1,333 research outputs found


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    Kísérleteimben megállapítottam a magas konduktanciájú Ca2+ -aktiválta K+ csatorna (BKCa) fontosságát az erektilis funkció fenntartásában. Kimutattam a csatorna szerepét patkány penis rezisztencia éren az áramlás kiváltotta endothelium-függő relaxációban, valamint humán penis-ből izolált rezisztencia éren az endothelium-függő és –függtlen relaxációban. A cukorbetegség csökkentette az endothelium-független relaxációt penis és mezenteriális artériákon, de nem befolyásolta azt koszorúér preparátumon. Diabetes–ben csökkent az erektilis funkció in vivo, így igazolni látszik, hogy az erektilis diszfunkció az első jele lehet a szisztémás vaszkuláris károsodásnak. Megállapítottam továbbá, hogy az étrend alacsony linolsav és magas koleszterin tartalma csökkenti a csatorna érzékenységét patkány koszorúéren, amelyet helyreállít az étrend linolsav tartalmának emelése, illetve a kiegészítő koleszterinszint csökkentő kezelés. | In my experiments, I have confirmed the importance of Ca2+ -activated K+ channels (BKCa) in maintenance of erectile function. I have demonstrated the key role of BKCa channels in flow-evoked endothelium-dependent vasodilation isolated from rat penis and in endothelium-dependent and -independent relaxation in resistance arteries obtained from human penile tissue. Diabetes mellitus decreased endothelium-independent vasodilation in penile and mesenterial arteries, in contrast to coronary arteries. Diabetes impaired the erectile function in vivo, suggesting that erectile dysfunction might be the first sign of systemic vascular dysfunction. Moreover, I have demonstrated that low level of linoleic acid and high level cholesterol level in diet decrease the sensitivity of BKCa channels and this decreased function can be restored by elevation of dietary linoleic acid and administration of cholesterol lowering treatment

    5-hydroxytryptamine is a mediator of 4-aminopyridine induced contractions in porcine and human isolated coronary arteries

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    The effect of 4-aminopyridine (4-AP), a known inhibitor of voltage-dependent K+ channels (KV), was studied on the resting vasomotor tone in porcine and human coronary arteries. Isolated coronary artery preparations were suspended in organ bath for isometric tension recordings. 4-AP (1.25x10-8 - 5.8x10-4 M) caused concentration-dependent contractions both in porcine and human coronary arteries. The EC50 values obtained with 4-AP did not differ significantly in porcine and human coronary preparations (-4.54 logM and -4.37 logM, respectively). Loading the amine stores of the coronary tissues with 1 mM noradrenalin or blocking the beta-receptors with 2 µM propranolol did not change the contractile effects of 4-AP. In contrast, loading the isolated blood vessels with 1 mM 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) resulted in significantly higher contractions, when induced by micromolar concentrations of 4-AP. The 5-HT receptor blocker, methysergide, almost completely inhibited these contractions. Our present observation provides evidence for the functional role of KV in setting the vasomotor tone of coronary arteries through the release of 5-HT. In the light of these findings we suggest that the porcine coronary artery preparation can serve as a model for studying the functional effect of drugs on KV-type potassium channels

    The principle of ‘equitable assessment’ in Hungarian labour law − How to make it work?

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    Labour standards are more and more framed as open norms at a higher level of abstraction. A considerable share of these open norms set standards of conduct for employers in order to inspire socially responsible corporate behaviour. Nonetheless, concerns are often raised about the uncertain, un-measurable, possibly insufficient implementation of these open standards. The present paper examines one illustrative Hungarian regulatory case-study in order to be able to reflect on the chance of implementation of open norms in a more general context. This regulatory case study is the principle of ‘equitable assessment’ from the new Hungarian Labour Code. According to this ‘employers shall take into account the interests of workers under the principle of equitable assessment; where the mode of performance is defined by unilateral act, it shall be done so as not to cause unreasonable disadvantage to the worker affected’ (Section 6, Subs. 3 of Act 1 of 2012 on the Labour Code). The principle of ‘equitable assessment’ institutionalizes one form of the proportionality-test, as a limitation on employers, into the architecture of Hungarian labour law as a general standard. One of the main assumptions of the paper is that ‘essence’ i.e. the goal, aim, relevance, ‘marketing’, uptake, infrastructure etc, of a given open norm is the truly important factor for its total effect and success, not solely its judicial practice. In summary, the principle of ‘equitable assessment’ does not fulfil its intended most important functions and, for the time being, it cannot unfold its inherent multifaceted potential. In this context, the study examines the reasons why this standard is struggling with a form of functional deficiency and aims to demonstrate how this particularly important provision could be more effectively operationalized, dynamized, and ‘breathed into life’

