4,239 research outputs found

    Morphometry of Glenoid Cavity

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    Objectives: Knowledge of the shape and dimensions of the glenoid are important in the design and fitting of glenoid components for total shoulder arthroplasty. An understanding of variations in normal anatomy of the glenoid is essential while evaluating pathological conditions like osseous Bankart lesions and osteochondral defects. Methods: This study was done on 202 dry, unpaired adult human scapulae of unknown sex belonging to the south Indian population. Three glenoid diameters were measured, the superior-inferior diameter, anterior-posterior diameter of the lower half and the anterior-posterior diameter of the upper half of the glenoid. Based on a notch present on the anterior glenoid rim, variations in the shape of the glenoid cavity were classified as inverted comma shaped, pear shaped and oval. Results: The average superior-inferior diameter on right and the left sides were 33.67±2.82mm and 33.92±2.87mm respectively. The average anterior-posterior diameter of the lower half of the right glenoid was 23.35±2.04mm and that of the left was 23.02±2.30mm. The mean diameter of the upper half of the right glenoid was 16.27±2.01mm and that of the left was 15.77±1.96mm. Conclusion: The dimensions of the glenoid observed in the present study were lesser than those recorded in the studies done on other populations. This fact may be taken into consideration while designing glenoid prostheses for the south Indian population. The current study recorded a higher percentage of glenoid cavities having the glenoid notch as compared to earlier studies. While evaluating defects/lesions of the glenoid, this fact could be useful

    Determining the Effect of Cutting Parameters on Surface Roughness Using Genetic Algorithm

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    The aim of present research focuses on the prediction of machining parameters that improve the quality of surface finish. The surface  roughness is one of the important properties of work piece quality in the CNC (Computer Numerical Control) turning process. An effective approach of optimization techniques genetic algorithm (GA) and response surfacemethodology (RSM) was implemented to investigate the effect of the  cutting parameters such as cutting speed, feed rate, and depth of cut on the surface roughness. In this study, the surface roughness is measured during turning operation at different cutting parameters such as speed, feed, and depth of cut on Alumunium 6063 using coated carbide tool. Thesecond order mathematical model is developed using RSM of central  composite method to predict the surface roughness standards. The  regression equation is solved using genetic algorithm approach for   optimizing the cutting parameters for minimizing surface roughness, this study attempts the application of GA technique using Matlab 8.0 is  recommends 1.512ìm as the best minimum predicted surface roughness value for the optimal solution of the cutting conditions was 80 m/min, 0.18 mm/rev,0.3mm

    Occurrence of Gastrointestinal Helminths in rabbits with special Reference to Importance of Giardia spp. as Parasitic Zoonoses

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    The aim of this study was to detect Giardia spp. as zoonotic helminth as Giardiosis has been recognised as the one of the important parasitic  diarrhoea among children as cross transmission may occur between human  and rabbits. Other helminths in rabbits may causes ill health and sometimes proved fatal. Faecal samples of 42 rabbits of different age group (1-4 years)  from Nagpur and Akola regions, India were examined. The study was  conducted during June to August 2008. Faecal sample examination revealed  presence of mixed infection of eggs of parasites like Giardia spp. (19.04%), Trichostrongyle spp. (28.57%), Graphidium spp. (19.04%), Coccidia spp. (16.66%) and Passaluras spp. (14.28%)

    A drone-based networked system and methods for combating coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic.

