22 research outputs found

    Perbedaan Keanekaragaman dan Kelimpahan Araknida Antar Zonasi Gua di Kawasan Karst Tasikmalaya

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    AbstrakAraknida merupakan kelompok fauna yang umum dijumpai di gua dan berperan penting menjaga keseimbangan ekosistem gua. Kelompok fauna ini dapat ditemukan di seluruh zona gua baik terang, remang, maupun gelap. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan keanekaragaman dan kelimpahan araknida berdasarkan zonasi gua. Pengambilan data dilakukan di 3 gua yang terletak di kawasan Karst Tasikmalaya, yaitu Gua Sarongge, Liang Boeh, dan Liang Seungit. Pencuplikan araknida dilakukan dengan teknik hand collecting, sedangkan penghitungan individu dengan direct counting. Selain itu, dilakukan pengukuran parameter abiotik yang terdiri dari suhu udara, suhu tanah, kelembapan udara, kelembapan tanah, dan intensitas cahaya. Data dianalisis dengan uji indeks similaritas Jaccard, one-way ANOVA, Kruskal Wallis, dan Canonical correlation analysis. Terdapat 311 individu araknida tergolong dalam 3 ordo dan 7 morfospesies yang berhasil dikoleksi. Mayoritas araknida tergolong kategori adaptasi troglofil. Terdapat kemiripan komposisi spesies yang tinggi antara zona remang dan gelap (indeks similaritas 0,833) dibandingkan kemiripan keduanya dengan zona terang (0,571 dan 0,429). Kelimpahan individu araknida antar zona tidak berbeda secara signifikan. Mayoritas spesies memiliki preferensi habitat dengan kondisi intensitas cahaya rendah dan kelembapan tinggi.AbstractArachnid is one of the cave-adapted fauna with diverse cave representatives and plays a vital role in maintaining ecosystem balance. This group is widely distributed in all cave zonation, namely entrance, twilight, and dark zones. This study aimed to reveal the difference in diversity and abundance of arachnids in different caves zonation. The study was carried out in three caves situated in Tasikmalaya karst region, namely Sarongge, Liang Boeh, and Seungit. Arachnids were sampled through hand collecting, while abundance was estimated through direct counting. Air and soil temperatures, relative humidity, soil moisture, and light intensity were also measured. Data were analysed through Jaccard’s similarity index, one-way ANOVA, Kruskal Wallis, and CCA. In total, 311 individuals belonged to 3 orders and 7 morphospecies were identified. Most observed morphospecies were categorized as troglophiles. There was a great degree of similarity in species composition between twilight and dark zones (similarity 0.833) compared to entrance zone (0.571 and 0.429, respectively). Meanwhile, abundance was relatively similar. Most species prefer habitats with low light intensity but high humidity.

    Neurocomputing fundamental climate analysis

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    Rainfall is a natural phenomenon that needs to be studied more deeply and interesting to be analyzed. It involves numbers of human activities such as aviation, agriculture, fisheries, and also disaster risk reduction. Moreover, the characteristics of rainfall data follows seasonality, fluctuation, not normally distributed and it makes traditional time series challenging to use. Therefore, neurocomputing model can be used as an alternative to extraction information from rainfall data and give high performance also accuracy. In this paper, we give short preview about SST Anomalies in Manado, Northern Sulawesi and at the same time comparing the performance of rainfall forecasting by using three types of neurocomputing methods such as Generalized Regression Neural Network (GRNN), Feed forward Neural Network (FFNN), and Localized Multi Kernel Support Vector Regression (LMKSVR). In a nutshell, all of neurocomputing methods give highly accurate forecasting as well as reach low MAPE FFNN 1.65%, GRNN 2.65% and LMKSVR 0.28%, respectively

    Pharmacophore Analysis of Monoterpene Melaleuca leucadendra as an Inhibitor for 3CLPro of the SARS-CoV-2

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    The monoterpene compound has been reported to have antiviral activities . This study aimed to test the monoterpene compound in Melaleuca leucadendra to inhibit the SARS-CoV-2 virus. The monoterpenes tested were α-Pinene, β-Pinene, Linalool, α-Terpineol, and Terpinene-4-Ol. The method used was computational through pharmacophore analysis. The indicator for the quality of the compound was the fit score. A fit score of more than 50% indicates a good-quality compound, while a fit score of less than that indicates a  poor-quality compound. Based on the analysis results, the monoterpene compound in Melaleuca leucadendra can potentially inhibit the SARS-CoV-2 virus directly through the inhibition of 3C-like protease. The linalool showed a fit score of 55% with interactions of hydrophobic, electrostatic, and hydrogen bonds. All the compounds did not inhibit the metabolic process and were safe, possibly having no side effects based on ADMET analysis

    Detection of pork contamination on meat-based foods at public elementary school in Bandung

