189 research outputs found

    Contribution of Ivan Gams to the Development of Slovene Karst Terminology

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    Razvitost znanstvene terminologije je eden od pomembnih kazalcev stanja v posamezni znanstveni veji. Zato je pomenila izdaja Slovenske kraške terminologije leta 1973 pomembno dejanje in prelomnico v slovenskem krasoslovju. Leto pozneje sta izšli tudi podobni terminologiji v srbskem in hrvaškem jeziku, vse to pa je bila posledica odločitve takratne Zveze geografskih organizacij Jugoslavije o jugoslovanskem znanstvenem simpoziju o kraški terminologiji, ki je bil v Ljubljani od 22.-23. oktobra 1971. Za vsem tem je stal prof. Ivan Gams, ki je bil ne samo pobudnik ampak tudi izvajalec te akcije. A tudi po njegovi pobudi so se slovenski krasoslovci v tem pogledu prebudili že deset let prej, leta 1962, ko je bil v okviru Geografskega društva Slovenije prvi posvet na to temo. Začetki samostojne slovenske krasoslovne terminologije segajo celo v drugo polovico 19. stoletja, ko so bili s prvim vodnikom o Postojnski jami avtorja Coste (1863), pisanim v slovenščini, postavljeni njeni prvi znanstveni temelji. Ivan Gams pa je skupaj s sodelavci pred tridesetimi leti z izdajo sodobno zasnovane Slovenske kraške terminologije, opremljene s tujejezičnimi sopomenkami, omogočil njen enakopraven mednarodni položaj ob boku drugih terminologij, s tem pa prispeval tudi k narodni in znanstveni samozavesti. The stage of the scientific terminology is by all means one of the indicators of the development of the scientific branch, to which it belongs. Therefore the publishing of the Slovene karst terminology in 1973 was an important event for further development of Slovene karstology. Still more, the efforts for a comparative national karst terminologies of former common state Yugoslavia were successfully achieved in publishing the Serbian and Croatian karst terminology also, a year later. In fact, the former Association of the geographical societies of Yugoslavia decided to give full support to its subcommission in preparing the project Karst terminology of the Yugoslave nations and to a joint Yugoslave symposium on Karst terminology, held in Ljubljana from 22-23th October 1971, both guided and organised by prof. Ivan Gams, who was also the original initiator of this idea. All this efforts were newertheless combined and connected with the international work of that time to find most appropriate terms and definitions for the karst phenomena and to make them comparable in terms of national terminologies. Ivan Gams was therefore not only a most important promoter of the Slovene karst terminology and one of the leading persons of the scientific karstology in the time concerned but was due to his global ideas also one of the central persons in the international karstology.

    Ethnological and literary-religious comparison of the Catholic, Orthodox, Jewish and Muslim traditions in Sarajevo now and then

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    Osrednja tema diplomskega dela je z vidika etnološke obravnave vezana na praznovanje glavnih verskih praznikov znotraj krščanske (katoliške in pravoslavne), muslimanske in judovske tradicije. Delo obravnava predvsem praznovanje krščanske velike noči, muslimanskega kurbanskega in ramazanskega bajrama ter judovskega jom kipurja. Primerjava praznovanja teh praznikov je geografsko vezana na Sarajevo, glavno mesto Bosne in Hercegovine. Ena izmed glavnih ugotovitev diplomskega dela se navezuje na vprašanje soobstoja treh monoteističnih religij v Sarajevu, kot se kaže skozi običaje ob praznovanju glavnih verskih praznikov. Diplomsko delo prikazuje, v kolikšni meri je možno medsebojno spoštovanje in sobivanje katolikov, pravoslavcev, muslimanov in Judov na območju Sarajeva v današnjem času in v preteklosti. V literarno-religioznem smislu se diplomsko delo osredotoča na glavne molitve, ki se izgovarjajo v času omenjenih verskih praznikov. Izpostavljena je predvsem literarna struktura molitev Očenaš, El-fatiha in Kol nidrej. Glavni del literarne analize je namenjen njihovem prošnjem delu. Sledi njihova primerjava, ki temelji na bistvenih razlikah ter podobnostih. Diplomsko delo prikazuje oblike sobivanja različnih monoteističnih religij. Prazniki imajo v fizičnem svetu povezovalno moč med ljudmi, saj različne šege in navade delujejo povezovalno. Molitev pa predstavlja duhovno povezavo med verujočimi in Bogom ter med verujočimi med seboj. Bistvo religije je združevanje, tako na fizični kot tudi na duhovni ravni v celoto.The main topic of this work is from ethnological point of view primarily linked to celebration of major religious holidays within the Christian (Catholic and Orthodox), Muslim and Jewish traditions. The topic is mainly related to the celebration of Christian Easter, Muslim Eid Al-Fitr and Eid Al-Adha, and also Jewish Yom Kippur. The comparison between the celebrations within all of the main religious holidays is geographically related to Sarajevo, the capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina. One of the main findings in this work is related to the question of coexistence between three different monoteistic religions in Sarajevo, which is presented through the customs of celebrating the main religious holidays. This work shows the extent to which mutual respect and coexsistence of Catholic, Orthodoxs, Muslims and Jews is possible in the city of Sarajevo, in the present day and also in the past. In the literary-religious sense, this work focuses on the main prayers performed during the mentioned religious holidays. Fundamental part of the work is mainly focused on the literal structure or analysis of three different prayers, named Our Father, El-Fatiha and Kol Nidrei. The main part of the literary analysis is focused mainly on their request part. The highlighted part is also their comparison, which is based on their essential differences and similarities. This work as a whole shows forms of coexistence of different monotheistic religions. Holidays have a power of connecting people in the physical world, where people connect with each other through various costums and habits. The prayer shows the connection between people and God and also a connection between people. Religion is the one whose essence is mutualy uniting both, the physical and also the spritual level into a common whole

