228 research outputs found

    Integrated Assessment of Black Carbon and Tropospheric Ozone

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    The Integrated Assessment of Black Carbon and Tropospheric Ozone looks into all aspects of anthropogeic emissions of black carbon and tropospheric ozone precursors, such as methane. It analyses the trends in emissions of these substances and the drivers of these emissions; summarizes the science of atmospheric processes where these substances are involved; discusses related impacts on the climatic sysem, human health, crops in vulnerable regions and ecosystems; and societal responses to the environmntal changes caused by those impacts. The Assessment examines a large number of potential measures to reduce harmful emissions, identifying a small set of specific measures that would likely produce the greatest benefits, and which could be implemented with currently available technology. An outlook up to 2070 is developed illustrating the benefits of those emission mitigation policies and mesures for human well-being and climate. The Assessment concludes that rapid mitigation of anthropogenic black carbon and tropospheric ozone precursor emissions would complement carbon dioxide reduction measures and would have immediate benefits for human well-being. The Assessment is intended to support informed decision making at all levels as a guide for assessment, planning and management for the future

    Noncompact sigma-models: Large N expansion and thermodynamic limit

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    Noncompact SO(1,N) sigma-models are studied in terms of their large N expansion in a lattice formulation in dimensions d \geq 2. Explicit results for the spin and current two-point functions as well as for the Binder cumulant are presented to next to leading order on a finite lattice. The dynamically generated gap is negative and serves as a coupling-dependent infrared regulator which vanishes in the limit of infinite lattice size. The cancellation of infrared divergences in invariant correlation functions in this limit is nontrivial and is in d=2 demonstrated by explicit computation for the above quantities. For the Binder cumulant the thermodynamic limit is finite and is given by 2/(N+1) in the order considered. Monte Carlo simulations suggest that the remainder is small or zero. The potential implications for ``criticality'' and ``triviality'' of the theories in the SO(1,N) invariant sector are discussed.Comment: 46 pages, 2 figure

    Anomalous Scaling in the N-Point Functions of Passive Scalar

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    A recent analysis of the 4-point correlation function of the passive scalar advected by a time-decorrelated random flow is extended to the N-point case. It is shown that all stationary-state inertial-range correlations are dominated by homogeneous zero modes of singular operators describing their evolution. We compute analytically the zero modes governing the N-point structure functions and the anomalous dimensions corresponding to them to the linear order in the scaling exponent of the 2-point function of the advecting velocity field. The implications of these calculations for the dissipation correlations are discussed.Comment: 16 pages, latex fil

    The effect of mineralogy, texture and mechanical properties of anti-skid and asphalt aggregates on urban dust

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    In northern latitudes mineral dust is formed when cars use studded tyres and roads are sanded to obtain more traction on the icy surfaces. Anti-skid and asphalt aggregates with different textural, mineralogical and mechanical properties were tested with an indoor road simulator fitted with studded and friction tyres. The particle size distribution and proportions of dust from pavement and anti-skid aggregate were analyzed using SEM-EDX. The wear on the road pavement depends on the properties of the anti-skid and asphalt aggregate (particle size distribution, mechanical/physical and textural properties). Antiskid aggregates, which contain mainly hard minerals (e.g. feldspars and quartz) and which have a low resistance to fragmentation, should be used with caution as they may break more easily into smaller particles and are likely to wear the pavement. By using high-quality anti-skid aggregates it is possible to reduce the amount of urban dust

    Universality in Blow-Up for Nonlinear Heat Equations

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    We consider the classical problem of the blowing-up of solutions of the nonlinear heat equation. We show that there exist infinitely many profiles around the blow-up point, and for each integer kk, we construct a set of codimension 2k2k in the space of initial data giving rise to solutions that blow-up according to the given profile.Comment: 38 page

    Fatty acids on continental sulfate aerosol particles

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    Published 2005 American Geophysical Union. Reproduced by permission of American Geophysical Union.Surface analyses of atmospheric aerosols from different continental sources, such as forest fires and coal and straw burning, show that organic surfactants are found on such aerosols. The predominant organic species detected by time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry on the sulfate aerosols are fatty acids of different carbon chain length up to the C32 acid. These observations are consistent with literature accounts of functional group analysis of bulk samples, but this is the first direct evidence of fatty acid films on the surface of sulfate aerosols. Surface analysis leads to the conclusion that fatty acid films on continental aerosols may be more common than has been previously suggested

    Road salt emissions: A comparison of measurements and modelling using the NORTRIP road dust emission model

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    AbstractDe-icing of road surfaces is necessary in many countries during winter to improve vehicle traction. Large amounts of salt, most often sodium chloride, are applied every year. Most of this salt is removed through drainage or traffic spray processes but a certain amount may be suspended, after drying of the road surface, into the air and will contribute to the concentration of particulate matter. Though some measurements of salt concentrations are available near roads, the link between road maintenance salting activities and observed concentrations of salt in ambient air is yet to be quantified. In this study the NORTRIP road dust emission model, which estimates the emissions of both dust and salt from the road surface, is applied at five sites in four Nordic countries for ten separate winter periods where daily mean ambient air measurements of salt concentrations are available. The model is capable of reproducing many of the salt emission episodes, both in time and intensity, but also fails on other occasions. The observed mean concentration of salt in PM10, over all ten datasets, is 4.2 Όg/m3 and the modelled mean is 2.8 Όg/m3, giving a fractional bias of −0.38. The RMSE of the mean concentrations, over all 10 datasets, is 2.9 Όg/m3 with an average R2 of 0.28. The mean concentration of salt is similar to the mean exhaust contribution during the winter periods of 2.6 Όg/m3. The contribution of salt to the kerbside winter mean PM10 concentration is estimated to increase by 4.1 ± 3.4 Όg/m3 for every kg/m2 of salt applied on the road surface during the winter season. Additional sensitivity studies showed that the accurate logging of salt applications is a prerequisite for predicting salt emissions, as well as good quality data on precipitation. It also highlights the need for more simultaneous measurements of salt loading together with ambient air concentrations to help improve model parameterisations of salt and moisture removal processes

    Maximal Non-Abelian Gauges and Topology of Gauge Orbit Space

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    We introduce two maximal non-abelian gauge fixing conditions on the space of gauge orbits M for gauge theories over spaces with dimensions d < 3. The gauge fixings are complete in the sense that describe an open dense set M_0 of the space of gauge orbits M and select one and only one gauge field per gauge orbit in M_0. There are not Gribov copies or ambiguities in these gauges. M_0 is a contractible manifold with trivial topology. The set of gauge orbits which are not described by the gauge conditions M \ M_0 is the boundary of M_0 and encodes all non-trivial topological properties of the space of gauge orbits. The gauge fields configurations of this boundary M \ M_0 can be explicitly identified with non-abelian monopoles and they are shown to play a very relevant role in the non-perturbative behaviour of gauge theories in one, two and three space dimensions. It is conjectured that their role is also crucial for quark confinement in 3+1 dimensional gauge theories.Comment: 31 pages, harvmac, 1 figur