    Wage-setting in Hungary: From a Labour Law Perspective

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    The aim of the present paper is to analyse the structure and main labour-law related issues of wage-setting in Hungary. First, after the introduction, in Chapter 2, the paper deals with the hierarchy of the different sources of wage-setting. In this context, three main levels – and their problematic issues – are analyzed: a) statutory, central-level wage-setting (including the national minimum wage); b) collective bargaining and wage-bargaining; c) individual bargaining, the role of the employment contract, and the main tendencies of corporate practices in wage-setting. Chapter 3 describes some selected, remarkable examples for especially flexible and overly inflexible regulatory solutions in terms of wage-setting. Chapter 4 takes account of the state of play of the equal pay for equal work principle within Hungarian labour law. Chapter 5. concludes and sums up the paper by briefly sketching some of the most important and relevant observations of the EU’s economic governance process in relation to the Hungarian mechanism of wage-setting.


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    In a wide sense, the paper deals with the shifting regulatory character of labour law (more particularly, labour-related regulation in a wider context). The paper strives to highlight how the effectiveness of labour law is increasingly related to the activation of market-based incentives for compliance and what kind of innovative regulatory mechanisms might support such aspirations. More concretely, a particular, EU-linked innovative ‘regulatory case study’ is conceptualized in a complex theoretical framework: the link between labour law and non-financial (‘social’) reporting. In this context, the paper analyses Directive 2014/95/EU on disclosure of non-financial and diversity information by certain large undertakings and groups amending the Accounting Directive 2013/34/EU both from the perspective of regulatory theories and labour law doctrine. The theoretical pillars of our analysis are rooted, among others, in the new governance, decentred regulation, reflexive law, regulated self-regulation and light-touch regulation literature. The paper also draws insights from the ‘law and economics’ study of labour law and attempts to relate all these regulatory theories to non-financial reporting in the context of labour law. The main goal of the contribution is to identify how these relatively new legal ‘channels’ might be able to bring new forces of compliance into labour law, and how the role of law is changing. The essence of associated EU-level (and national-level) legal developments is analysed in a theoretical context, with a broad view on the possible future of labour regulation. Even though these regulatory methods are still rather on the periphery of labour law (in strong intersections with other branches of law, such as company law), they have the potential to become more integral building blocks of a modern labour law architecture. These new regulatory methods can contribute to improved compliance with labour laws and can foster responsible, decent employment practices

    Application of alcohol vapour as atomizing fluid in a micro gas turbine burner

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    Liquid fuels have to be atomized before combustion. In micro gas turbines twin-fluid atomizers are widely used for this purpose. In this type of atomizers generally high velocity air flow disintegrates the liquid fuel stream into droplets, but superheated vapour can also be applied as atomizing fluid. In our experiments a burner of a Capstone C30 micro gas turbine was used, which was built into a test rig developed by us. During measurements diesel oil was used as liquid fuel. Atomizing fluids were air and aqueous ethyl alcohol vapour at different pressures. In every combustion experiment, emissions of carbon monoxide, unburned hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxides were measured. The results showed that application of alcohol vapour as atomizing fluid instead of air improves the quality of combustion. Increasing the atomizing pressure up to a defined optimum value also reduces emissions significantly

    A munkához való jog

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    Az állami beszerzések szerepe a felelős foglalkoztatásban

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    A szociális beszerzés jelentőségét mutatja, hogy az állam és az önkormányzatok egyaránt a beszerzési piac legnagyobb fogyasztói közé tartoznak. Bármilyen magatartást tanúsít is tehát az állam a beszerzések, közbeszerzések terén, az komoly hatással lesz a piacra. A beszerzési politikák ezért jelentős húzó hatással lehetnek olyan területekre is, mint például a szociálpolitika. Ebben az összefüggésben a tanulmány azt vizsgálja, hogy a munkajogi megfelelés elősegítésében, és − tágabb értelemben − a felelős foglalkoztatás előmozdításában milyen szerepe lehet a közbeszerzéseknek, illetve az erre irányuló jogi szabályozásnak. Az első fejezet felvázolja a téma elméleti kereteit, kontextus át és történeti gyökereit. A második fejezet bemutatja a vonatkozó nemzetközi jogi hátteret (ILO, EU). A harmadik fejezet azt vizsgálja, hogy milyen mozgástér nyílik szociális − és különösen munkajogi vonatkozású − szempontok érvényesítésére az EU-s közbeszerzési irányelvek és a közösségi bírói gyakorlat adta keretek között , a közbeszerzési folyamat egyes szakaszaiban. A hatályos EU-s szabályozás elemzése után bemutatjuk az EU-s szabályozás folyamatban lévő reformját, amely a téma új megközelítését jelenti, és számos vitatott kérdést hoz felszínre. A tanulmány utolsó fejezete a téma − egyelőre igen csekély − hazai jogi vonatkozásainak alapjait ismerteti