    Automatic recognition of facial expressions on iOS platform

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    In this diploma thesis we present an algorithm for automatic recognition of facial expressions in images from mobile devices with iOS operating system. In the first step we have to find a face region. In the next step we need to transform input data into a computer readable form. There are several methods for transforming the data. In the last step the data has to be stored and a computer model for predicting facial expressions has to be generated. Prediction is done by using Support Vector Machines. SVM method is fast and reliable. The final result of the work presented in the thesis is a library available to all developers. The library is easy to use and enables developers to get facial expression information with almost zero work. This solution was tested on labeled faces from Cohn-Kanade database and on labeled faces from Kaggle website. All algorithms in this work rely on OpenCV framework. The library works on almost all Apple mobile devices with iOS operating system

    Numerical and Experimental Study of Mechanical Oscillation Energy

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    The paper presents an interesting opportunity to use a wide spread available energy source that has not yet been fully utilized. A new generator solution will be studied to produce electricity from oscillation energy. The solution will be useful for various purposes, especially for shipping, as well as freight road and rail transport. With this solution, it will be possible to reduce the usage of some amount of fossil fuels globally. Research includes two different theoretical assumptions. First approach involves the conversion of energy using Torus Type Generator (TTG) and second using Eccentric Type Generator (ETG). In TTG case, a new type of generator in which a magnetic cylinder moves freely in a hollow torus with electrical winding has been analysed. In the case of an ETG generator, a physical pendulum with a vertical axis of rotation has been analysed. Experimental and numerical methods were used for research. For the numerical analysis of 3D body motion the ANSYS Rigid Body Dynamics software was used

    Kocenov srednješolski atlas kot didaktična prelomnica

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    This monograph (‘Kozenn's school atlas as a milestone in education') was released on the 150th anniversary of the publication of the first secondary-school atlas by Blasius Kozenn (a.k.a. Blaž Kocen). He grew up in a Slovenian farming family near Ponikva, Lower Styria. While working as a teacher, he realized he needed more new teaching aids and he advocated more modern methods of teaching. His cooperation with the publisher Eduard Hölzel was of key importance. Kozenn’s crowning accomplishment was the first successful school atlas in the Austrian Empire, published in 1861. It contained twenty-seven maps, of which three were on double pages, and was published in German, Hungarian, Czech, and Polish. The author followed the example of the leading German atlases of that time, but he thoroughly adapted it to local conditions, introduced several important new features, and ensured that its reprints and other atlases that used his as a model were constantly technically, artistically, and conceptually improved. Kozenn’s secondary-school atlas soon became the leading one in the German-speaking part of the empire, whereas in the Czech, Polish, and Hungarian schools his “small” atlases, which were more limited in their coverage and cheaper, were initially more successful. After Kozenn’s death, the publisher decided to maintain his well-established brand, and so even 150 years since its first publication the Kozenn-Atlas is still a prominent name.Knjiga je nastala ob 150-letnici izida prvega Kocenovega srednješolskega atlasa, ki je pustil globoke sledi v kartografiji in didaktiki geografskega pouka. Z nedvomnim talentom in predvsem izredno delavnostjo obdarjeni Blaž Kocen je odraščal v slovenski kmečki družini v bližini Ponikve na južnem Štajerskem. Krona njegovega dela je bil prvi uspešni šolski atlas v avstrijskem cesarstvu, ki je izšel leta 1861, hkrati v nemščini, madžarščini, češčini in poljščini. V njem je Kocen skušal združiti najboljše odlike drugih takratnih atlasov, predvsem pa si je prizadeval, da bi bil izdelek za dijake čim bolj in čim dlje uporaben, nazoren in cenovno dostopen. Založba Hölzel ohranja uveljavljeno blagovno znamko in po 150 letih od prvega izida je Kozenn-Atlas še vedno ugledno ime šolskih atlasov tako v Avstriji kot po svetu

