59 research outputs found

    Shape Metamorphosis – Automatic 3D Mesh Generation, Topology Verification and Analysis

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    The objective of this paper is a 3D shape construction that benefits from discrete and continuous modelling approaches. The proposed solution addresses the problem of automated modelling of virtual structures such as caves, buildings and clouds and presents an alternative solution in the form of a hybrid system. Parallel realizations of these solutions are tested on various processors of graphic cards with the use of NVIDIA ‘CUDA’ technology. This paper describes the implementation of algorithms (approaches) and their parallel speedup, efficiency, throughput. Modelled structures are geometrically complex, with an inner graph structure more optimized than in the classical CSG approach. Moreover, they can be rendered up to very high levels of visual realism. In this paper we mainly focus on the description of the algorithm. We also propose very useful measures that can be used to verify the model geometry

    Macrofungi of the Bieszczady Mountains

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    The Bieszczady Mts, a mountain range in SE Poland, is a hot spot of fungal richness and diversity in Poland. This paper summarizes 5 years of studies in the Bieszczady Mts, as well as previously published research. A total of 1,377 macromycetes taxa were found, including many (464) which were protected, red-listed, or very rare in Poland. Thirty-eight taxa (nine Ascomycota and 29 Basidiomycota) have been reported in Poland for the first time: Agrocybe gibberosa, Auriporia aurulenta, Bolbitius variicolor, Bulgariella pulla, Chaetosphaerella phaeostroma, Clitocybe subspadicea, Clitopilus passeckerianus, Cortinarius anomalus var. subcaligatus, C. fervidus, C. flexipes var. inolens, C. sylvae-norvegicae, Cudoniella tenuispora, Entoloma bisporigerum, E. olorinum, E. poliopus var. parvisporigerum, E. sericeoides, Galerina caulocystidiata, Gymnopilus josserandii, Hymenoscyphus subferrugineus, Hypholoma olivaceotinctum, Inocybe queletii, Laccaria altaica, Lactarius romagnesii, L. rostratus, Mycena epipterygia var. atroviscosa, M. epipterygia var. candida, M. polygramma f. candida, Octavianina lutea, O. mutabilis, Pachyella violaceonigra, Panaeolus papilionaceus var. capitatocystis, Phaeocollybia jennyae, Psathyrella almerensis, Pyrenopeziza inornata, Scutellinia torrentis, Tricholoma basirubens, Tricholomopsis flammula, and Vibrissea decolorans. For all new taxa, short descriptions based on the collected material have been provided

    Practical aspects of genetic identification of hallucinogenic and other poisonous mushrooms for clinical and forensic purposes

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    Aim To assess the usefulness of a DNA-based method for identifying mushroom species for application in forensic laboratory practice. Methods Two hundred twenty-one samples of clinical forensic material (dried mushrooms, food remains, stomach contents, feces, etc) were analyzed. ITS2 region of nuclear ribosomal DNA (nrDNA) was sequenced and the sequences were compared with reference sequences collected from the National Center for Biotechnology Information gene bank (GenBank). Sporological identification of mushrooms was also performed for 57 samples of clinical material. Results Of 221 samples, positive sequencing results were obtained for 152 (69%). The highest percentage of positive results was obtained for samples of dried mushrooms (96%) and food remains (91%). Comparison with GenBank sequences enabled identification of all samples at least at the genus level. Most samples (90%) were identified at the level of species or a group of closely related species. Sporological and molecular identification were consistent at the level of species or genus for 30% of analyzed samples. Conclusion Molecular analysis identified a larger number of species than sporological method. It proved to be suitable for analysis of evidential material (dried hallucinogenic mushrooms) in forensic genetic laboratories as well as to complement classical methods in the analysis of clinical materia

    Contribution to knowledge of the mycobiota of Kampinos National Park (Poland): part 2

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    Continuation of the mycological study of the fire-damaged pine forest in Kampinos National Park in central Poland in 2017 produced interesting new findings. Among the taxa collected, 36 were new to the park, six had not been hitherto reported from Poland (Calycellina araneocincta, Ciliolarina aff. laetifica, Clitocybe metachroides, Galerina cerina f. longicystis, Parasola cuniculorum, Pleonectria pinicola), and the previous status of one taxon (Pleonectria cucurbitula) had been uncertain. Short descriptions based on collected specimens have been prepared for all taxa new to Poland. The current number of taxa of macromycetes identified in Kampinos National Park has reached 1,604

    Relationship between secondary health conditions and life satisfaction in persons with spinal cord injury:study across twenty-one countries

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    Purpose: To determine the relationships between impact of secondary health conditions (SHCs), treatment of SHCs, and life satisfaction (LS) following spinal cord injury (SCI) across 21 countries. Hypotheses were as follows: (1) Persons with SCI and fewer SHCs report higher LS and (2) Persons who receive treatment for SHCs report higher LS than those who do not receive treatment.Methods: Cross-sectional survey, including 10,499 persons with traumatic or non-traumatic SCI aged 18 years or older and living in the community. To assess SHCs, 14 items adapted from the SCI-Secondary Conditions Scale were used (range 1–5). SHCs index was calculated as the mean of all 14 items. LS was assessed using a selection of 5 items from the World Health Organization Quality of Life Assessment. LS index was calculated as the mean of these 5 items. Results: South Korea, Germany, and Poland exhibited the highest (2.40–2.93) and Brazil, China, and Thailand the lowest (1.79–1.90) impact of SHCs. Indexes for LS and SHCs were inversely correlated (– 0.418; p &lt; 0.001). Mixed Model Analysis showed that the fixed effect (key predictors of the study) of SHCs index (p &lt; 0.001) and the positive interaction between SHCs index and treatment (p = 0.002) were significant determinants of LS.Conclusion: Persons with SCI across the world are more likely to perceive better LS if they experience fewer SHCs and receive treatment for SHCs, in comparison to those who do not. Prevention and treatment of SHCs following SCI should be a high priority in order to improve the lived experience and enhance LS.</p

