96 research outputs found


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    A refined mathematical model of the automated control system with two-component dosing of dry components for the aerated concrete preparation process are worked out. Developing this model the features of the actuators (valves, drive screw feeder), dependencies of flow dynamics of weighed components from the meter hopper geometry, the feedback signal dependencies from the effort generated by the flow properties of the components and weight sensors are taken into account. These models allow us to have more accurate assess for the weight of the components necessary in the meter hopper and the exhaust velocity components from the supply tank. The developed model improves the computer model adequacy and the quality of the process automated controlРазработана уточненная математическая модель системы автоматизированного управления двухкомпонентным дозированием сухих компонентов технологического процесса приготовления газобетона. В ней были учтены особенности работы исполнительных механизмов, динамики потоков дозируемых компонентов, зависимостей поступления компонентов газобетонной смеси в дозатор от геометрии бункеров дозатора, сигнала обратной связи от усилий, создаваемых потоком компонентов и свойств датчиков веса. Разработанная модель позволит повысить адекватность компьютерной модели и улучшить качество автоматизированного управления данного технологического процессаРозроблена уточнена математична модель системи автоматизованого керування двокомпонентним дозуванням сухих компонентів технологічного процесу приготування газобетону. У ній були враховані особливості роботи виконавчих механізмів, динаміки потоків компонентів, що дозуються, залежностей подачі компонентів газобетонної суміші в дозатор від геометрії бункерів дозатора, сигналу зворотного зв’язку від зусиль, створюваних потоком компонентів і властивостей датчиків ваги. Розроблена модель дозволить підвищити адекватність комп’ютерної моделі і поліпшити якість автоматизованого керування даного технологічного процес

    Disparate Vulnerability to Membership Inference Attacks

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    A membership inference attack (MIA) against a machine-learning model enables an attacker to determine whether a given data record was part of the model's training data or not. In this paper, we provide an in-depth study of the phenomenon of disparate vulnerability against MIAs: unequal success rate of MIAs against different population subgroups. We first establish necessary and sufficient conditions for MIAs to be prevented, both on average and for population subgroups, using a notion of distributional generalization. Second, we derive connections of disparate vulnerability to algorithmic fairness and to differential privacy. We show that fairness can only prevent disparate vulnerability against limited classes of adversaries. Differential privacy bounds disparate vulnerability but can significantly reduce the accuracy of the model. We show that estimating disparate vulnerability to MIAs by naïvely applying existing attacks can lead to overestimation. We then establish which attacks are suitable for estimating disparate vulnerability, and provide a statistical framework for doing so reliably. We conduct experiments on synthetic and real-world data finding statistically significant evidence of disparate vulnerability in realistic settings

    The Investment Attractiveness of the Agricultural Sector of Ukraine

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    The aim of the article is to analyze the positions of Ukraine in the basic rankings of investment attractiveness and competitiveness; identify the key obstacles restraining the attraction of financial resources to the agro-industrial complex; suggest the ways for solving the main problems concerning investment attractiveness of the domestic agricultural sector. The evaluation of the efficiency of an agrarian policy is carried out with the help of the Total Support Estimate (TSE), which indicates the volume of gross transfers received from taxpayers and consume. The amount of and trends in capital investment into agriculture of Ukraine within 2010–2017 are analyzed. The main drawbacks of the existing investment management system of agricultural enterprises in Ukraine are determined. Based on the research results, the authors put forward suggestions for improving the investment climate in Ukraine, which will contribute not only to a greater openness of the Ukrainian economy but to a complete inclusion of the agricultural sector of Ukraine to the global food security system as well