    Investigation of Electrochemical Processes in Solid Oxide Fuel Cells by Modified Levenberg–Marquardt Algorithm: A New Automatic Update Limit Strategy

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    Identification of ongoing processes in solid oxide fuel cells (SOFC) enables both optimizing the operating environment and prolonging the lifetime of SOFC. The Levenberg–Marquardt algorithm (LMA) is commonly used in the characterization of unknown electrochemical processes within SOFC by extracting equivalent electrical circuit (EEC) parameter values from electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) data. LMA is an iteration optimization algorithm regularly applied to solve complex nonlinear least square (CNLS) problems. The LMA convergence can be boosted by the application of an ordinary limit strategy, which avoids the occurrence of off-limit values during the fit. However, to additionally improve LMA descent properties and to discard the problem of a poor initial parameters choice, it is necessary to modify the ordinary limit strategy. In this work, we designed a new automatic update (i.e., adaptive) limit strategy whose purpose is to reduce the impact of a poor initial parameter choice. Consequently, the adaptive limit strategy was embedded in a newly developed EIS fitting engine. To demonstrate that the new adaptive (vs. ordinary) limit strategy is superior, we used it to solve several CNLS problems. The applicability of the adaptive limit strategy was also validated by analyzing experimental EIS data collected by using industrial-scale SOFCs

    Cave and Karst evolution in the Alps and their relation to paleoclimate and paleotopography

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    Progress in the understanding of cave genesis processes, as well as the intensive research carried out in the Alps during the last decades, permit to summarize the latest knowledge about Alpine caves. The phreatic parts of cave systems develop close to the karst water table, which depends on the spring position, which in turn is generally related to the valley bottom. Thus, caves are directly linked with the geomorphic evolution of the surface and reflect valley deepening. The sediments deposited in the caves help to reconstruct the morphologic succession and the paleoclimatic evolution. Moreover, they are the only means to date the caves and thus the landscape evolution. Caves appear as soon as there is an emersion of limestone from the sea and a water table gradient. Mesozoic and early tertiary paleokarsts within the alpine range prove of these ancient emersions. Hydrothermal karst seems to be more widespread than previously presumed. This is mostly due to the fact that usually, hydrothermal caves are later reused (and reshaped) by meteoric waters

    Synthesizing Electrically Equivalent Circuits for Use in Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy through Grammatical Evolution

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    Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) is an important electrochemical technique that is used to detect changes and ongoing processes in a given material. The main challenge of EIS is interpreting the collected measurements, which can be performed in several ways. This article focuses on the electrical equivalent circuit (EEC) approach and uses grammatical evolution to automatically construct an EEC that produces an AC response that corresponds to one obtained by the measured electrochemical process(es). For fitting purposes, synthetic measurements and data from measurements in a realistic environment were used. In order to be able to faithfully fit realistic data from measurements, a new circuit element (ZARC) had to be implemented and integrated into the SPICE simulator, which was used for evaluating EECs. Not only is the presented approach able to automatically (i.e., with almost no user input) produce a more than satisfactory EEC for each of the datasets, but it also can also generate completely new EEC configurations. These new configurations may help researchers to find some new, previously overlooked ongoing electrochemical processes

    Liquefied Wood as Inexpensive Precursor-Feedstock for Bio-Mediated Incorporation of (R)-3-Hydroxyvalerate into Polyhydroxyalkanoates

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    Liquefied wood (LW) prepared in a microwave process was applied as a novel; inexpensive precursor feedstock for incorporation of (R)-3-hydroxyvalerate (3HV) into polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) biopolyesters in order to improve the biopolyester's material quality; Cupriavidus necator was applied as microbial production strain. For proof of concept, pre-experiments were carried out on a shake flask scale using different mixtures of glucose and LW as carbon source. The results indicate that LW definitely acts as a 3HV precursor, but, at the same time, displays toxic effects on C. necator at concentrations exceeding 10 g/L. Based on these findings, PHA biosynthesis under controlled conditions was performed using a fed-batch feeding regime on a bioreactor scale. As major outcome, a poly(3HB-co-0.8%-3HV) copolyester was obtained displaying a desired high molar mass of M-w = 5.39 x 10(5) g/mol at low molar-mass dispersity (D-M of 1.53), a degree of crystallinity (X-c) of 62.1%, and melting temperature T-m (176.3 degrees C) slightly lower than values reported for poly([R]-3-hydroxybutyrate) (PHB) homopolyester produced by C. necator; thus, the produced biopolyester is expected to be more suitable for polymer processing purposes.Postprint (published version