12 research outputs found

    Metagenomic analysis of ethylene glycol contamination in anaerobic digestion

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    This is the final version. Available on open access from Elsevier via the DOI in this recordData availability: Illumina WGS DNA sequence reads have been deposited in the NCBI Sequence Read Archive under BioProject accession PRJNA982105.Anaerobic digestion is an established method for the biological conversion of waste feedstocks to biogas and biomethane. While anaerobic digestion is an excellent waste management technique, it can be susceptible to toxins and pollutants from contaminated feedstocks, which may have a detrimental impact on a digester's efficiency and productivity. Ethylene glycol (EG) is readily used in the heat-transfer loops of anaerobic digestion facilities to maintain reactor temperature. Failure of the structural integrity of these heat transfer loops can cause EG to leak into the digester, potentially causing a decrease in the resultant gas yields. Batch fermentations were incubated with 0, 10, 100 and 500 ppm (parts per million) of EG, and analysis showed that the EG was completely metabolised by the digester microbiome. The concentrations of EG tested showed significant increases in gas yields, however there were no significant changes to the digester microbiome.Shell Research Ltd

    Deep subsurface mine stalactites trap endemic fissure fluid Archaea, Bacteria, and Nematoda possibly originating from ancient seas

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    Stalactites (CaCO3 and salt) from water seeps are frequently encountered in ceilings of mine tunnels whenever they intersect water-bearing faults or fractures. To determine whether stalactites could be mineralized traps for indigenous fracture water microorganisms, we analyzed stalactites collected from three different mines ranging in depth from 1.3 to 3.1 km. During sampling in Beatrix gold mine (1.4 km beneath the surface), central South Africa, CaCO3 stalactites growing on the mine tunnel ceiling were collected and observed, in two cases, to contain a living obligate brackish water/marine nematode species, Monhystrella parvella. After sterilization of the outer surface, mineral layers were physically removed from the outside to the interior, and DNA extracted. Based upon 16S and 18S rRNA gene sequencing, Archaea, Bacteria, and Eukarya in different combinations were detected for each layer. Using CT scan and electron microscopy the inner structure of CaCO3 and salt stalactites were analyzed. CaCO3 stalactites show a complex pattern of lamellae carrying bacterially precipitated mineral structures. Nematoda were clearly identified between these layers confirming that bacteria and nematodes live inside the stalactites and not only in the central straw. Salt stalactites exhibit a more uniform internal structure. Surprisingly, several Bacteria showing highest sequence identities to marine species were identified. This, together with the observation that the nematode M. parvella recovered from Beatrix gold mine stalactite can only survive in a salty environment makes the origin of the deep subsurface colonization enigmatic. The possibility of a Permian origin of fracture fluids is discussed. Our results indicate stalactites are suitable for biodiversity recovery and act as natural traps for microorganisms in the fissure water long after the water that formed the stalactite stopped flowing

    A Critical Review of State-of-the-Art and Emerging Approaches to Identify Fracking-Derived Gases and Associated Contaminants in Aquifers

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    High-volume, hydraulic fracturing (HVHF) is widely applied for natural gas and oil production from shales, coals, or tight sandstone formations in the United States, Canada, and Australia, and is being widely considered by other countries with similar unconventional energy resources. Secure retention of fluids (natural gas, saline formation waters, oil, HVHF fluids) during and after well stimulation is important to prevent unintended environmental contamination, and release of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere. Here, we critically review state-of-the-art techniques and promising new approaches for identifying oil and gas production from unconventional reservoirs to resolve whether they are the source of fugitive methane and associated contaminants into shallow aquifers. We highlight future research needs and propose a phased program, from generic baseline to highly specific analyses, to inform HVHF and unconventional oil and gas production and impact assessment studies. These approaches may also be applied to broader subsurface exploration and development issues (e.g., groundwater resources), or new frontiers of low-carbon energy alternatives (e.g., subsurface H2 storage, nuclear waste isolation, geologic CO2 sequestration)

    New ecosystems in the deep subsurface follow the flow of water driven by geological activity

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    Eukarya have been discovered in the deep subsurface at several locations in South Africa, but how organisms reach the subsurface remains unknown. We studied river-subsurface fissure water systems and identified Eukarya from a river that are genetically identical for 18S rDNA. To further confirm that these are identical species one metazoan species recovered from the overlying river interbred successfully with specimen recovered from an underlying mine at -1.4 km. In situ seismic simulation experiments were carried out and show seismic activity to be a major force increasing the hydraulic conductivity in faults allowing organisms to create ecosystems in the deep subsurface. As seismic activity is a non-selective force we recovered specimen of algae and Insecta that defy any obvious other explanation at a depth of -3.4 km. Our results show there is a steady flow of surface organisms to the deep subsurface where some survive and adapt and others perish. As seismic activity is also present on other planets and moons in our solar system the mechanism elucidated here may be relevant for future search and selection of landing sites in planetary exploration

