128 research outputs found

    Specific Features of Soil Formation in Island Ecosystems of the Kuibyshev Water Storage Basin

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    The development of island soils is closely connected with the functioning of the water storage basin. The height of islands above water level and the structure of soil-forming rocks determine the differences in the water supply of island soils. The latter form a continuous sequence from those with purely atmospheric water supply to the soils subjected to regular flooding and satiation

    Проект организации ремонтной мастерской в условиях компании "Сандайское коллективное сельхозпредприятие" п. Тяжин, Кемеровской области

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    Анотация В обеспечении успешной деятельности хозяйств, важная роль принадлежит их ремонтной службе. Сельское хозяйство страны располагает развитой системой ремонтно-обслуживающих предприятий и мастерских хозяйств, пунктов технического обслуживания машин. Однако перед сельским хозяйством стоят серьезные задачи по совершенствованию инженерной службы на селе. Страна ещё несет большие потери из-за выхода машин из строя, их невысокого ресурса, невысокого качества ремонта и технического обслуживания. Существенным обстоятельством, действующим в пользу развития собственных ремонтных мастерских хозяйств, является возможность выполнения определенного объема ремонтных работ в осенне-зимний период силами работников хозяйств, не занятых сельскохозяйственными работами. Это повышает занятость в хозяйствеAnnotation In ensuring the success of the economy, an important role belongs to their repair service. The country's agriculture has developed a system repair and service enterprises and workshops farms, settlements maintenance of machinery. However, before agriculture faces serious challenges in improving the engineering service in rural areas. The country still suffers great losses because of the failure of the machines, their low resources, poor quality of repair and maintenance. An important fact, acting in favor of the development of their own repair shops farms, is the ability to perform a certain amount of repair work in the autumn-winter period the forces of farm workers are not engaged in agricultural work. This increases employment in the sector of workers and contributes to the stabilization frames

    Новый анальгетик на основе гексаазаизовюрцитана: возможность использования в онкологической практике

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    Purpose: to study gastrotoxic and ulcerogenic effects of a long-term administration of a newly synthesized compound from the hexaazaisowurzitan (thiowurtzine) series in rats, as well as to assess its effect on the transplantable tumor in mice.Material and Methods. Lewis lung carcinoma was transplanted into mice, and thiowurtzine was prescribed for a long course together with cyclophosphamide. In the terminal stage of tumor development the mass of the primary node, the number and area of metastases in the lungs of mice were measured. Histological sections of the stomach were studied in rats after a 90-day administration of thiowurtzine.Results. Thiowurtzine at therapeutic dosages of 50 and 100 mg/kg for a course of 19 days potentiated the effect of cyclophosphamide to inhibit tumor dissemination and exerted a direct antitumor effect in mice with lewis lung carcinoma. A dose of 1000 mg/kg for 90 days did not cause ulcerogenic action of thiowurtzine.Conclusion. The absence of a stimulating effect on tumor growth in animal experiments and intactness in relation to the gastric mucosa during chronic administration of thiowurtzine allow us to recommend this innovative analgesic for clinical study as a concomitant analgesia in cancer patients.Цель исследования - изучение гастротоксического и ульцерогенного эффектов длительного курсового введения недавно синтезированного соединение из ряда гексаазаизовюрцитана (тиовюрцин) крысам, а также оценка его влияния на перевиваемую опухоль у мышей.Материал и методы. Мышам перевивали карциному легких Льюиса, назначали тиовюрцин длительным курсом совместно с цикло-фосфаном. В терминальной стадии развития опухоли измеряли массу первичного узла, количество и площадь метастазов в легких мышей. После 90-дневного введения тиовюрцина изучали гистологические срезы желудка.Результаты. Тиовюрцин в терапевтических дозировках 50 и 100 мг/кг курсом 19 дней потенцировал действие циклофосфана в отношении торможения диссеминации опухоли и оказывал прямое противоопухолевое действие у мышей с карциномой легких Льюиса. Тиовюрцин в дозе 1000 мг/кг курсом 90 дней у крыс не вызывал ульцерогенного действия.Заключение. Отсутствие стимулирующего влияния на опухолевый рост в экспериментах на животных и интактность в отношении слизистой оболочки желудка при хроническом назначении тиовюрцина позволяют рекомендовать данный инновационный анальгетик для клинического изучения в качестве средства сопутствующей анальгезии у онкобольных на разных этапах

    Intestinal Microbiota Composition of Interleukin-10 Deficient C57BL/6J Mice and Susceptibility to Helicobacter hepaticus-Induced Colitis

