 and r = -0.646 correlation value (strong) which means there is the use of a mask of discipline relationship with lung function decline in the capacity of workers