42 research outputs found

    My Grandmother in Blue

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    Understanding Acculturation: An Exploratory Study of Tibetan-American High School Students

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    The purpose of this research study was to understand how acculturation affects Tibetan-American high school students’ ability to develop a new identity considering many variables and how that identity relates to different parts of their life and issues related to that both at home with parents and other significant relationships in life. The aspects explored are the rate of acculturation, age of arrival, familial relationship, community involvement, and level of cultural practice at home. This research paper will integrate past studies about different Asian American communities and specific issues affecting youth in an attempt to understand the current group of Tibetan American high school student’s experience with acculturation. Factors such as cultural integration, defining Tibetan cultural identity, managing family roles and expectations, and managing two identities emerged from the data as primary themes. These findings support some of the past research studies about Asian American youths, yet it also shows the differences in cultural specific issues affecting immigrants and refugee populations within same racial background. The major findings indicate the need for further research to assess and understand the needs of cultural specific communities in order to provide effective assessment, service delivery, treatment planning, interventions and resources


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    A modular approach to the synthesis of 4-substituted N-vinyltriazoles wasdeveloped. The triazole cores were assembled by copper-catalyzed 1,3-dipolarcycloaddition of 1-phenyl-1H-tetrazol-5-yl (PT) azidomethyl sulfide with: pmethoxyphenyl, 2-pyridyl, and triisopropylsilyl alkynes. Subsequent oxidation of the sulfides furnished 4-substituted triazoles with a Julia-Kocienski olefination handle attached at the N1 atom of the triazole. Olefination reactions of triazole-derived Julia-Kocienski reagents with paraformaldehyde gave 1-ethenyl-1H-1,2,3-triazoles. Heck reactions of these products with phenyl or p-methoxyphenyl iodide led to further functionalization of the terminal carbon, with E/Z-olefin ratios ≥ 92%. Heck reaction with p-cyanophenyl iodide gave low conversion, and that with 2-thienyl iodide did not proceed. On the otherhand, Julia-Kocienski olefinations proceeded with electron-rich and electron-deficient aryl, as well as alkyl aldehydes. The resulting 1,2-disubstituted alkenes were formed in good yields, but with moderate to poor E/Z-selectivities. A modular approach to the synthesis of 4-substituted N-vinyltriazoles was developed. The triazole cores were assembled by copper-catalyzed 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition of 1-phenyl-1H-tetrazol-5-yl (PT) azidomethyl sulfide with: pmethoxyphenyl, 2-pyridyl, and triisopropylsilyl alkynes. Subsequent oxidation of the sulfides furnished 4-substituted triazoles with a Julia-Kocienski olefination handle attached at the N1 atom of the triazole. Olefination reactions of triazole-derived Julia-Kocienski reagents with paraformaldehyde gave 1-ethenyl-1H-1,2,3-triazoles. Heck reactions of these products with phenyl or p-methoxyphenyl iodide led to further functionalization of the terminal carbon, with E/Z-olefin ratios ≥ 92%. Heck reaction with p-cyanophenyl iodide gave low conversion, and that with 2-thienyl iodide did not proceed. On the other hand, Julia-Kocienski olefinations proceeded with electron-rich and electron-deficient aryl, as well as alkyl aldehydes. The resulting 1,2-disubstituted alkenes were formed in good yields, but with moderate to poor E/Z-selectivities

