6 research outputs found

    Varhaiskasvatuksen opettajien käsityksiä lasten tunteiden säätelytaitojen kehittymisestä

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    Tiivistelmä. Tunteiden säätelytaidot ovat tärkeä osa jokaisen ihmisen elämää, sillä niitä tarvitaan päivittäisessä arjessa esimerkiksi rakentavassa vuorovaikutuksessa toisten ihmisten kanssa ja erilaisten vaikeiden tilanteiden selvittämisessä. Tunteiden säätely on keskeinen taito myös oppimiselle. Tutkimusalueena tunteiden säätely kiinnostaa yhä enemmän, etenkin varhaiskasvatuksen ja koulun ympäristöissä, koska näissä konteksteissa tunteiden säätelyn merkitys korostuu oppimisessa ja sosiaalisessa vuorovaikutuksessa. Tunteiden kanssasäätelyssä aikuinen tukee lapsen tunteiden säätelyä ja siihen liittyvien strategioiden käyttöä. Tämä pro gradu -tutkimus on osa TunTuVa-hanketta, jossa varhaiskasvatushenkilöstöä koulutetaan tukemaan lasten tunteiden säätelytaitojen oppimista. Tutkimuksessa selvitetään varhaiskasvatuksen opettajien tärkeinä pitämiä teemoja lasten tunteiden säätelyn kehitykseen liittyen, sekä selvittää koulutuksen vaikutusta opettajien näkemyksiin. Tutkimus on rajattu varhaiskasvatuksen opettajiin ja tutkimusjoukkoja on yhteensä kolme. Ensimmäiseen kysymykseen liittyen opettajat (n=128) vastasivat avoimia vastauksia sisältävään alkukyselyyn. Toiseen tutkimuskysymykseen etsittiin vastausta kahden eri tutkimusryhmän — alku- ja loppukyselyyn (n=62) sekä alku- ja viivästettyyn loppukyselyyn (n=35) vastanneiden opettajien kautta. Lähestymistapamme on kvalitatiivinen eli laadullinen, jota vahvistetaan kvantifioimalla laadullisen analyysin tuloksia. Käytämme tutkimuksessamme valmista TunTuVa-hankkeessa kerättyä kyselyaineistoa. Aineiston sisällönanalyysi on teoriasidonnainen — olemme rakentaneet analyysirungon aiemman teorian ja aineiston sisällön pohjalta. Analyysirungon avulla olemme koodanneet aineiston. Tulosten perusteella varhaiskasvatuksen opettajat korostavat aikuisen kanssasäätelyn tärkeyttä lapsen tunteiden säätelyn kehittymisessä eniten. Koulutus vaikuttaa vahvistavan tätä ajatusta. Tutkimustuloksemme tukevat ajatusta, että varhaiskasvatuksen opettajien koulutus on merkittävä tapa lisätä tietoa ja taitoja tukea lasten tunteiden säätelytaitojen oppimista.Early childhood education teachers’ perceptions of the development of children’s emotion regulation skills. Abstract. Emotion regulation skills are an important part of every person’s life, as they are needed in everyday life, for example to resolve various difficult situations. Emotion regulation skills are also regarded a part of learning skills. As a research area, emotion regulation is of increasing interest, especially in early childhood education and school environments, as these are the contexts where these skills are needed, in social interactions and in learning. In the co-regulation of emotions, the adult supports the child’s emotion regulation and the use of related strategies. The present research is a part of the TunTuVa project, where early childhood education personnel are trained to support children’s emotion regulation development. The research aims to explore the early childhood teacher’s views about the important factors related to children’s development of emotion regulation skills and how these views change along with TunTuVa-training. Our research is limited to early childhood education teachers and there are three research groups in total. Regarding the first question, teachers (n=128) answered the initial open-ended questionnaire. The answer to the second research question was sought through teachers who responded to two different research groups — the initial and final questionnaire (n=62) and the initial and delayed final questionnaire (n=35). Our approach is qualitative, which is strengthened by quantifying the results of the qualitative analysis. In our research, we use ready-made survey data collected in the TunTuVa project. The content analysis of the data is theory-related — we have used both previous theory and the content of the data to build the analysis frame, by which we coded the data. Based on the results, early childhood education teachers emphasize the importance of adult co-regulation in the development of a child’s emotion regulation the most. Training seemed to reinforce this idea. This study supports the notion that it is important to pay attention to teacher’s education and training to support their knowledge and skills to foster children’s emotion regulation development by co-regulation of emotions

    Browser based 3D for the built environment

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    Abstract Digital 3D geometric models have become a central tool for geo-information. For many participatory and collaborative applications, distributing these models easily is essential. Several technical solutions exist for creating online systems that facilitate the study of 3D models in the context of the built environment. To provide an overview on browser based interactive 3D visualizations, we present a set of existing systems applied in Finland, and discuss their common properties and differences. To obtain first-hand experience, we experiment with an online 3D application development platform. The systems studied show a high potential for browser based 3D applications: interactive visualizations with multi-user characteristics and dynamic elements can be built by leveraging the 3D web technologies. Finally, we suggest a framework for discussing browser based 3D systems, covering the spectrum of possibilities available in modern web-based 3D for built environment applications

    Fully integrated wireless elastic wearable systems for health monitoring applications

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    Abstract Advances in flexible and hybrid electronics promote increasing demands for wearable sensors in personal health, monitoring, and diagnostic medical gadgets. Conventional wearable devices rely on electronics based on rigid substrates and components with limited conformity to user skin. In this work, we report a fully integrated, stretchable wireless electrocardiography (ECG) system developed on highly elastic, ultra-thin ( 100 ÎĽm ) thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU) film without any rigid or flexible interposer. Moreover, the circuit layout printing and component assembly are carried out through sheet-to-sheet (S2S) process directly on TPU film. This study utilizes both experimental reliability tests coupled with data acquired from finite element modeling (FEM) to assess performance and failure of the device under tensile loading. In such a complex system assembly, FEM simulation not only provides insights on the overall electromechanical performance of the device, but also facilitates localization of the failure points which are difficult to access for visual inspection. The performance of the device is also evaluated through controlled uniaxial cyclic strain at 5% and 10% elongation. The durability test shows that the assembled device can stay functional over hundreds of deformation cycles, suggesting that direct assembly of conventional components on stretchable substrate represents a promising approach for fully integrated stretchable devices, which is a step toward scalable manufacture of wearable stretchable electronics through high-throughput manufacturing processes