53 research outputs found

    Characterising the effect of environment on galaxy evolution

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    Galaxies are not the `island Universes' they were once thought to be. Instead, they form a part of a larger structure called the `cosmic web' which consists of dark matter, gas, and stars in order of decreasing fraction of the total mass budget. As part of it, galaxies are both influencing the cosmic web and are influenced by it. There is strong evidence demonstrating that galaxies located in dense environments (such as group or clusters) exhibit suppressed star-formation rates, red colours, early-type morphologies, and older stellar populations than their counterparts in the general `field'. This feature is often referred to as environmental galaxy quenching and, while there are many possible processes proposed as being responsible for this transformation, the detailed understanding of how it takes place is still lacking. In this thesis I propose a new method of characterising the link between galaxies and the environment responsible for quenching them, as well as improving on existing methods of studying galaxy transformation in dense environments. Cosmological, hydrodynamical simulations are used extensively to understand and interpret the results. Further work is necessary to make them capture the complex physics in groups and clusters - I highlight some of the limitations. I begin by proposing a map-based method involving spatial cross-correlations between gas measures and a low-redshift galaxy survey (z <= 0.15). This approach avoids the issues associated with membership assignment, and also directly links the underlying measure of environment and galaxy properties. I demonstrate that it can be applied to current observations from SDSS, Planck, and ROSAT surveys, yielding strong cross-correlation signals between gas pressure/density and galaxy density/quenched fraction. Hydrodynamical simulations, EAGLE and BAHAMAS, both reproduce the observed signal with some variation due to feedback implementations. The simulations can also be used to understand the measurements: I use BAHAMAS to demonstrate that most of the signal in Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect -- quenched fraction cross-correlation originates from quenched satellites in groups and clusters. The same exercise shows that BAHAMAS over-quenches satellite galaxies. Next, I investigate the performance of three hydrodynamical simulation codes (BAHAMAS, EAGLE AGNdT9, TNG300) at z ~ 1. There is evidence to suggest that quenching mechanisms may be different at this regime relative to the nearby Universe. Simulations do not currently capture all the necessary processes of quenching at z ~ 0. If the processes change between the two epochs, there is a possibility that simulations perform better at higher redshifts. I make several predictions of stellar content in haloes as well as quenched fraction from all three simulations in preparation for observational counterparts from the GOGREEN survey. There is great variation in the predicted relations, demonstrating that models used in simulations are relatively unconstrained in their current form. Comparing to data that is currently available indicates that none of the three simulations fully capture quenching of galaxies in dense environments at z ~ 1. Further observations will be able to inform future implementations of feedback for better agreement. Galaxy membership assignment is, potentially, a big source of uncertainty in observations, especially at higher redshifts. Simple aperture combined with velocity cut methods are commonly employed in studies of group and cluster galaxies. I investigate the potential biases introduced from one such method, demonstrating that a relatively large number of contaminants is introduced. This severely affects the dominant type of galaxies and, subsequently, measured quenched fractions. I identify the main sources of contaminants and make suggestions on how to minimise them

    Environment from cross-correlations: connecting hot gas and the quenching of galaxies

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    The observable properties of galaxies are known to depend on both internal processes and the external environment. In terms of the environmental role, we still do not have a clear picture of the processes driving the transformation of galaxies. This may be due to the fact that these environmental processes depend on local physical conditions (e.g., local tidal force or hot gas density), whereas observations typically probe only broad-brush proxies for these conditions (e.g., host halo mass, distance to the N^th nearest neighbour, etc.). Here we propose a new method that directly links galaxies to their local environments, by using spatial cross-correlations of galaxy catalogues with maps from large-scale structure surveys (e.g., thermal Sunyaev-Zel'dovich [tSZ] effect, diffuse X-ray emission, weak lensing of galaxies or the CMB). We focus here on the quenching of galaxies and its link to local hot gas properties. Maps of galaxy overdensity and quenched fraction excess are constructed from volume-limited SDSS catalogs, which are cross-correlated with maps of tSZ effect from Planck and X-ray emission from ROSAT. Strong signals out to Mpc scales are detected for all cross-correlations and are compared to predictions from cosmological hydrodynamical simulations (the EAGLE and BAHAMAS simulations). The simulations successfully reproduce many, but not all, of the observed power spectra, with an indication that environmental quenching may be too efficient in the simulations. We demonstrate that the cross-correlations are sensitive to both the internal and external processes responsible for quenching. The methods outlined in this paper can be easily adapted to other observables and, with upcoming surveys, will provide a stringent direct test of physical models for environmental transformation

    Environment from cross-correlations: connecting hot gas and the quenching of galaxies