    Differential disease resistance response in the barley necrotic mutant nec1

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Although ion fluxes are considered to be an integral part of signal transduction during responses to pathogens, only a few ion channels are known to participate in the plant response to infection. CNGC4 is a disease resistance-related cyclic nucleotide-gated ion channel. <it>Arabidopsis thaliana </it>CNGC4 mutants <it>hlm1 </it>and <it>dnd2 </it>display an impaired hypersensitive response (HR), retarded growth, a constitutively active salicylic acid (SA)-mediated pathogenesis-related response and elevated resistance against bacterial pathogens. Barley CNGC4 shares 67% aa identity with AtCNGC4. The barley mutant <it>nec1 </it>comprising of a frame-shift mutation of CNGC4 displays a necrotic phenotype and constitutively over-expresses <it>PR-1</it>, yet it is not known what effect the <it>nec1 </it>mutation has on barley resistance against different types of pathogens.</p> <p>Results</p> <p><it>nec1 </it>mutant accumulated high amount of SA and hydrogen peroxide compared to parental cv. Parkland. Experiments investigating <it>nec1 </it>disease resistance demonstrated positive effect of <it>nec1 </it>mutation on non-host resistance against <it>Pseudomonas syringae </it>pv. <it>tomato </it>(<it>Pst</it>) at high inoculum density, whereas at normal <it>Pst </it>inoculum concentration <it>nec1 </it>resistance did not differ from wt. In contrast to augmented <it>P. syringae </it>resistance, penetration resistance against biotrophic fungus <it>Blumeria graminis </it>f. sp. <it>hordei </it>(<it>Bgh</it>), the causal agent of powdery mildew, was not altered in <it>nec1</it>. The <it>nec1 </it>mutant significantly over-expressed race non-specific <it>Bgh </it>resistance-related genes <it>BI-1 </it>and <it>MLO</it>. Induction of <it>BI-1 </it>and <it>MLO </it>suggested putative involvement of <it>nec1 </it>in race non-specific <it>Bgh </it>resistance, therefore the effect of <it>nec1</it>on <it>mlo-5</it>-mediated <it>Bgh </it>resistance was assessed. The <it>nec1</it>/<it>mlo-5 </it>double mutant was as resistant to <it>Bgh </it>as <it>Nec1</it>/<it>mlo-5 </it>plants, suggesting that <it>nec1 </it>did not impair <it>mlo-5 </it>race non-specific <it>Bgh </it>resistance.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Together, the results suggest that <it>nec1 </it>mutation alters activation of systemic acquired resistance-related physiological markers and non-host resistance in barley, while not changing rapid localized response during compatible interaction with host pathogen. Increased resistance of <it>nec1 </it>against non-host pathogen <it>Pst </it>suggests that <it>nec1 </it>mutation may affect certain aspects of barley disease resistance, while it remains to be determined, if the effect on disease resistance is a direct response to changes in SA signaling.</p

    Model Predictive Feeding Rate Control in Conventional and Single-use Lab-scale Bioreactors: A Study on Practical Application

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    A developed solution for fed-batch process modeling and model predictive control (MPC), facilitating good manufacturing practice (GMP) based on process elaboration, control, and validation, is presented in the paper. The step-by-step evolution of the so-called “golden batch” optimal biomass growth profile and its control during the process is demonstrated. The case study of an advanced fed-batch control was performed on the recombinant E. coli BL21 lab-scale (5.4 L) biomass production process using the conventional stirred tank glass reactor. Additionally, a test experiment for control reproducibility and applicability assessment of the proposed approach was carried out in a single-use stirred tank reactor (5.7 L). Four sequentially performed experiments are demonstrated as an example for desirable feeding profile evolution for E. coli BL21 biomass production in a glucose-limited fed-batch process. Under different initial biomass and glucose conditions, as well as for different reference feeding profiles selected in the explorative experiments, good tracking quality of preset reference trajectories by the MPC system has been demonstrated. Estimated and experimentally measured biomass mean deviations from the preset reference value at the end of the processes were 4.6 and 3.8 %, respectively. Biomass concentration of 93.6 g L–1 (at 24 h) was reached in the most productive run. Better process controllability and safer process run, in terms of avoiding culture overfeeding but still maintaining a sufficiently high growth rate, was suggested for the process with biomass yield of 79.8 g L–1 (at 24 h). Practical recommendations on the approach application and adaptation for fed-batch cultures of interest are provided

    Apport de la zone de libre-échange continentale africaine au développement socio-économique de la République Démocratique Du Congo

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    Résumé : la présente recherche a pour objectif de montrer la contribution de la zone de libre-échange continentale africaine au développement économique et social de la République démocratique du Congo, dans une vision globale de la bonne politique économique. Cet apport de la ZLECAf tient au fait de permettre au pays de bénéficier d’un avantage comparatif, dans le vaste marché continental. Elle va concrètement faire profiter à la RDC du large accès au marché, pour se servir du commerce intra-africain, de manière de réussir la transformation structurelle de son économie ; ce qui lui permettra de mieux participer à l’intégration régionale ou à la mondialisation, avec pour objectif de promouvoir le développement économique, et de retrouver son leadership au niveau continental. Ce développement dont il est question, est fonction de l’augmentation de la production, l’amélioration de qualité par la normalisation, la matérialisation de l’avantage comparatif dans la vie quotidienne de la population congolaise, et l’employabilité de la main d’œuvre congolaise dans la zone. Mots-clés : Apport, ZLECAf, développement, économie, social, RD