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    Purpose: to study the influence of psycho-vegetative disorders, cognitive status and quality of life of patients with coronary artery disease with hypertension. Materials and Methods. In a prospective monocenter, a double-open study in parallel groups involved 56 patients with CHD: stable angina pectoris of II-III functional class comorbid with hypertension aged 42 to 68 years (median age – 5.0 (54.0; 65.0) years, 26 women, 30 men). All patients underwent a comprehensive clinical examination according to generally accepted standards. ADD detection was performed using the HADS Hospital Alarm and Depression Scale; detection of cognitive impairment – using the Montreal Cognitive Functional Assessment Scale (MOSA), a quality of life study was conducted using the Seattle Questionnaire (SAQ) and the SF-36 questionnaire; assessment of autonomic dysfunction – using temporal and spectral indicators of heart rate variability (HRV). Depending on the presence of ADD patients were distributed as follows: group 1 – 34 patients in combination with ADD and group 2– 22 patients without ADD. Results. In patients with CHD and hypertension with ADD, compared with patients without ADD, an autonomic imbalance was observed with a decrease in overall heart rate variability, predominance of sympathetic link activity against the background of parasympathetic effects suppression. In patients with coronary artery disease with hypertension with ADD revealed a deterioration in the quality of life of patients according to the Seattle questionnaire and general health questionnaire SF-36, as well as a moderate decrease in cognitive function by Moss. A positive correlation between total anxiety and depression and cognitive deficits (r = + 56; p <0.05), QOL quality of life (r = + 0.54; p <0.05), AF (r = + 0.50; p <0.05), LF / HF ratio (r = + 0.44; p <0.05), reverse with SDNN (r = + 0.34; p <0.05). Conclusions. Associations between anxiety-depressive, autonomic disorders and deterioration of QOL components and cognitive status in patients with CHD comorbid with hypertension were revealed.Мета: вивчити вплив психовегетативних розладів на когнітивний статус та якість життя хворих на ішемічну хворобу серця (ІХС), коморбідну з артеріальною гіпертензією (АГ). Матеріали і методи. У проспективне моноцентрове подвійне відкрите дослідження в паралельних групах залучено 56 хворих на ІХС: стабільну стенокардію напруження II–III функціонального класу, коморбідну з АГ, віком 42–68 років (медіана віку – 5,0 (54,0; 65,0) років; 26 жінок, 30 чоловіків). Усім хворим проводили комплексне клінічне обстеження згідно із загальноприйнятими стандартами. Виявлення тривожно-депресивних розладів (ТДР) здійснювали за допомогою госпітальної шкали тривоги і депресії (HADS); когнітивних порушень − за допомогою Монреальської шкали оцінки когнітивних функцій (МоСА); дослідження якості життя проводили за допомогою Сіетловського опитувальника (SAQ) та опитувальника SF-36; оцінку вегетативної дисфункції − за допомогою часових і спектральних показників варіабельності серцевого ритму (ВСР). Залежно від наявності ТДР хворих поділено таким чином: 1 група – 34 хворі у поєднанні з ТДР і 2 група – 22 пацієнти без ТДР. Результати. У хворих на ІХС та АГ з ТДР порівняно з хворими без ТДР спостерігали вегетативний дисбаланс зі зниженням загальної варіабельності серцевого ритму, переважанням активності симпатичної ланки на тлі пригнічення парасимпатичних впливів. У хворих на ІХС з АГ з ТДР виявлено погіршення якості життя пацієнтів за даними Сіетловського опитувальника та загального опитувальника здоровʼя SF-36, а також помірне зниження когнітивної функції за МоСА. Встановлено позитивний кореляційний звʼязок між сумарним рівнем тривоги і депресії та когнітивним дефіцитом (r=+56; р<0,05), показниками якості життя PL (r=+0,54; p<0,05), AF (r=+0,50; p<0,05), співвідношенням LF/HF (r=+0,44; p<0,05), зворотний − з SDNNі (r=+0,34; p<0,05). Висновки. Виявлено асоціацію між тривожно-депресивними, вегетативними порушеннями та погіршенням складових якості життя та когнітивного статусу в хворих на ІХС, коморбідну з АГ

    Prospective study of clinician-entered research data in the Emergency Department using an Internet-based system after the HIPAA Privacy Rule