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    The observable properties of galaxies depend on both internal processes and the external environment. In terms of the environmental role, we still do not have a clear picture of the processes driving the transformation of galaxies. The use of proxies for environment (e.g., host halo mass, distance to the N^th nearest neighbour, etc.), as opposed to the real physical conditions (e.g., hot gas density) may bear some responsibility for this. Here we propose a new method that directly links galaxies to their local environments, by using spatial cross-correlations of galaxy catalogues with maps from large-scale structure surveys (e.g., thermal Sunyaev-Zel'dovich [tSZ] effect, diffuse X-ray emission, weak lensing of galaxies or the CMB). We focus here on the quenching of galaxies and its link to local hot gas properties. Maps of galaxy overdensity and quenched fraction excess are constructed from volume-limited SDSS catalogs, which are cross-correlated with tSZ effect and X-ray maps from Planck and ROSAT, respectively. Strong signals out to Mpc scales are detected for most cross-correlations and are compared to predictions from the EAGLE and BAHAMAS cosmological hydrodynamical simulations. The simulations successfully reproduce many, but not all, of the observed power spectra, with an indication that environmental quenching may be too efficient in the simulations. We demonstrate that the cross-correlations are sensitive to both the internal (e.g., AGN and stellar feedback) and external processes (e.g., ram pressure stripping, harassment, strangulation, etc.) responsible for quenching. The methods outlined in this paper can be adapted to other observables and, with upcoming surveys, will provide a stringent test of physical models for environmental transformation.Comment: 23 pages, 11 figures, MNRAS, in pres

    TeV/m catapult acceleration of electrons in graphene layers (vol 13, 1330, 2023)

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    The original version of this Article contained an error in the legend of Figure 1. “Overview of the catapult electron acceleration scheme in graphene layers. Moving from left to right, as indicated by the blue arrows, a single 3 fs-long laser pulse of 100 nm wavelength and 1021 W/cm2 peak intensity, ionizes a 1.5 μm-long (y) and 1.2 μm-thick (x) stack of graphene layers. The interaction results in self-injected electrons being accelerated to ≃ 7 MeV. The image is at scale, with a 150 nm bar drawn, and for better visibility, only 15 out of 60 graphene layers are shown. The simulated normalized transverse electric field (Ex) is shown as a surface colour plot for the same laser pulse before entering the target (left) and after leaving the target (right). This work contains 2D PIC simulations carried out in the yx-plane indicated in the image.” now reads: “Overview of the catapult electron acceleration scheme in graphene layers. Moving from left to right, as indicated by the blue arrows, a single 3 fs-long laser pulse of 100 nm wavelength and 1021 W/cm2 peak intensity, ionizes a 1.5 μm-long (y) and 1.2 μm-thick (x) stack of graphene layers. The interaction results in self-injected electrons being accelerated to ≃ 7 MeV. The image is at scale, and for better visibility, only 15 out of 60 graphene layers are shown. The simulated normalized transverse electric field (Ex) is shown as a surface colour plot for the same laser pulse before entering the target (left) and after leaving the target (right). This work contains 2D PIC simulations carried out in the yx-plane indicated in the image.” The original Article has been corrected

    The GOGREEN survey: The environmental dependence of the star-forming galaxy main sequence at 1.0<z<1.51.0<z<1.5

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    We present results on the environmental dependence of the star-forming galaxy main sequence in 11 galaxy cluster fields at 1.0<z<1.51.0 < z < 1.5 from the Gemini Observations of Galaxies in Rich Early Environments Survey (GOGREEN) survey. We use a homogeneously selected sample of field and cluster galaxies whose membership is derived from dynamical analysis. Using [OII]-derived star formation rates (SFRs), we find that cluster galaxies have suppressed SFRs at fixed stellar mass in comparison to their field counterparts by a factor of 1.4 ±\pm 0.1 (3.3σ\sim3.3\sigma) across the stellar mass range: 9.0<log(M/M)<11.29.0 < \log(M_{*} /M_{\odot}) < 11.2. We also find that this modest suppression in the cluster galaxy star-forming main sequence is mass and redshift dependent: the difference between cluster and field increases towards lower stellar masses and lower redshift. When comparing the distribution of cluster and field galaxy SFRs to the star-forming main sequence, we find an overall shift towards lower SFRs in the cluster population, and note the absence of a tail of high SFR galaxies as seen in the field. Given this observed suppression in the cluster galaxy star-forming main sequence, we explore the implications for several scenarios such as formation time differences between cluster and field galaxies, and environmentally-induced star formation quenching and associated timescales

    GOGREEN: a critical assessment of environmental trends in cosmological hydrodynamical simulations at z ~ 1

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    Recent observations have shown that the environmental quenching of galaxies at z ∼ 1 is qualitatively different to that in the local Universe. However, the physical origin of these differences has not yet been elucidated. In addition, while low-redshift comparisons between observed environmental trends and the predictions of cosmological hydrodynamical simulations are now routine, there have been relatively few comparisons at higher redshifts to date. Here we confront three state-of-the-art suites of simulations (BAHAMAS+MACSIS, EAGLE+Hydrangea, IllustrisTNG) with state-of-the-art observations of the field and cluster environments from the COSMOS/UltraVISTA and GOGREEN surveys, respectively, at z ∼ 1 to assess the realism of the simulations and gain insight into the evolution of environmental quenching. We show that while the simulations generally reproduce the stellar content and the stellar mass functions of quiescent and star-forming galaxies in the field, all the simulations struggle to capture the observed quenching of satellites in the cluster environment, in that they are overly efficient at quenching low-mass satellites. Furthermore, two of the suites do not sufficiently quench the highest mass galaxies in clusters, perhaps a result of insufficient feedback from AGN. The origin of the discrepancy at low stellar masses (⁠M∗≲1010 M⊙), which is present in all the simulations in spite of large differences in resolution, feedback implementations, and hydrodynamical solvers, is unclear. The next generation of simulations, which will push to significantly higher resolution and also include explicit modelling of the cold interstellar medium, may help us to shed light on the low-mass tension