10 research outputs found

    Noise control of computers-application of optimal sound isolation layers and fun rotation speed

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    Tato diplomová práce se zabývá šířením hluku v počítačové skříni, vyzařováním hluku do okolí, vlivem tvaru geometrie a velikosti počítačové skříně na vyzařovaný hluk z počítače, vlivem umístění ventilátoru v počítačové skříni na vyzařovaný hluk z počítače. Dále se práce zabývá snižováním hluku vložením zvukově absorpčního materiálu do počítačové skříně a vlivem polohy počítače v pracovním prostředí na hluk sledovaný v místě posluchače. Analýza šíření hluku počítače byla řešena metodou konečných prvků v prostředí programu Ansys 13.This thesis deals with the distribution of noise in the computer case and radiation into the neighborhood. Influence of geometrical shape and size of the computer case on radiated noise from the computer was investigated as well as effect of placement of the fan. Reducing noise by using sound absorbing material into computer case and result of the suitable position of the computer in the working environment were also tested. Simulation of the noise diffusion and effectivity of anti-noise equipment was executed in Ansys FEM program.

    Modeling of DC motor in MATLAB/Simulink

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    Předložená bakalářská práce se zabývá stejnosměrnými motory, jejich vlastnostmi a jejich modelováním. Pro účel modelování byl vytvořen matematický model stejnosměrného motoru, který je připojen na H-můstek a řízen PWM signálem. Následně bylo vytvořeno přehledné uživatelské prostředí GUI, ze kterého lze po zadání základních parametrů motoru jednoduše celou simulaci spustit a sledovat. Tato práce je realizována v prostředí Matlab&Simulink.This bachelor’s thesis deals with the direct current motors, their properties and modelling. For modelling mathematic modul of direct current motor was created, which is linked to H-bridge and managed of PWM signal. After that general user environment GUI was created, which can run simulation after setting primary motor characteristic, and we can monitor it. This is executed in environment Matlab&simulink.

    Impact of CG on Post Crash Vehicle Movement

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    Diplomová práce se zabývá analýzou vlivu změny polohy těžiště vozidla na jeho postřetový pohyb. V rešeršní části jsou popsány základní metody běžně používané k nalezení příčné, podélné a výškové polohy těžiště, nebo vliv polohy těžiště vozidla na jeho stabilitu a jízdní vlastnosti. Dále se práce zabývá základním rozdělením silničních nehod a stručně popisuje metody používané k jejich analýze. V práci jsou vytyčeny problematické manévry a situace vyskytující se v každodenní silniční dopravě. Vybrané situace byly nasimulovány v programech Virtual CRASH a PC Crash. V těchto programech byl sledován vliv podélné a výškové polohy těžiště na postřetové chování vozidla. Získané výsledky byly v poslední kapitole vyhodnoceny.This diploma thesis analyses the influence of the change to the vehicle’s center of gravity on its after-impact movement. The theoretical part of the thesis describes the basic methods which are used in investigation of the transverse, lengthwise and height position of center of gravity or the influence of center of gravity’s vehicle position to its stability and handling. Next part of the thesis deals with basic division of the road accidents and briefly describes the methods used in its analysis. Problematic maneuvers and everyday road traffic situations are stated in this thesis. Chosen situations were simulated in Virtual CRASH and PC crash programmes. Influence of the transverse, lengthwise and height position of center of gravity was investigated in these programmes with regards to the after-impact behaviour of vehicle. The obtained results were evaluated in the final chapter.

    Driver’s behavior while passing through pedestrian crossing analysis

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    The article deals with analysis of 8 drivers’ behavior while driving through pedestrian crossing during dusk and night. Monitored vehicle passes through modern crosswalk in urban area that is marked with horizontal and vertical road signs. The crossing is illuminated from left side from the direction of travel. Pedestrian is protected with safety island, which is marked with “passing on the right” mandatory sign, in the middle of the road. Optical reactions on various stimuli are monitored while driving with the help of the specialized device Viewpointsystem®, GmgH for monitoring changes of driver’s viewing angle. Drivers’ behavior strategies when passing the crosswalk are compared in this thesis. Monitored are driver’s navigation while driving and his reaction on the crossing pedestrian. Dangerousness of each driving situation is assessed and each strategy is evaluated. Results of this analysis are based on extensive driving tests that were realized in close cooperation of Institute of Forensic Engineering, University of Technology in Brno and research institute EPIGUS – Institut für ganzheitliche Unfall- und Sicherheitforshung from Austria in year 2010

    Causes of Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency Other Than Chronic Pancreatitis

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    Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency (EPI), an important cause of maldigestion and malnutrition, results from primary pancreatic disease or is secondary to impaired exocrine pancreatic function. Although chronic pancreatitis is the most common cause of EPI, several additional causes exist. These include pancreatic tumors, pancreatic resection procedures, and cystic fibrosis. Other diseases and conditions, such as diabetes mellitus, celiac disease, inflammatory bowel disease, and advanced patient age, have also been shown to be associated with EPI, but the exact etiology of EPI has not been clearly elucidated in these cases. The causes of EPI can be divided into loss of pancreatic parenchyma, inhibition or inactivation of pancreatic secretion, and postcibal pancreatic asynchrony. Pancreatic enzyme replacement therapy (PERT) is indicated for the conditions described above presenting with clinically clear steatorrhea, weight loss, or symptoms related to maldigestion and malabsorption. This review summarizes the current literature concerning those etiologies of EPI less common than chronic pancreatitis, the pathophysiology of the mechanisms of EPI associated with each diagnosis, and treatment recommendations