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    The mouse pathobiont Helicobacter hepaticus can induce typhlocolitis in interleukin-10-deficient mice, and H. hepaticus infection of immunodeficient mice is widely used as a model to study the role of pathogens and commensal bacteria in the pathogenesis of inflammatory bowel disease. C57BL/6J Il10[superscript −/−] mice kept under specific pathogen-free conditions in two different facilities (MHH and MIT), displayed strong differences with respect to their susceptibilities to H. hepaticus-induced intestinal pathology. Mice at MIT developed robust typhlocolitis after infection with H. hepaticus, while mice at MHH developed no significant pathology after infection with the same H. hepaticus strain. We hypothesized that the intestinal microbiota might be responsible for these differences and therefore performed high resolution analysis of the intestinal microbiota composition in uninfected mice from the two facilities by deep sequencing of partial 16S rRNA amplicons. The microbiota composition differed markedly between mice from both facilities. Significant differences were also detected between two groups of MHH mice born in different years. Of the 119 operational taxonomic units (OTUs) that occurred in at least half the cecum or colon samples of at least one mouse group, 24 were only found in MIT mice, and another 13 OTUs could only be found in MHH samples. While most of the MHH-specific OTUs could only be identified to class or family level, the MIT-specific set contained OTUs identified to genus or species level, including the opportunistic pathogen, Bilophila wadsworthia. The susceptibility to H. hepaticus-induced colitis differed considerably between Il10[superscript −/−] mice originating from the two institutions. This was associated with significant differences in microbiota composition, highlighting the importance of characterizing the intestinal microbiome when studying murine models of IBD.National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant NIH P01-CA26731)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant NIH P30ES0026731)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant NIH R01-OD011141

    Superconducting spintronics

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    The interaction between superconducting and spin-polarized orders has recently emerged as a major research field following a series of fundamental breakthroughs in charge transport in superconductor-ferromagnet heterodevices which promise new device functionality. Traditional studies which combine spintronics and superconductivity have mainly focused on the injection of spin-polarized quasiparticles into superconducting materials. However, a complete synergy between superconducting and magnetic orders turns out to be possible through the creation of spin-triplet Cooper pairs which are generated at carefully engineered superconductor interfaces with ferromagnetic materials. Currently, there is intense activity focused on identifying materials combinations which merge superconductivity and spintronics in order to enhance device functionality and performance. The results look promising: it has been shown, for example, that superconducting order can greatly enhance central effects in spintronics such as spin injection and magnetoresistance. Here, we review the experimental and theoretical advances in this field and provide an outlook for upcoming challenges related to the new concept of superconducting spintronics.J.L. was supported by the Research Council of Norway, Grants No. 205591 and 216700. J.W.A.R. was supported by the UK Royal Society and the Leverhulme Trust through an International Network Grant (IN-2013-033).This is the accepted manuscript. The final version is available at http://www.nature.com/nphys/journal/v11/n4/full/nphys3242.html

    Опыт применения противовирусной терапии врожденной генерализованной цитомегаловирусной инфекции

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    The article presents the results of observation and treatment with ganciclovir and oral valganciclovir form of a premature infant with congenital generalized symptomatic cytomegalovirus infection (CMVI) involving pathology of CNS, cholangitis, spontaneous pathologic fracture of femoral bone. When using ganciclovir and valganciclovir demonstrated gradual normalization of clinical and hematological parameters. In the course of treatment with ganciclovir and valganciclovir was not revealed any adverse reactions. While maintaining the CMV DNA in the blood, the duration of specific therapy, according to international recommendations, should be not less than 6 months. The decision to use a specific therapy should be made on the basis of the medical consultation, the conclusions of the medical commission and informed consent of the parents.В статье представлены результаты наблюдения и лечения ганцикловиром и пероральной формой валганцикловира недоношенного ребенка с врожденной манифестной генерализованной цитомегаловирусной инфекцией (ВЦМВИ), протекающей с поражением ЦНС, холангитом, спонтанным патологическим переломом бедренной кости. При использовании ганцикловира и валганцикловира продемонстрирована постепенная нормализация клинических и гематологических показателей. В процессе лечения ганцикловиром и валганцикловиром не было выявлено каких-либо побочных реакций. Основным методом мониторинга специфического лечения должно быть определение вирусной нагрузки (количество ДНК ЦМВ в лейкоцитах крови). При сохранении ДНК ЦМВ в крови, длительность специфической терапии, согласно международным рекомендациям, должна быть не меньше 6 месяцев. Решение об использовании специфической терапии должно приниматься на основании врачебного консилиума, заключения медицинской комиссии и получения информированного согласия родителей

    Characterization of Structure and Self-Diffusion of Elastomers by NMR Method

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    In this work the theory of free induction decay in linear and cross-linked flexible polymers with a various average length of a polymeric chain in a wide temperature is represented. It is shown the change of topological structure of linear polymers with increasing of mean molecular weight MwM_{w}, and at Mw>105M_{w} > 10^5 the physical network of entanglements starts being formed. The correlation function of molecular motion which is applied to calculation of diffusion attenuation of spin echo is received. The general approach to calculation of signals of diffusion attenuation spin echo and its application for determination of coefficient of self-diffusion in elastomers with various topological structures is offered. It allowed explanation observed experimentally anomalous diffusion

    Specific Features of Soil Formation in Island Ecosystems of the Kuibyshev Water Storage Basin

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    The development of island soils is closely connected with the functioning of the water storage basin. The height of islands above water level and the structure of soil-forming rocks determine the differences in the water supply of island soils. The latter form a continuous sequence from those with purely atmospheric water supply to the soils subjected to regular flooding and satiation