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    BACKGROUND: Design and test the reliability of a web-based system for multicenter, real-time collection of data in the emergency department (ED), under waiver of authorization, in compliance with HIPAA. METHODS: This was a phase I, two-hospital study of patients undergoing evaluation for possible pulmonary embolism. Data were collected by on-duty clinicians on an HTML data collection form (prospective e-form), populated using either a personal digital assistant (PDA) or personal computer (PC). Data forms were uploaded to a central, offsite server using secure socket protocol transfer. Each form was assigned a unique identifier, and all PHI data were encrypted, but were password-accessible by authorized research personnel to complete a follow-up e-form. RESULTS: From April 15, 2003-April 15 2004, 1022 prospective e-forms and 605 follow-up e-forms were uploaded. Complexities of PDA use compelled clinicians to use PCs in the ED for data entry for most forms. No data were lost and server log query revealed no unauthorized entry. Prospectively obtained PHI data, encrypted upon server upload, were successfully decrypted using password-protected access to allow follow-up without difficulty in 605 cases. Non-PHI data from prospective and follow-up forms were available to the study investigators via standard file transfer protocol. CONCLUSIONS: Data can be accurately collected from on-duty clinicians in the ED using real-time, PC-Internet data entry in compliance with the Privacy Rule. Deidentification-reidentification of PHI was successfully accomplished by a password-protected encryption-deencryption mechanism to permit follow-up by approved research personnel

    Тестові завдання для вступників на спеціальність 8.03050901 «Облік і аудит» освітньо-кваліфікаційного рівня «Магістр» денної та заочної форми навчання

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    Тестові завдання для вступників на спеціальність 8.03050901 «Облік і аудит» освітньо-кваліфікаційного рівня «Магістр» денної та заочної форми навчання. Рекомендовано студентам 4-5 курсу за галуззю знань 0305 «Економіка і підприємництво», напрямом підготовки 6.030509. «Облік і аудит»

    Adolescent brain maturation and cortical folding: evidence for reductions in gyrification

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    Evidence from anatomical and functional imaging studies have highlighted major modifications of cortical circuits during adolescence. These include reductions of gray matter (GM), increases in the myelination of cortico-cortical connections and changes in the architecture of large-scale cortical networks. It is currently unclear, however, how the ongoing developmental processes impact upon the folding of the cerebral cortex and how changes in gyrification relate to maturation of GM/WM-volume, thickness and surface area. In the current study, we acquired high-resolution (3 Tesla) magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) data from 79 healthy subjects (34 males and 45 females) between the ages of 12 and 23 years and performed whole brain analysis of cortical folding patterns with the gyrification index (GI). In addition to GI-values, we obtained estimates of cortical thickness, surface area, GM and white matter (WM) volume which permitted correlations with changes in gyrification. Our data show pronounced and widespread reductions in GI-values during adolescence in several cortical regions which include precentral, temporal and frontal areas. Decreases in gyrification overlap only partially with changes in the thickness, volume and surface of GM and were characterized overall by a linear developmental trajectory. Our data suggest that the observed reductions in GI-values represent an additional, important modification of the cerebral cortex during late brain maturation which may be related to cognitive development

    Functional sex differences in human primary auditory cortex

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    Background We used PET to study cortical activation during auditory stimulation and found sex differences in the human primary auditory cortex (PAC). Regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) was measured in 10 male and 10 female volunteers while listening to sounds (music or white noise) and during a baseline (no auditory stimulation). Results and discussion We found a sex difference in activation of the left and right PAC when comparing music to noise. The PAC was more activated by music than by noise in both men and women. But this difference between the two stimuli was significantly higher in men than in women. To investigate whether this difference could be attributed to either music or noise, we compared both stimuli with the baseline and revealed that noise gave a significantly higher activation in the female PAC than in the male PAC. Moreover, the male group showed a deactivation in the right prefrontal cortex when comparing noise to the baseline, which was not present in the female group. Interestingly, the auditory and prefrontal regions are anatomically and functionally linked and the prefrontal cortex is known to be engaged in auditory tasks that involve sustained or selective auditory attention. Thus we hypothesize that differences in attention result in a different deactivation of the right prefrontal cortex, which in turn modulates the activation of the PAC and thus explains the sex differences found in the activation of the PAC. Conclusion Our results suggest that sex is an important factor in auditory brain studies