    Iron at the Centre of Candida albicans Interactions

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    Iron is an absolute requirement for both the host and most pathogens alike and is needed for normal cellular growth. The acquisition of iron by biological systems is regulated to circumvent toxicity of iron overload, as well as the growth deficits imposed by iron deficiency. In addition, hosts, such as humans, need to limit the availability of iron to pathogens. However, opportunistic pathogens such as Candida albicans are able to adapt to extremes of iron availability, such as the iron replete environment of the gastrointestinal tract and iron deficiency during systemic infection. C. albicans has developed a complex and effective regulatory circuit for iron acquisition and storage to circumvent iron limitation within the human host. As C. albicans can form complex interactions with both commensal and pathogenic co-inhabitants, it can be speculated that iron may play an important role in these interactions. In this review, we highlight host iron regulation as well as regulation of iron homeostasis in C. albicans. In addition, the review argues for the need for further research into the role of iron in polymicrobial interactions. Lastly, the role of iron in treatment of C. albicans infection is discussed

    South African crustal fracture fluids preserve paleometeoric water signatures for up to tens of millions of years

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    Fracture fluids in Earth's crust may remain isolated for millions to billions of years, and contain information on paleohydrogeology, subsurface microbial life, and conservative components that help elucidate the atmospheric evolution of the early Earth. Examples include fluids in the South African Kaapvaal craton which host chemolithoautotrophic microbial communities that survive independent of the photosphere, and billion-year-old fluids in the Canadian Shield, which preserve the Xe isotopic signature of an evolving early atmosphere. Stable isotope analyses of the aqueous phase combined with isotopic analyses of the dissolved noble gases provide unrivalled insight into the time-alteration history of aqueous fracture fluids. Here we report stable isotope and noble gas data for fracture fluids in the Witwatersrand Basin and Bushveld Igneous Province systems, South Africa. We determine closed-system radiogenic noble gas residence times of 0.77–97 million years (Myr). Open-system residence times range between 6.0 kyr and 10.8 Myr. One sample from Masimong Mine has a mean closed-system residence time of 85 Myr, making it one of oldest paleometeoric waters ever recorded. The δ2H and δ18O of water in this sample, and in previously reported samples from the same mining district that are shown to have similar ages, require an isotopically depleted source of groundwater recharge. This could reflect a recharge regime at a higher paleolatitude, elevation, or with higher rainfall, established up to tens of Myr ago, and perhaps similar to the recharge regime in the modern Lesotho Highlands. These data suggest that groundwater isotopes can provide useful paleoclimatic information for many Myr

    Contextual and environmental data characterizing 138 samples from Canadian groundwater ecosystems

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    Groundwater ecosystems are globally widespread yet still poorly understood. We therefore investigated contextual and environmental data characterizing 138 groundwater samples from Canadian groundwater ecosystems. The chemical, physical, gas, isotopic, and microbiological measurements were taken from aquifers in the Canadian Prairie between 2015 and 2020. The study area comprised 14 major aquifers and a geographic area of ~210.000 km2. The goal of the study was to understand the links between the biogeochemistry and microbial ecology of groundwater ecosystems in diverse geological settings on a broad spatial scale. Details concerning methods, results and conclusions can be found in the associated publication by Ruff et al. 2023

    Nucleotide sequences of archaeal amplicon sequence variants (ASV) from Canadian groundwater ecosystems

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    Groundwater ecosystems are globally widespread yet still poorly understood. We investigated the microbiology of >100 groundwater samples from 90 monitoring wells (<250m depth) located in 14 aquifers in the Canadian Prairie. This dataset contains the nucleotide sequences and taxonomy of archaeal 16S rRNA gene amplicons retrieved from groundwater samples of aquifers in the Canadian Prairie, collected between 2015 and 2020. The study area comprised 14 major aquifers and a geographic area of ~210.000 km2. The goal of the study was to understand the links between the biogeochemistry and microbial ecology of groundwater ecosystems in diverse geological settings on a broad spatial scale. Details concerning DNA extraction, sequencing and sequence analyses can be found in the associated publication by Ruff et al. 2023