9 research outputs found

    Improving Skills to Manage Household Waste in Wonokromo Urban Village, Surabaya

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    Surabaya is one of the cities in Indonesia that has problems on garbage. In handling the garbage, the city government of Surabaya issued a large enough budget to transport the waste to the landfill (TPA). This can be reduced if the waste from the source can be managed properly. Lack of public awareness in RT. 019, RW. 04 Kelurahan Wonokromo Surabaya City in managing household waste, it can be seen from the community disposing of waste is not sorted and do not know how to recycle the waste. By recycling waste into compost, in addition to helping the government in reducing the waste can also green the environment with the resulting compost fertilizer. Community service is done to members of the PKK in RT. 019, RW. 04, Wonokromo urban village of Surabaya, and implemented on April 1 - November 31, 2015. The method used in community service is counseling and training in managing household waste. The result of community service is that most PKK members can sort waste and manage their household waste into compost, and the community environment becomes green from the resulting compost. Keywords: garbage, compost fertilizer, household waste, manag


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    Family income can be added through a manufacture industry e.g. Kripik Tempe Geti. The purpose of this article is to analyze the process of Kripik Tempe Geti business advisability and the role of Kripik Tempe Geti industry in the territory economy. This research was held in Ngawi on 2007. The collecting data is done by intensive interview to the Kri[pik Tempe Geti industry. The data collected was analyzed in a descriptive quantitative. The analysis shows that Keripik Tempe Geti industry has a big chance to be expanded. The process of Kripik Tempe Geti is suitable done by score Benefit/Cost at 0.62 ratio. As seen from the growth of territory economy, Kripik Tempe Geti industry has given working chance for the people in Ngawi, just like from the supplying of the row material, production process, or from the marketing side. The increase of the household income from Kripik Tempe Geti industry reach out at 2,064,375 Rupiahs per months, besides it also can increase the income of the market doer such as motorcycle driver (ojek) or food small shop


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    Abstrak: Program Pengembangan Produk Unggulan Daerah (PPPUD) ini merupakan kegiatan lanjutan dari Program Kemitraan Masyarakat (PKM) yang telah dilaksanakan tahun 2019. Dari observasi dan wawancara, teridentifikasi masalah pada 3 bidang, yaitu Produksi, Manajemen, dan Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM). Berbagai kegiatan dirancang untuk tujuan: 1) peningkatan hasil produksi; 2) memiliki merek dagang resmi dari Dinas Perindustrian dan Perdagangan; 3) peningkatan keahlian dan kompetensi SDM di bidang produksi dan manajeman; 4) teridentifikasinya lebih banyak motif khas Sekardangan; 5) lebih dikenalnya batik tulis Sekardangan; 6) peningkatan daya saing pengrajin; 7) eksistensi batik tulis Sekardangan; 8) mendukung implementasi program OVOP yang telah ditetapkan. Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan, meliputi; 1) observasi dan wawancara; 2) identifikasi masalah, 3) pengambilan data: FGD dengan para ahli di bidangnya; 4) mendesain ulang (inovasi) beberapa peralatan membatik, 5) membuat modul pelatihan, 6) pelatihan dan pendampingan; 7) pembuatan laporan hasil pelatihan, laporan kemajuan, laporan akhir dan laporan keuangan, 8) publikasi media massa online; 10) Youtube; 11) pembuatan artikel jurnal nasional ber-ISSN; 12) pendaftaran HKI; 13) pembuatan buku referensi. Hasil pelaksanaan kegiatan adalah terwujudnya semua target kegiatan, terjalin kerja sama yang baik dan berkelanjutan serta peningkatan daya saing batik tulis sebagai produk unggulan daerah.Abstract: The Regional Superior Product Development Program (PPPUD) is a continuation of the Community Partnership Program (PKM) which has been implemented in 2019. From observations and interviews, identified problems in 3 areas, namely Production, Management, and Human Resources (HR). Various activities are designed for the purpose of: 1) increased production; 2) has an official trademark from the Industry and Trade Office; 3) increased expertise and competence of human resources in the field of production and management; 4) identification of more typical motifs Sekardangan; 5) better known Sekardangan batik; 6) increasing the competitiveness of craftsmen; 7) the existence of Sekardangan handmade batik; 8) supports the implementation of predetermined OVOP programs. Methods of carrying out activities, including; 1) observation and interview; 2) identification of problems, 3) data collection: FGD with experts in their fields; 4) redesigning (innovation) some batik equipment; 5) making training modules; 6) training and mentoring; 7) making training report, progress report, final report and financial report; 8) online mass media publication; 10) Youtube; 11) preparation of ISSN national journal articles; 12) registration of IPR; 13) making reference books. The results of the implementation of the activities are the realization of all activity targets, good and sustainable cooperation established as well as increasing the competitiveness of written batik as a regional superior product

    Klasterisasi Pola Kemiripan Harga Saham Menggunakan Metode Hirarki

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    Informasi respon investor terhadap kinerja perusahaan secara bulanan dapat tercermin dari peringkat sahamnya. Data peringkat bulanan ini sering digunakan sebagai objek pengamatan. Perilaku respon investor ke beberapa saham dapat mengakibatkan berkorelasinya pergerakan harga saham bulanan dan membentuk data yang bersifat multivariat. Analisis pengelompokan data hirarki digunakan dalam penelitian ini untuk memperoleh informasi pergerakan antar beberapa harga saham secara multivariat. Metodologi ini diterapkan untuk mengelompokkan pergerakan saham bulanan TLKM.JK dan EXCL.JK. Hasil analisis diperoleh tiga kelompok dengan kategori kelompok harga tinggi, menengah, dan rendah, dengan ketepatan klasterisasi 97,7%. Ketiga kelompok harga saham tersebut masing-masing mempunyai durasi bertahan pada harga yang sepola maksimum selama 53, 59, dan 100 bulan. Kelompok ketiga hanya terjadi satu periode, sedangkan kelompok pertama dan kedua terjadi dan berulang sebanyak tiga dan empat kali periode dengan durasi kejadian pola kelompoknya yang berbeda