42 research outputs found

    Tingkatan Kebutuhan Yossarian dalam Novel Catch-22 Karya Joseph Heller

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    TThe theory of hierarchy of needs developed by Abraham Harold Maslow consists offve levels of needs, namely at the lowest level of physiological needs, the second levelof safety needs, the third level of love and belonging needs, the fourth level of esteemneeds and the highest need is the need for self-actualization. Maslow describes humansas creatures that have never been in a state of satisfaction. If a need has been satisfed,then other needs will appear demanding satisfaction, and so on. This study analyzes themain character, Yossarian, in Joseph Heller's Catch-22 novel, which is then related tothe hierarchy of Yossarian needs. From the results of the analysis it can be seen thatphysiological needs can be met properly, while the needs for safety are not at all obtainedby Yossarian. As a result of not meeting the needs of the second level, the needs of thethird to ffth level cannot be fulflled properl


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    Public Speaking has a learning goal which is to form students' soft skills in communicatingin public. The way that can be used as a stimulus to improve students' communicationskills in public is to choose the right learning model that is Think-Pair-Share to beapplied in the learning process. The subjects of this study were 24 Language Classstudents at SMA N 2 Ungaran. The research procedure consists of two cycles coveringplanning, implementation, observation, and reflection. Data collection instruments arequestionnaires, skills assessment sheets, evaluation materials, and observation sheets ofstudent activities. The results of this study shows that in general, communication skills byapplying Think-Pair-Share or TPS models on public speaking topics are better for studentcommunication skills without using learning models. The application of the TPS learningmodel on the topic of public speaking is an effective learning model because it canimprove the communication skills of students of Language Class at SMA N 2 Ungaran.A signifcant increase in the public speaking ability of SMA N 2 Ungaran students wasfound in the indicators of fluency in speaking and body posture of 0.68 points. While thelowest increase occurred in the indicator of material mastery that is 0.40 points


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    Gender does not refer to biogical facts of a man or a woman, but it is rather considered as a social construction toward the roles of a man or a woman. Patriarchal world makes men dominate in public field, while women are seen asdomestic beings. Gender inequality is an ordinal hierarchy between men and women in material resources, power, and status. In discussing this matter, libertarian radical feminism can be used because it discusses gender as the main cause of oppression toward women. One of the TV series discussing the theme is Sex and the City, the First Season. The show follows the lives of a group of four women who are single, successful, and independent. This series changes the view of seeing women’s gender roles as the oppressed side, particularly in sexuality. The power and money that they get make them can treat men as a sexual object


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    The Age of Enlightenment spread in Western Europe, Britain and American colonies in the eighteenth century. This period put emphasis in scientific ideas, skepticism, and critics about the abuse of power done by government and church. Literary works in this period contain classical critics, such as the using of satire, good diction and couplet. Gulliver’s travels was written by Jonathan Swift in this period. He used the character named Gulliver who sailed to some imaginative islands, Swift criticized political and religious conditions in Britain through satires. This research discussed the correlation between Jonathan Swift as a satire writer with political and religious satires in Gulliver’s Travels. The purpose of this research was to know the political and religious problems in the age of enlightenment in Britain, to know the efforts of Jonathan Swift to criticize the conditions thorugh his satires. The method of this research used literary sociology to discuss the problems. It can be concluded that Swift criticized used Gulliver and his voyages to Liliput as a representation of political and religious problems in Britain in 18th century. The king’s minister, Walpole dominated the power to rule the government over King George II. While for the religious matters, the dispute caused by religious matters often asked many people’s lives. Through his satires and humours, Swift expected that the King and government could do some actions to solve the problems in the country.   Keywords: Jonathan Swift, the age of enlightenment, political and religious satires