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    The foods containing pork ingredients are ubiquitous in Indonesia. Besides forbidden for Muslims to consume, pigs are animals that contain diseases because of their greedy and dirty. Currently there are many adulterated products between beef and pork sold in the market. One of the food products that potentially contaminated with pork is processed children's food. Children are the most vulnerable segments to consume non-halal food, most of them less selective to choose some of the food than adults. This research aims to provide a general description of the distribution and detection of pork contamination on meatbased food at public elementary schools in Bandung city. This research was conducted in December-March 2019 at the Genetic and Molecular Laboratory of the Faculty of Science and Technology of UIN Sunan Gunung Djati, Bandung. The study began by taking 8 samples of children's food from 30 districts in Bandung using the technique of free random sampling. The sample is tested under laboratory tests including DNA extraction, amplification of pig-specific DNA fragments using PCR and electrophoresis. The results of this study are the distribution of snacks for elementary school children in 30 districts of Bandung. They are diverse and classified as processed foods made from meat (a critical point). Food children of Public Elementary Schools in Bandung negatively contain pork contamination with the proportion of children's food containing 0% of pork

    Population structure and habitat preference of cave crickets (Rhaphidophora sp. (Orthoptera: Rhaphidophoridae)) in Sanghyang Kenit cave, Citatah karst area, West Java

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    Cave crickets are considered as a keystone species that can be used as a cave ecosystem bioindicator. Developing caves as tourism has considerable potential to disturb cave cricket populations. This study aimed to investigate cave cricket population structure and their habitat preference in Sanghyang Kenit cave one year after it developed into a show cave. Data were collected through standardized visual searching in three cave zones: entrance, twilight, and dark. Besides cave crickets, other macroarthropods discovered in each zone were also recorded. Abiotic parameters of habitat comprised air and soil temperatures, RH, soil moisture, soil pH, and light intensity were measured. Data were analyzed to show cave crickets abundance, density, sex ratio, and age structure. Statistical analysis comprising Kruskal Wallis, non-metric multidimensional scaling, and correlation tests were performed. The cave cricket population in Sanghyang Kenit belonged to a single species, Rhaphidophora sp. The population was around 78-108 individuals and distributed in all cave zones. The abundance and density in twilight and dark zones were significantly higher than in the entrance. The number of males outperformed females with a 2.16 ratio. Besides, the population was dominated by the sub-adult class. Environmental parameters of twilight and dark zones tended to be similar to one another compared to the entrance. Cave crickets preferred habitats with dark, humid, and acidic soil pH. Heteropoda sp. and Catagaeus sp. were considered potential predators. This study implies the importance of protecting cave crickets in Sanghyang Kenit.

    Analisis potensi kelelawar (Chiroptera) sebagai reservoir alami SARS-COV-2 penyebab Covid-19

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    Asal virus Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) yang merupakan penyebab Covid-19 hingga saat ini masih menjadi pertanyaan. Banyak pihak mengaitkan virus ini dengan kelelawar sebagai reservoir alaminya. Adanya pemberitaan kelelawar sebagai asal SARS-CoV-2 menimbulkan stigma dan respon negatif yang dapat mengancam kelestarian kelelawar. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk membahas karakteristik SARS-CoV-2, jenis kelelawar yang diduga sebagai reservoir alami SARS-COV-2, pola transmisi SARS-CoV-2, dan upaya pencegahan infeksi virus zoonosis oleh kelelawar. Data diperoleh melalui metode observasional deskriptif dengan melakukan studi literatur. Virus SARS-CoV-2 termasuk Genus Betacoronavirus (Beta-CoV) dalam Famili Coronaviridae. Genom SARS-CoV-2 memiliki kesamaan dengan Beta-CoV RaTG13 yang ditemukan pada kelelawar Rhinolophus affinis dengan kemiripan 96.2%. SARS-CoV-2 menggunakan reseptor Angiotensin Converting Enzyme 2 (ACE-2) untuk menginfeksi sel inangnya. Transmisi terjadi dari manusia ke manusia melalui droplet yang mengandung virus. Kelelawar diduga kuat sebagai reservoir alami SARS-CoV-2 tetapi tidak dapat menularkannya secara langsung ke manusia. Pemusnahan kelelawar bukan langkah tepat dalam memutus rantai penularan Covid-19. Langkah yang dapat dilakukan untuk mencegah munculnya infeksi virus zoonosis oleh kelelawar adalah membatasi kontak langsung dengan kelelawar, tidak mengkonsumsi kelelawar dan sisa makanan kelelawar, dan menjaga habitat kelelawar

    Macroarthropod Diversity, Distribution, and Community Structure in Cikarae Cave of the Klapanunggal Karst, West Java

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    Arthropods are the most dominant fauna in cave realms. Ecological studies of cave-dwelling arthropods are essential for cave ecosystem conservation. This study was conducted to determine the ecological aspects of macroarthropods in Cikarae Cave, West Java, focusing on their diversity, distribution, and community structure. The cave passage was divided into three zones based on environmental disparities. Data collection was carried out through direct search and counting methods. Data were analyzed using non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) and several ecological indices (diversity, evenness, and dominance). Nineteen macroarthropod morphospecies were recorded and distributed among 5 classes, 11 orders, and 18 families. Most of these morphospecies were troglophiles. A new troglobitic species (Isopoda: Philosciidae) with a high degree of troglomorphy and exclusive microhabitat was registered. Most morphospecies were collected in Zone 1 (17), followed by Zone 3 (9) and Zone 2 (8). Collected macroarthropods preferred cave walls over floors and ceilings. Overall, Cikarae showed a low diversity index (0.782) and evenness (0.265), while dominance was relatively high (0.692). Trachyjulus tjampeanus, Rhaphidophora sp., and Theridiosomatidae sp. were the most dominant taxa