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    Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by a newly discovered coronavirus. It is similar to influenza viruses and raises concerns through alarming levels of spread and severity resulting in an ongoing pandemic worldwide. Within eight months (by August 2020), it infected 24.0 million persons worldwide and over 824 thousand have died. Drones or Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) are very helpful in handling the COVID-19 pandemic. This work investigates the drone-based systems, COVID-19 pandemic situations, and proposes an architecture for handling pandemic situations in different scenarios using real-time and simulation-based scenarios. The proposed architecture uses wearable sensors to record the observations in Body Area Networks (BANs) in a push-pull data fetching mechanism. The proposed architecture is found to be useful in remote and highly congested pandemic areas where either the wireless or Internet connectivity is a major issue or chances of COVID-19 spreading are high. It collects and stores the substantial amount of data in a stipulated period and helps to take appropriate action as and when required. In real-time drone-based healthcare system implementation for COVID-19 operations, it is observed that a large area can be covered for sanitization, thermal image collection, and patient identification within a short period (2 KMs within 10 min approx.) through aerial route. In the simulation, the same statistics are observed with an addition of collision-resistant strategies working successfully for indoor and outdoor healthcare operations. Further, open challenges are identified and promising research directions are highlighted

    Weierstrass meets Enriques

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    We study in detail the degeneration of K3 to T^4/Z_2. We obtain an explicit embedding of the lattice of collapsed cycles of T^4/Z_2 into the lattice of integral cycles of K3 in two different ways. Our first method exploits the duality to the heterotic string on T^3. This allows us to describe the degeneration in terms of Wilson lines. Our second method is based on the blow-up of T^4/Z_2. From this blow-up, we directly construct the full lattice of integral cycles of K3. Finally, we use our results to describe the action of the Enriques involution on elliptic K3 surfaces, finding that a Weierstrass model description is consistent with the Enriques involution only in the F-theory limit.Comment: 35 pages, 9 figure

    Effects of fibre content and textile structure on dynamic-mechanical and shape-memory properties of ELO/flax biocomposites

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    Biocomposites were prepared using epoxidized linseed oil (ELO) and flax fibre reinforcements in different assemblies. ELO was cured by two different anhydrides to check how its thermomechanical properties can be influenced. As reinforcements nonwoven mat, twill weave and quasi-unidirectional textile fabrics with two different yarn finenesses were used. Their reinforcing effect was determined in dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA) in flexure. DMA served also to determine the glass transition temperature (Tg). Shape memory properties were derived from quasiunconstrained flexural tests performed near to the Tg of the ELO and its biocomposites. Flax reinforcement reduced the Tg that was attributed to off-stoichiometry owing to chemical reaction between the hydroxyl groups of flax and anhydride hardener. The shape memory parameters were moderate or low. They were affected by both textile content and type

    Cost-effectiveness of HIV prevention interventions in Andhra Pradesh state of India

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Information on cost-effectiveness of the range of HIV prevention interventions is a useful contributor to decisions on the best use of resources to prevent HIV. We conducted this assessment for the state of Andhra Pradesh that has the highest HIV burden in India.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Based on data from a representative sample of 128 public-funded HIV prevention programs of 14 types in Andhra Pradesh, we have recently reported the number of HIV infections averted by each type of HIV prevention intervention and their cost. Using estimates of the age of onset of HIV infection, we used standard methods to calculate the cost per Disability Adjusted Life Year (DALY) saved as a measure of cost-effectiveness of each type of HIV prevention intervention.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The point estimates of the cost per DALY saved were less than US 50forbloodbanks,menwhohavesexwithmenprogrammes,voluntarycounsellingandtestingcentres,preventionofparenttochildtransmissionclinics,sexuallytransmittedinfectionclinics,andwomensexworkerprogrammes;betweenUS50 for blood banks, men who have sex with men programmes, voluntary counselling and testing centres, prevention of parent to child transmission clinics, sexually transmitted infection clinics, and women sex worker programmes; between US 50 and 100 for truckers and migrant labourer programmes; more than US 100anduptoUS100 and up to US 410 for composite, street children, condom promotion, prisoners and workplace programmes and mass media campaign for the general public. The uncertainty range around these estimates was very wide for several interventions, with the ratio of the high to the low estimates infinite for five interventions.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The point estimates for the cost per DALY saved from the averted HIV infections for all interventions was much lower than the per capita gross domestic product in this Indian state. While these indicative cost-effectiveness estimates can inform HIV control planning currently, the wide uncertainty range around estimates for several interventions suggest the need for more firm data for estimating cost-effectiveness of HIV prevention interventions in India.</p

    The costs of scaling up HIV prevention for high risk groups: lessons learned from the Avahan Programme in India.