    Contribution to the knowledge of fungi of the Kampinos National Park (Poland) with particular emphasis on the species occurring in burnt places

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    The paper presents 32 species of macrofungi new to the Kampinos National Park, found during the studies on fire-damaged areas after the forest fires in 2015. Three species new to Poland were described and illustrated (Calycellina leucella, Exobasidium juelianum, and Gymnopilus decipiens). Four species from Polish red list of macrofungi have been recorded in the Kampinos National Park for the first time: Botryobasidium vagum (R), Geastrum coronatum (V), Helicogloea farinacea (E), Inonotus cuticularis (R). During the current studies 17 pyrophilous species new to the Kampinos National Park were found

    Understanding frailty:a qualitative study of European healthcare policy-makers' approaches to frailty screening and management

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    OBJECTIVE: To elicit European healthcare policy-makers' views, understanding and attitudes about the implementation of frailty screening and management strategies and responses to stakeholders' views. DESIGN: Thematic analysis of semistructured qualitative interviews. SETTING: European healthcare policy departments. PARTICIPANTS: Seven European healthcare policy-makers representing the European Union (n=2), UK (n=2), Italy (n=1), Spain (n=1) and Poland (n=1). Participants were sourced through professional networks and the European Commission Authentication Service website and were required to be in an active healthcare policy or decision-making role. RESULTS: Seven themes were identified. Our findings reveal a 'knowledge gap', around frailty and awareness of the malleability of frailty, which has resulted in restricted ownership of frailty by specialists. Policy-makers emphasised the need to recognise frailty as a clinical syndrome but stressed that it should be managed via an integrated and interdisciplinary response to chronicity and ageing. That is, through social co-production. This would require a culture shift in care with redeployment of existing resources to deliver frailty management and intervention services. Policy-makers proposed barriers to a culture shift, indicating a need to be innovative with solutions to empower older adults to optimise their health and well-being, while still fully engaging in the social environment. The cultural acceptance of an integrated care system theme described the complexities of institutional change management, as well as cultural issues relating to working democratically, while in signposting adult care, the need for a personal navigator to help older adults to access appropriate services was proposed. Policy-makers also believed that screening for frailty could be an effective tool for frailty management. CONCLUSIONS: There is potential for frailty to be managed in a more integrated and person-centred manner, overcoming the challenges associated with niche ownership within the healthcare system. There is also a need to raise its profile and develop a common understanding of its malleability among stakeholders, as well as consistency in how and when it is measured

    Puszcza Białowieska : miniprzewodnik naukowy

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    "Dzisiejsza roślinność Puszczy jest wynikiem procesów ekologicznych, które kształtowały ją od schyłku ostatniego zlodowacenia, kiedy ocieplenie klimatu umożliwiło rozwój ekosystemów leśnych na tym terenie. Około 12 tysięcy lat temu rozprzestrzeniły się tu lasy sosnowo-brzozowe, a następnie kolejno przybywały inne gatunki drzew, które wędrowały z cieplejszych rejonów Europy, gdzie przetrwały okres zlodowacenia. Stopniowo wzbogacały one tutejsze lasy i powodowały ich zróżnicowanie w zależności od warunków siedliskowych. Do pierwszych przybyszów, po sośnie i brzozie, należały wiąz i leszczyna, a między ok. 9300 a 3800 lat temu miał miejsce najbujniejszy rozwój wielogatunkowych, mieszanych lasów liściastych." (fragm.

    Wczesna zakrzepica zastawki biologicznej w pozycji mitralnej

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    We present a case of a 70 year-old woman operated due to severe mitral regurgitation. Early after surgery transthoracic echocardiography revealed the decreased effective orifice area of the implanted bioprosthetic valve and the stenotic features of transvalvular flow. Transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) disclosed a thrombotic cause of heterograft dysfunction. Due to the clinical deterioration and the unclear cause of prosthesis stenosis, the patient was reoperated. Intra-operatively bioprosthetic mitral valve thrombosis was confirmed. Precipitating factors of this rare complication including cardiac devicerelated infective endocarditis (CDRIE) and the diagnostic applicability of TEE in this clinical scenario are discussed.We present a case of a 70 year-old woman operated due to severe mitral regurgitation. Early after surgery transthoracic echocardiography revealed the decreased effective orifice area of the implanted bioprosthetic valve and the stenotic features of transvalvular flow. Transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) disclosed a thrombotic cause of heterograft dysfunction. Due to the clinical deterioration and the unclear cause of prosthesis stenosis, the patient was reoperated. Intra-operatively bioprosthetic mitral valve thrombosis was confirmed. Precipitating factors of this rare complication including cardiac devicerelated infective endocarditis (CDRIE) and the diagnostic applicability of TEE in this clinical scenario are discussed