    Examining perinatal healthcare process among refugee women resettled in the US

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    Maternal mortality is a global public health concern. At present, the US reports the highest number of maternal deaths among all Global North countries. Research shows disparities in maternal care access and outcomes by race, ethnicity, and country of origin. Refugee women are one of the most vulnerable groups who are disproportionately disadvantaged due to their social positioning. Their disposition in the global world is quickly emerging to be a major global public health crisis. They are also 20 times more likely to die from pregnancy related factors compared to their native counterparts. However, maternal research on refugee women is limited. Study aimed to examine Bhutanese refugee women’s maternal care process and experience when receiving perinatal care in the US and explored provider’s perspectives on providing care to various groups of refugee women. Care process was examined using a constructivist grounded theory model through an inductive constant comparative analysis using semi-structured interviews with Bhutanese refugee women (n=15), field observation notes from a larger CBPR study (n=28), and semi-structured interviews with providers (n=11) such as healthcare practitioners (n=6), medical interpreters (n=4), and resettlement official (n=1). Two major thematic findings that impacted refugee women’s care interaction process were care continuity and health history. These findings were grounded in the experiences of Bhutanese refugee women and various providers who shared their experiences giving care to refugee women. These thematic findings highlight the need for a cultural understanding of refugee women’s pre-resettlement experience that is unique to each refugee subgroup and addressing structural challenges to adequate care giving through a culturally responsive approach

    Analysis of apartment market in Riga

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    Bakalaura darba tēma ir “Rīgas dzīvokļu tirgus attīstības analīze”. Darba mērķis ir, izpētot dzīvokļu tirgu Rīgā, noteikt faktorus, kas ietekmē pieprasījuma, piedāvājuma un cenu izmaiņas, prognozēt turpmāko tirgus attīstību, kā arī veikt secinājumus un priekšlikumus turpmākajai tirgus attīstībai. Bakalaura darbs sastāv no trīs daļām. Pirmajā nodaļā tiek analizēta teorētiskā informācija par nekustamā īpašuma jēdzienu, vērtēšanas metodēm, kā arī galvenajiem tirgus ietekmējošiem faktoriem. Darba otrajā daļā analizēti statistiskie dati par Rīgas dzīvokļu piedāvājumu, cenu izmaiņām, kā arī hipotekārā kredīta apjomu un likmēm. Trešajā daļā tiek novērtēts, kā varētu attīstīties dzīvokļu tirgus Rīgā. Darba beigās tiek izvirzīti secinājumi par tirgus attīstību un izvirzīti priekšlikumi tā uzlabošanai Rīgā.The theme of the Bachelor’s thesis is “Analysis of apartment market in Riga”. The aim of the Bachelor’s thesis is to determine the factors that influence demand, supply and price changes, to predict future market development and to draw conclusions and proposals for future market development. The Bachelor’s thesis consists of three parts. The first part is dedicated for analysing the theoretical information on real estate concepts, evaluation methods, as well as the key factors influencing the market. The second part of the work analyses the statistical data on housing demand, supply, price changes, as well as the amount and interest rates of mortgage loans. The third part will assess how the apartment market in Riga could develop. At the end of the work, the author has provided her conclusions about the development of the market, as well as suggestions for apartment market enhancement

    I Recognize Myself : A Personal Narrative of a Tibetan American Graduate Psychology Student\u27s Journey Toward Becoming a Psychologist

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    The purpose of the present study was to examine lived experiences of this researcher who will be a future psychologist, a first-generation student, and a Tibetan immigrant, and to explore how her multiple identities impacted her journey through graduate psychology program. Autoethnography is an approach that allows to systematically describe personal experience as cultural experience (Ellis et al., 2011). It gives voices to those who are oppressed, honors their stories, and empowers the researcher to understand self and others (Chang, 2008). An autoethnographic narrative was composed and analyzed using Narrative Oriented Inquiry (NOI) approach (Hiles et al., 2017). Narrative Oriented Inquiry entails two levels of analyses: analysis of content of what is written (fabula) and analysis of process of how it is written (sjuzet) (Hiles et al., 2017). The following thematic categories emerged: historical trauma as inseparable part of Tibetan experience, personal and cultural values as a Tibetan American, awareness of self as an ethnic and cultural being, navigating first generation student and immigrant experiences, and surviving White institutions as an ethnic minority graduate student. The current study provides transparent and emotional understanding of the constant internal battle of learning to embrace the intersectionality of the researcher’s identities as an ethnic minority, a first-generation college student, and a Tibetan immigrant. The hope is that this dissertation will bring to light the issues affecting ethnic minority individuals and graduate students and validate the experiences of those struggling and suffering in isolation