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    OBJECTIVE: The study objective is to measure, analyse costs of scaling up HIV prevention for high-risk groups in India, in order to assist the design of future HIV prevention programmes in South Asia and beyond. DESIGN: Prospective costing study. METHODS: This study is one of the most comprehensive studies of the costs of HIV prevention for high-risk groups to date in both its scope and size. HIV prevention included outreach, sexually transmitted infections (STI) services, condom provision, expertise enhancement, community mobilisation and enabling environment activities. Economic costs were collected from 138 non-government organisations (NGOs) in 64 districts, four state level lead implementing partners (SLPs), and the national programme level (Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF)) office over four years using a top down costing approach, presented in US2011.RESULTS:Meantotalunitcosts(200408)perpersonreachedatleastonceayearandpermonthlycontactwereUS 2011. RESULTS: Mean total unit costs (2004-08) per person reached at least once a year and per monthly contact were US 235(56-1864) and US82(12969)respectively.35 82(12-969) respectively. 35% of the cost was incurred by NGOs, 30% at the state level SLP and 35% at the national programme level. The proportion of total costs by activity were 34% for expertise enhancement, 37% for programme management (including support and supervision), 22% for core HIV prevention activities (outreach and STI services) and 7% for community mobilisation and enabling environment activities. Total unit cost per person reached fell sharply as the programme expanded due to declining unit costs above the service level (from US 477 per person reached in 2004 to US145perpersonreachedin2008).AttheservicelevelalsounitcostsdecreasedslightlyovertimefromUS 145 per person reached in 2008). At the service level also unit costs decreased slightly over time from US 68 to US$ 64 per person reached. CONCLUSIONS: Scaling up HIV prevention for high risk groups requires significant investment in expertise enhancement and programme administration. However, unit costs decreased with programme expansion in spite of an increase in the scope of activities

    Parameter optimization in milling of glass fiber reinforced plastic (GFRP) using DOE-Taguchi method

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    Introduction: Optimization of machining parameters is essential for improving expected outcome of any machining operation. Case Description: The aim of this work is to find out optimum values of machining parameters to achieve minimal surface roughness during milling operation of GFRP. Discussion and Evaluation: In this machining operation speed, depth of cut and feed rate are considered as parameters affecting surface roughness and Design of Experiment (DOE)-Taguchi method tool is used to plan experiments and analyse results. Conclusion: Analysis of experimental results presents optimum values of these three parameters to achieve minimal surface roughness with speed as a major contributing factor. Speed—200 rpm, depth of cut—1.2 mm and feed—40 mm/min are an optimal combination of machining parameter to produce minimal surface roughness during milling of GFRP

    The views of older women towards mammographic screening: a qualitative and quantitative study

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    Purpose: Mammographic screening has improved breast cancer survival in the screened age group. This improved survival has not been seen in older women (>70 years) where screening uptake is low. This study explores the views, knowledge and attitudes of older women towards screening. Methods: Women (>70) were interviewed about breast screening. Interview findings informed the development of a questionnaire which was sent to 1000 women (>70) to quantify their views regarding screening. Results: Twenty-six women were interviewed and a questionnaire designed. The questionnaire response rate was 48.3% (479/992). Over half (52.9%, 241/456) of respondents were unaware they could request mammography by voluntary self-referral and were unaware of how to arrange this. Most (81.5% 383/470) had not attended breast screening since turning 70. Most (75.6%, 343/454) felt screening was beneficial and would attend if invited. Most, (90.1%, 412/457) felt screening should be offered to all women regardless of age or health. Conclusions: There is a lack of knowledge about screening in older women. The majority felt that invitation to screening should be extended to the older age group regardless of age or health. The current under-utilised system of voluntary self referral is not supported by older women