4,268 research outputs found

    Safety and Ergonomics of Iron Casts Manufacturing

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    The article presents the issues of production analysis of iron casts manufacturing using automated foundry lines. To streamline the production fl ow, it was proposed to change the location of workstations related to grinding, control and machining of casts. Within the process of constant improvement of manufacturing processes, the aspect of work ergonomics at a workstation was taken into account. As a result of the undertaken actions, some activities without added value were eliminated, effi ciency was increased and prime costs of manufacturing casts with regard to fi nishing treatment were lowered

    Property insurance loss distributions

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    Property Claim Services (PCS) provides indices for losses resulting from catastrophic events in the US. In this paper we study these indices and take a closer look at distributions underlying insurance claims. Surprisingly, the lognormal distribution seems to give a better fit than the Paretian one. Moreover, lagged autocorrelation study reveals a mean-reverting structure of indices returns.Econophysics; Property insurance; Loss distribution; PCS index;

    The Value of a College Education: Estimating the Effect of Teacher Preparation on Student Achievement

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    Federal legislation currently holds institutions of higher education accountable for the quality of teachers that they produce. However research has yet to demonstrate that teacher preparation programs (TPPs) have differential effects on the quality of teachers they produce in terms of student achievement. This study uses data from a sample of 2,582 5th grade math students in an urban school district in Kentucky and a school fixed effects design to explore the variation in average TPP effects. The authors find that TPPs are differentially effective in training teachers, which in turn impacts student performance on 5th grade math scores. There is also some indication that these differential effects converge around teachers’ fifth year of teaching.Student achievement; teacher preparation, teacher effects

    Education Computer Program for Demonstration Methods of 3D Objects Texturing

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    Práca sa zaoberá vývojom aplikácie pre demonštrovanie metód texturovania 3D objektov. Práca obsahuje teoreticky rozobrané jednotlivé metódy textúrovania, ktoré tvoria základ pre návrh obsahu demonštrácie. Požiadavky na aplikáciu sú analyzované a aplikované pre vytvorenie návrhu aplikácie. Postupy pri implementácii jednotlivých metód textúrovania a popis ovládacích prvkov aplikácie sú popísané v závere práce. Program môže slúžiť ako demonštračný  pri výučbe alebo tiež ako študijný materiál pre žiakov.This work is focused on developing an application for demonstration methods of 3D objects texturing. Work contains theoretical description of particular texturing methods which create base for designing subject of demonstration. Application requirements are analysed and applied to create aplication design. Aproaches used in implementing particular texturing methods and description of application controls are discussed in final part. Application can be used as demonstration tool in lectures or as study material for learners.

    FIRE extended time/limited area observations at Palisades, New York

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    Downwelling shortwave and longwave irradiation are being continuously monitored at Palisades, New York as part of the First International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project (ISCCP) Regional Experiment (FIRE) Extended Time/Limited Area Initiative. In addition, fisheye (180 degree) sky photographs are taken at the times of NOAA 9 and LANDSAT satellite overpasses on select days, particularly when cirrus clouds are present. Measurements of incoming shortwave (0.28 to 2.80 microns) hemispheric and diffuse, hemispheric near infrared (0.7 to 2.80 microns), and downwelling hemispheric infrared (4.0 to 50.0 microns) irradiation have been made from a rooftop location on the grounds of the Lamont-Doherty Geological Observatory since December 1986. The three Eppley Precision Spectral Pyranometers and the Eppley Pyrgeometer used to measure these variables were calibrated with Colorado State University instruments at Madison, Wisconsin as part of the FIRE Intensive Laboratory. Pyrgeometer output contains an adjustment for body temperature but not for dome temperature. Data are transmitted to a Campbell CR-21 Digital Recorder, where one minute averages of ten second samples are stored and subsequently dumped to a cassette recorder. Using a Campbell C-20 Cassette Interface, these data are transferred to an Apple Macintosh computer for analysis and for archiving on floppy disks. In addition to the raw irradiances collected, variables derived from these data are generated and stored. These include: the ratio of near infrared irradiation to visible irradiation and the fraction of the full shortwave irradiation which is diffuse; and will soon include: shortwave transmissivity and optical depth in the shortwave. Sky photographs are taken with an Olympus OM2-N 35 mm camera and are timed to be coincident with overpassing NOAA and LANDSAT satellites. Palisades is within the field of view of the NOAA 9 daily in the middle to late afternoon. The satellite viewing angle is within 45 degrees of nadir over Palisades on approximately half of the passes

    Impact of cirrus on the surface radiative environment at the FIRE ETLA Palisades, NY site

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    FIRE Extended Time Limited Area (ETLA) observations provide year round information critical to gaining a better understanding of cloud/climate interactions. The Lamont/Rutgers team has participated in the ETLS program through the collection and analysis of shortwave and longwave downwelling irradiances at Palisades, NY. These data are providing useful information on surface radiative fluxes with respect to sky condition, solar zenith angle and season. Their utility extends to the calibration and validation of cloud/radiative models and satellite cloud and radiative retrievals. The impact cirrus clouds have on the surface radiative environment is examined using Palisades ETLA information on atmospheric transmissivities and downwelling longwave fluxes for winter and summer cirrus and clear sky episodes in 1987

    How is Your Mental Health at Walgreens

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    How Is Your Mental Health is based on the mental health of Pharmacy Technicians at a Walgreens near me. Recently there was an incident with the Pharmacy, that tested our staff. What was observed was that these employees were given only a phone number for support and a few days off. Off this observation it was believed this wasn\u27t enough. By conducting a survey for each employee to fill out about their mental health anonymously to tell us how they actually feel while working for Walgreens. With information about how horrible the mental health has been, thee stress they feel, and feeling unheard, a booklet was put into place. This booklet covered the basics of mental health and gave, resources, and more to our employees. Over the few weeks of them using the booklet, we came back with interviews and an exit survey about the booklet and their mental health. We had received positive feedback and wanted to continue

    Design of the roof structure over the garage

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    Bakalářská práce „Návrh střešní konstrukce nad garážemi“ se zabývá návrhem a dimenzováním železobetonové střešní konstrukce, kterou tvoří spojitá křížem vyztužená deska. Deska je podepřená trámy v obou směrech. Cílem práce je návrh a posouzení mezního stavu únosnosti stropní desky a trámů. Pro výpočet konstrukce byl vytvořen výpočtový model v softwarovém prostředí Scia Engineer. Výsledné hodnoty vnitřních sil byly ověřeny metodou náhradních nosníků. Vypracována je výkresová dokumentace řešené konstrukce.The bachelor´s thesis „Design of the roof structure over the garage“ deals design and dimensioning of concrete roof structure, consisting continuous two way slab. The slab is suportted by beams in both directions. The aim of the project is to desing and evaluate the ultimate limit state of reinforced concrete slabs and beams. Also was created computational model to analysis the construction, model was created in software Scia Engineer. To verify the resulting values of internal forces was used to the method of replacement beans. Finally was made drawings of roof structure.

    Errata: Second in a Seemingly Endless Series

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    Amid our reflections upon the wisdom of the Association\u27s founders who gave this office a one-year term, and amid recollections of that rare whiff of summer breeze that swept across our Richmond dining room one weekend and blew all the pasted-up pages on the floor just before they were given their numbers, we apologize again to contributors and readers and note a few of the significant transpositions and other unplanned features of our May Newsletter