5 research outputs found

    A bibliometric analysis of family firm internationalization research: current themes, theoretical roots, and ways forward

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    This paper presents a bibliometric analysis and a systematic literature review of 161 core contributions concerning family firm internationalization. A bibliographic coupling analysis and a co-citation analysis reveal the richness of family firm internationalization research and help to organize this large body of work into five thematic clusters and seven theoretical roots. By examining the linkages between research themes and theoretical roots, we advance an integrative framework, clarifying the variety of research paths available regarding the internationalization of family firms, and identifying new and important research avenues for further developing the field

    Behavioural agency theory and the family business

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    The behavioural agency theory was developed to provide a more comprehensive explanation and prediction of managerial risk taking, in response to some shortcomings of agency theory. In general, the theory offers explanations of why decision makers prefer some strategic choices to others. The use of behavioural agency theory in family business research has, however, been very limited. Family business scholars recently adapted this theory to construct the family business variant, the ‘socioemotional wealth’ construct, which offers better explanations for the risk taking and decision making behaviours of family firms. This chapter provides an overview of behavioural agency theory and the socioemotional wealth construct, explores how they have been used in family business research, and offers suggestions for how this theory can be used in further research to contribute to both the family business and the general management literature. Keywords: family business, behavioural agency theory, socioemotional wealth, family firm heterogeneity

    An Assessment of the Alignment of Truck Manufacturers’ Extended Services with theEnvironmental Objectives and Initiatives of Road Freight Transporters : A Green Supply Chain Management Perspective

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    Research shows that climate changes we face today is a consequence of the increasing amounts of greenhouse gases that circulate in our atmosphere due to increased human industrial activity. Many firms and industries are therefore increasingly implementing environmental management strategies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions towards a more sustainable environment. These environmental management efforts can be broadly classified under two umbrellas which are sustainable production and sustainable consumption and these two parts need to work together in order to contribute effectively towards a more sustainable environment. The environmental management literature however reveals a gap between sustainable production and sustainable use of vehicles in the automotive industry showing that while the major global environmental impact - greenhouse gas emissions - occurs when vehicles are put to use, the environmental management efforts in the industry are skewed to the production of vehicles.An emerging trend to breach this gap is that vehicle manufacturers are providing extending services to help vehicle users minimize their greenhouse gas emissions. This study analyses the extended service packages of the global truck manufacturer, Scania, against the environmental objectives and initiatives of five road transport companies in Sweden. An exploratory case study approach was used from the perspective of the road freight transport companies to find out if extended services present suitable opportunities to extend environmental management from manufacturers to users in the road freight transport industry. The study found that the extended services provide solutions that help road freighttransport companies to achieve lower fuel consumption and lower emissions from theirvehicles. Road freight transport companies traditionally invest in environmental initiatives to gain marketing advantages but the extended services present a rare opportunity to the companies to compete on profit margins by investing in the extended services.Market Making of a High-value Business Model in Low Cost Markets: Value Co-Creation in Swedish Industry, CeLS, Project manager: Leif-Magnus Jensen, [email protected], +46 36 10 1881

    An Assessment of the Alignment of Truck Manufacturers’ Extended Services with theEnvironmental Objectives and Initiatives of Road Freight Transporters : A Green Supply Chain Management Perspective

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    Research shows that climate changes we face today is a consequence of the increasing amounts of greenhouse gases that circulate in our atmosphere due to increased human industrial activity. Many firms and industries are therefore increasingly implementing environmental management strategies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions towards a more sustainable environment. These environmental management efforts can be broadly classified under two umbrellas which are sustainable production and sustainable consumption and these two parts need to work together in order to contribute effectively towards a more sustainable environment. The environmental management literature however reveals a gap between sustainable production and sustainable use of vehicles in the automotive industry showing that while the major global environmental impact - greenhouse gas emissions - occurs when vehicles are put to use, the environmental management efforts in the industry are skewed to the production of vehicles.An emerging trend to breach this gap is that vehicle manufacturers are providing extending services to help vehicle users minimize their greenhouse gas emissions. This study analyses the extended service packages of the global truck manufacturer, Scania, against the environmental objectives and initiatives of five road transport companies in Sweden. An exploratory case study approach was used from the perspective of the road freight transport companies to find out if extended services present suitable opportunities to extend environmental management from manufacturers to users in the road freight transport industry. The study found that the extended services provide solutions that help road freighttransport companies to achieve lower fuel consumption and lower emissions from theirvehicles. Road freight transport companies traditionally invest in environmental initiatives to gain marketing advantages but the extended services present a rare opportunity to the companies to compete on profit margins by investing in the extended services.Market Making of a High-value Business Model in Low Cost Markets: Value Co-Creation in Swedish Industry, CeLS, Project manager: Leif-Magnus Jensen, [email protected], +46 36 10 1881

    Introducing theoretical perspectives on family business

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    As the field of family business has grown immensely over the last couple of decades, a multitude of theories from different fields has been introduced. However, there are surprisingly few attempts to provide an overview of theories that may be of particular interest for the family business scholar. Thus, this introduction chapter gives a critical overview of theoretical perspectives, before taking a closer look at the use of theories in family business studies. Regarding the current state of the family business field, the authors argue for putting more effort in building theory from family business research as well as a stronger emphasis on ‘giving back’ to theories borrowed from other fields. Lastly, the chapter describes the development of the book and introduces the 13 chapters and their contributions