24 research outputs found

    The biogeochemical fate of nickel during microbial ISA degradation; implications for nuclear waste disposal

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    AbstractIntermediate level radioactive waste (ILW) generally contains a heterogeneous range of organic and inorganic materials, of which some are encapsulated in cement. Of particular concern are cellulosic waste items, which will chemically degrade under the conditions predicted during waste disposal, forming significant quantities of isosaccharinic acid (ISA), a strongly chelating ligand. ISA therefore has the potential to increase the mobility of a wide range of radionuclides via complex formation, including Ni-63 and Ni-59. Although ISA is known to be metabolized by anaerobic microorganisms, the biodegradation of metal-ISA complexes remains unexplored. This study investigates the fate of a Ni-ISA complex in Fe(III)-reducing enrichment cultures at neutral pH, representative of a microbial community in the subsurface. After initial sorption of Ni onto Fe(III)oxyhydroxides, microbial ISA biodegradation resulted in &gt;90% removal of the remaining Ni from solution when present at 0.1 mM, whereas higher concentrations of Ni proved toxic. The microbial consortium associated with ISA degradation was dominated by close relatives to Clostridia and Geobacter species. Nickel was preferentially immobilized with trace amounts of biogenic amorphous iron sulfides. This study highlights the potential for microbial activity to help remove chelating agents and radionuclides from the groundwater in the subsurface geosphere surrounding a geodisposal facility.</jats:p

    Biomineralization of uranium-phosphates fueled by microbial degradation of isosaccharinic acid (ISA)

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    Geological disposal is the globally preferred long-term solution for higher activity radioactive wastes (HAW) including Intermediate Level Waste (ILW). In a cementitious disposal system, cellulosic waste items present in ILW may undergo alkaline hydrolysis, producing significant quantities of isosaccharinic acid (ISA), a chelating agent for radionuclides. Although microbial degradation of ISA has been demonstrated, its impact upon the fate of radionuclides in a geological disposal facility (GDF) is a topic of ongoing research. This study investigates the fate of U(VI) in pH-neutral, anoxic, microbial enrichment cultures, approaching conditions similar to the far field of a GDF, containing ISA as the sole carbon source, and elevated phosphate concentrations, incubated both (i) under fermentation and (ii) Fe(III)- reducing conditions. In the ISA-fermentation experiment, U(VI) was precipitated as insoluble U(VI)-phosphates, whereas under Fe(III)-reducing conditions, the majority of the uranium was precipitated as reduced U(IV)-phosphates, presumably formed via enzymatic reduction mediated by metal-reducing bacteria, including Geobacter species. Overall, this suggests the establishment of a microbially-mediated "bio-barrier" extending into the far field geosphere surrounding a GDF is possible and this bio-barrier has the potential to evolve in response to GDF evolution and can have a controlling impact on the fate of radionuclides


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    Microbial degradation of isosaccharinic acid under conditions representative for the far field of radioactive waste disposal facilities

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    AbstractIt is UK Government policy to dispose of higher activity radioactive waste through geological disposal into an engineered deep underground geological disposal facility (GDF; DECC, 2014). Those wastes include low-level (LLW) and intermediate-level (ILW) radioactive wastes that are very heterogeneous, containing a range of inorganic and organic materials, the latter including cellulosic items. After closure of the GDF, eventual resaturation with groundwater is expected, resulting in the development of a hyperalkaline environment due to the proposed use of a cementitious backfill. Under these high-pH conditions, cellulose is unstable and will be degraded chemically, forming a range of water-soluble, low molecular weight compounds, of which the most abundant is isosaccharinic acid (ISA). As ISA is known to form stable soluble complexes with a range of radionuclides, thereby increasing the chance of radionuclide transport, the impact of microbial metabolism on this organic substrate was investigated to help determine the role of microorganisms in moderating the transport of radionuclides from a cementitious GDF. Anaerobic biodegradation of ISA has been studied recently in high-pH cementitious ILW systems, but less work has been done under anaerobic conditions at circumneutral conditions, more representative of the geosphere surrounding a GDF. Here we report the fate of ISA in circumneutral microcosms poised under aerobic and anaerobic conditions; the latter with nitrate, Fe(III) or sulfate added as electron acceptors. Data are presented confirming the metabolism of ISA under these conditions, including the direct oxidation of ISA under aerobic and nitrate-reducing conditions and the fermentation of ISA to acetate, propionate and butyrate prior to utilization of these acids during Fe(III) and sulfate reduction. The microbial communities associated with these processes were characterized using 16S rRNA gene pyrosequencing. Methane production was also quantified in these experiments, and the added electron acceptors were shown to play a significant role in minimizing methanogenesis from ISA and its breakdown products.</jats:p

    Biogenic sulfidation of U(VI) and ferrihydrite mediated by sulfate-reducing bacteria at elevated pH

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    Globally, the need for radioactive waste disposal and contaminated land management is clear. Here, gaining an improved understanding of how biogeochemical processes, such as Fe(III) and sulfate reduction, may control the environmental mobility of radionuclides is important. Uranium (U), typically the most abundant radionuclide by mass in radioactive wastes and contaminated land scenarios, may have its environmental mobility impacted by biogeochemical processes within the subsurface. This study investigated the fate of U(VI) in an alkaline (pH ∼9.6) sulfate-reducing enrichment culture obtained from a high-pH environment. To explore the mobility of U(VI) under alkaline conditions where iron minerals are ubiquitous, a range of conditions were tested, including high (30 mM) and low (1 mM) carbonate concentrations and the presence and absence of Fe(III). At high carbonate concentrations, the pH was buffered to approximately pH 9.6, which delayed the onset of sulfate reduction and meant that the reduction of U(VI)(aq) to poorly soluble U(IV)(s) was slowed. Low carbonate conditions allowed microbial sulfate reduction to proceed and caused the pH to fall to ∼7.5. This drop in pH was likely due to the presence of volatile fatty acids from the microbial respiration of gluconate. Here, aqueous sulfide accumulated and U was removed from solution as a mixture of U(IV) and U(VI) phosphate species. In addition, sulfate-reducing bacteria, such as Desulfosporosinus species, were enriched during development of sulfate-reducing conditions. Results highlight the impact of carbonate concentrations on U speciation and solubility in alkaline conditions, informing intermediate-level radioactive waste disposal and radioactively contaminated land management