    Warna Lokal Melayu pada Novel Ayah Karya Andrea Hirata

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    Novel Ayah karya Andrea Hirata yang diterbitkan tahun 2015 menarik untuk dibaca sekaligus dianalisis. Karya tersebut satu dari beberapa novel yang mengandung warna lokal. Ada pun warna lokal yang ditonjolkan adalah melayu. Melayu sebagai sebuah kelompok memiliki karakteristik. Melayu identik dengan islam, adat istiadat, dan bahasa tetapi juga lekat dengan kemiskinan yang menjadi bagian dari kehidupan masyarakat.  Untuk itulah penulis tertarik menelitinya. Berdasarkan hal itu penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1) mendeskripsikan gambaran warna lokal melayu pada novel Ayah karya Andrea Hirata; (2) mendeskripsikan kehidupan masyarakat melayu Belitung.  Dengan penelitian ini diharapkan masyarakat mengenal lebih dalam tentang melayu sekaligus memberi referensi penelitian sastra terkait warna lokal. Sumber data penelitian ini adalah novel Ayah karya Andrea Hirata yang diterbitkan oleh Bentang Pustaka pada tahun 2015. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif-kualitatif dengan pendekatan teknik analisis isi. Data diperoleh dengan teknik membaca dan mencatat. Kata Kunci: Ayah, Andrea Hirata, Melayu, Antropologi Sastr

    Gundala and Gatotkaca in the concept of modern Indonesian superheroes: Comparative analysis of the Indonesian and American superheroes

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    The superhero universe has always been an attraction in the world of film industry. The birth of superhuman ideas has made people increasingly interested in taking the storyline. This research is a literature study on the existence of a new world in Indonesian cinema that takes the theme of Indonesia's superhero universe competes against the universe of American superheroes. The purpose of this study is to compare Indonesian and American superhero films in order to understand the complete concept of depicting Indonesian superheroes in the process of switching from comics to films comparing with the same concepts in American superheroes. This study employed a descriptive qualitative method by comparing films from the Indonesian superhero universe namely Bumilangit Cinematic Universe and Jagad Satria Dewa Cinematic Universe compared to the American superhero universe namely Marvel Cinematic Universe and DC Cinematic Universe. The results obtained that there were some similarities in the process of character formation in each of the heroes that were created, this could be described with similarity in multiple personalities before and after becoming superheroes, costumes worn, storylines and special effects produced in the film. There were fundamental differences that were seen in the background of Indonesian culture that was different from the concept of American culture. Indonesian superheroes also highlighted Pencak Silat as the original identity and characteristics of Indonesia. This research concluded that a story with a superhero concept had the same story pattern such as a person with a superhero alter ego and deep with heroic storyline even though they were presented by different countries


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    AbstrakKeberadaan teknologi informasi  memberikan pengaruh positif untuk pelaku usaha. Seperti yang terjadi beberapa tahun belakangan ini, media sosial seperti twitter, facebook, whats app,istagram yang semula digunakan sebagai alat penyampai pesan kini menjadi media memasarkan produk. Alasannya sederhana selain jangkauan internet yang luas, aksesnya mudah, serta biayanya murah. Selain itu media sosial memfasilitasi komunikasi dua arah dengan mengizinkan setiap orang dapat berinteraksi dan berkontribusi melalui percakapan online. Inilah yang menyebabkan media sosial menjadi paradigm baru dalam hal pemasaran produk. Namun demikian kenyataannya masih banyak juga pelaku usaha melakukan pemasaran secara tradisional sehingga  cakupan peluang untuk mendapat omzet yang besar terbatas. Seperti halnya yang dilakukan kaum ibu pelaku usaha ikan asin di Samadikun Cirebon. Mereka masih menggunakan cara tradisional dalam memasarkan produknya. Belum lagi banyak ditemukan kardus bekas  di sekitar rumah warga yang tidak dikelola. Oleh karena itu, tim pengabdian merancang suatu pelatihan dan pendampingan membuat mini studio dari kardus bekas untuk digunakan sebagai media foto produk ikan asin. Pelaku usaha juga dibekali dengan pelatihan teknik foto produk melalui smartphone. Tujuannya meningkatkan keterampilan membuat mini studio, foto produk dan meningkatkan pengetahuan market acces pelaku usaha. Adapun metode kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat dilakukan dengan ceramah, tanya jawab, dan simulasi. Tahapan yang dilakukan mulai dari observasi lapangan, sosialisasi, pelatihan, dan evaluasi. Melalui kegiatan PKM ini pelaku usaha ikan asin dapat meningkatkan omzet penjualan dengan memanfaatkan media social. AbstractThe existence of information technology has a positive influence on business actors. As has happened in recent years, social media such as Twitter, Facebook, WhatsApp, and Instagram, which were originally used as a means of conveying messages, have now become media to market products. The reason is simple apart from wide internet coverage, easy access, and low cost. In addition, social media facilitates two-way communication by allowing everyone to interact and contribute through online conversations. This is what causes social media to become a new paradigm in product marketing. However, in reality there are still many business actors doing traditional marketing so that the scope of opportunities to get large turnover is limited. As has been done by the women who run salted fish business in Samadikun Cirebon. They still use traditional methods in marketing their products. Not to mention that many used cardboard boxes were found around residents' houses that were not managed.Therefore, the community service team designed a training and assistance in making a mini studio from used cardboard to be used as a media for photos of salted fish products. Business actors are also provided with training on product photo techniques via smartphones. The goal is to improve skills in making mini studios, product photos and increase market access knowledge of business people. The method of community service activities is carried out by lectures, questions and answers, and simulations. The stages are carried out starting from field observations, socialization, training, and evaluation. Through this PKM activity, salted fish business actors can increase sales turnover by utilizing social media

    Errors Made by English Literature Students in Translating News Text

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    The research is aimed at describing the types of translation errors made by the English Literature Students in translating news text from English into Indonesian. The present study employed a descriptive qualitative study. The research subject was the sixth-semester students of the English Literature Study Program, Faculty of Economics, Law, and Humanities, Universitas Ngudi Waluyo who have taken a Translation Course. The news text was taken from the Jakarta Post and it consists of 22 paragraphs. The news texts were then translated into Bahasa Indonesia and they become the target texts as the sources of data to investigate the students’ translation errors. They were then classified into five types of errors according to Vilar et al. (2006, 698). The research results revealed that there were 108 translation errors in the form of incorrect words (60,2%), punctuation (18.5%), missing words (12,03%), and word order (0,9%). It can be concluded that the most frequent errors made by the students are incorrect words, punctuation, and missing words.


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    The research is aimed at describing the types of translation errors made by the English Literature Students in translating news text from English into Indonesian. The present study employed a descriptive qualitative study. The research subject was the sixth-semester students of the English Literature Study Program, Faculty of Economics, Law, and Humanities, Universitas Ngudi Waluyo who have taken a Translation Course. The news text was taken from the Jakarta Post and it consists of 22 paragraphs. The news texts were then translated into Bahasa Indonesia and they become the target texts as the sources of data to investigate the students’ translation errors. They were then classified into five types of errors according to Vilar et al. (2006, 698). The research results revealed that there were 108 translation errors in the form of incorrect words (60,2%), punctuation (18.5%), missing words (12,03%), and word order (0,9%). It can be concluded that the most frequent errors made by the students are incorrect words, punctuation, and missing words.


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    The research is aimed at describing the types of translation errors made by the English Literature Students in translating news text from English into Indonesian. The present study employed a descriptive qualitative study. The research subject was the sixth-semester students of the English Literature Study Program, Faculty of Economics, Law, and Humanities, Universitas Ngudi Waluyo who have taken a Translation Course. The news text was taken from the Jakarta Post and it consists of 22 paragraphs. The news texts were then translated into Bahasa Indonesia and they become the target texts as the sources of data to investigate the students’ translation errors. They were then classified into five types of errors according to Vilar et al. (2006, 698). The research results revealed that there were 108 translation errors in the form of incorrect words (60,2%), punctuation (18.5%), missing words (12,03%), and word order (0,9%). It can be concluded that the most frequent errors made by the students are incorrect words, punctuation, and missing words.Â